Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 10, 1927, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
Number 6
As the Holiday season will soon be
with us again with the usual call fo r
the exchange o f “ Christmas Tokens”
now is the time to prepare fo r it by
saving up your heavy wrapping paper
and strong twine fo r this purpose,
fo r packakges wrapped in loose flimsy
tissue like paper are not acceptable
fo r
mailing. In other
words, wrap
your packages with good heavy’ paper,
tie with strong string, address with
High School News o f the Past Week
Dr. C. P. Johnson and fam ily le ft
on Wednesday fo r Portland,
Jacob Moss was home over the week
The Sophomores will entertain the
time party on
o r. h . M. Kramer spent the wee5: Freshmen at a hard
end with relatives in Portland.
nursday evening.
Guy Fenton has his nose taped be-
cause o f a little mixup in the West
Friday in the fifth game o f the sea- pnd flo m the Lu Dee loBBinK camp.
son with a score o f 33-0. In the first
fe w seconds o f the first quarter,
F. Lovelace attended the stock
West Linn made a touchdown on the show 511 Portland last Thursday and
first kickoff, which somewhat
dis- Friday..
James H. Kitching Paines
Funeral services were held from the
Methodist church Friday afternoon
with Rev. C. T. Cook officiating, for
W. A. Heylman was u
business j ames jj Hitching, aged 73, who de-
visito, in
Monday parteti from this life November 2,
1927, after an extended illness. In-
-----------— - -
terment was made in the I. O. O. F.
Earl Wagner is building a residence cometary at this place. Mr. kitch-
sm u la!"w ith Mr
w « 0"
L i" " footbl‘ U »fame> althou« h “ was couraged our boys. E tacada then
w“ " : Y
h M
d M
Jacob one o f the eleanest games played this started her real football fight and
year on the home field.
made \\ est Linn play fo r their next
Three more games and the footbal scores. Charles Lingelbach, who plays
Mrs’ A1 HaVens o f Portland was
a season w ill be over and the basket le ft guard, was unable to play be
* Ues.t at the M ’ Schock home las‘ ball season will begin.
cause o f the injury received in the
Mr. Drews reports now that the Mllw.utkie g u n * last Friday. IPs hel]
new band saw is installed. The man- was greatly missed by the team and 80,llh 01 Ule Lloyd ' OCUi" property
on Currin street.
Mrs- L - Simmons o f Portland is a ucl ‘ training boys will be able to make he was needed
much several
Buest at the home o f Mrs. M. Schock many new things, such as waste times.
this week.
lmskets, magazine racks, end tables,
1 his Thursday' Estacadu will play The
grade school is preparing a
——— — —
e‘ c’ ^ be work °n the grandstand is Canby on the home field. W e arc play to be given at the Thanksgiv-
The speeder from Camp “ 8” was almost completed and they will start hoping for a more favorable score,
ing entertainment.
two hours late Tuesday morning on to paint it soon.
Everybody attend this game and heir
account o f a land slide.
West Linn defeated Estacada last support the team
Howard Duvis, who is attending
__________the O. S. C. at Corvallis, spent the
week end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Reiling, o f
W. B. Lemon Selli Farm
The “ Dope” on the New Ford
Hillsboro, were Sunday guests at the
t i .„ v ...
i to
. report , ,,
the News is pleased
that .
A. W. Schedell home.
A deal was closed one day last week Absolute knowledge have I none
whereby W a ller B. Lemon sold his Hut my aunt's washerwoman's son proved since his last bad spell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linn spent the
GO acre farm fiv e miles southeast o f Heard a policeman on his beat
week end at their home here. They
Estacada, in the Garfield district, to Huy to a lobster on the street
Air. and Mra. Frank Whitaker were
are now located at Sandy.
W. E. Stoothoff o f Portland, taking That he had a letter just last week
among those from this place who at­
the latter’s neat little cottage on East Hand written in the finest Greek
tended the stock show in Portland,
,1 ,0 0
* Pauline
a u n iii,
i Rose
vu oc
l has
V cl V _ . .
ill and was threatened with pneumo- 86,th streat’ that, c’ ty ’ !n„ on ,he trans- l ?
*. ,h' " ese co° !,e
T.mbuctoo Friday.
action. Mr. and Mrs. Lemon moved " h o said that a son in Cuba knev
n‘a> hut is improving at this time.
into Estacada o f f their farm some O f a colored gent in a Texas town
j ] r. and jjra. J. C. Pimm and fam-
mg has been a member o f the Me-
ink, giving fu ll and complete address,
thodist church fo r several years.
with your return address in the up-
Deceased was born April 9, 1854, ut
per le ft hand corner, mail early and
Dalton, Yorkshire, England.
your packagkes will reach their desti-
He moved to Canada in 1375 and was
nation in good condition.
married to Julia Burdett, October 24,
In order to secure the best results,
1877, in Ontario, Canada. They mov­
we must invite and receive the clos-
ed to Oregon in 1891, locating at
est cooperation o f the mailing public,
Salem and later to Currinaville, be­
I t is earnestly hoped that all will ex-
ing a resident o f Oregon fo r 30
ercise the same care in preparing
years. To this union was born twelve
their packages fo r mailing this Christ
children, ten
mas they did the last two holiday
( k . ie n c
A 1 ...id
II.. ____
George ...i.l
and Harry
seasons, thereby avoiding disappoint-
K itching reside at Estacada, also one
ments, fo r not one report was made
daughter, Airs. Lester Hale. The oth­
on account o f a lost or damaged pack
er daughters are Mrs. A. W. Ken­
nedy, Bellingham, Washington, Mrs.
Please note that this year Christmas
George Gray, San Diego, California,
dH o
v on
O u llU d J i
W i l t . II there
U lc lc
W ill
Mrs. l a r i Sand cl!, Klamath Falls,
no deliveries, except Special Deliver-
Airs. II. W. Beale, Independence,
ies, but the routes will be served on
Mrs. A. W. Shankiand, Portland.
Monday, consequently i f you wish
There are also 22 grandchildren.
? ° i l t_ r:i5 h^ , fr °!!l a circu.s clown >*y o f Portland, were in this vicinity
your packages to reach their destin • Wm. Handle has traded his Spring- tW° ye? ra a>r° ’ havi" K had H ,r ented
ation on or before Christmas Day, water farm fo r property near Ante- since then\ Possassion o f each P™- T bat a man ir‘ Klondike B°t ‘ he news fo r a short time last Sunday calling
perty is to be exchanged January 1st. * rom a gang o f smooth American
on friends.
Community Club
mail early and a ffix a Special Deliv- '° P e in the eastern part o f the state.
Mr. Stoothoff is a proofreader on
ery stamp to the belated package.
the Oregon Daily Journal o f that About some fellow in Borneo
G lenn, Ely and
The next m e e tin g o f the Tastern
I t is advisable to place your re-
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clanton drove
city and will continue his work on Who knew a man who claimed to
drove over from Corvallis last Fri- Clackamas Community club JGmes
turn card in your package, but no to Vancouver Saturday and spent the
that paper, making the trip back j
day evening to spend the week end the night after Thanksgiving. The
other writing, unless you wish to pay week end with friends at that place.
and forth each day in his auto. Mrs. A hermit who lived beside a lake
with relatives.
program committee announces that
postage at the letter rate, or at the
■ ..
. ,
rate o f 32 cents per pound. Scaling' Miss Maude Sherman, accompanied
an<1 son Harry wl11 conduct To m-nvo „
. : ! . ^ ! , , . lm^ ' ,akc
the entire evening almost, will be giv-
your packages also subjects them to by her mother, drove to Portland
HasPstated in i t * ®,ater ?* n,ece.
M r- aad Mrs. Charlie K reager and Cn over to the program, which they
the 1st class or letter rate.
last Saturday to attend the horse
That she ha V s
8 ™
P'ecc baby o f Portland, were guests at the promise will be highly entertaining.
As a result o f the annual “ turkey T .
. , ..
", wbo knows about home o f the form er’s brother, Juliu: The committee is composed oi Mr«
Register or insure all valuable pack- show.
ages, and all fragile or perrishable
ruri n” race held last week, George
b V
C ook ! L T
T ', * * ^
K rie* cr> last Sunday’
" C. Stephens, Mrs. A. U. Ames and
Miss Lura Berry from Portland, Lingelbach o f Estacada will be on the tjon l() r. r
a e and in posi-
j . k . Ely. Everybody invited to at-
articles must be well packed in strong
cartons or boxes so as to protect them was a visitor over the week end at cross country team to vie with the
us the re^l dope soon.
Miss Elanor Scott and Miss Alga tend this meeting and bring your
and their contents.
the home o f her aunt, Mrs. E. E. University o f Oregon Armistice day. 1 .
------ -------------- —
Samuelson, ot the high school facul- friends.
Do not seal your packages with Hannah.
This “ run” is featured each year to
^ • L. ( hapman o f Odel, was a busi-
spent the week kend at t h
e i r -----------------------
Christmas seals nor place them in the |
Bet material from intramural contest- nessi V5s,‘ or in Estacada Wednesday, borne.-, in Portland and Oregon City.
address side, but there is no objection
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kitching and ants fo r the varsity teams.
---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
to placing them on the sides or back daughter Mias Wilma, were guests o f
A loving cup, turkeys, ducks, chick- , ' V Gates ui Gresham was among
' Ir ' : r'“ Mrs. Harold Wooster ar.a
The ( ; nrlleid Gfa-n k wdj
o f the package.
M r- and Mrs. A. Bell at Sandy last ens and a goose egg were given to the v,sitors at this place on Wednes Kon Harry came down from Camp dance on Saturday evening, Novem ­
The two cent rate applies to Christ- Sunday.
the clubs and fraternity houses which ay’
k kls‘ Saturday and drove to Port ber 12th, in the hall at Garfield.
mas and N ew Years Cards.
■ -
made the most points. A limit o f
land to attend the horse show.
Everybody invited.
A close observance o f the above
M r- and Mrs. Kenneth W hitney and 12 men were allowed each group and
Viv,:m Gorham left fo r Eu-
Oliver Beck, son o f Mr. ami Mrs. I
suggestions will be highly appreciated baby o f Portland were the guests o f the points were determined by the 5ene ‘ oday to attend the home
K. E. Beck, arrived home one day
Mr. W hitney’s father, J. C. Whit- placement o f each runner in the con- lnfr at tbe State University,
b y the postal service in general.
Don’t forget this is the date the
Estacada will not observe Armistice wher0 lle bns been working fo r some
Ladies' Aid o f the Methodist Episco­
The Neighbors o f W oodcraft an­
City Council Proceeding«
The Parent-Teachers Association ^
1° n l y , ? th the exception that the time
pal Church will serve a Wnifle Sup-
nounce that their next card party will are very anxious that you attend their Hank will be closed on that day.
Mis. W. A. Heylman had another Per *n ‘ he I. O. O. F. Hail beginning
T lie regular monthly meeting o f the be held on Thursday evening, Nov- show Friday and Saturday o f this
C ity Council was held Tuesday ev- ember 17.
Everybody invited and week. There will be ten reels inciud-
ening, November 8, at the city hall, welcome
,ed in this show. The main picture
Those present were Mayor Stephens,
will be the “ The Bugle Call’ this
recorder W illiam Dale and council-
® ne day last week, Miss Ruth Day picture alone is worth the price of
men Osborne, Duus, Rose, Lovelace sPrained her arm and was unable to addmission. Jackie Coogan will be
and Morgan.
work the machines in the bank. Har- there in "O ur Gang” and this pic-
Minutes read and approved. Bills veY Woodward was called upon to true is sure to amuse the children as
were audited by finance committee substitute.
weH ag j be g rown people. Then will
and on motion ordered paid. Record-j
come one reel o f Animal and Bird
er Dale was ordered to draw warrants 1 Mrs. W. E. Linn and Matt Lons- L ife and everyone should see it. The
•on the d ifferen t funds fo r the same, berry o f this place and Bob Gaard addmission price is very low only 25e
A motion \va3 made that the side-
Hea\er Creek left fo r Madris, Ore- and 10c and you are sure to get your
-walk on the south and west side o f B»n last Monday morning to look aft- money’s worth,
the A d ix property, on Second and er business interests.
Currin streets be condemned.
Mrs. Wm. W __________
eingart spent Thursday
The Foster & and Kleiser Adver- ! Be™ard Whitaker, who has b e e n 'o f this week in Portland. The occa-
Using company asked fo r the right to ° ver " e 0® ‘ be 'oast working all sum-!sion being her birthday.
place advertising boards in the city o f mer> returned home Monday e v e n i n g ! ____________ ^__
s “ ” ?“'
w high
allowed to put up bill boards on what
ever property they have leased.
On motion the recorder was asked
to get cost o f tra ffic signs and re-
port at the next meeting.
On motion council adjourned.
L ad iei’ Aid
The Ladies’ Aid o f the Christian
church met at the home o f Mrs. Sher-
man, Thursday afternoon, November
3, and made plans fo r its annual
bazaar and business men’s lunch,
which will be held on Saturday, D e c
ember 10. W e will have several
b ooths
consisting o o f f
can dy* f ancy work, aprons and a
W h ite' F'ephant booth, besides our
lunch, v ''b'eb >» always good.
Kee’p tl « date free and eome and
spend the , *ay w i‘ h us. Where the
i « hold
w ill
bazaar will b
.nounced later.
A ‘d meet'
ing w ill be with h . * » J- C. Duus, on
Thursday afternoon, .November 17.
W e hope to bave^a
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Barzee o f More me!’ tio" in the do11 sh,,w hcld Bt Bt 5:30 P ' M' Come und tn j ° y th'*
Meier & Frank’s store, Portland, last|*uPPer w *th us*
were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs.
week fo r her modern rag dolls. She
W. E. Buell Tuesday evening.
had twelve entered.
Notice to Eastern Stars
1 Pbe b'Rb school entertainment drew
T |„,r0 will bl. ....................
a stated communica-
a lar£e house last Friday evening. Mrs. Lena Underwood and son. Les-
^ be P10B>am consisted o f music by tc_‘ dlove down
*rom Underwood,
tion o f Mountain Chapter,
No. 108,
tbe high school orchestra, a one act A'ash'ngton last Sunday, returning (j, E. S. on Tuesday evening,
,,lily entitled “ Moonshine,” number! Monday.^ Miss Irma Jone
r 22, at the Masonic hall, com­
by *be Girls’ Glee Club and the op- panied them home.
I m incing at 7:30. The committee on
ere“ a, “ Cynthia’s Strategy.”
J entertainment (has promised some-
___________ __
, G b.sler Woiner came out from Port- thing especially entertaining for this
ir tr r"
school so as to make up some goes ^ Grcsham next Mond
even. ning a hote).
|ing to exempiif y the work fo r the
| o
| Gresham lodge. About 40 are ex 1
I Several Months ago, Mrs. Sam Ban-
The Masonic Building Association
pected to go.
bad her le ft eye injured. Since then
will put on a show here November
at times it has given her trouble, but
29 and 30. The pictures that will be
this week the vision seems to be ef-
presented at this time are “ Kid Boots’
ifected and the trouble is givin g her
U N IV E R S IT Y OF OREGON, Eu and “ French Fried.”
considerable concern.
gene.—Ignaz Friedman, the first artist
on the concert series of A. 8. U. O., is
Somebody had a very narrow escape scheduled for November 15.
*as‘ Friday when a bug and a Ford
The Polish pianist has been ranked
collided on the corner o f Second and by leading musical critics of the
Main streets. The Ford was quite J United States, Europe and South
badly “ *ed up but the bug received America ns the last of .c y c le of great
- - — *»
a . w
p resent.
Davis ranch near Estacada a couple W ormcr and brought them a new up-
o f weeks ago, was a caller at this <>f-
fice Thursday and had us to nut his to-dale radio set for a present.
Barber Shop Changes Hands
name on the subscription list. Mr.
'I' i -*'"1 .V“ 1' _ “ lr ' . When you come to the task o f try-
The Denny barber shop on Broad-
............. ..................... ...... . a.
brance at Christmas time, think o f name o f Hopkins and the new pro
™fnfN T r Kffi.CC an;! lh,° f i ne. p r i e t o r expects to take charge about
ment o f Christmas Card samples that «.
i r .,
we have on hand. Order early.
Mr. Hop-
.............. .. ........... kins wi]1 be no gtran(for to ,nany o f
M -.s R. E. Beck and daughter, Miss the people o f Estacada, ns he owned
Rho.ia Beck and son, Oliver, visited nnd operated a shop a fe w years ago
Portland last Saturday where they on lb(. CBSt 8jdt, o f Broadway in the
met a nephew o f Mrs. Beck’s and all b|ock now occupied by ihe Masonic
attended the stock show in the after- building.
The Estacada Band will sponsor an- noon and the horse show in the even-
other Dance Saturday night Novem-
returning home Sunday.
Youth Who Removed Mail to Get
ber 26. The dance will he held in the
Candy is Paroled to Father.
Estacada Park Pavilion and you will
have some more o f that pood music
Nessler and
Found to be n ithing worse than
that was furn;shed b the home ,
" « s e ' Badger o f Portland, wer.
...... r
E r^ yb od y« ,
„ .... great come and
tn joy u ’
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walderhous o f
Work on the Eagle Creek bridge
U N IV E R S IT Y OF OREGON. Eu- Oakland, California, visited the lat-
was begun last Monday and tra ffic is
gene.—The sons of John predominate ‘ re s sister, Mrs. H. A. LaBarre for
stiH usinB ‘ be old bridge. W e are in-
over others of their species.
a coup*e o f days this week They
th a t th o h r id p o w i l l
to tra ffic next Tuesday and the per
Thif wnB one of tno «Lacovene* made spent Monday ni^ht at Lojr LaBarre
, . . th- . . .
when the new University student and Tuesday were in Estacada visit-
“ ? th* -¡rectory was issued
A total of 3€ ing v..ith M r. LaBarre.
' ,
Johnsons hende.l the list of l i k
_______________ John Olson
, ;
to hts f . t i , ’ n v
|M' lcd ' h
■ Henry,
behnei.ler in federal court Monday
“ H er he had been sentenced to one
yf ar, ' n ‘ be reform atory for violating
Uncle Sam’s postal laws.
Assistant United States Attorney
Am ong the relatives and friends Mai-h explained that, unable to ob-
from out o f town who attended the i,,u : M,ney rroni
almost destitute
funeral o f James H. Kitching last par‘ ,n'
A lf,t d h«d resorted to tak­
Friday afternoon, were Mr. and Mrs.
^ o.n mail box,
i „ the
o f Illinois Mr. and Mrs Fstacadn region where he lives in an
er side-of the bridge.'" '
Andrew Shankiand and
on, <
Shankiand, Portland, Dr. and Mrs. H
Beal, Independence, Mr. and
Orie Whitney, Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Jark Robinson also o f Portland and
a fe w friends from Canby and Sandy.
■— --------------------
H. O. Boswell, collector for the P.
E. P. Company from Gresham, was an
Estacada visitor Tuesday.
---------- -- ■ ■ ■
Mis* Saliic Clinton o f Portland
spent the last week end with her
friend Miss Vivian Gorham.
but slight damage. It is said that £ • « '■ *
*.... / ' ; a’" ry'
o r n e r , I Pcdcrew.kl, de Pnehmann and
both cars
ears were
were cutting
cutting the
the c corners
w bich caused the accident.
L .i
llo f
W edding bell, w ill soon be ringing
for two well known young people o f
this vicinity; in fact we can almost
S’arver ha-: The Band dance last Saturday night
The residence o f B.
hear tbe vibration today. Get your
he reshingled.
wedding stationery at the News of-
teemed pleased with the orchestra
fire. A guarantee— almost, o f hap-
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson and which is composed o f all home nrem- g-pc.—A letter dcsr;i:.i g the first piness thrown in.
children. o f Gresham, were dinner bers. The members o f the orches-
trip lias been received from Henoil
guests at the W. E. Buell home Fri- trn are, Glen Davis, leader and cor-
ItrCrc kv, Avery T! ,.q --.n slid .1 , !. The Foreign Missionary Society met
day evening. They also attended the net player; Everett Osborne, saxa- Hrmpstead. The letter we« written junl Tuesday afternoon at the home o f
program at the high school that night, phone; Harry Osborne, banjo; A. G
before the trio lauded in Honolulu, und Mrs. E. E. Hannah 9 ladies were pre-
___________ ___
Ames, bass; Morris
Bullard, slide i good time on the boat »•»« reported sent. They made their plans for the
Pay your Subscription to the News trombone: Atlee Erickson, drums; | The young men aro now on thv.r waj coming year and took in one new
as we can always use the money.
.Mrs. Otto Kiggins, pianist.
I ‘ ° Tokio, Japan.
.member, Mrs. Upton.
Smiths number 23 on the list.
' '' "
v > „ , „ g at the
” f ‘ he>r daughter and sister,
Mrs. W. H. Grabeel. Little Jean Gra-
heel accompanied them home and Mr
nrd Mrs. Grabeel drove to Portland
for her Sunday,
' to obtain stamps
be traded fo r sweets. No stamps or
money were obtained.— Oregon Jour-
n* ’
The local order o f Kekeknhs on-
.{»ps-aap.->A\ iiur.iaoo
>o:, n pe.f.fof
,’ i,'b ‘ a f‘ e' ‘ be regular meeting! They
bad v,bat is termed a "W h ite Ele-
phanl” party. Everybody was sup­
lo ed to bring something from home
tbh* 'va" a burden or was useless to
‘ ¡'em. While at the party they ex-
changed these article« and had a
merry time in so doing.