Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 01, 1927, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Don't Trust
T ____ 1,
M arket men and con*
sumers are insisting on uni­
form color, now-a-days, and
no real dairyman can afford to
trust to luck any more. Keep
your butter always that golden
June shade, which brings top
prices,-by using Dandelion But­
ter color A ll large creameries
have used it for years. It meets
all State and National Food
L a w s It's harmless, tasteless
and w ill not color Buttermilk.
L arge bottles cost
>niy 35c at all drug f
md grocery stores.
Welli » Ridurdun Co., I bc .
Burlington. Vermont
Christmas Present? Buy Italian
We Import, make, re­
years* g u a r a n t e e
Wulck delivery. C ata­
logue Free.
I’ nrf. I'irt ro Forte
— ■
r M r i tí
“ C"’ OME on. Sir Freero-tho-I’onds,"
said King Snow. “ Come on,
Mr. Wind," he added.
“ We're waiting for you, too. Lovely
j Snowflake children,'' he called.
“ And we hope you'll not be late,"
he shouted to the Jeweler Brothers
known ns the Diamond .Snow Jewelers.
“ 1 want to have a storm party,”
King Snow said, “ and I’d like t j have
you all come.
“ Of course the Jewevers don’t have
to come right away.
But 1 hope
they'11 come soon after the party and
won’t be late In taking their places
ta the great winter reunion.
“ You all know that a reunion means
a gatherin ' together once more so we
nil want to gather together to show
that Old Man Winter Is here.“
“ I’m here,” Old Man Winter shouted
And Mr. Wind blew through his
2nd A ve.. N. Y.
E stab lish ed 187«.
H e i g h t o f H ap pin ess
Dpra—Are you happily married?
June— Indeed. My husband's scared
to death of me.
When You Feel a Cold Coming On.
Taka Laxative BROMO QUININE Tab­
leta to work oft the Cold and te fortify
tha ayatam asainat an attack of Grip
or Influenza. SSc.—Adv.
M o r e T r ea tm en t N e e d e d
Instructor—Now don't you think
her voice Is Improved?
Father— Yes. but It s not cured.
So Old Princa Storm Accepted the
long fingers a great cold breath of nlr
and whistled as he said;
“ He’s here all right. Old Man Win
ter Is here."
"Oh, it’s so nice to have a reunion,”
said King Snow.
“ Would you like me to come, too,
Your Majesty?" said an ley voice and
there was Prince Storm dressed In
lovely jewels of icicles nnd a crown of
little snow peaks which hnd been
frozen Into shape by Prince Sleet's
fliend. Mr. Freezing-is-Fun.
Why do so many, many babies of to­
day escape all the little fretful spells
and lnfivotlle ailments that used to
worry mothers through the day, and
keep them up half the Bight?
I f you don't know the answer, you
haven’t discovered pure, harmless Cas-
torla. It Is sweet to the taste, and
sweet In the little stomacb. And Its
gentle Influence seems felt all through
the tiny system. Not even a distaste­
ful dose of castor oil does so much
Fletcher’s Castorla Is purely vege­
table, so you may give It freely, at
first sign of colic; or constipation; or
diarrhea. Or those many times when
yen Just don't know what ia the mat­
ter. For real sickness, call the doc­
tor, alwayB. A t other times, a few
drops of Fletcher's Castorla.
Tlie doctor often tells you to do Just
that; nnd always says Fletcher's.
Other preparations may be Just as
pure, Just ns free from dangerous
drugs, but why experiment? Besides,
the book on care nnd feeding of babies
that comes with Fletcher's Castorla is
worth its weight in geld 1
AUST hears at Easter dawn the
music of cathedral bells. Thoughts
of the Immortal life bring him no Joy.
With suicidal Intent he presses a vial
of poison to his lips. Satan appears
promising him happiness If he would
be his subject Satan ennbled Faust
to drink deep from the cup of power,
only to leave tils heart adamant and
his eyes like balls of steel. The world
of pleasure with abundant opportuni­
ties for happiness Is next offered
Faust, but he retires from I t satiated,
tired nnd disappointed with Satan de­
feated. Faust now decides not to live
for himself, but for others. He re­
claimed a wide stretch of land from
the ocean, which he mnde Into a beau­
tiful park where artisans could rest
and children play. Thus ''’ aust dist-ov
ered that happiness was found In serv­
ice, “ In the merging of the Interest of
self into the general good.” Through
service. Faust found his way to re­
demption. Margaret ' In shining ap­
parel awaits him as angels heur his
soul to heaven.
Garfield Tea
W as Y o u r
G ra n d m o th e r’s R em edy
For every stomach
and latesttnal 11L
This good eld fash-
loned herb home
remedy fer consti­
pation, stomach Ills
and other derange­
ments of the sys­
tem so prevalent these days Is in even
greater favor as a family medicine
than tn your grandmother's day.
"Men sometimes forget how deaf to
them their wives are." aays Flippant
Flo, “ but never on the first of the
1 month."
Word o f mouth is the sweetest ot
lectars and the deadliest of venoms.—
American Magazine.
H. I R V I N Q K I N Q
((El 1927. Western Newspaper Union.)
—In one day, HILL'S
Cascara • Bromide ■ Qui­
nine tablets knock a
cold. Leave you feeling
fine. Look far red bos.
foe. Afldruaitta.
Martha Martin
fC opyrlzh t.)
T h e R ig h t So und
A little boy came to the desk of
A late picture of handsome Dorothy
Sebastian, the featured motion picture
actress. Miss Sebastian is appearing
In the leading feminine role in “ The
-O -
Uncommon Sense
By John Blake
M a d e B ee -K ee p in g P a y
A woman Is the champion "bee
\ j o VISION of the mlllenlum formed
1 v ¡n the Fifteenth century could king" of South Dakota. She Is Mrs
Charles H. Blackwell of liaplri City,
have equaled the realities of 1927.
A great part of the things which who ships fib. WOO pounds of honey
As a
people were most hopelessly trying to from her bee farm annually.
accomplish then has been done today. child Mrs. Blackwell was mortall.,
People who talk about “ the good old afraid of bees. Seeking a business
career after her mother died, bow
days” are either Ignorant or silly.
Civilization has been set back In ever, she Invested $715 In her first
She now bas 37S colonies.
its progress from time to time.
The I lurk ages succeeded the gran­ Some swarms contain as many as
deur of Borne, which, after all, was 715,000 bees.
only the grandeur of the nobility. The
common people of that city did all
the work, got all the cuffs and kicks,
and shared all the poverty.
But children born today And the
world on the upgrade, and. us far as
Croup usually comes suddenly—at midnight—
opportunity for enjoyment is con­
without warning. Be prepared to open the
cerned, getting better and better.
dangerously clogged throat at once. Have on
hand this physician’s prescription which often
We are not yet free from war, or
brinjpi relief in 15 minutes— no vomiting. Used
sure that this plague has been ex­
in millions of homes for 35 years. The quickest
known relief for Coughs, Colds and Whooping
Cough. If you have children, get a bottle of this
time-tried remedy— Dr. Drake’s Glescco— from
But tlie busy Inventors if war ma­
your druggist. Only 50c a bottle.
chinery are arranging for the next
war to extend far behind the battle
M o d e r n industry
lines. Into the interior cities, and into
Modern industry Is a gripping
the meeting places of the statesmen
game, not only because of the kick
who usually make wars.
And when that is possible, wars will there Is In It but because of the satis­
faction It affords.
become fewer and fewer.
. . .
The warrior cannot look back on
The son of a poor man today can his victory without seeing the corpses
get a better education than could tha of those he had done to death, hut
son of a king In the days of Louis the Industrialist can amass a fortune
XIV. He can also get better food, and and still claim he has done more
better medical care, and more sensi- | good than harm.—New York Tele­
ble, although not such elaborate gram.
One of the greatest of all accom­
H e Does
plishments is the doing away of super­
Dad—Bobby, do you ever have any
stition which made fear one of the difficulty with "shall” and "w ill” In
most dreadful burdens of life In the school?
days of witchcraft and black magic.
Bobby— Never. Teacher says "You
Poverty there will be as long aa shall” and I say "I will."
there Is Idleness In the world.
Crime there will be as long as ras­
Pes tife ro us insect
cality exists, and rascality will be
*Ta," paid Clarence, ‘what Is the
long in exterminating.
name of this pest that Is such a great
. . .
enemy of cotton?"
But the general standard of conduct
"The silkworm, son." replied his
is higher today than it bus ever been, j dad.— Vancouver Province.
and more safeguards are thrown by j
the nations around the foolish peo­
ple who full easy prey to designing
The hours of labor are much shorter
than they ever were, and the wages !
are better.
We still have much to learn shout
the cause o f financial depression and
the means o f removing It, but panics
occur with less frequency, and even
great shortages of crops do not affect
the people of a nation as they used to.
Mothers used to pray that their
children might be born under a lucky
And this age, while It is capable of
Improvement, Is the best age that the
world has ever known—more filled
with opportunity, and more rich with
the fruit of human labor.
Hint for Charles
( © bv McClure N*w «paper Syn<1l<*«?e.)
Known by Headdress
- O -
In primitive time, the heafirtre.*
was ■ distinctive mark, representing
the organization of groups of men.
the Brightwood branch library and
requested that the librarian give him
“ a book called ‘Silence Mournful' “ for
bis high school brother.
“ Are you sure that you have the
name right?" the librarian asked du
“ Well, It’s something like that,” the
boy replied. “ It's by the same person
who wrote ‘The Mill on the Floss.’ ”
“ Oh, you must mean Silas Marner.'
the librarian smiled, running to get
the book.
“ Well, I had the right sound, any
way, didu’t I?" tlie boy asked dell
antly as by standers luughed.—Indian
spoils News.
San Francisco. C alif—"I took Dr.
Pierco’a Favorite Prescription and
it wai a Wonderful beneflt to me.
Just a few bottlei
built me up in
health and strength
and helped me la
every way. I am
glad to recommend
it and I cannot
praise It too highly
y \ f ° r th® beneflt I re*
^ > celved from i t X
L i w a s reliably to"
formed that all of
Dr. Pierce's remf>
dies are flret-claas a-nd equal to all
that is claimed for them."— Mr*,
Laura Newman, 1019A Golden Gat!
All druggists. Tablets or liquid.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalid**
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y , for trial rkf.
of tablets, and write for free medical
Stop Coughing
m f r e yo u c o u g h th e w o r s e y o u fe e L
a n d th e m o re In fla m e d y o u r t h r o a t a n d
lu n r s becom e. Give th e m a chance t0
h ea l.
ESoschee’s Syrup
h a s b een g i v i n g r e l i e f fo r s lx t y -o n #
y e a r s . T r y it. 30c a n d !‘ 0c b o ttle s . B u y
it a t y o u r d r u g s to re. G. G. G re e n , In a ,
W o o d b u r y , N. J.
Tl>« Infant*’ and Children’ » R«gnlator
Pleasant to glre-plea sa n t to
take. Guaranteed purely veg­
etable ami absolutely harmless.
I t quickly overcomes colic,
•noea. flit
other like disorders.
The o p e n published
formula appear» on
every label.
HERE is a rather common belief
In the rural districts of the Unit­
ed States that snakes will not go
where geraniums are growing and
geraniums growing In a window box
will prevent flies from entering the
window. This superstition attaches
to the plants cultivated In *ardens
and as house plants, which are not
geraniums at all, hut belong to the
genus pelargonium of South Africa
The magical qualities of this plant
were transferred to It along with the
name from the true geranium, the
word geranium being a Greek word
meaning crane’s-bill, a name given to
the true geranium because of the
long, projecting beak of the seed cap
sule. In fact, crane’s-bill Is the com
mon name for the true geranium.
Now the crane was for long ages
a bird of mystery. At a certain sea­
son the crane disappeared and at a
certain season he reappeared, always
flying In a V shape. This mystery as
to the crane’s place and manner of
breeding, and the weird dances they
Indulge In at the time of their love-
f C o p yrigh t. )
making caused a wealth of mythology
-o -
and folklore to grow up around them
It was not until t8W that It was dis
covered that the crane sought the
shores of the Arctic sen to lay Its egg*
and rear Its young.
Among the ancients there was a be
lief that forms of plant life were In
some cases transformed Into forms
of animal life. In the mystery which
hung over the propagation of the
crane the peculiar form of tie seed
capsule of the geranium caused It to
be looked upon with suspicion, and to
the plant were assigned some of the
mystic attributes which pertained to
the crane which was known to be
antagonistic to snakes and flies
When the pelargonium came to be |
called In popular parlance "geranium'
—crane’s bill—the superstition wen:
( (c, by M cC lu ra N ew n p ap er Syndleata. >
with the name. This Is a curious ex |
------- o -------
ample of a superstition surviving by
means of a name though the name Is
"Cksrley, dear,” exclalmed young
nr - given to an entirely different ob­
ject from that by means of which the Mrs. Torkln«. "I am .cowrlnced that
Solomons reputation for extraordl-
superstition had birth.
Democracy Born of
Old Nordic Customs?
American democracy Is derived
from the social and fovertimentnl la
stltutlous of the ancient Scandinavi­
ans, the original Nordhs. declures
Charles J. .Mctlulrk in un urticie In
Liberty, “ American institutions are
Nordic," the writer asserts. “ Ou-
gress Is an echs of the Scandinavian
Thin e,’ an assembly of the people
about the muunda of their dead at
which they listened to the advice of
the Old M uh of the tribe. Our state
legislatures follow the 'Heratdthlne,’
a local assembly.
“ Democracy was not born In Amer­
ica," the writer continues. “ It had Its
birth 'u Norway whoa llaruhl Fair-
hair destroyed the power of the 'her-
»1rs’ (kings) mid placed the leader
ship of the people anion* the ‘Juris,
high-born locul chiefs who hnd won
to leadership of the host and certain
districts by their warlike qualities.”
c y
“ We want y<ai, of course we want
you." said King Sgow.
So Prince Storm Joined the party.
“ Aud we want Mr. Freezing-ls-Fun.
too," King Snow added. "H e is always
such a nice one to have at a party.
Some creatures go to a party and
never say a word and don’t muke the
slightest effort to help have a good
“ For those who don’t get Into the
fun of things don’t enjoy themselves
either. That Is only fulr, of course.
But It Is so much nicer when they do
enter Into the fun of a party anil
enjoy It themselves aud help others
have a good time.
"Mr. Freezing-ls-Fun Is a splendid
creuture at a party.
“ And we must ask Prlr.ce Sleet.
Prince Sleet would help a great deal."
“ I'm here,” said Mr. Freezing-ls-
Fun. for Mr. Wind had offered him ■
free rlile to ttie party and Mr. Kreez-
lng-ls-Fun had accepted with great
eagerness and pleasure.
“ Well, well, well, this Is nice to see
the old friends aguin.
"How do you do. Snowflake chil­
dren ?
"Why, hello, Old Man Winter.
might have known 1 would have seen
you here. This Is nice, ha, ha, ha,
this Is nice.
“ And I’m powerfully pleased to see
you. Sir Freeze-the-Ponds. I'm such
an admirer of yours."
So Mr. Freezing-ls-Fun went around
greeting all his friends and they were
all glad to see him, too.
Then along came Prince Sleet
“ I met some one on the way who
wants to come to the party.” said
Prince Sleet
“ Tell me who wunts to come," said
King Snow.
"It's the whole Blizzard family. Old
Boy Blizzard wanted to know If he
could come and bring the others. "H e
said it was the nurses day out and
there was no one with whom to leave
the children If all the older ones went
ofT, too.
“ As a matter of fact I think they
sent thm word as an excuse to bring
the whole family, but they don’t mind
If you know how very anxious they
are to come— so long as you will let
them come."
“ Oh, yes." said King Snow, "have
them come.”
“ I'll tell them they're Invited,” said
Mr. Wind.
“ Thank you kindly, thank you kind
ty,” said King Snow.
And soon, oh so soon, the Blizzard
family came and such a snow-storm
and blizzard and wild time as there
was at the big reunion of King Snow
and of Old Man Winter and their
friends I
Pag- J
Dorothy Sebastian
For Meditation
Children Cry for
.......................... ■
nary wlffdom was deaerved.”
"Wir f
"Although you re»** o? hl» ftpending
tnoney recklewsly yoo doo’Y so« any
Suggestion that he ever placed • be*
on a rate bore%*
e& oup
For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores
Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh
Money back for first bottle If not salted. All dealer«.
Carboil draws out the core
__and gives quick relief
To. MoMtteKfe.9aK2l
It Increase* tho Irritation.
SALVE, a .simple, de­
pendable, safe remedy,
li&c at all druggists.
Hall St Iturkel,
York ('If'
WJBE ----------------
Karol 1 nuy time, semi for literature.
olive to
Y . M . t . A . llld g .
P o rtla n d , O regon
^ D h .S t a ffo b d ’ s
heals sore throat. D on’t cough all
night — a few drops gives quick relief.
Never fails.
HALL ft RUCKEL, laa.
14T W.terly Plat*
a n d
W. N. U., P O R T L A N D . NO. 48-1927.
N o t T o o O riginal
A young literary aspirant strode tri­
umphantly Into the office of a well-
known dally paper.
"W ell, did you read my poem?" h!
asked the editor.
"Oh, yes— long before you did," wa*
the reply.
genuin e
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets, you are not
getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by pliysU
cians and proved safe by millions over 25 years for
Colds Headache
Pain Neuralgia
Toothache Rheumatism
^ 0 ^ . Cv-Jpt only " IMycr" p.ick.tgd
which contains proven directions.
"^***1 * bol<‘ * ot 12 « • « * ! « .
Also boMfes <*f 21 ami 140— Dru^Utt.
» « Ir to to to. trad, auk et Berne Mtonr.ctn. nt Unnoneellreeiaentnt el Siile,: le d *