Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 24, 1927, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
*e .
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A t this season of the year, it is an American
custom to devote a day to the giving o f thanks to
the Alm ighty for His boun ties;'to commemorate
the first season o f prosperity and plentitude.
On this day it is fitting and proper that we re­
view the manifold blessings of the year just past;
that we offer true expressions o f gratitude for peace
and prosperity.
This nation has been preserved through wars
and strife, that it has developed in all the arts and
sciences as well as in husbandry and commerce, that
it has known no year o f universal pestilence or fam ­
ine, should be constant sources o f joy to our people ;
we should be ever cognizant o f our good fortune and
pay homage to those first comers who so soundly
founded and carefully builded the structure o f our
national life. That we today stand a leader among
nations, supreme in the ways o f modern civilization,
is a tribute to those Pilgram Fathers whose first
Thanksgiving gives us inspiration today.
To help preserve the ideals of American sim­
plicity and virtue and Christianity, the President of
these United States has proclaimed that a day be set
aside for the observance o f Thanksgiving, and in
conformity thereto, and by the authority in me vest­
ed, I, I. L. Patterson, governor o f the state o f Ore­
gon, do hereby proclaim and designate
®l]ur9bnu, Noiirnthcr 24, 1927
as Thanksgiving Day, and do hereby set aside as a
public holiday. I earnestly ask the citizens of this
great state to join together to observe in proper man­
ner the season o f Harvest, of Peace and Good W ill,
that we turn our thoughts to the Alm ighty Father
who in His graciousness has given ug amply o f His
bounties, and that we display the American flag as
evidence o f our patriotic devotion to the founders
o f our nation
IN T E S T IM O N Y W H E R E O F | have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of state of Oregon
to be hereto affixed this 9th day o f November,
A. D. 1927.
I. L. PATTERSON, Governor
By the Governor.
SAM K. K O ZE R , Sec. o f State.
The local order o f Odd Fellows will
entertain the Odd Fellows’ families
and also the Rebekahs, on Saturday
evening o f this week.
Tha motpgr
g # r 1 fiunter of C*mp
“ 8” was injured in a street car ac­
cident in Portland a few days ago.
Mr. Gunter was in Portland to visit
her the first o f the week.
C h r is t m as
W hile doing her work in the kitch-
en last Saturday evening. Mrs. J. C.
W hitney le ll and broke the bones in
her right arm. Dr. Gilbert reduced
the fracture and she is getting along
as well as could be expected.
the last meeeting before the Bazaar
which will be held at the I. 0. O. F.
The 20th annual sale o f Christmas Hall, December 10. .
j W e wish sincerely to thank all oqjr
seals fo r the eradication o f Tuber­
friends fo r their acts o f kindness,
Mrs. Ellen Patterson o f Upper Gar­ theirs words of- sympathy, and fur the
will begin in Clackamas
county on Wednesday, November 23. field visited her $istçr, Mrs. John Ipeautifu-l fioraj offerin gs extended
E very school in the county has al­ Page, Thursday.
(tyring; fhe illness and death o f our
ready been supplied with their quota.
feeteved husband and father.— Mrs.
Every child will be asked to dispose | The Perry Anderson fam ily have C. F. Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
o f a certain number o f these seals al­ been having a selge o f sickness but Hurst, and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hurst
and family.
though primarily fo r the eradication all are Improving now.
o f tuberculosis they also have many
other uses. In Clackamas county we
are financing the dental clinics held
in the schools, a most important work
and one we desire to exercise.
Masonic Benefit
J 1™ 0 rea' ized from the sale, a
bout 3 Vi cents per capita,
our goal ,s 10 cents per
caP'ta- Clackamas county rates high
>" deaths from tuberculosis. Twenty
fiv e persons a year succumb from
iffii» ¿ «a d e d disease, A d '»e a*e *e
WiMly controlled In it* earlier stage*
if the means are at hand In the way
November 29 and 30
Special Feature Eddie Cantor in
o f home or hospital care,
Help to reduce our death rate by
protecting those who cannot afford it
themselves, with proper attention and
car jus, as the
'V f ^
DeMoy, Bryan Anders, Mildred Ayers
o f the covered
. . .
„ .u %
Rartnn Leonard Anders, Ruth Ayers, Percey
side of Barton.
.. ’
* a*
fgsgwigsr« Forman. Lucile Saunders Glenn Davis
but the fenders
u ~ au . A*™ Clara Gadston, Paul Titzer, Mary
was badly dam- v
„ *
. .
Lemon, Claude Shnner, Helen Anders
Kenneth Oart, Janet Gilgan, Irvin
Da' is, and Kenneth Palmateer.
also a side splitting comedy and local
celebrities in
i m p u ls e
w h ic h
th e
d iffen en ce
betw een
D e a f ears a nd u n se ei n g eyes, sile nt t o n g u e s, id le hands and
s l u g g a r d f e e t in th e p r e s e n c e o f pu lsi ng m il li on s c r a v i n g the hu m an
c o n t a c t o f i n t e r e s t and s y m p a t h y a re e v i d e n c e s o f a t r o p h i e d souls,
i n c a p a b le
vi s io n
beau tifu l
sens in g
the h a r m o n y
childish vo ice s,
b a nd o f g e n u i n e fr i e n d s h i p o r f i n d i n g
W ith
th e
se lfi sh ne ss
c a t c h in g
feelin g
the path to t r u e happiness.
thes e
w alled
the m -
se lv e s in to t h e i r o w n d u n g e o n un til t h e y h a v e c r e a t e d a s a r c o p h a g u s
f o r t h e i r d e a d selves.
W h y sp ea k to thes e o f t h a n k s g i v i n g
fe asts, pa ean s o f g r a t e f u l
he ar ts o r an o u t p o u r i n g o f v o i c e d b e n e d i c t i o n
no r r e c e i v e d
th em
t h ey
their ow n
W ith
c u nn in g,
m an ifold
t ak en
T h e y c a n h a v e no
a nd
g ifts
fo r
no pr a is e
t h ei r
u po n
w hile
is not e v e n a di s ta n t e c h o o f a s i n g l e b e i n g w h o p r o c l a im s a b e n e ­
f i c e n c e at t h ei r hands.
T h e w o r l d ’ s w e a l has no t b e e n a u g m e n t e d
by t h e i r l i v i n g a n d no r e g r e t shall f o l l o w t h e i r g o i n g , f o r t h e y n e v e r
h a v e be en a p a r t o f l i f e ’ s re a li tie s.
W h o has no f r u i t a g e o f a h a p p i e r soul to b r i n g to th e fe a s t o f
riche s o f
co m e s
em pty
earth s fa rth est
ha nde d,
cl i m e .
freigh ted
fi n d s
no s m il e
w it h
gl ad ne s s
l ig h t e n s o m e c o u n t e n a n c e as he passes on th e r o a d w al k s in d a r k ­
ness, t h o u g h l ig ht s as b r i g h t as the sun g l e a m a l o n g his path.
ca r r ie s
no sh ar e o f a n o t h e r ’ s b u r d e n
w e i g h t e d w i t h a cr u s h in g load.
farer, stru g g lin g
to advance,
steps not a sid e to g i v e
in his t r a v e l
fi n d s
him self
W h o len ds no h a n d t o a f e l l o w w a y ­
g r o p e s in va i n
firm er fo otin g
fo r
to a f a l l i n g
Hi« o w n fe e t .
N o man can i s o l a t e h i m s e l f to h i m s e l f and l iv e .
H e may have
a r o o m , but it m ig h t as w e l l be a g r a v e .
H e m a y h a v e w e a l t h , bu t
it is w o r th le ss f o r p u r c h a s in g ha pp ine ss .
H e m a y h a v e p o w e r , but
it e v e n t u a l l y w i l l o v e r c o m e him.
H e g e t s w h a t he buys.
I f he w o u l d
h a v e th e j o y o f T h a n k s g i v i n g he must t a k e th e ble ss ing s w h ic h h a v e
c o m e t o hi m as a m e d i u m o f e x c h a n g e w i t h w h i c h t o p u r c h a s e the
g r a t i t u d e o f o t h e r s f o r his l i v i n g w h i c h a l o n e shall f i l l t h e m e a s u r e
his c o n t e n t .
re a p s
sows, fi n ds w h a t he loses-
E. W H E L A N , In the M o d e r n W o o d m a n
O bititiry o f C. F. Hurt!
Funeral services were held from the
Christian church on Saturday, Nov-
ember 20, 1927, fo r C. F. Hurst, who
passed away in Estacada on Novem-
ber 16, 1927, with D. E. Dent, min-
ister, o fficiatin g and the interment
M r- and Mrs. Lawrence Weber left
Wednesday o f ttys week fo r their
new home near Antelope, Oregon,
M r- W ebber’s mother and sister will
occupy the home place.
Xaa}3ui3D - j 'o 'O "I aMl ui apaui sa.w
Tues. and Wed.
Miss Avis Palmateer entertained a
number o f her young friends last Fn-
day evening at her home in the Gar- |
field district. A fte r playing a few
games, the young people pulled ta ffy
but were quite surprised and excit­
ed when the ta ffy turned to sugar.
Stag* » 4
M o i g a n ’ * C a r C o ll id e
However, more refreshments in tl|g
La*t Sunday M t*ntyon
*?r f " * 1 .
Mr*. U. H. Morgan. aocomv am«d oy »haP'< « * ' * * * • « “
** v* d
Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Woodle. were re- « «
and more game, played. All
from Portland, the Estacada Enjayed the party very much. Those
Tue«cUy tfttra o oB , Jjovembcr
There w ill be an all day meeting of
the Dorcas Society at the home o f
Mrs. Rosa Howie Reid to work on
quilts which they are busy with,
hot lunch dinner.— Mrs. Robertson,
Souls u n to u c h e d by th e e m o t i o n o f g r a t i t u d e a rc w i t h o u t th at
The Ladies Aid o f the Christian
The Estacada^Hotel has just install­
ed a large new heating stove in the church w ill hold their Bazaar at the
dinning room, which is giving excel­ I. O. 0. F. hall Saturday, December
10. There will be a chicken dinner
lent satisfaction.
at noon. They will have the usual
The Ladies Aid o f the Christian booths, fancy work, aprons, candy
church will meet with Mrs. May Cul- and white elephant. Please re.m*m-
verThursday, December 1. This is ber the date and the placg.
Toons People gniST
stage ran into their
* „
car was coming out
. ..
bridge on the other
_. **
* *
No one was injured
on the Morgan car
except for the last five minutes, the
battle was played in Oregon C ity’s
territory. The score at the end of
the half was 6-0 in Oregon C ity’s
favor. In the second half Oregon
City made three more touchdowns,
but played real football to get them.
The students all enjoyed a vacation
during the teacher’s Institute.
Everyone is looking forward to W ed­
nesday evening, as there will be no
more school this week.
The seniors are very enthusiastic
about their play, “ Adam and Eve,”
and started work on it this week.
As Miss Kershner was ill Tuesday
Anna Leman led the assembly sing­
ing. She was a very proficient lead­
Students are looking forward to the
six weeks test, which is next week.
The students have learned many
new songs by singing them when we
have assembly singing.
Teachers that represented this
school, all seemed to enjoy them­
selves at the institute which was held
at Oregon City last Friday and Sat­
James Spitler entered school on
The Junior class held a meeting
Monday after school to decide wheth­
er to have the Junior-Senior banquet
or not. A «ognmittee was appointed
to speak to f ir , Buell about it.
County T e il| e r , i ui.itute was held
Friday and
o f the past week
The teachers'report that they heard
some very good talks.
On account o f illness, Miss Kershner
was not able to attend school Tues­
Mrs. Gladys Duus o f Antelope has | Rev. C. F. Cook was in Portland
been here visiting relatives this week. Monday attending the Methodist Min-
Shg expects to return home Saturday, isterial Meeting.
Friends o f the T u r.l fam ily who mate|y « . ° ® ° residents.
j Last year there were something ov-
Mr*. W h i t n e y B r e a k * A r m
Number 8
High School News of the Past Week
Mr. Buell announced last week that
the fifth and seventh period^ will be
reversed from now on.
The new band saw seems to be do­
ing good business, from the number
o f parrots that have made their ap­
pearance since its arrival.
The Seniors have begun rehear­
sals on their play “ Adam and E ve” .
This play may be produced only after
special arrangements with Samuel
French, the publisher, have been
made. The cast is as follows: Irene
Davis, Olive Bishop, Alice Kaake, L i­
lian Duncan, Bob Hayden, Harold
Hitching, Carl DeMoy, Dan Jennings
and Thurston Yocum.
The Junior English class is study­
ing magazines this week. Each stu­
dent is to give an oral report on a
differen t magazine. Later each one
will select a periodical which appears
to him and make clippings from it
fo r his note book.
The boys in the manual training
class are experimenting in transfers,
which are to be put on book-ends,
magazine racks and waste baskets.
They are also working on a number
o f new signs to be used in the pro­
jects on the band saw. A number of
the boys are beginning to make
Christmas presents.
Mr. Drews said that he would like
to have more people of the communi­
ty come to visit the manual training
room, as the boys are making very
interesting things.
The Estacada high school was de­
feated by Oregon City high school
in the football game on Oregon C ity’s
field, last Thursday, by a score of
24 to 0. During the entire first half,
A. G. Ames, who was on the sick
list fo r several days, was able to be
To this the
at his place o f business this week,
although looking rather indisposed Health Association, sponsors o f the
sale o f the seals, have added
further objective, that o f an attempt
The Estacada schools closed last to secure a third county nurse. The
Thursday afternoon in order that the usefulness o f one county health unit
teachers might attend the Teachers’ is 80 wel* known and 80 ful|y aPP™-
mjseting la (3rem
Cite. They w efe f t y t f j. that the importapee ^ ¡ ¡ oh -
all there.
tinning thn» service'Is apparent. In
Clackamas county there are approxl-
form erly resided in the Springwater
district, received announcements this
week o f the marriage o f Miss Sally
Turel to Mr. Marlin M. Fox, on Wed-
nesday the 16th o f November 1927,
at Ore on C ity
T H U R S S A Y , N O V EM B E R 24, 1927
at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Benefield and
C. F. Hurst was born in Frankfort, son, late o f Wasco, were guests at the
Germany, September 13, 1845 and W. A. W ilcox home the first o f the
was 82 years, 2 months and 3 day3 week.
o f age. He came to this country in j
1873, coming to Illinois first and in John Whitaker, who has been work-
1875 settled in (tyhaloosa, Iowa. He in(, for his uncle down ncar Oorval-
was married to Ida A. Adlon in 1876, hg fo r several months, arrived home
to wh^V, «nion two children were Sunday eveninfr to visit his parents,
bnW . W ill F. Hurst o f Duluth, Min- Mr and Mrs Krank Whitaker, until
arsota and Bert M. Hurst o f Delake, , fte r Thanksgivin(?
Oregon. In 1903 the fam ily moved
to Fremont, Nebraska, where they
resided until 1911, at which time
Charlie Jennings, brother o f Mrs.
where they resided for a short time, Carrie Denny, is a guest at her home
wheer they r«ai«ted fo r a short time, this week. He is walking on crutches,
afterw ard. weaving to Estacada and on account o f having his foot badly
resided her« until his death.
crushed while working in a logging
; Mr. »n d Mrs. Hurst celebrated their ,camP a few day » aK°-
golden wedding anniversary M ay 31,'
| ^ special train bearing 68 students
-------------------- -
and some o f the faculty from the
Oregon Statp Callege, passed through
T h . n k i g i v i n g En tertainm ent
Estacada Monday morning enroute
fo r Oak Grove to visit the P. E. P.
The participants o f the Thanksgiv- Company’s power plant. Returning
ing program given
by the Grade they all stopped at the Estacada hotel
*ch»ol and the teachers, may well and kad dinner.
congratulate themselves on drawing a ,
record breaking audience last Tues-
Misses Rhoda and Kathleen Berk
day evening at the high school audi­
were in Milwaukie the latter part of
torium. The entertainment was an
last week' attending the Christian En­
orium. The entertainment was an
deavor meeting. Miss Rhoda Beck,
enjoyable event fo r the children as
who is a teacher in the Estacada
well as the parents and friends of
the boys and girls in the Grade school * rad? Rc,h” 01'. also attended
Oregon ( City.
The program was especially good. TeacherR InRt,tute in Oregon
Perhaps no number was more enjoyed
than the song by four girls o f
the 8th grade, costumed to represent j
dwarfs. They received loud applause 1 There will be another dance in the
and a deserved encore. All o f the Garfield Grange Hall on Saturday,
songs, plays and exercises were good November 26th.— Mrs. Roberson, Sec.
and reflected much credit on their Treas.
teachers who should be pleased at the j
result o f their careful training.
A fte r the Thanksgiving dinner don't
The girls in costume all
looked forget the Community club meeting
dainty and sweet and the boys also in the Masonic hall Friday evening
presented a nice appearance. Those An unusually good program has been
who acted the part o f “ Big Injun” arranged fo r this meeting,
presented their rolls in true Indian '
--- characteristics.
Dinner guests at tin- home o f Mr.
Vaudeville Numbers
Adults 25c; Children 10c
Come and Give Your Support to a
Good Cause
The entire program was full
orous situations when the
aeted their d ifferen t parts
large audience gave careful
ithusiaatic attention.
o f hum-
and the
and en-
and Mrs. Chnrles Sparks last Sun-
day included Mr. and Mrs. D. Furn-
ish o f Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Larson o f M ilwauka
iSpark* o f this place