PAGE ' EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1927 AND CONCERT To Be Held at the High School Auditorium on V I A Program of Good Music and oth- | er Interesting Numbers will be pre- ; sented at this time. E! Are Your Valuable Papers Safe FROM LOSS BY FIRE, THEFT OR MISPLACEMENT? If your property is worth insuring at all, it is certainly worth spending a CENT A DAY to keep the polices titles, papers, deeds, notes, mortgages, stock or bonds PROTECTED BOXES $3.00 PER YEAR—CALL AND SELECT YOURS TH E ESTA C A D A STATE BANK Estacada Truck Line D A ILY T R IP S FROM Estacada to Portland L E A V E A LL F R E IG H T A T W A R E H O U SE In o rd e rin g y our fre ig h t se n t th ro u g h us you receive perso n al service * b a th in E sta c a d a a n d P o rtlan d th a t will save tim e and m oney GEO. K IT C H IN G PH O N E 61-5 Call a n d D eliver Service Portland-Carver-Estacada Stages M unicipal T erm in al, Sixth and Salm on S ts.— P hone M ain 7733. ESTACADA TO PORTLAND A T 1 L IN N ’S IN N , E stacada, - P.M. P.M. AM . 2.00 0.20 Lv. Lv. P o rtla n d 2:30 0:50 Lv. Lv. C lackam as Lv. 2:40 7:00 Lv. i.a rv e r 3:05 7:25 Lv. I V. b a rto n 3 :15 7:35 Lv. Lv. E a r le C reek 3:30 7:50 A r. Ar. E sta c a d a *f>aily e x ce p t Sunday SJ.S’OA— L eave P o rtla n d 10 a. m. O regon— DA ILY * (A ) • AJM. P.M. P.M. E stac ad a 8:00 4:30 8:30 E agle C reek 8:15 4:45 8:45 B arto n 8:25 4:55 8:55 8:45 5:15 9:15 C a rv er C lackam as 8:15 5:25 9:25 9:30 6:00 10:00 P o rtlan d (A ) S a tu rd a y Only. L eave E stac ad a 4:30 p. m. r urrinsvîüe Store Prices Five G allon W este rn Oil (N on B e tte r). O ne P ound Can T uxedo .............................. ’ . lo .it by th e Sack, p e r lb. ’.‘ (Hogs C o rn f'a k e s, T h ree fo r Kellogg P ep, Two fo r ........... F ine M ixed Cantjy, p e r lb. $2.25 ... 76c 2V4c 25c .....25c .16c W e will m ake » pedal price to any school, church, or lodge on C andies fo r C hristm as F lo u r Sacks W ashed a n d Ironed E ach .....- .................................... ......10c .’to Pipe and E lbow s Each ........................................................... ...... 25c C alf M eal (A ssociation) per sack ....................... ................................ $1.25 P in t-h fo rd s C a lf Meal, p e r sack ..................... —•............................... $1.75 V c. ern Clam Shell p e r sack ......................................................... .. $ 1 .1 5 I a ite m O y ste r Shell per sack .......................................................... $1.50 $ 1.10 G rit p e r sack .... O 1 ” »al (L in seed ) p e r sack ............................................................ $3.25 $1.25 B ran fo r y o u r C hickens per sack ................- ................................... $1.50 Mill R un 80s p e r sack .............................. ...... $2.75 G round C o m (c o m M eal) 100» per sack ....... W c want y o u r chickens on M ondays. W e b u y Hogs, Sheep and C altle. I f you h ave a n y th in g to sell see Us be fo re selling. T. O. T U N N E L L 1 Plant Resulted From Single Specimen of Kherson Se­ lected at Ames, Iowa. (Prcrurud Dec. 13 In Our Safe Deposit Vaults. Good Qualities of Iogold Oat by t h o m e n t of U n lt.d Status A tc fl c u lt u r e . t D epart­ A new selection of the Kherson out Is being distributed for tlie first time this season to Iowa farm ers under the nam e of Iogold. It was developed in the co-operative experim ents of the United S tates D epartm ent of Agri­ culture ami Die Iowa Agrlcullttral ex perim ent , station. Iogold resulted from a single plant of Kherson selected by Prof. L. C. B urnett at Ames, Iowa, In 1006. A fter being test­ ed In nursery experim ents for a few years It was considered of sufficient prom ise for advancem ent to the plat experim ents, where It has been grown continuously to datpr- O utstanding C haracters. The outstanding ch aracters of Iogold are high yielding power, stiff ness of si raw, and resistance to stem rust of oats. The average acre yield of Iogold Is (¡3.3 bushels as compared Willi (¡4.3 bushels for lowar, in the nine years for which com parable d ata j are available. In comparison with other Im portant varieties developed In the co o p erativ e experim ents, It re- t slsts lodging as well or better than the Itleldand (Iowa No. 103), although 3 or 4 inches taller, and is the ecpial I of Iow nr In yielding power. In the ! severe stem rust epidemic of logo, It showed less Ilian 2 per cent of rust Infection, w hereas most o ther v ari­ eties showed from 80 to 100 per ceut of Infection. For growing on land w here lodging and ru st usually affect oats, It is believed th a t Iogold will prove superior In ability to stand up nnd produce .a high average yield. Among 21 varieties of oats grown In a uniform o at rust nursery in 1020 at approxim ately 50 experim ent s ta ­ tions in the United S tates and Canada, Iogold showed the highest degree of ru st re sistan t of all varieties. Produced for Purpose. Iogold was produced for a special purpose ltichland has been a very satisfactory variety for low, rich soils, w here taller varieties frequently lodge, oud where rust usually occurs. However, It has not been altogether satisfactory on the uplands, especially on the more worn and thinner soils w here It has been entirely too short in the straw for convenient harvesting with a g rain hinder. The Iogold has been bred particularly to replace Itieli- land under these conditions. It also produces an excellent quality of grain. The kernel Is slightly plum per thun th at of the ltichland. Iogold Is the result of 20 years of breeding, and should prove one of the m ost valuable of the Improved varieties developed by the Iowa agricultural experim ent sta ­ tion in co-operation with the bureau of p lan t industry of the D epartm ent of A griculture. T here may be some slight objection to the yellow color of Iogold, but as oats are consumed largely on farm s, the color Is not es­ pecially objectionable. Thè highest type of breeding for •gg production muy he secured only by trap-nesting every breeder through­ out every day of her iirst laying year, •n d every day throughout the breed­ ing season, as long as she is kept. In addition, both male and fem ale birds must he selected which have the abil­ ity to tran sm it high production to th eir offspring. Thè best poultry breeders are search­ ing for the pullet th a t lays not only during the sprang, hut Is also nn early m uturer and heavy w inter layer, us Well as a persistent sum m er layer. These characteristics coupled with In­ tensity of production are found only In the best hens. DIGNIFIED UNDERTAKING We have purchased the undertaking stock of Mr. J. E. Gates at this place and are now prepared to take care of all calls in this line. Our 15 years experience and funeral equipment as­ sure you of the best possible service and relieve you of many trying details incidental to this time. Calls Prompty Attended Day or Night Lice and Worms For a dli> to rid a flock of lice, use one ounce of sodium lluoride to each gallon of w ater and mix the solution in a large w ushtub or barrel. Use one pound for^nbou: th ree hundred rt)wls. Hold the hens by the legs and wings to prevent struggling. Put them In the solution, tnil first, to force the w ater underneath the fenth- t s . Repent this three or four times, ind In very heavy-feathered liens It may be necessary to use the lingers to work the solution Into the feathers. L. A . C H A P M A N Phone 50-51 Division of Time in Daily Round of Life As a rule, the hours of sleep should about balance the hours of work, and It Is estim ated th a t a man who has lived half a century has slept 0,000 md worked 6,500 hours; but as he began to sleep us soon as he was horn, md did not begin to work until he »ad reached his teens, those figures show at least an hour a (lay more work than sleep. T he average man of fifty will prob ibly have spent 800 days in simply walking from place to place, or, at my rale, in using his legs, and if we illow three miles nn hour, a m oderate illowanee, it gives a mileage of 57,000, a* a little over three miles a day. Thus a t fifty a man has walked twice round the world with 9,000 miles to ■¡pare. Probably, also, the average man of fifty lias spent about 4,000 days in unusem ent, nnd another 1,500 in e a t ug nnd drinking. Estacada, Ore. / - # 7/ LM L V R O I b I ; T h is C a r aim**» «,*«*• USED CARS ,g»ai«iot ✓ hear Axto y ^ ¡g g ja k s - Starting "with an Height of Roosts The heavier breeds should have their roosts near the floor, and all on a level so there will he no crowding for highest places. W here heavy fowls have to fl.v down from high perches they are likely to contract huinble-foot from bruises. E very­ thing should he kept clean and fresh and with good ventilation, free from draughts. Keep a lookout for w atery eyes and running nostrils, a sneez.e or cough. L ittle things taken In time will usually prevent ailm ents. Mortician y L ighting vlxnlttoo » M l . tîn tt counts R e c o n d i t i o n e d R ight»« a n d P r ic e d Right! When we recondition a used car, we do a thor­ ough job. All work is done by efficient expert me­ chanics, using genuine parts for all replacements. Then we price it right. This square-deal recon­ ditioning and selling pol­ icy is your assurance th a t you pay only for w hat you get when you buy a used car from us—and th a t your car will give thousands of miles of de­ pendable service. Look forour red"OJC."Ug when buying your used car. The Cascade Motor Co. J. CLO SN EK . PR O P. School Lunches! What a bother it used to be to put up lunches, when you had to bake everything. But now you can get your bread, cakes, and cookies at the Bakery, it is no bother at all and they are so good too. D e a d L e tte r s L etters which nre sent to the dead e ttc r office in W ashington nre opened, ind when addresses are found in them hey are returned to the senders. When a check or money order Is 'ound, hut still no sufficient address, lie letter Is returned to the post- office of its origin, nnd Inquiry Is Proper Feed for Brood aade at the hank or ■ money order Sows Before Farrowing tilce. Parcel post m atter or other P roper feed before and nfter fa r­ null of value which cun n either be rowing will have a g reat deal of effect lellvered nor returned, for w ant of upon the size and vigor of the litters nfliclent address, Is sold by the Post i raised this spring. A good deal of mice departm ent. O ther tindellverable care should he taken not to m ake the n a tte r is Anally destroyed. 1 ration too fattening. It would be bet- I te r if there was no corn in the ration. However, this would not be economl- Plant Requires ! cal on most farm s; so as much as Perennial one-third of (he grain ration may be Careful and Persistent corn If necessary. T he rem ainder ! may consist of ground oats and mid­ Treatment. dlings or brail. A small am ount of linseed oil meal will help. All grain E radication of weeds by cultivation should he ground If not too expensive, has been practiced fo r ages. Up to the as it will be found cheapest In the present tim e this method has general­ long run. ly proved to be the most economical Besides the grain the brood sow ami successful. should have some kind of roughage. Plowing weeds nnder covers them with a layer of soil tlis i kills m ost of the living m aterial. L xter cultivation Poor Economy to Cease destroys a large proportion of the Feeding Mash in Summer seeds th a t have sp rlc .e d . Still fu rth e r "It is poor economy to quit feeding cultivation provide* fr the germ ina­ mash to the liens in s u m m e r ,s a y » tion of more of the seeds In the soil Prof. C. IV. C arrick of Purdue ttnlver» and a t the sam e tim e kills the seed­ slty. "Such n practice Is likely to lings th a t have s ta r t l Send Up S V J t i Oftsn. throw iho whole flock Into h molt and P erennial weeds, however, can cause < s a production to stop." Many people have a notion that send up shoots as often us they are hens can pick tip enough lings and destroyed during the season and re- Such worms from the range during the sum­ quire n different treatm ent. mer to supply their needs. Records weeds are the w orst weed pests In from farm ponltry flocks have shown, Colorado and rpqulre more careful, however, that the range cunnot be de­ m ore persistent and more frequent cul­ pended upon to supply sufficient feed tivation. D uring (he plowing of the soil the roots th a t live in the upper for a satisfactory egg production. One of the principle necessities for layers a re broken up, and m ay be high egg production is protein In the dragged along the (K now by the plow ration. T his can be supplied satisfac­ to ground th a t Is not Infested w ith the torily by feeding a suitable inasli. plant. When thu field Is heiug h a r­ The grain supplies some protein but It rowed the dragging of root fVngments Is not of suitable quality or sufficient I Is even more probable because they quantity to give n high sum m er egg I will be moved to a distance and left yield. IVlien anim al feeds such as 1 In loose soil th a t provides an excellent meat scraps, tankage and milk a re In­ place for growth. cluded with the mash, m inerals as I W ork Separately. well as proteins are provided. These I TIds m akes It necessary to work m inerals are essential for egg produc­ separately land Infested w ith weeds tion and a re not supplied adequately having roots th a t can grow from in grains nnd grifln products. small pieces. In such places coosiet ent destruction of th e tops as soon as they appear will prove th e best Determine Exactly How , . „ r I TT T remedy. A knife edge passed Just un- iVian'y e g g » * IhclCn l i o n L ilV S der the surface of the soil In a way to A prs>il rrn p nest provi ties th e on»* cut off the young shoots, or a duck- a c e m ite method of determ ining o v foot cultlvntor with sharp shovels in j actljr how many eggs a lien lias laid *n several overlapping tiers, will be found one year. T here is no nhort r u t .ir the m ost effective of the m achines now ea y way to fljpire from p a rt of a lu use in the m echanical destruction year’s fn p -n e s t record w hat the total o f perennial weeds.—C harles F. Rog- , i l to r the year will he. nor to cull cure- era, D eputy Colorado B ui fully m n n k k m u f f i i ff1“ * U has 1 fis t if* Wi U-Need-A Bakery Phone 53-6 E stacada THE MODERN KITCHEN Electricity * the silent servant * works effi­ ciently, tirelessly, hours with out end, uncomplain­ ingly * in the modern kitchen. It relieves the home-maker of the continuous at­ tention to detail that has made housekeeping of other years a round of ceaseless drudgery * un­ interesting routine. Electric ranges, refrigerators and other appliances help you to realize those happy dreams of home- making * when execution of ideas seemed as simple as their planning. Electric refrigerators keep foods sweet and fresh for days. The dry cold makes it possible to have foods-of practically all kinds in the same compart­ ment without interchange of flavors. They insure a continuous supply of ice cubes and make new frozen or chilled desserts and salads simple to serve. Econ- nomical * efficient * convenient. Electric ranges cook foods more thoroughly * show less shrinkage in meats * fuller flavor in vegetables. They keep your kitchen clean and sweet. With the automatic time and temperature control they cook for you even when you are miles away, ami without your supervision have dinner ready and hot when you return. Electric Refrigerators and Ranges of all the best standard makes installed in your home on.convenient terms. May we show them to you? Portland Electric Power Co.