Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 17, 1927, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
Cuppid Take* Local Boy
A pretty home wedding took place
at the home o f Mr. Pete Naysmith o f
Camas, Washington, November 12,
1927, at 7:30 p. m. when his daugh-
ter Miss Jeanette Naysmith was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. A rlie Coop,
»on o f Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Coop o f
Estacada, Oregon. Elder R. E. Chap-
man, o f the Reorganized Church o f
L atter Day Saint», perform ed the cer-
Mr. Eddie W eberly was best man
and M is* Nina May Smith acted as
bride’s maid. The bride was gowned
in a beautiful lavender crepe and car-
T H U R S D A Y , N O V EM B E R 17, 1927
Number 7
Eastern Clackamas Community Club
High School News o f the Past Week
On Friday evening, the night after
Stella Graves was visiting in Ore­
Thanksgiving, November 25, in the
gon C ity over Sunday.
Masonic hall, beginning at tf o’clock
The cooking class is studying how thorough re\ iow in grammar this
------------------- e -
will be held the Eastern Clackamas
to put up their lunches and what to week. A ll principles taken up this
Yes, Clyde Schock Sells Crosley (. oinmunity club. The program, which
R oger Cray o f Portlanl, was an
put in them fo r children.
year will be diicuiaed and a vocabu- Radio, on Ea. y Term ». Phone 7s T
Estacada visitor U »t Sunday.
will be the main feature o f the even-
The sewing clas? has finished mak-
match will he hyld each d
, ------------------- _ _
promises to be a very interesting
Mrs. M. M idford and Mrs. A. Smith ' nS their dresses.
Postmaster A. N. Johnson was a one. Miss Maude Sherman and Miss
were Portland visitors last Saturday.
Seven copies o f new fiction books .he S* nl0r1' Ias* p a^’ ,h li,ls a * rencb business visitor in Portland T
Elsie Pool o f the grade school, will
loyalty play, a comedy drama in 3 day.
have been bought fo r the library.
present their pupils in entertaining
W ork is progressing on Bob Cooke’s
numbers. David Eshleman and Mur-
.. .
Ruby Weber, a student from Lin-
„ 1, . , . . . u„„
------- -
part, fld.iommg the garage on Main coln high gchool o f Portland> entel.e<1
Roy W llc« returned from Antelope land Bullard, members of the Estaca-
the Estacada school Monday.
s00_ ! “ the i f . J .
Hw latter part o f last week fo r a few da band, will play a duet and Roy
u .
, ..
soon as tht booKs
Beck will give a reading. This is all
C. E. Dockendorf, o f Molalla spent
e ’
onlk,*k-" * u ** al<4**M
The World History class has finish-
_____ ________ _
o f the program completed at this time
ried a bouquet o f white carnations, two days this week with Mr. and Mrs. ThuSday even in g'Th e"F resh m en re- '" ,„ lh<' “ T ' T
' I ' T ? divl‘sion. aad
I-Utle Jean Sarver is visiting her but there is no doubt thut it is in­
The groom wore a blue serge suit. The Kenny.
.¡m e *
W,U now beB‘n *tudyinB the mlddle grandmother, Mrs. E. E. Hannah this complete and there will be more in­
maid’s dress was designed to m
a t p h ------------------- .
teresting numbers. Just attend this
that o f the bride. She carried pink B. O, Sarver was in Oregon City and
Cecil w r,8ht hss
Thc SpaniBh I II are studying t
meeting and see how nicely you w ill
Portland last «a tp rd »y transacting school..........................
geography population and products
Mrs. Ted Harders spent the first be entertained. The community club
Many friends and relatives were pres business.
IpoU iail i* certainly a mutiy past- o f , he W e, t Indi(W. They will next Part o f last week visiting friends in always has good times.
ent and the newlyweds received
time these days.
study the countries o f South Am erica Lenton, Oregon.
many useful gifts which will aid them
Mr. and Mrs. E. M Shupe were
The Manual training class is mak- jn ¡ be same manner.
Molalla 1. O. O. F. and Rebekah
in starting housekeeping.
guests at the Charles Sparks home ¡ng painted parrots fo r decoration.
A. DeMoy was here from Oregon
111 vj I
l U l l l i more
I l l w l v. rooting.
1 U U l l l l L . yv ■,
. . . .
They will live at Camas, Wash., Saturday.
They will soon be on display. The
. ,
f .,
City last Monday to visit h>s fam ily
These seem to be some o f the things -
. . ..
4 * J
where Mr. Coop has been employed
boys are also doing some work fo r the
, _
* for a short time.
The Estacada band with twenty
fo r some time at the Crown W illa -; Miss Geraldine Cook and /r¥7)d MM m * grade school, A few o f the boys are w^ic^ won ^or us
pieces le ft early Saturday morning
mette paper mills.
Agnes T ilja visited friends in Port- making parrot radio lamps and one Kanu‘ played ht‘ rc laBt Thursday. As
Ed Douglass and w ife o f Yonealla in the large school bus fur the I. O.
The reception was held at the home land Saturday.
is making a walnut end table.
?he two teams were evenly matched, 0re(ion were visitors at the Denni ’
O. F. County Convention, which in­
O l M r- a" d Mrs- R - S- Coop, S u n d a y --------------------- The assembly is much interestedTn
1 * * ^ f ’f , t f r ° m Start ‘ ° home Monday night
cludes thirteen lodges, held at Mo­
9 p'flock p. m„ and about 40
Miss Irene Hayden from Portland, their singing as the are i earninK ncw *lnl,b’ Ttaree touchdowns were made
lalla, They report a most enjoyable
¡friend« #4*4 j-elatives were present, spent the week end at this place visit-
for E. H. S., Dan Jennings making the Miss Atha Cornutt o f Portland vis-
profitable time. Orin Baiiou o f
first in the first
quarter, James ■
Mj4ch happiness ia p^ftended to the ing home folks,
I h e English I II and English I\ Kraniz the second in the second quar- ited at the Methodist parsonage Thurs the Estacada lodge, was elected out­
buppy couple.
side guardian. The Rebekahs also
f ’peil fichock from Pemberton, was classes are having a grammar review. ter and Boh Hayden the third in the <lay cvening and Friday.
had a meeting at the same time to
a visitor at fal* home Resp thp fatter
M r' Bue11 «p o r te d that the Fresh- fourth quarter. Good sportsmanship
Kcith and H
Pinn er Party
which quite a number from this lodge
part o f last week.
i man party * lve" by tbe Soph;,mom < and clean playing by both teams char- ■
drovp J Portland Monday even
was a success, although some Juniors ■ acterized the game. The final whistle : ’
Portland Monday even- attended. M m . Clara llieinbotham
Mr. and Mrs. John O’ Brien, who
ing on a business mission.
was the outgoing head officer, hav­
and Seniors tried to help.
I found the score to be, Estacada 19,
Mrs. H. C. Stephens
went to
have apartments at th « John Irvin Mr. and
ing served fo r a year.
home, had as guests last Sunday, Ern- Portland on Armistice day to “ take ! The Spanish I class is having a Canby 0.
W. C. Jennings o f Portland, was a
est Costanzo, Louis P. Gro»so, Jack >n” the celebration.
visitor at the homo o f his sister, Mrs.
Cupid Busy
Lentsch, all o f Seattle, Wash., and 1
Ted Harders was at home over the
Mrs. Clara Copeland was a Portland ( a r r '*1 Benny, last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Graves and fam- 1 Mr- and Mrs. M. U. F ife r were here
'£he marriage o f
ily and John Doyle from Portland. from Portland to «pend the week end
pnd f r ° m L a P e e - __
,v, itor last Sunday to visit friends.
A rt Perry, Oral Stormer and Orin D ou JIIR ks to Mr. William Sharp o f
Mrs. John Irvin very delightfully ser- w *th Estacada relatives.
Ballou attended the I. O. O. F. con­ Portland took place at Vancouver,
Mrs. Bob T aylor spent the week in
The ladies’ bridge club wras enter­
ved a delicious dinner, which was in
vention at Molalla last Saturday.
Washington, on Saturday afternoon,
one day last week at the home
honor o f Miss A rvillia Graves, the
November 12. The ceremony was per­
p»%:asion being her birthday. A most aldine Cook at the M. E. parsonage
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson o f Ore-
formed by Justice Blair. A reception
Mrs. W ill Bell and little son, David
pbitpwnt social time followed and Mrs. Saturday evening and Sunday.
son City, spent the week end at the
was gi\en fo r the newly weds at the
Irvip ,w#« given a rising vote o f thanks
Jack Watson, who is working at Bull home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens.
home o f the bride’s father, W alter
by the.party fo r her wonderful dinner
Run, is at the home o f his parents
Douglass on Douglass Ridge on Sat­
and to' Mr. Irvin also who assisted in the state Normal at Monmouth, spent
.near Estacada, very |11.
Mis. Wm. Gilgan was among the
urday evening at 8 o’clock, and was
.the generous hospitality.
the week end at her home bgre.
Miss Leila Howe o f Independence,
Rebekahs from Estacada who attend-
followed by a dance at the old home
spent Armistice day vacation at the
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freeman and cd the Rebekah convention at Molalla
place o f her grandmother, Mrs. J. H.
Je»« Denny started up a fourth home o f her parents at this place.
children o f Portland, were week end last Saturday,
Ted Saling a Hero
Denning, with 150 guests present.
barber shop In ihe o)d Gem Theatre :
guests at the J. V. Barr home.
The bride is well known in this
Ted Saling, who is working on the building on Main street, last week,
Mrs. Ida Pines and daughter Gladys
Mrs. Mary Norton o f Portland, is in
locality where she grew to woman­
dam on the Bull Run river, had quite
Miss Marian Hirte o f Portland, ac- o f Portland, were guests o f
Estacada visiting at the home o f her
hood. She graduated from the Ksta-
an experience a few days ago. A man Mrs- H. B. Davis and daughter, Irene parents.
and Mrs. J. K. Ely.
companied by a friend, were callers Robert Snyder and Mrs. T. Harders
eada high school and shortly after was
was struck by a timber or tree while attended the I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah
on her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Hall, last over the week end.
employed as stenographer in one o f
working on the dam, and was render- convention at Molalla last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hirte o f Port- Friday evening.
the offices in Portland where she
unconscious, falling into the sw ift
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kenny o f Leona
land were guests at the home o f Mr.
met Mr. Sharp. The most sincere
d iy ra n t o f the river.. A number o f
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cooke and A1
and Mrs. W, E. H all last Sunday.
congratulations from a host o f friends
worKwren hurried to his assistance, Cooke o f Portland, were dinner guests
Mrs. Wallace Smith went to Portland spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
in th's locality are extended to the
;bu tTe4 being the beit sprinter, reach- * the Bob Cooke home Tuesday night.
last Monday to visit Mr. Smith at the Dennis Kenny o f Morrow Stasion.
young couple. They will continue to
Mr. and Mrs. D. Eshleman are re-
Good Samaritan hospital.
ed the man first just as he went down. I
reside in Portland.
Ted followed hi* body down the riv-
E- E- Sating was obliged to give up
j® '°.n? r.utUlo i l f " S ° f_ numer
Rev. C. T. Cook o f the M. E. church
er and finally saw it at the bottom o f work at Camp 8 this week because o f ° us f ' len<ls ° « r the birth o f a son on
Mr and Mrs w . H. Symms and has been requested to repeat the ser-
Boy Scouta Reorganize
«the stream. He dove down and regcu- an injury to his back and has been
1110i nin&> ovem tr 1 , in an jyjrs j ncz Greenleaf o f Portland, mon he gave to the boys and girls a
« d the man who later recovered from hom# f ° r a f ew days.
ospita . . <>t er an were jrUeSfS at the home o f their sis- few Sundays ago and will do so on
A t u meeting held in the Methodist
Ris injury.
,chlld arc * ett,ng aIonB very n,cely' ter, Mrs. O. E. Syron last Sunday.
Sunday, December 4.
Mr. and Mr». Fred Sipbert o f Port­
church a few evenings ago a Boy
land visited over the week end at the
The local O. E. S. enjoyed a most
The Masonic order at this place is
Mrs. J. W. Kiger, who has been Scout organization was again formed
Children’s Party /
home o f Mrs. Siebert’s parents, Mr. pleasant evening Tuesday night at planning fo r a special entertainment visiting her mother and sister at the to which 2.‘l boys expressed a wish
to become Scouts. Arnold Drews, o f
Monday afternoon Mrs. TJ. H. El- and Mrs. W. M. Douglass.
their regular meeting. There was a at the Liberty theatre on the evenings Sturgeon home fo r
several days,
wood gave a party for Jh-r daughter
good attendance and the entertain- 0f November 29-30. The pictures they le ft fo r her home at Tillamook the the high school faculty, is the scout
master and Rev. C. T. Cook is assist­
Dori*, to celebrate her >0th birth- Mrs. T. E. Hammon, who had a light ment committee provided most sumpt- have selected for this oceassion are latter part o f last week.
ant. They meet at the church every
day. Games were played and later Stroke some time ago, is able to be uous refreshments and entertainment, recommended very highly and t h
e r e -----------------------
the children were seated at a large around now. She is in town this week
will be other attractions.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Douglass o f The Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sparks and son
were Portland visitors Sunday.
table decorated in pink and white, looking a fter her property.
Neighbors o f W oodcraft Elect
------------------- Dalles, were here over the week end
The P. T. A. benefit at the Liberty to attend the wedding reception o f |
Church of Christ
Places were laid fo r Doris Elwood, I
The follow ing officers have been theatre last Friday night and Satur- their niece, Mrs. William Short, on
Suzanne Cooke, Hazel Cox, Jean Lem- 1 Mr- and Mrs. W. E. Buell and fam-
on, M yrtle Moore, Pauline Moore, Er-
'Jy spent the week end visiting Mr. named fo r the Neighbors o f Wood- day matinee, was well attended and Saturday evening and were guests
Special meetings continue with Ev­
ma Beers, Lucy M etcalf, Ruth Kitch- Buell’s mother and Mrs. Buell's fath- craft fo r the insuing year: Past the association’s share in the pro- Sunday at the J. H. Denning home.
angelist Daniel ,summer o f Indiana-
ing. Crystal Follet and Velma Doug- er and mother at Falls City, Oregon. Guardian fieighbor, M argaret Moss; ceeds amounted to a little more t h
pol's, Ind., as the speaker. The ser­
las. Mrs. Rickman and Mr». Adiane
--------------- ;----- -
Guardian Neighbor, Hattie Fuller; Ad $11.00. There were ten reels o f pic-
Bob Cooke Jr. entertained the boys vices last Sunday were well attended
Schoonover assisted Mrs. Elwood in
^ r' and
< harlie Hicinbotham visor, Carry Marshall; Clerk, Jane tures and each picture gave excellent o f the second grade with a birthday anil three services are announced for
serving the little folks.
went to Molalla on Saturday last to {¡¡shop; Banker, Charles Fuller; Magi- satisfaction.
luncheon Tuesday noon. Jack Duus, next Sunday, at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p.
• •y
. -
attend the C lackamas County Con- tion, Ruth Keith; Attendant, Olive
Charles Surfus, Theodore Alburg, in. and 7:00 p. m. Preaching every
Next P. T. A. Meeting
vention o f Odd FFellows and Rebek- Bishop; Captain o f Guards, Lola Dod-
A Correction
Brooks Snyder, Douglass Milan and night this week beginning at 7:30.
gon; F lag Bearer, Lee McKinBey; In -1
Allan Carter were seated at the table. Ilihie class each night is o f much
interest. The Bible must he studied
T h e next meeting o f the Estacada
er Sentinel, Lula Snyder; Outer Sen-
An item in this paper last week
Parent Teacher« Association will be
Eukewill, who final, Bessie Marshall; Press Corre- said that Mrs. W. E. Linn, Matt L m --
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Graves and fam in order to be understood is urged on
held Tuesday, November 29 at 3 p. m. bave been visiting at the G. E. Law- 8pondent, Ida Norris; Managers, Ev-
berry and Boh Gaard had made a ily o f Portland, visited with the the
people by the church o f Christ.
in tha grade school assembly room.
rence home the past few weeks, re- ciy n Lawrence. Ray Keith, Blanche
business trip to Eastern Oregon, when l'r's aunt and uncle, Mr. and All
are invited to attend these ser­
Mrs. W. W. Gabriel, president o f the
^urned t0 there home in Marshfield, Norris. The installation
will take
it should have read Messrs. W. E. John O’ Brien, last Sunday and
at- The special meetings now g o ­
ing Ar- on may be ended next Sunday
Oregon Congress o f Parents and
Oregon, Wednesday. place January 1, and the installing o f
Linn, Lonsberry and Gaard made the tended the birthday party o f Miss
Teachers will give an interesting talk
ficer will be Lola Dodson.
trip. The News is sorry for the blund- villa Travis at the home o f Mrs. J. T. night.
explaining the work and purposes o f
^ r' and ^ rs' Benry Beers and Mrs.
er and
pleasure in making the Irvin.
the association. There will also be Wallace Smith’s mother and sister,
The Estacada Masonic lodge visit
C. A. Hurst Passes
Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Coop and Mr. cil Oregon Lodge No. 101, Portland
some musical numbers by the child- w1,° * r ' her«
drove to Port­
and Mrs. M. A. Dobson drove over Wednesday evening. There were 2
W. W. Smith Injured
invited to — at- ,and ,aat . .. Sunday
---- You are cordially
— . ---------—
, to _ visit ,, W aU
. »«
C. A. Hurst, an old resident o f this
from Tillamook, Ore., to attend the Masons from Estacada who charter
tend whether you are a member or S™dh at the (’ 0011 ’ am" rBan hos- p||u.e paued away Wednesday morn-
ing. Funeral arrangements have not Last Saturday afternoon, Wallace wedding o f A rlie Coop and Miss ed the large school bus and drove ove
Smith cleahcd his six-shooter, loaded Jeannette Naysmith, last Saturday at all reporting a fine time.
been made at this writing.
Miss Caroline Cook spent the week
yehekah. Visit Gresham
it and placed it in the holster. In Camas, Wash., spending Sunday at
end with her parents at the Methodist
u. -
The school bus is still using th
Mrs. J. G. Hayman entertained her handli" * il jt sIipped from the h,,l*'ter thp b "me, o f Mr and
R S- r ° op
T h i" local ord fr o f Rebekah* report parsonage. One o f her
pupils in
<■ .
, ,
. .
. anu
io me
and ien
fe ll to
the nuur
floor inn
and uiacnargeu,
discharged, at this place.
Fugle Creek bridge, work being hel
a moat enjoyabWktime Monday even- »'b o o l, Miss Agnes Tilja, came with ’
- ’ bo
a‘ her home ' ast the bu)|et strikin(f bim in the left leg
up on account o f the bad weathei
when about 43
her- They returned to Canyonville girll( amugcd themselv J
Armistice Day passed away very \\ hen tra ffic no longer uses thi
W When
«3 members
mem her» visited her.
a marsh below the knee. He was immediately
the Gresham lodge. The degree team Sunday,
taken to the Good Samaritan hospital, quietly in Estacada. The hank, store:! bridge, the bus will run just the sam<
mallow*roast and played games. The
' j r 3 nicely exem plified the
me work
worn |
' .
lln . ,
members o f the class are, Evelyn Portland, under the care o f Dr. Gil- and most all the businor houses were starting from the other side o f th
when two candidates were initiated.
M ls- " •
LaBarre went up to Log . . . . . . .
bert. An X-Ray examination located closed and many people attended foot bridge each morning. Only the Cui
The large school bus was used to con- E»Barre last Thursday to entertain
ate!l’ I;0“ '."* ^ rm' a part o f the bullet near his knee ball games and celebrations at other rinsville hoys and girls will have t
vey the visitor» to Greihant and there Mrs. F. H. Rasom and son Bob until ' onK’ ( arro
'>cum and G,en “ T - while the other parts went into the places. The streets were gaily decor- find some olhiT mode o f transport!
were also several other cars hmded Sunday evening. They were from
bone, shattering it very badly.
ated with flags and there was a good tion to attend school.
to capacity. Th® Estacada ladies Portland and make trips to this pnpu- A number o f F. T. P. officials visit
A t this writing, Thursday, it is re- attendance at the Liberty Theatre.
ed Estcada Wednesday morning.
spenk very highly of the splendid ho»- *ar resort every year,
ported that he is resting quite com-
pitallty given them hy the Gresham
fortably and the physicians think he Glenn Ely, Morris Bullard and Haw-
Enough members fo r one cluss h*
will get along satisfactorily unless ard Davis, the three young men at- been secured for the dress makin
bins, Oregon, w-here he has charge o f very ill and confined to her bed, the complications set in.
tending the O. S. C., at Corvallis and millinery and home decorations lei
Mrs. John * W * «e l o f Portland, ac- a ftak hatchery, nearly lost the sight News is sorry to report.
members o f the Estacada Band, drove sons anil all those who wish to join
companied by her nice« Louise Dubois
bis eyes a few days ago
P „1 e
Bills are out announcing the band from Corvallis to Molalla last Satur- second Has should notify Mrs. W. .
Mrs. F. W. Kaake drove over to .
. *
., .
dance at the Park pavilion on Satur- day to assist the hoys in making Moore at once and then Miss Bes
were in Estacada last Sunday. Louise by * * ttin* a pi« ce o f
,n il- Mr-
' , ~
H , “
. ----- ,.d Tuesday evening, accom- ,
i. living with her aunt and attending ^ s c h e r was a resident o f this place
’’ . ' . • . 1
."/ l x
i i j-
day evening,
26. Good music. Howard and M om * are mem- Chappell the instructor will immec
panied by several ladies, to hear Rev.
, ___ .
___, , . . .
tbers of the cadet band at the college. lately b* summoned.
tbg Jefferson high school.
fo r a number o f years.
Bulger prelcb