EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMHER 10, 1027 1 Improved Uniform International SHE WENT FROM BA" TO WORSE Sunday School Down to 98 Pounds — Final]]! Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink ham’» Vegetable Compound; Cleveland, Ohio.— "After having m> first baby, I lost weight, no matter what I did. Then a doctor told me I would be better If I had another baby, which I did. But I got worse, was al­ ways sickly and went down to 98 pounds. My neigh­ bor told me about Lydia E. Plnkham's V e g e t a b le Com- ound, as It helped her very much, so tried It After taking four bottles, I weigh 116 pounds. It has Just done wonders for me and I can do my house­ work now without one bit of trouble." — Mas. M. R iessingeb , 10004 Nelson Ave„ Cleveland, Ohio. If some good fairy should appear, and offer to grant your heart’s desire, what would you choose? Wealth? Happiness? Health? That’s the best gift. Health Is riches that gold cannot buy and surely health Is cause enough for happiness. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com­ pound may be the good fairy who offers you better health. f H ir a U u , p irv lf vac*tiHk. lafaats ..4 CkilSrm'i ft.fnl.tor, (om ok on «very UWL Guaranteed uon-narcohc, non-alcoholic. MRS. WINSLOWS SYRUP The laianU’ and Children’* Regulator Children grow healthy and free from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, constipation and other trouble If Riven it at teething time. j Safe, pleasant—always brinRs re­ markable and gratifying results. | A t A ll D r u g g is te ( C re d it to M o to rista? The automobile bus been responsible for the development of a sturdier find Incidentally a smarter race of roosters and chickens, according to Rich­ ard C. Haldemnn, president of the Pennsylvania Motor federation. Ualde- mnn asserts that the large num­ ber of chickens killed on the roads during the early days of the auto- blle age weeded out “ mentally unfit roosters and hens.” He asserts that Instead of being blamed for the chick­ ens which are still killed the motorists should be thanked, for they are aiding the farmer In developing a better grade of fowls. * > - A The bureau of public roads has de­ veloped an Instrument that determines accurately the relative smoothness of a highway. F e e l T ir e d a n d L a n g u id ? ^ L W A Y S tired and achy> Sur« your kidney« are w orking right? Sluggish kidneys allow waste poisons to remain in the blood and make one dull and languid, w ith often nagging backache, drowsy headaches and dizzi­ ness. A common warning is scanty or burning secretions. Use D o a n ’s P ills. D o a n ’s, a stimulant diuretic, increase the secretion o f the kidneys and aid in the elimination o f waste impurities. T h ey are praised the w orld over. A sk your neighbor l D O A N ’S STIMULANT DIURETIC KIDNEYS foster Milbum Co. Mlg.Ckem.Duffalo.NY CO R N S Ends p a in a t on ce / In one m in u te pain from corns is endsd. Dr. Scholl's Z \ no-pads d o this aa/e/y b y rem oving ths cau se— pressing and rubbing o f shoes. T h e y are thin, medi­ cated, antiseptic, healing. A t all drug and shoe stores. Cost but a trifle. D Z S ch oll's 'Lino-pads Put on« on —the* pain is gone! r Lessonf