Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 27, 1927, Image 1

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eastern- Qllarkamaa
¿ w
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
Mr. Denning is still improving.
Neal Bronson left yesterday for
Bridal Veil where he has secured em­
Mrs. VV. E. Linn has been on the
their second problem which is making History bulletin board might be mo- sick list this week.
Eire destroyed the home o f Mr. and
P. T. A. held its .....................Mrs.
second regu- Nellie Walters of Portland, is the* dre88e8' T,he first year ‘•la88 is mentarily Partied, thinking that he
lar meeting in the grade assembly here visiting at the home of her broth ma* inK cotton dresses while the sec- was unaware of great turmoil going Jess Denny from Tillamook, was n Mrs. P. T. Monroe at Springwater at
room on Tuesday afternoon of this er, J. K. .Ely.
ond year cla88 18 makln* wooldresses. on
about him. Such headlines as wee!; end visitor at this place.
noon Tuesday. It was caused appar-
week. The prospects for this years
The Estacada high school tangles these appeared last week: “ Alexan-
ent|y f rom ., defective fiue. Some
work is very encouraging as a good
Mrs. Julius Krieger, who has been with Milwaukie high school at Mil- <'el
captured 1 hebes, Boy ( onfes-
Richard Hayman has gone to Bend o f the contents were saved and a
crowd, full o f enthusiasm and pep, very ill for some time, is somewhat waukie, October 28. It has not yet sor- * he World history class wrote
v.v. e he expects to get work.
small amount of insurance was car-
put over their election with a swing better this week.
been decided if the student body will news stories, editorials and diaries as
and launched some live purposeful
attend the game.
tbej might appear in the days of Al- Inr. and Mrs. George Douglass visit-
Mrs. Monroe was preparing dinner
plans for the year’s activities.
Mrs. M. E. Williams o f Gresham
The cooking class has been study-
*ed “ I the G. H. Denning homo Sun- when she discovered the smoke in
Mra. R. R. Cooke was elected presi- was a visitor at the G. H. Denning ing dough. They intend to serve an-
e r! f n,'i’*'„5*ass is memor' z' a8 a day.
the upper part of the house oves the
dent, Mrs. Nellie Gardner, vice-presi- home Wednesday.
other breakfast Friday. The table P°em ca
V visas de Atono, or
Neighbors also saw the
dent and Miss Maude Sherman, sec-!
will be decorated in black and orange
p,61?.68,0* Autumn-
Ralph Chaney is suffering this smoke and help was rushed to the
retary and treasurer. 3(5 members
Mr. anti
(.. Moore
M oore spent
['¿ T
........ Nedra v.ccl with a pet carbuncle on his place, but it was too late to save the
and Mrs. K.
R. E.
This ig report
reDOrt week to which gtu_
new freshman,
were added to the organization. One Sunday with Mrs. Moere’s parents, dents have been looking forward for
° enter<’ 1' -londay o f the neck
house, but by hard work and the aid
seventh week o f school. She has at­
o f the chief aims of the association Mr. and Mrs. John Page,
of the strong east wind, which was
the last six weeks.
tended the Lincoln high school in Krs. E. E. Saling o f Portland was blowing, the wood shed, garage and
will be the securing of additional
. ., , _
, ..
, .
A fter missing three days o f school Portland for the nast six weeks
playground equipment. It was deetd- j E. A. Whitney left one day last
, ,
a guest at the Fred Bartholomew well house were saved, though they
__ or ____
..._. strides week for a visit with _,_i:___
_ j and the six weeks exams, Mr. Drews Mr. Buell announced that he is look- home Sunday
ed j that - one
more giant
relatives _ and
only stand about fifty feet or a little
is back with the manual training ing forward to better grades the next
should be erected as soon as posible, friends at Pleasant home,
--------------------- more from where the house 3tood.
six weeks.
for the use o f the lower grades. Mr.
Mrs. Jack Hayden was among the
Definite future plans have not
“ Moonshine,”
subscrib- Portland
visitor from Estacada on been made but they will probal.lv live
‘«oonsmne, a
a one-act
one-act play,
p.ay, and
* ..e Freshmen
nave each
earn sunscriD-
Portland visitors
Buell considers the stride one of the Mrs. N. B. Ecker visited at the home
oper*tta’ ed t.°. f 'Ve monthly magazmes and a Wednesday morning.--------------------------- in the wood she,I and well house un­
most satisfactory pieces o f play ap- o f her daughter. Mrs. M. H. Boyle, “ Cyn« » a * Strat*Ky ” . “
wU1 be * ,ven at the h'Kh sch° o1 on wee.kly magazine. The monthly ma-
tU they can rebuild
peratus available, as it affords splen­ in Portland over the week end.
the evening of November 4th. The gazines are: Nature Magazine, Popu-
Mrs. ~
Ree Syron has been assisting
did muscular development with the
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dillon and child- 8ettin* o f “ Moonshine” is in the lar science, Radio Broadcast, Scienti- in the post office again this weel ^
mimimum o f expense, and in addi­
wh lo Mr. Johnson was ill. Woman s Foreign Missionary Society
tion it has no objectionable features. ren o f Portland were Sunday guests North Carolina Hills in a hut o f a fic American and Science and Inven-
moonshiner, played by Bob Hayden, tion. The weekly magazine is the
The Woman’s F oreign Missionary
100 per cent o f the teaching faculty at the Dillion home at this place.
The latter succeeds in capturing a Current Science.
Hr. and Mrs. W. E. Linn, Edward Society’ met at the home o f Miss Dil-
are members. Could we not make it
Mrs. Ellen Patterson and Wm. Por- revenue officer, Herbert Fifer, who ^ At the student body meeting last Ba’ cs and Mrs. A. Smith drove to Ion last Monday afternoon. At the
a 100 per cent parents affair as well?
close of the meeting the society de­
ter o f Upper Garfield visited their attempts to convince the moonshiner Friday, the officers of the Hycada Salem on business last Friday.
sister, Mrs. John Page, Saturday.
that he is a revenue officer who is wer? elected. Irene Davis was elect-
cided to choose up sides for a little
not looking for a still. The plot o f ed as editor and Lillian Duncan as
ri-S3 Wilma Kitching had as guests caniPa*£u to further the cause o f mis-
First Grade Note.
Miss Gertrude Dillon, who teaches “ Cynthia’s Strategy” is amusing and manager. Fred Voight was elected over the week end, Misses Edna and si,,nary work.
The pupils who are deserving of
special motion for scholarship for the at Leeburg, Oregon, spent the week interesting, while the music is delight as advertising manager for putting Helen Carter and Clark Halley from Mls- Slnith and Miss Dillon were
chosen captains. The dues are $1.25
first six weeks, are, Wanda Krieger, end here with her mother and sisters. fully harmonious. The part o f Cyn- up bills and getting tickets printed Newborg.
ithia is played by Alice Kaake. Stan- for the high school plays and enter-
that counts 100 points for your side
Richard Rose, Mayrose Bartholomew,
Mrs. M. M. Miller of Portland, sis-
<Fred Bue1» >* in Iova with her- tainments this winter.
Mrs. J. W. Carson went to Port- then if y ° u aUend regularity and
Phyllis Cary, Elmer Brown, Pauline
A few good improvements have land Wednesday morning to visit a read over the lesson it counts 10
More, Elr.ier Nielsen, June Wilcox ter o f Mrs. J. G. Hayman, visited at but tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry.
the Hayman home last Friday night.
(Elwin Beck and Kathleen Beck) op- been made in the manual training lady friend who is sick, returning the points for your side every meeting.
and Leslie Kiggins.
pose the match. Of course Stanley- 3hop. A new band saw to make circles sane day.
At the end of the church year, which
Those who have been perfect in at­
is the last o f September, the side hav
Mrs. C. E. Sparks and little son overcomes their objections,
but that and fancy curves and a new large
tendance and punctuality are, Les­
Portland last Friday
lie Kiggins. Mayrose Bartholomew, went
------ to
„ ------------
. to v isit,is the p]ot. There will also be music pulley on the lathe to make higher
A DeMoy was home again for a ing the most points '“ served with a
speed and better work.
Elmer Nielsen, Elmer Brown, Fred- relatives and did not return until ,by thc (,lee club and orchestra,
short tipie the first o f the week, and dinner by tho losinK side.
erick Haynes and Lloyd Duncan.
■■ 1,1 -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- called at this office to place an ad in
lh e soc,t'!y wiU study th€ 0ctober
the News.
number, Missionary Friend and will
meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Buell
November 30th, at 2:30.
A Smith and family have moved i n
- 1
to the cottage formerly occupied by
Church of Chri „ Prilnitive
; > ^
•''ir.ith is employed at Camp 2.
church Tuesday night and will be
Since the opening of school, we |
Charlie Baker was a passenge
. Cregnn Agricultural ('..liege, Cftrval
have lo»* several little folks, much to j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. L.nn went to Portiand lagt Saturday morning.
lis, Ctober 26— Jesse Kimmel, o f Est-
aiim WAotvai
% —
1 Y7 * J
- —
-• a i m - a ♦ /\ /la la k e n f n
our regret-
I Portland Friday evening to celebrate i
acada, junior in pharmacy, visited the
Larry Starr, who made his home j Mrs. Linn’s birthday at the home of
Quite a number from the Eastern, plant of thc Blumauer-Frank Drug
with h's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ber parents.
Clackamas Community club are plan-) Company in Portland last week-end
JJ. (). t’ xrrev, has returned to his par-
... with 100 other members of the O. A.
Ed Boner was taken suddenly ill ;ning on attending the Union o f Club
*mt* in California.
C. Pharaceutical association.
Joyce and June Wilcox have mov- |ast Sunday with acute indigestion meeting at Gladstone this evening.
school of pharmacy arranges a field
ed to Antelope, Oregon, for several jand has been very sick this week, but |
— ...........
trip to inspect the drug firm’s estab-
months. Janette Hudson has moved {g Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kiggins and lishment every year. Officials of the
with her parents to the Viola district.
------------------------- children and Mr. and Mrs. Everet
company Hnd officers of the asso-
Frank Boyer has been in very poor , Kiggins and family
ciation gave talks after a luncheon
ß o y In ju red
served the visitors.
b,a»t Friday, as the grade school better this week. He has been mak- last Sunday.
football team of Gresham was com- log his home at Linn’s Inn.
When you come to the task o f try-
Ing to Estacada to „ play
, the _ grade I
— ----J-
Basket ___________
Social and ______
inp to decide what to prive your many
school here, while near the Eagle Mr. and Mrs. H. R. banton have re-
There will be a basket social and friends, as a token of your remem-
Creek Grange Hall a touring car driv turned from Camp 8 where Mr. Fan- dance j,ejd
jj,e Garfield Grange i b,TanMe
Christmas time, think o f
tin by one o f the boys and contain- ton has been working on the new HalJ> Saturday, October 29.
i the News office and the fine assort­
ment of Christinas Card samples that
Ing nine boys including the driver, school house for several months
Mrs. Robertson we have on hand. Order early.
left the road when making the turn
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Rose and Miss
Rnd crashed into a telephone pole.
One boy in the party, George Dietl, Pauline Rose visited the wholesale
aged 13 sustained a fracture of the houses in Portland last Sunday and
left rist and had his thumb badly cut. ordered their stock o f holiday goods.
The top o f the car was completely
wrecked. The boys were brought to Postmaster A. N. Johnson has been
Estacada and had their game, but the quite sick during the past week and
injured boy was returned to Gresham most o f the time confined to his bpd.
He is improving at this time, how-
where his injuries were dressed.
^codcraf^ Card P»rt^
’¡’be ^¡r§t of a spries o f card parties
for )hp )vinter mpntbs given by |he
^Voqdcraft order, was he|d in thp
Masopic hall last Thursday evening
and was a very pleasant social affair.
Thfro w*r* players to fill 10 tables
itn<1 at t-he conclusion of the games,
lunch v.’ns served by a committee o f
ladies and the the balance o f the ev­
ening was spent in dancing. Winning
first prizes were Mr. and Mrs. Wal­
lace Smith. Other prizes were won by
Mrs. Leo Steinman and S. Lawrence.
h ? H ?ii{
III Uv U t ili
Mrs. Minnie tfanson was quite ill
the first of last week and unable to
he at her place at Marchbank’s res­
taurant and confectionery, but is im­
proving at this time,
Mr, and Mr*. F. G. Edmonson who
have been occuping apartments at
the Estacada hotel for several months
have taken apartments in the bank
building on Second and Currin Sts.
On the Esta
cada Park
Mrs. Al Harding, better known as
Lydia Mattson, was a guest at the
home o f Mrs. yf. Jf. Grabeel last
F ire at Linns
nighf. Slje w?nt to Camp $ to xisji
A fu g caqspd from’ paraffin boil­ for a short time and then will return
ing ovpr qn an pH sfovp, nearly prov­
ed serious at t^e Albert Linns home
pne day last week. A man working
Mra. W, H- Grabeel. Mr». E. E.
t*n 'lie roflf e f lhe house assisted in Hannah, Mrs. W. E. Buell, Mrs. A.
extinguishing the flames after they S. Hassell and Mrs. O. E. Smith drove
had burned the paper o ff the ceiling to 0re(?on City Thursday to attend
in the kitchen so that a number o f the Forejgn Migsionary meetinR held
rafters were exposed. The house b e -1*^
longs to Mrs. Pattison.
It has ^>cen said many times, that
ueyavnui. ha^
tiiivy a
ci ou
superfluous number
L °r l !?e benefit Os EstiCaiia and fbe q ( secret societies and a ^ocialiqpj
Martip has agreed
notwithsyandiug, a new society
tp 3' f 8() f*ddrp:is next ^upday ^ftep-
f„,.mcd this week called, “ Rescue
M8H ai ' i
*n the liberty the Perishing.
'ft.* s y. -Ebo»* who have heard the
iuc:.ibers to the number o f 22 o
fa '.’ t ray he i. an entertaining ¡Estacada Lodge, Nq M6, A. F. 4 \.
.,:*.;..pr and will surely entertain hi» m „ visited the Mi|wauki2 j,
house. Estacada and community are Tuesday evening tu „xempkiy the |
ff-peeially invited to attend.
.isgrve work. They chartered the hue
- ■
and all went together. A most e n -'
Hallowe’en Pie Social and Program joyable time is reported’ and they
The pupils and teachers o f the speak in highest praise o f the splen-
Springwater school are giving a Hal- did reception accorded them. Milwau-
lowe’en pie social and program, to kie h.3 ere o f the most beautiful
be held at the Springwatar grange lodge temples o f any place in Oregon,
hall Friday evening, October 28, considering the size o f the town and
w m
F or E stacada
Keep in mind the meeting o f the continued
n fxt week. Evangelist
Ca tern Clackamas Community club, Dan‘el Som,mer, o f Indianapolis, Ind.,
thi' Friday evening, in the Masonic 18 the *Peaker- He has served as an
ha'* a,ld be sure to be there.
evangelist for over fifty yearn and
l does not disappoint his audiences.
Messrs. Charlie, Albert, George and Services beK>" every night at 7:30
Hairy Hitching drove to Salem last and on h’01-** 8 daY
10:30 a. m.
Su lday to vi8i‘ their father who is “ " d 7, p’ m’ Tbi8 <:huirch meet* in the
in a hospital there. They found caaPe* across
highway west o f tlie
thc old gentlemen in a very critical 8Ch°°l building. The book o f ReveUt-
tion. on "W hat thc Spirit Saith Unto
------------------------- the Churches” will be the subject for
Masquerade ball at Fagle Creek on sevcral nights. All are invited to
Saturday night, under the auspices o f .come and brin» the'r friends,
the Auxiliary to the American L e -1
gion, was a great success. 196 num- Christmas Card samples are now at
bers were sold and the costumes were the Eastern Clackamas News of-
o f all kinds and descriptions.
! fice. Come and make your selec-
----- ---------*—
tion* early and take no chances
Herbert Dunlop, son o f Rev. and of not being able to get what you
Mrs. J. F. Dunlop and well known j want. Our prices arc very reasonable
here, is now employed in Portland, i
working for the Skaggs chain stores.
Wrestling Match
8pon^ *be summcr at Neskowin,
Thorton and Donovan wrestled a
being employed in a general mercan­ rough draw, each gaining a fall in
tile store.
the time limit, nt thc Liberty theatre
list Tuesday night. Owing to the fact
The people o f Faraday called on ; that Reynolds failed to show up, Don-
Estacada for help Tuesday evening avan substituted after coaxing and
about seven o ’clock,
they ! pleading with Thornton. There
thought the mill was burning. It about 18 pounds difference in their
peeved to he a donkey engine on fire, weight, Donovan now being a heavy
About fifteen or twenty men re- weight. Ben Kruger asked for a re­
sponded to the call for aid.
!Ulrn with the logger Blaisdell and be­
lieves he can heat him. Blaisdell ac-
Mm. E. E. Hannah and Mrs. O. E. cepted hut the date* is not set yet
.Smith returned last Friday evening
from St. Helens where they attend­
S p r i n g w a t e r S c h o o l Not«**.
ed the 44th annual convention o f the
The pupils in the 4th, f»th. 6th. 7th
Woman’s Christian Temperance Un­
and Hth grades are preparing for
ion o f Oregon, htld in that city most
County tests which will be given
o f the weok.
Friday, October 28th.
Clinton Smith was absent from
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lukenfield of
school Monday, and Vincent Byers
Portland, are guests at the home of
was absent Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lawrence* this
There are twenty-five pupils in the
week. Mr. Lukenfield, an ex-service
primary room and twelve in the up­
man, has been in the Veterans hospi­
per grade room.
tal for some time. He hope?, that his
There are eighteen in the primary
visit here will be of much benefit to
room and seven in the upper grade
room that have neither been tardy
nor absent the first six weeks o f Ihu
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sweetland of year.
Portland, spent the day Sunday with
R**v. and Mrs. C. T. Cooke. The two
Hallowe’en Pie Social
men have known each other since
. ....
, ,
There will be a hard times social at
cry young childhood day*. They en- V i,,la church. October 31, 7:30 La-
Joyed talking over past day» and o f di„ brin|f pieg Krnt|emen brin(f pur_
tic old town back in Kansas where ses. All arc cordially invited.
they lived.
]|Dance Given Under A u s­
pices of the Estacada
B and a Good T im e
is Assured Come!
E. E. Faling came down from Camp
Tb„ tTnfhv| Artisanil Wl„ „ „
, rJ
party at the !. O. O. F. h*U. on ^TVT-
til Tuesdcy. He h.s been helping to n,,)day PVonir,r Nl
build that iplendid sehoel building bod V -.velcome
ft .
ft L , . I ft In 4- t U n t
t * ' 1 1 1
up there. 1 It » ia
that it will
V [.a u y for school until
, a the , fir t f
• ^r.'.nn get.4 tw< year ■ r killing
Of h year. It h a n tip-to-date scho-.l v , „ hnnd with a ro
S’rti ” f»fl
hou- “’
' ’
’ #
1 ’ • *>"•
for not furnishing
i * a .I hocv.xcep'ng rooms
for the , ker.g fcrfniJ >nd p<ltr,
teachers in the second story.