rk \ EASTERN’ C LA C K A M A S N E W S , T W R S KeepAbur Butter Uniform and Holdlfbur Customers Don't wait for your customer» to complain about the variable >f youi color of your butter. Keep your butter tnat golden ____ June color ike by"putting a everybody lilies few drops of Dandelion Butter Color into the churn. It is purely vegetable, wholesome and ab­ solutely tasteless. It meets all State and National Fooa laws. A ll large creameries have used D an delion B u tte r C o lo r for years. It does not col­ or buttermilk. You can ;et the large bottles a 35c from all drug / fo r lor or grocery stores. P r »* ,-, WtU. * RkWdua Co., he /£ Send Í Burlm/tx, Vermont 10 more N ausea Gas, heartburn, sick headacha, nausea, over-acidity and other di* gestive disorders quickly and sure* ly relieved. Safe. Pleasant. Not a laxative. Send for free samples to Bell & Co., Inc., Orangeburg, N.Y. N o rm a lizes D igestion a n d S w e e te n s th e B rea th 6 B e ll - a n s Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 23$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Harmless, p a r t l y T tfeU b l*, Infanta aad Children's Regulator, formula on every labaL Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic. m r iw in s u o w s s y r u p Tho Infants’ and Children's Regulator Children grow healthy and free from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, constipation and other trouble If given, it at tee tiling time. Safe, pleasant—always brings re­ markable andgratlfyingresults. | At An Druggiats f D p . S t a f f o r d ** ¡íijo T tff Nothing Wt-* ter — Quick — Gratify­ i n g —Satisfying—a standby for over sixty years in thousands of homes. HALL & RUCKEL, lac. 147 Waver!y Place New York » ' -— —- —' A e r ia l S ig n p o sts For some time past the British air ministry has been considering the question of providing Identification marks at points all over the country for the convenience of airplane pilots. The first of these novel "signposts” la shortly to be established near Wey- down common, llaslemere, where the ministry lias rented a piece of ground sufficiently large to enable the nnme “ HaHemere" to be outlined against the turf In large white letters. Up till now only aerodromes have been Indicated by this method, but It la Intended to develop the Identifica­ tion scheme until every town and vil­ lage will have Its name Inscribed at a convenient spoL Airmen will then have no need to carry maps, since the whole of Great Britain, seen from above, will he one vast map.—London Answers. Let a man talk about himself and nothing e l s e if he wants to; and learu to dodge him. Fault Is one thing that may be found where It I* not. 24 Hours Ends COliDS A"common cold” may result in grippe or flu. At the very first sign, go to a drug store and get a box oi HILL’S. Take promptly. HILL’S breaks up a cold in 24 hours because it does the four vital things at once—stops the cold, checks the fever, opens the bowel9 and tones the system. Fed box, 30 cents. H I L L ’S C ascara - B ro m id e - Quinine PASTOR KOENIGS N E R V IN E I 4 f ' i | ! J Tor V Epilepsy j Nervousness & } Sleeplessness PRICE $150 AT. YOUR 0RUG STOW f aAst fo r Sample KOENIG MEDICINE CO 1045 N WELLS ST. CHICAGO. ILL t Improved Uniform International SundsySchool ’ Lesson 7 (B y R E V . P R. F I T Z W A T B R . D O , D ea n M o o d y B lb ’.e In stitu te o f C h ic a g o .) (©, 1927, by Wuetern Newspaper Union.) Lesson for December 11 ISAIAH COUNSELS THE RULERS LESSON T E X T — Isa. 37:5-11; 14-20. G O LD EN T E X T — Thou w ilt keep nlm In perfect peace, whose mind Is stayed on Th ee: because he tru steih In T h e.. P R IM A R Y T O P IC — God's Care fo r J e­ rusalem. JU N IO R T O P IC — God's Care o f a N a ­ tion. IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D SE N IO R T O P ­ IC— God the R u ler o f Nations. YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P ­ IC— The Recognition o f God In N a ­ tional A ffairs. GREAT STONE FACE IN PERIL, IS SAVED W y . D E C E M B E R k 1027 p .ir -1 SM U G G LE R S COST U. S. M ILLIO N S S e c r e t S e r v ic e U n a b le to S to p Friends of Literary Land­ mark Buy Tract. S t ill W o r k in g London.—There Is a rumor that British engineers are working On a car that will get 50 miles on a gallon o f gas. D em and I l l ic i t T r a ffic . Washington. — Unset diamonds worth ut least $50,000,(XX) are being smuggled into the UnltcJ States this year by a gang o f International smug­ glers. The government of this coun­ try will he swindled out of $10,000,(XX) duty due on the gems. Skilled Ameri­ can secret service agents have been sent to Antwerp, Belgium, headquar­ ters o f tho gang, to try to capture the smugglers. The smuggler gang hns been in op­ eration for several years, it has Just been disclosed. Treasury officials in Washington have obtained no clews that would warrant arrests la the course of their investigations. The gang, it is asserted, guarantees to deliver smuggled diamonds to pur­ chasers In New York city. It even posts forfeits equal to the value of the gems to assure purchasers that they will not lose their money should tlie smugglers he enptured und the gems confiscated. Government officials admit thnt the manner In which the diamonds nre smuggled Into this country is a mys­ tery they have been unable to solve. Customs inspectors seize on an aver­ age of $150,000 worth of smuggled gems n year, It is explained, but It Is doubtful If any of these gems were taken from agents of the Antwerp hand. The directors o? the Interna­ tional gang nre believed to be Ameri­ cans, and secret service agents nre working day and night in their anx­ iety to end the gang's operations. Concord, N. H.—A threat of despoil­ ment has brought lovers of nature to the rescue of the great stone face, uge-old sculp'are of nature made fa­ mous by Hawthorne, Lowell and \\ eb- ster. The movement of lumbermen toward the wooded slopes of Franconia notch, ubove which the Old Man of the Moun­ tain keeps Ills lone watch from a lofty bluff, and the possibility that quarry- men might come to blast granite from the mountain walls near the land­ mark have been checked by steps to purchase and set aside for the public 0,000 acres of forest land tn the notch surrounding the great stone face. $300,000 In Two Gifts. In the effort are allied the state of New Hampshire, the Society for Pro­ tection of New Hampshire Forests, the American Nature association and numerous individuals. The state Ims appropriated $200,000 of the $500,000 asked for the land; James J. Storrow, late Boston banker, left another $100,- 000 for the fund, and a nation-wide campaign Is in progress to obtain $100,000 from private contributors, each of whom Is offered opportunity to name a forest tree In the region. The other $100,000 would be paid out of revenue on concessions. Acquisition of the region for a pre­ serve will prevent the denuding of its hillsides and will avert danger of displacement of any part of the pro­ file of the great stone face from blasts of quarrynien. It was in 1805 thnt workmen, build­ Food Waste in U. S. ing the first rough road through Is $700,000,000 a Year Franconia notch, discovered the great Chicago.—Housewives of the United stone face towering 1,200 feet above States waste $7(X),000,000 in foodstuffs them. annually, it was shown in a survey Later Hawthorne In his story, “ The completed by A. J. Authenrieth of the Great Stone Face,” wrote: “ It seems Middle West Utilities company, which ns If an enormous giant or Titan had was made puldlc recently. Authen­ sculptured his own likeness on the rieth Is vice president In charge of precipice. . . . Its fast lips. If the Ice engineering for the company. they could have spoken, would have Ills figures showed that each fam­ rolled their thunder accents front one ily wnsted about 10 cents’ worth of end of the valley to the other.” food dally by spoilage, or nn equiva­ Daniel Webster, native of the vicin­ lent of $35 annually. Tills wnste was ity, said: “ Up In the mountains of not due to carelessness, hut rather to New Hampshire God Almighty has a want of proper refrigerating facili­ hung out a sign to show that there ties, he said. He makes men.” “ Only 55 per cent of the 28,750,000 Other Beauty Spots Near By. American homes have refrigerators, Close to the face are the flume, and but 20 per cent of them use lee great chasm in the granite wall of the the year round.,” Authenrieth found. notch; the pool, Echo lake and Pro­ "Present-day diet Is composed chief­ file lake, and, high on Mount Cannon, ly of highly perishable foods—green Lonesome lake. vegetables, fresh fruits, meat and In the nation-wide appeal for aid dairy products,” he said. “ These in preserving the famous profile one of foods contain a high percentage of the first to respond was Mrs. Ellen moisture and are subject to quick F. Butterfield of Milwaukee, whose •spoilage. Refrigeration hns become a families for several generations were necessity In tlie nnme of economy, be­ neighbors of the Old Man. cause n constant temperature of 45 “ My mother, Angelina Knapp Ful­ degrees or less Is required to delay ler, was horn In Franconia, N. H„ and deterioration." my grandfather, Clark Knapp, was one of the early hotelkeepers In the White mountain region,” she relates. Gloom-Chasing Cafe for “ He entertained such celebrities as Foggy Days in London Jenny Lind, the Siamese twins, P. T. London.—An “ nnti-depresslon res­ Barnum and Ole Bull. M.v grandmoth­ taurant” for women shoppers on foggy er, Elizabeth Newton Knapp, named days was recently opened hy a large Echo lake.** Piccadilly circus department store. The restaurant stretches from one end of the store to the other. Artifi­ Carry Assistants to cial sunlight effects nre obtained hy Solicit Taxi Fares the glowing golden walls and ceiling Mexico City.—This capital offers to of the lounge. ambitious young men a possibly Beams stretch across the celling of uniqu* opportunity—that of becoming the restaurant, which is papered In an assistant taxicab driver. Many of silver. On the walls are dull orange the taxi chauffeurs of Mexico City car­ and green lights In alabaster globes. ry helpers. Their duties do not seem The carpet Is yellow, with blue arduous. "suns” on It, with the chairs and While the driver, who Is usually the tables o f apple green. Shimmering owner, handles the cur, Ids right-hand green taffeta curtains give an Illusion man busily engages himself In keeping of leaves and woods outside. a sharp lookout for customers. If he “ We wanted something thnt would is a good assistant and a willing work cheer up women shoppers on dull, sun­ er he crooks his finger in a question­ less days which are a sample of Eng ing manner at passers-by and persons land In nny season,” one of the direc­ standing on corners. Naturally, if tors declared. one wants a taxicab the assistant fails Features of the service nre quick to spot tliL, prospective fare. But luncheons nnd American dishes. theoretically he specializes In estab­ lishing contact with the public as a W h a t N e x t? kind of table salesman. Probably New York.—High school boys from If he likes your appearance he will the sidewalks of New York nre being open the door for you when you get In. taught the proper way of Inviting a Some of the assistant drivers. It Is girl to the movies and Just what one alleged, do not love their work ns well does at an afternoon tea. as they should und are In It only for what they can get out of It—namely: E x tr a o r d in a r y ! continuous free travel. Others, It Is said, get their jobs only because their New York.—Two hundred and fifty employers cannot endure driving girls— with a very few men—gathered aronnd all day without some oue to nt a dinner, and there were no cig­ j talk to. arettes nor liquor. In still another category are those who act as bodyguards, safeguarding to some extent the danger of holdups *+ + *+ + + *+ *+ 4 -*+ + + + + *4 '*+ + 4 --f--i4 nt night. The committee has given ns the scripture units chapters 7, SI, 30 and 37. It will materially help In the grasp of the lesson If brief attention he given to these chapters; therefore in the outline brief reference will be made to chapters 7 and 31 while con­ fining the main exposition to chapters 30 and 37. I. Isaiah's Message to Ahaz. 1. Prophecy concerning Immanuel (th. 7). The occasion of this prophecy was nn invasion from the north by Israel and Syria. Tills invasion greatly alarmed Ahaz. To calm Ills fearful heart Isaiah assured him that God's purpose concerning ttie nation would not fall. He urged the exercise of faith in God, offering to confirm his faith by working any miracle desired. While with false humility he refused a sign the prophet nnnouuced the giv­ ing of a sign which would be the birth of Immanuel. 2. A promise of divine protection (ch. 31). Ahaz foolishly called for the help of Assyria and Egypt ag-lnst Israel and Syria. Isaiah rebuked him for tills, showing him clearly that ids only help was in God. II. Judah Invaded by the Assyr­ ians (Isa. 3G). 1. Itabshakeh meets a deputation from Judah (vv. 1-21). He represented Sennacherib, the king of Judah, whose mission was to induce Assyria to surrender. His method to accomplish this tvas: (1) Intimidation (vv. 4-9). He tried to bully them Into submis­ sion. (2) Misrepresentation (v. 10). He asserted that it was useless for them to put their trust in God and even declared that the Lord had sent him to destroy Egypt (3) He tried to create a panic among the people (vv. 13-21). Fear­ ing such a panic the deputation of the Jews urged Itabshakeh not to speak in the Jews’ language. (4) He promised them plenty In an­ other land (vv. 10, 17). 2. The report to Hezekiah by the deputation (v. 22). They rent their garments in fear and dismay over their perilous condition, for the crisis long before predicted by Isaiah had now come upon them. III. Hezekiah’s Behavior (Isa. 37). 1. Resorted to the House of the Lord (v. 1). This Is a sure retreat for God's peo­ ple in time of distress ( I ’s. 73:16, 17; 73:13). This action was prompted by faith, for God Imd promised that whoever in time of distress resorted to His house would be heard by Him (I I Chron. 7:15, 10). 2. Sent to Isaiah (vv. 2-7). The natural and logical thing for the king to do under such circum stances was to send for God’s prophet. 3. Hezekiah’s prayer (vv. 14-20). Rabshakeh, who seems to have with­ drawn from Jerusalem for a little while, now returned from Sennacherib with a letter warning Hezekiah againsl trusting God for deliverance, for no God was able to stand against the Assyrian army. He spread the letter before the Lord and prayed. (1) He recognized God's throne, making It the ground of his plea (v. 10). He reposed his faith In the lord ship of Jehovah, knowing that all power and authority resided In Him. (2) He recognized the peril which threatened the people (vv. 17-19). (3) He asked for itellverance (v. 20). 4. Isaiah's message to Hezekiah (vv. 21-35). (1) That Sennacherib’s sin was blasphemy against the Holy One of Israel (vv. 21-23). (2) That Sennacherib had forgotten that he was an instrument In God's Anatole France’s Brain Like hand (vv. 24-28). (3) Thnt Judgment upon Sennach­ Fine Clock, Doctors Say erib was Imminent (vv. 29-35). Paris.—Anatole France, noted French IV. The Assyrian Army Destroyed author, had a smaller brain than the (vv. 30-38). average man, Dr. Guillaume Louis and The angel of the Lord went forth Doctor Dubrleul-Chambardel, who per­ and slew In the camp of the Assyrians formed an autopsy on the hody, told 185,000 men, so Sennncherlb was the Academy of Medicine recently. M. turned back by the way he came. France’s brain weighed 1.017 grams, while the average weight for n man's brain Is 1.300 grams. “ It was the T h e B ib le as a F o u n d a tio n I have always found in my scientific \ most beautiful brain I ever saw,” one studies that when I could get the of the doctors said. “ It looked like Bible to say anything upon a subject | one of those pretty little clocks Jullen It afforded me a firm platform to ! Leroy nsed to make In the days of stand upon, nnd a round In the ladder Lonls XV. clegnnt nnd light, hut henu- hy which I could safely ascend.— I tifully chiseled and wonderfully pre- I else.” Lieutenant Maury. G o d ’ s G ia n ts All God's giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on flis being | i. Itb them.—Hudson Taylor. 'T b * Find Photographic W ay $ t to Trace Tuberculosis 4» ♦ % Paris.—A photographic meth od of determining the exist­ ence c ' tubercjlosls In man kind, even when unsuspected, was announced hy Dr. Arthur Vernes, head of the Prophylac tic Institute, whose work has been greatly facilitated by large gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gould. Vernes asserted thnt more than 10,000 tests have verified the accuracy of his method which Is based on a photometric test of the blood. Tuberculosis Is frequently active when the lungs nre entirely free of It. he said, fie said cases had been found where tuberculosis was not suspected hut thnt the test showed Its presence and the hidden sent of the disease was then found. J * J 4* 4» J 4» J ♦ t it* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ■W : " The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it’s just as important to know that there is only one genuine Bayer Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. I f it says Bayer, it’s genuine; and if it doesn't, it is n o t! Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Bayer— at any drugstore— >vith proven directions. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Isplrln la the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacctlcacldester of Sollcyllcacld H is D ecisio n “ Iloora w ! Hooraw!” suddenly Shouted Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. “ Glory hallelooyer!” “ Now what's the matter with yout” asked hts wife. “ I was reading along nnd didn’t find anything Interesting for quite a spell and was about to (ting the paper down when I ran onto the account of a last chance sale of Shakespeare's books— i f 1 don’t buy ’em now I'll never get another chance I” “ Well, what about It?" “ I hain't a-going to buy ’em; that’s all.” — Kansas City Star. CORNS Ends pain a t once / In one minute pain from corns is ended. Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pads do this safely by removing the cause—pressing and rubbing of shoes. They are thin, medi­ cated, antiseptic, healing. At «11 drug and shoe stores. Cost but a trifle. DZSchoiVs Z i n o -p a d s Drugs Excite the Kidneys, Drink Water Take 8alta at First Sign Bladder Irritation or Backache of P ut one on — them pain is gone! For Old Sores Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much rich food. Our blood Is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from over­ work, become sluggish, tlie elimina­ tive tissues clog and the result Is kid­ ney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline In health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or you nre obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; If you suffer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or If you have rheumatism when the weather Is bad, begin drinking lots of good soft water nnd get from your pharmacist about four ounces o f Jnd Salts. Take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be­ fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid o f grapes nnd lemon Juice, com­ bined with Uthla, nnd hns been nsed for years to help flush nnd stimulate clogged kidneys, to centralize the acids in the system so they no longer nre n source o f Irritation, thus often relieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­ jure, makes a delightful effervescent; llthla-water drink nnd belongs In every home, because nobody can make a mistake hy having a good kidney flushing any time. T h e B o ss’ C h a n c e AO denier* are Mthorized to refuad roar * meyfor th* first bottle i! not suited. Dtm’t Don troat «ore. Inflaoiod B m artin« eyes with pow er­ ■ni»« fu i l dru # » "d ro p p e d ” " la f drugs “dropp ed In band. A F T * by hand. A. soothing Boot lung I J/ «ly . 1 k, rr effecUvo, sa fe remedy ts best 25 cents — a . A r * iC L o «; | J r ilAuTi’ llUOKKI, , N ew Y ork U t , Jvl ’ C h ris tm a s P r e s e n t ? B u y Ita lia n mnilUllITint A ccord eon W 44 Im p ort, m ak e, p a ir. ex rh an K e. re ­ 10 years g u a r a n t e e . Quick delivery. Ca ta ­ logue Free. P r o f. P ie tr o t2«5 «nil S C H O O L F O R F o rt e \ve.. N. Y. E s t a b lis h e d 187«. M E N T ra io ia t 1er BUSINESS, TRADES or PROFESSIONS E n r o ll a u y tim e. Send fo r lit e r a t u r e . O R E G O N IN S T IT U T E O F T E C H N O L O G Y Y. M. C. A - Bldg. Portland,Oregou P A R K K H 'S H A IR B A L S A M ■ 'R e m o v e e D a n ilr n fr s t o p * !! a ir K a llin g ,* R estores C olor and ■ B eau ty to G ray and Faded Hair We. an d «1 «0 at I | |*trr. x t ‘h* tu. W k 8, P a tei l « - t ( N Y. FLORFSTON SHAMPOO— Ideal for m In ctmnection w ith l-ark.r', Itair Pa »« " Mskestho hiur .Up ami flulTr- »» wat. l>, mail or at drug- irista. Uiacoa Ui.micat Worka, 1‘atchogue, N. I. Coughs and Colds a re not only annoying, but dangerous. I f not attended to at once they m ay d e velop Into serious ailment. B o s c h e e ’s S y r u p ITelp— But I haven't asked you for more salary before. Boss— Of course not, nnd I never had reason to fire yon. Is soothing: and h e alin g In such cases, and has been used fo r six ty -on e years. 80c nnd 90c bottles. Buy It at your drug store. G. Q. Green, Inc., W oodbury, Resin from the almaclga tree Is used tn making fine varnish nnd pat- ' «lt-lcather and hy natives for drlv- [ ¡ng away mosquitoes. Thirty-nine state«, Porto Itlco and Hawaii now have forestry depart­ ments or other agencies to look after their forestry Interests. N. J. _______________________ ___ No Disfiguring Blemishes to Hide J* X j 4, f 4* a 7 ♦ J ♦ ♦ * F M i* h is If Cuticura Soap is used daily, assisted by Cuticura Ointment when necessary. They do much to prevent blackheads, pim­ ple. and other unsightly eruptions, and to promote permanent skin health. Roan 25# Ointment 25 and 50e. Talrom 25«. 3nM -very* Wh,r« Tams!« • .<-h fry* Atfeftr-««. Cstlcws Ufc»Vr tori«* Dept Aj. M»Met», Mvi JUE Cuticura Slutving Stick 25c.