r\ n r PAG ? 11 F A S T F B V r i , A C K AMAS NRW? THT’ TíP’W Y O íT C B F P 20 l n27 Jbr Economical Troniporiatlúñ land spent Saturday and Sunday, i • i i i . ..iV --------- October 8 and 9, with Mrs. Dew and F 7t*3*ÜÜI_ on r.c. Southv.orlh on Wed- family. ________ __ ; u 'J im -------------- — -----in - i 'ternoon were Mr3. Moger, Ralph and Clay Chaney are build-I ’ : Y , a. E L A v M iw e r A hOU SAI.lv— A $100.00 Internation- ^[rs Bard a r ! /.• ■hie Howell ing a new house near Estacada. FOR S A LE .... — • i n c nee Schocd Co i , m| Lois. ------------------- H O N E Y FOB S A L E — Comb ami at the bargain price o f $75.00. > i nn.] Mrs. He" nry Cromer were DOVER DOI NGS strained.— K. C. Hoyguard, Kt. 2, This v i give jo u a four >ear Oregon City visitors on Wednesday. _______ Cl Faraday, Oregon pc!, npr. 1st. CUUI s any subject you want to A number o f people from here at- Mr«. Augusta Roberts is visiting ; .a up. he Eastern Clackamas tended Pomona Orange at G eorge her brother in Kentucky. Word hus , F O i: S A L E — Concord and Sweetwater N i l i » . , '-*(■ ■ ' grapes. Rring container.-, pick’em on Wednesday. just been received from her that he | yourself. 3cU. per lb.— J. S. Os- FOR S A L K — A Piano in good co^dT- rii Ray Erickson fam ily from ( amp was ¡n p0or health and that she would J i Vineyard, EaUcad O r e y n . ,,n sak. cheap. Call Oregon 10 were spending the week end with spend the winter with him. Mr. and | relatives here. Mrs. \\’ ebb Roberts are living on the j Citp è.-1-W. FOR tl.lv-— Two 30 Gallon Hotwat- Si p. hy is extended Mrs. Hobson home place here. er Rollers. 125 fe e t 1-2 in. 1’ ipc F O K -S AI.E -O K -TR AD E — One Brood over the loss o f her husband who died Robert and Mark New o f Tyc V a l- 1 i . cplings etc.— Pointers. d 18 pigs, six weeks old fo r at the Good Samaritan hospital in ley are visiting their nephews th e' ‘ w" ’ " ,l! co vs. fr'-sh or coming Portland on Thursday. Roberts boys, and other old friends. FOR S A LE — Cedar Posts. Impure .. - ■) Mrs. G. R. Moody, Route 2 ,r. v .d '¡is . Ray Brokow o f W hite Mrs. Chas. Updegrave and children' The People’s Store, H. B, Snyder. Phone 59-211. 2 tf p 1 Salmon, Washinton were gues*s at have been quite sick with a type of FO R S A LE OK T R A D E — Full blood the Clarence Hull home during the la grippe which has been going a- I t wcek Llewellyn Setter. See me. Harvev FOR S A L E — Thirteen and Ninty-tv.. round the neighborhood. one hundredths acres known as the C son, Rarton, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and Tom Bard Guests at the Joseph DeShazer ! DeLspp ranch within one-half mile o f Forest Grove were Sunday visitors home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. * F( 1 S A L E — Fight extra good white o f Estacada, Oregon, on highway nt the W m. Bard home. p. p. Pescall o f Linwood and Mr. and , full blood. 9 weeks old.— Mrs. i i -liable property fo r chicken or •John Moger o f LaDee Logging Co. Mrs. Ralph DeShazer and children. { Hi inry V ile«, Kt. 1, Phone 34-12 ts be ry ranch. Must be sold Address visited fo r a short time Sunday with Ralph DeShazer was a business vis-j Dr. S. I „ DeLupp W. A. Heylman ?\T ev•*r before was a lmv-priced car 80 do» COACH his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger. itor to Marmot and Gresham on M on -’ Ft S A L E — 25 Pigs from six weeks liyitfcil to drive as today’s Chevrolet! Administrator Attorney Guests at the Edward Shearer home day. to two months old. Enquire of $ £ q c : Ko berg, Ore. Estacada, Ore. Fast Ket*away . . . casv, smooth operation . • • ____________________ on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mr. Bruce, owner o f the place A. II Ilurnett, Eagle Creek. 2tf2 hiph sp.ed roadability . . . unfailing power ^ > i* . . . and iia hy acct!*.ration— FOR S A L E — Vetch, Oats and Clover sl,earcr !lll<1 Mr- John Shearer o f known as the “ Pilgram Place” is hav- ThcTc í¿ , b FOR S A L E —-Shingles Star A Stars, or Road -ecr Hay -Paul Still. Eagle Creek. p2t 1 l1 ) and Donald visited relatives at Eldor- guests o f Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson, i. . :*. ! t h e positive braking and effortless M irror to match.— Pointers. A l l rricc.« f. o. b. I lint, i • r h i Y o g lb.at have made Chevrolet so ado on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and M ic h ¿inn i’tr" i -diy nonular for congested trafhe. Mr. and Mrs. Smcdley o f Portland children and Mr. and Mrs. R. 1!. Gib- Cfccc'.t riWTMlct D eilv*.:.- C< me in! One ridr at the wheel of your visited during the week end with son and Betty Jean Douglass were i!i «V* /// ft, T V , ’ in c ’ i-.Ie i!tc I. mv - YAW W m fl A . i e v. d.e!— and you’ll know why mil- eit handling; and fin- their daughter Mrs. Earl Shibley and calling on Mr. and Mrs. W ill Douglass I . . . I ...e \ laime 1 today’s Chevrolet as anclc.it a --li­ able. last Tuesday evening. the f.r.cft performer in tlie low-price held! . o . Mr. and Mrs. Monroe had as their Mrs. Louise Douglass and Mrs. Lin - :/* : / guests during the past week several rie Gibson attended Pomona Grange -'c z relatives from Portland and Salem. at George last Wednesday. V :t : ** • •; W illiam Howell o f Coos Co. is visit- Ray Wodle had his silo filled last ing relatives here a fte r an absence o f Wednesday. more than fifty years. Geol.Ke Judd aUo had his gilo f i „ ed E r ' I I The Van Hoy fam ily was visiting the fo r part o f last week, L .- •• e - ) : ->-> - f Q U A L I T Y A T L O W C O S T . aiExr«dt^'' moved onto the Paddison place o f combines Dairy l'i ccluct »ri'.ow, •«.! re., owned Horse Show, I National W o o l Show, *' orthwesf Fox S!rov.*, Manufacturers* C UR R IN SV ILLE which Mr. Charleston became in p os-: and Land Products cho.v, P oyj* and Girls’ C lu b W ork. session. were the Sunday guests o f Mr. and Covers 10 a eras, ex!;:1! : -'..Vs prut Pure Bred Beef iuul ¥ D a iry C attle. ! lorsea, S h eer, i ’ t F rcr. Most U o l f the lilt h subscribers U O S U l O e r » to t o the t n e build- OUIIO- E« * le_ C reek _9ranKe held a mectink) ** M " ^ ' JRIV-..^.°U* 1“ S V v n . n n n l l n „ . n o /»nil o ffered . PorcL-.nd, O re.-on. ' iic3 all r:¡ I big o f the electric line in Currinsville at ‘ *, ,ran? e Hal1 last Saturday fear •' " *»,¡1 M„n,inv C LIM B T H A T H ILL IN HIGH ing that the Eagle Creek bridge ing o n relatives over this way Monday have wired their houses and are ;»■ lU r . W 'r s T P : :'- J*~ W I T H RICHFIELD ready fo r the lights but the P. E. P. would be closed before next Satur- morninf?* Mr. and Mrs. Roll Douglass o f Boyd M ORE PO W ER FOR TH E tit* v.v— - > ; Company do not seem in a hurry to thcir regular^tim e o f meeting SAME PRICE There were about 26 present and «’ n Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Den- IflÑt turn the juice in on the line. . ,* .< i ) -A-i V- *• ' » » J . T U B E TIRE PA T C H ING The open season on b lrd s Y riv e d at >n‘ eresti“/ ses8io" wa* held. One can ^ ^ W i.lW M U r Z i P L U M B IN G — TIN W ORK u t and there was an unusual fin e dldate’ Mrs’ HeIen Freeman, was ob- at the home o f WlU Walter and Douglass. STORAGE lot o f them found their way to the ligated in the first and second degrees A dance was given in the evening. 1 Miss FI°r>cát-'J&J ;«• 1- Expert Workmanship— Genuine Parts \ r í¿ Ll’ts-'fja___ s ' Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Johnson o f Port- l rclster and children o f Logan < ay’ land, were calling on J. O. Tunnell “ Monday evening. j ^fe,rf5xcSi Mr. H alferty o f Heppner, Oregon, was calling on his brother Frank and fam ily and the W. M. Wade fam ily Sunday. Cecil W right received his artificial leg Friday and is tryin g to learn to walk again. Lloyd H. Ewalt made an extra trip A>, to Portland Monday with a nice load ** o f fa t hogs fo r Hal Gibson o f Bar­ ton. The Currinsville store bought a load I o f cows o f R. S. Chaney last Friday and put them on the Portland market. The Currinsville store is handling a lot o f livestock and at prices that [are worth while to the farmer. Lloyd II Ewalt was running the 11 seed cleaner at the Currinsville s to re d Monday evening and Tuesday o f th is ! week. Roy Lmn o f Portland finished w ir­ ing the Lester Hale residence last) week. George W alter sold a team Monday TH E TIME OF YEAR IS A T H A N D W H E N Y O U o f this week. Curl Erdt went to Portland Tuesday W IL L BE TR Y IN G TO TH INK OF SOM ETH ING to visit his father who is very sick. Cecil W right made a trip to P ort­ TO G IV E Y O U R FRIENDS FOR CHRISTM AS land Tuesday with George G. Geil. When we rerondition a uied car. the work is done by exp rts to the regu- lar fa' t iry - , standards „ oi p iv i'sion and excellence —using genuine parts. I I Then _ we attach a red / 1)1 “ O. K ." tag to the radi- • •. 'J ator showing exactly C f-***“ -' what units of the body v | and chassis have been put T J w in fir jt class condition. Y .,u ¡.now the q u v i'v c» our recondicii'.i just ns tureiy. ninditv i-: If you are going to buy o :»d in order to close the lot out will sell them for ... & •ne in and try a paT ’ Eastern S U PP LY YOUR