Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 23, 1927, Image 1

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    Ea s te Devoted
rn to the (Elarkam
Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
E S T A C A D A , OREGON, F R ID A Y , DECEM BER 23, 1927
E S T A S AT 0. A. 0 ..
There will be a meeting o f the Es­
tacada Packing Company in the
I city hall on Tuesday
December 27, at 7:30 p. m. It is of
great importance that all members
OPENS be present.— J. G. Hayman, secre­ M ANY
While driving in Portland
Sunday a speeder fleein g from an o f­
ficer going at the rate o f 55 miles
an hour, collided with the car o f
ACTIVE William W eingart o f Estacada. Both
machines were damaged in the colli-
sion but neither man was injured.
i The driver was fined
$100 and
sentenced to four months in jail and
| his driver’s license suspended fo r a
OREGON A G R IC U L T U R A L COL- period o f one year.
The man
LEGE, C O R V A L L IS , Dec. 22.— Es- agreed to pay the repair bill on the
students are taking active W eingart car.
parts in student activities on t h
i s
campus. O f the 3433 students reg-
istered 10 are from Estacada and 17
Esther Fay, eldest daughter o f Mr.
from Clackamas county.
, and Mrs. Charles W eaver, who live
George Lingelbeck, senior in in- just south o f town, was married to
dustrial arts, is athletic manager o f Samuel G. Jacobsen at the Jacobsen
the W illiam ette club, a social organ- j home on Sunday evening, December
ization. He is also a member o f the } 18, at 8:30 o’clock. The Rev. T. I.
cross country team.
| Kirkwood o f Springwater performed
Jesse Kimmel, senior in industrial the ceremony,
arts, is the corresponding secretary
The guests numbered the Jacobsen
o f Acacia, national Masonic frater- family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W eaver
nity. He is also a member o f the and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Tenney.
Pharmaceutical association.
Esther is a graduate o f Estacada
On Friday, December 16, the fo l­
lowing boys o f the yunlor and senior
classes were conducted through the
'U. P. railroad shops in Portland. B,
Whitaker, O. Beck, E. Beck, Fred
Voight, Carl Demoy, C. Lingleback,
J. Fantz, E. Osborne, H. Kitching,
Don Day, Wm. Gauley, A. Munsen,
L. Davis, Dan Jennings, C. Cooke.
They were under the leadership of
Mr. Drews, shop instructor.
They first visited the foundry and
saw the process o f making castings.
They were told that the iron mould­
ing trade is the hardest in the world.
Connected with the foundry is the
pattern room where patterns fo r all
castings are made.
N ext they visited the building in
which the Pullman cars are repaired.
This department has a daily output
o f ten freigh t cars and employs 450
o f the 1500 men at work in the
Leaving the repair shop they vis­
ited the machine shop. Here much
o f the technical work is done, test­
ing valves, lathe work, electrical
work, etc. The motors on some o f
the large steel turning lathes develop
over one thousand horsepower.
The last thing on the list was the
roundhouse. There were about fifty
locomotives on tracks around the
building. These tracks converge in
the center where a turn table was
located. An engine could be moved
from place to place very quickly. The
locomotives are brought to the round­
house fo r repairs or cleaning. One
engine interested us particularly. It
is one o f the largest on the coast
and is used in the mountains near
Pendleton. The engine has six drive
wheels on each side and develops
thousands o f horse power. The loco­
motive cost $100,000.
A fte r leaving the railroad yards
the expedition split— some returning
to Estacada and some remaining in
Portland. Those who stayed in town
visited the Rankin flyin g field located
just below the railroad yards.
Juniors Defeat High
In a basket ball game Friday the
junior girls’ team defeated the high
school team by a score o f 29-25. The
junior line-up was— forwards, Blanch
Armstrong and Ora McKenney with
Pauline Buell as sub.; jumping cen­
ter, Erma W ilcox; running center,
Saunders andd Cecelia Lingelbach.
The high school line-up was— for­
wards, A lice Kaake and Helen An­
ders, with Ellen Buell as substitute;
jumping center, Olive Bishop; run­
ning center, Irene Davis;
Edith Demoy, Mary Lemon and Janet
Entertains Students
The new shingle mill recently put
in near Beer’s mill at Douglass Ridge
and owned by Kreager & Thompson,
burned to the ground last Wednesday
night, with no insurance. Mr. K rea­
ger and other workmen le ft the mill
on Wednesday evening with every­
thing all right. When they arrived
for work Thursday morning they
found the smouldering ruins.
loss was estimated at about $900.
Linn Improving
Roy Linn, who has been very ill
in a Portland hospital, is reported to
be getting along nicely at present.
His baby was operated upon a few
days ago fo r mastoid trouble and it
Florence Reed, sophomore in home
is said that she is also getting along economics, is a member o f Xantippe,
nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitch­ a social organization. Miss Seed and
ing visited them one day this week. Helen Perry, freshman in home eco­
nomics, are both members o f the
Home Economics club.
Visits in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sparks drove
Maurice Bullard, freshman in in-
to Portland Sunday to visit relatives, j dustrial arts, is a member o f the col-
Mr. Sparks returning the same day j ieg e band.
while Mrs. Sparks remained
Other students from Estacada are
Howard Davis, freshman in com­
Christmas Program
EVE DANCE A T PAVILIO N about April 1.
Methodists Give Party
The Methodist church people had a
The Estacada Band is announcing
Christmas party at the church on another o f their series o f dances at
Wednesday evening fo r the Sunday the Estacada pavilion on Saturday
school, members o f the church and evening, December 31. This will be
friends. A fte r singing n fe w num­ a “ hard tim e” dance, the manager
bers led by Mr. Ely, the boys and says.
girls were invited to the basement |
o f the church where they were en- HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY
tertained with games. The litle peo-
pie were entertained in the annex
and the older people amused them- j B0b Marshbank announces a fine
selves with a contest game.
Deli- prog ram f or the Liberty Theatre dur-
cious popcorn balls and apples wei e , ¡ng. the next week.
Sunday and
served to all present and the children yionday the feature will be a Har-
were given sacks o f peanuts a n d j 0,d Lloyd comedy> «T h e Freshman.”
candy. Everybody had a good time. He is givin g a matinee Sunday af-
UL.Ut_Si!DLn II i L L I I I t U
On account o f everybody being so
busy celebrating the Christmas and
N ew Year holidays, it was thought
best to call o f f the December meet­
ing o f the community club.
official basket ball guide fo r 1927-28.
F ° r each team entering the league
S P R IN G W A T E R , Dec. 22.— (Spe­
there shall be paid to the secretary
c ia l).— The Christmas tree and pro­
*he fee o f $1. This fee is due now
in order that funds may be on hand gram by the school will be at the
church Friday evening.
fo r Pennants^
Mr. and Mrs. M oger celebrated
Gate receipts shall be divided 50-
their thirty-second wedding anniver-
50 unless other arrangements are I
. t t h i T h ^ here on Sunday,
made by principals before the game Thejr visitors ¡ncIuded
their gon
Non-professional referees shall be
paid $1 fo r traveling expenses.
Final ,n er-d.v,s,on game arrange-
ments shall be made by the executive
The United Artisans o f Estacada
held their annuul Christmas dinnes
in the Odd Fellows hall on Monday
evening. The guests numbered about
SUBMITTED fifty , which included the Artisans
and their families.
Only one name was nominated for
school director to fill the vacancy
caused by the removal o f Dr. John­
son from Estacada, W. H. Grabeel.
The clerk deposited the ballot which
gave him the unanimous vote o f the
taxpayers o f the school district.
There was not a very large at­
tendance at the meeting, which was
held at the school building last F ri­
day evening.
They were all seated at one long
small Christmas trees and other pret­
ty trimmings, which gave a most fes­
tive and cheerful appearance. The
menu consisted o f a regular Christ­
mas dinner with all its trimmings)
and was thoroughly enjoyed by the
merry party.
A fte r the refreshments games were
played by the children and cards by
the older guests. During the evening
a pretty present was tendered Mrs.
Ellen Yocum, the retiring Master A r ­
Returns From O. S. C.
The Escada schools, as well as the
other schools in this vicinity, close to­
day fo r the Christmas holidays. The
local schools w ill resume on January
2, 1928.
John, Joe Jacques, and Mr. and Mrs.
: j A ghibley
j ' Scvcral in the neighborhood have
been reported on the gick m
ly_ jncIudin(f Mrs. Joe Quttridge,
Pleasant Social Event
The W oodcraft party held on last
Thursday evening was another pleas­
ant social event. There were twelve
tables o f players and those making
the high scores were Mrs. T. Ahl-
berg and Ed. Steinman. The conso­
lations went to Mrs. Charlie Spark»
and Chris Clinker. A light lunch was
served and then a time spent in
Portland Visitors
Mrs. B. O. Culver and Mrs. Ju­
lius '‘•smngpr were Portland visitors
a couple o f days last week. They
spent Monday night with Mrs. C. A.
Jacques, who form erly resided near
Estacada, and report un excellent
Rcbekahs Entertained
Leaves for Missouri
Mrs. Robert Taylor o f the Gar­
field community le ft on Wednesday
ternoon on this special.
evening fo r Missouri to spend Christ­
New Case of “ Flu”
“ Uncle Tom ’s Cabin” is the fea- mas with her children.
W. E. Hall of the Home restaurant ture f or Thursday, which is said to
has tried to keep up with the style he one o f the greatest pictures ever In New Apartments
in this section and has a genuine case
Newspapers acclaim it far
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Denny are now
o f influenza this week.
He is im- better than the stage play by the occ upying appartments at Linn’s Inn.
proving at this time, however.
same title. It will be here fo r one
Birthday Party
day only.
Little Jean Louise Lovelace, the
Look at the theatre program in
this paper fo r the list o f those who two-year-old daughter o f Mr. and
will be admitted to these two great Mrs. Raymond Lovelace had her first
party Saturday afternoon.
shows free o f charge.
were seven little tots invited to assist
her in celebarting this birthday anni­
BALL LEAGUE ADOPTS RULES versary. Miss Ruth H ew itt assisted
The Carl Douglass post o f the '
Mrs. Lovelace in entertaininng the
American Legion o f Estacada is giv-
little folks.
ing a dance at ¿agle Creek hall on
Clackamas County Grammar School
Saturday evening, Christmas eve. league fo r the basket ball season to Visitin Loony Home
A good time is assured all who at- start on December 22, has announced
Ira Reynolds arrived from Condon,
tend, the management o f the dance the regulations governing the same Oregon, the latter part o f last week
and is visiting at the home o f his
as follows:
uncle, C. A. Loony.
---------------------- The league has adopted the official
basket ball rules as published by the
joint rules committee in Spaulding's
Grant Robley, who is attending O.
S. C. at Corvallis, has returned to
There will be an entertainment
his home at Faraday to spend the
and pie social with dancing following
Christmas vacation.
at the Garfield grange hall on Sat­
Here to Spend Christmas
j Mr. W eaver, father o f the bride,
: has been a teacher in Washington
Cecil Schock is home to spend the
since 1899 and is now engaged in
SECOND OF JANUARY holidays with his mother and sister in
the berry business at Estacada.
The Garfield school w ill give a
Christmas cantata on Thursday eve'
ning. The children have worked hard
in its preparation under the teacher,
Roy Beck.
Mrs. B etty Weatherby
merce; Glenn Ely, junior in indus­
be organist.
Leave for Spokane
trial arts; Harold Ewalt, freshman
Mrs. Margaret Midford and child­ in agriculture; Lola Moore, freshman Trades Farm for Ranch
ren le ft Thursday morning fo r Port­ in commerce! and Gant Robley, a|
William Salzwedel o f Garfield has
land and will proceed on to Spokane j freshman in engineering.
j traded his farm fo r a wheat ranch o f
to spend Christmas at the home o f
j 1320 acres in Gilliam county. Mr.
her parents.
Salzwedel w ill move to his new home
An interesting story was told to
the student body last Friday by Mr.
Matthews, a teacher fo r 30 years at
Willam ette University at Salem. Mr.
Matthews, a favorite teacher in the
University, was given, by the stu­
dents, about one thousand dollars, LOCAL AND PERSONAL
and was told to go on a trip and so
Charles Harline, who was a resi-
four years later he took a trip to
dent o f Currinsville a few years ago,
Australia. This was last summer.
arrived from Zurch, Montana, last
On the 15th day o f June Mr Mat­
week to visit his daughter, Mrs. Floyd
thews le ft San Francisco to sail to a ^ya(j e
land where he knew no one. He had,
Miss Edna Bates returned home
however, three cousins in Australia
from Monmouth, where she is attend-
whom he had never seen but whom
he expected to find. It was very in­ ing the state normal, last Friday,
to remain until a fte r the Christmas
teresting to hear him tell o f crossing
the date line. He went to bed Friday
Mrs. W. M. Weingart and daugh-
night, slept one night, and when he
ter, who have been real sick with
arose it was Sunday morning.
the prevailing epidemic, influenza.
Am ong other interesting things he
are reported to be improving at this
gave was one which appealed to most
o f us.
It was the picture he de­ time-
Congratulations are being extend-
scribed o f a certain little island which
ed to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schock on
he saw through a port hole o f the
the arrival o f a ten-pound daughter,
ship. • He described it with the sea
born Saturday, December 17, in Esta-
surrounding it, its beautiful trees,
cada. Mother and babe doing nicely,
green meadows and rustic house,
Clyde Schock reports the sale o f
with such vividness one could almost
radios the past fe w days to Tom
see it.
Watson o f Viola, John Bassett o f
On his return trip he spent five
Estacada, A. H. Drews o f Estacada
days in the Hawiian islands.
and Forest Edmondson o f Estacada.
Matthews enjoyed his trip very much
Miss Florence June Reed arrived
and he was very kind to tell us about
home the latter part o f last week
it and bring its pleasures to others.
from Corvallis where she is attend-
He is very grateful to the students
ing O. S. C. She w.u remain unti'
o f W illam ette University fo r giving
a fter the holiday vacation.
him the great opportunity o f taking
Mr. an I Mrs. Frank Whitaker and
this trip.
sou Bernard will leave tomorrow fo r
H i »h 'S '«h »o l W i n * , . •
, Toledo, Oregon, to spend the Christ-
Estacada high school and St Ma^y s mas holidays at the home o f Mrs.
academy had an" exciting tinté, p ly ­ Whitaket'S sister. The fam ily is to
ing basket ball Friday night. The p e a réunion on Christmas day.
(Continued on pa*« foor>
N U M B E R 12
The local order o f Rebekahs en­
joyed a most pleasant social time or
Wednesday evening after the regulai
business session. The spirit o f yule-
tide was carried out in the spacious
dining hall and the scene was a
pretty one.
Small Christmas trees
decorated the tables and the sand
wiches were tied with red and green
lending a charming e ffe c t to the
other decorations.
School House Completed
The new school house
was finished last week
commenced Monday with
Thompson as teacher.
The model displayed here was the
two-door sedan. I t was exhibited on
a raised platform which was ropod
o f f to keep the crowds back.
With fe w exceptions the
generally conceeded that it was a
very beauHf.x tar and that it was
up to expectations.
Mr. Cooke says the selling plan as
published in the newspapers a few
weeks ago was all “ bunk” so fa r as
he had been able to learn, and that
the new Ford would be sold on the
same plan as the old car, taking used
cars in trade. He did not know what
dale he would be able to make de­
Finds Lost Purse
There was a little excitement in
upper Currinsville Wednesday eve­
ning when Miss Katherine McConnell
lost her purse, containing among
other things an endorsed check for
$27, belonging to Earl McConnell.
A fte r a search o f several hours, the
at Camp 8 purse wag found, none o f the con­
and school tents having been removed.
Mrs. Mabel
Sunday Guest
Glenn Gillette o f Portland, brother
o f Mrs. F’rank Whitaker, was a Sun­
day guest at the Whitaker home.
Assisting in Store
Mrs. O. E. Culver has been assist­
ing in the G. P. Rose store this week
on account o f the illness o f Mr. Rose.
Daughter Born
The new Ford car, which was on
display at the show rooms o f the
Bob Cooke M otor company fo r a few
hours Tuesday afternoon and eve­
ning, attracted a large number o f
people from Estacada and the sur­
rounding country
Guests at Whitaker Home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ireland c
Brownsville, Oregon, were guests i
the home o f Mrs. Ireland’s brothe
Frank Whitaker, Sunday night. The
were quite peaved on arrival becaut
o f a strenuous time making the tri
from Carver to Estacada. The sig
at Carver was not noticed and the
drove on to the Eagle Greek bridg
where o f course it was necessary t
turn back and go around by Sprinj
water. These people are not the onl
ones who have hud such experience
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Norton Tuesday, December
20, at the home o f Mrs. N orton’s Goes to California
parents, Mr. and Mrs. j . K. Ely, in
W ill Jones has gone to C alifom
Estacada. Mrs. Norton’s home is in to spend the holidays.
land during the week end.
George and August Gcnserowski
Peter Nelson o f Portland, formerl
arrived Tuesday from a camp where o f this place, visited his ranch her
they have been working, to spend the Wednesday ,
holidays with their sister, Mrs. Carl
A. W. S tau ffer and L. N. Valle
Ward and family.
accompanied by Marie and
Dinner guests at the W iley How­
Stauffer made a trip to Highlan
ell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Lewellen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
A party was given at the hom
Gillenberg and daughter Marie o f
Portland and Jack Akins o f Spring- o f Mrs. M. Park Saturday night. Out
| : dc visitors present were Henry Cad
The Carl Ward fam ily entertained onan o f Vernonia and Miss Rutl
number o f relati#es from Oregon} Day o f Estacada.
Mr. and Mrs. Knowles o f Portlan<
C ity at dinner Sunday.
Quite a number from this neigh­ were Elwood visitors Sunday.
borhood were in Estacada Tuesday
Roy Brown, who is working a
afternoon and evening giving the new Carver spent the week end at hi
Ford the once over and all report it homc here.
a very classy car.
Amy Edwards made a trip to tb
Miss Mary Cogswell arrived home dentist Friday.
on Tuesday to spend the Christmas
Eunice Tow el was on the sick lie
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
last week.
Mrs. Byron Cogswell. She has been
C. Byers took his daughter bad
a student at Berkeley college in Cal­
ifornia during the past year but ex­ to Portland with him Friday.
C0T ; ttee- v.
, .
. ! Mrs. Moger, Mrs. Henry Cromer and
Referees hired by the executive Mn) Strunk
committee shall be paid by the league. | M r ' and 'M rg Car,
The executive committee sets fo r daug hters Betty and Jane were vis.
boys quarters o f seven minutes, and itorg >t the Car, Howell homc 0„
fo r girls quarters o f five minutes, Wednesday evening
which may be increased by consent
Mr and M „ McDonald, Mrs. Cog-
o f both coaches, not to exceed two
swell and Mr. Madden were Portland
visitors Monday.
A ll division games shall have been
Jess W arner o f Butte, Montana,
played on or before February 17.
is visiting here at the home o f his
In Division I, in which Estacada is
aunt, Mrs. Ed. Closner.
assigned, under the direction o f Mr.
Mrs. W iley Howell and son W il-
Mallicoat, will determine its winner burT) werp viaitin(f relativ„ in Port.
in a manner decided upon by the d i --------------------------------------------------
session o f Parkplace, while the girls'
Division winners w ill reeeive a pen- cup is held by Milwaukie.
nant> The winners o f the county
Division I comprises the schools o f
championship will be presented with Sandy, Bull Run, Estacada, Boring,
a large silver trophy cup offered by and Kelso. The schedule will be ar-
the Clackamas county bankers' asso- ranged under the direction o f Princi­ pects to finish this year at the U.
Otis Vallen took some bog* K
o f Oregon.
Portland We^neydgy.
dation. The boys’ cup is now in pos- pal L. 1L Mallicoat.