I * EASTERN CLACKAM AS NEW S, T H U R S D A Y , O C T O R E R 20, 1927 NOTICE '.Vo ta!:c thif, means through th«' columns qf the Nows to thank th. friends who searched so diligently and rescued Mr. Wonier when lost in the mountains. Also all the other friends who so quickly came to our aid at this time o f worry and anxiety Mrs. S. E. Womer and Family. y^^vwWyÿ s/ O H 0 0 Ili c n 4 i ñ¡ 9 We give S&H Gs een Stamps on Cash pur- . chases arici on all Accounts £ai Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 11:00 a m. Epworth Longue. 6:30 j . m. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. W e nim to gi .o you something to think about. The life o f mankind is that they do not stop to think o f the real worth o f life and why they art here. You ure cordially invited to hear the subject next Sunday morn­ ing at 11 o'clock “ The True Pursuits of Mankind, and in the evening at ¡7 :30 the theme will be “ Soul’s Ease.” Sunday School is growing. The or­ chestra o f young people is doing fine service in the Sunday School. The school meets at 10 a. m. Epworth League meets at 6:30 in the evening. All young people are invited to at­ tend. Able men ore filling our pulpits. They are deliverying sermons which busy men should hear. The old excuse o f being to busy to go to church does not hold water these days, because most men will find time if they would but take time. Go to church and get the good that may be given. C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H R eservo District N o. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE E S T A C A D A S T A T E B A N K A t E stacad a in the S ta te o f O r e g o n at the C io«e o f B usinets M on d ay, O c to b e r 10th, 1927 RESOURCES Lo&ns anil Discounts ...................................... ...................... $156 293.33 Overdrafts secured and~ unsecured .......... ...... ’ ¿5.07 l\ S. Government securities owned ........... ......... 20,2(10.00 Other bonds, warrants and securities ... .......... 60,009.61 Stocks, securities, claims, leins, judgments, etc............. 2 ,'¡1 .5 4 Banking hoDse. $10,000.; furniture und fixtures $5,000 15,000.00 Real estate owned other than banking house .................. 6,606.96 t ash on hand in vault and due from banks, approved reserve »gents of this b a n k .......................................... 47,647.79 Total cash and due from banks, ......... .$47,647.79 interest, taxes and expenses paid ......... 011.32 Other assests ..................................................................... 634.95 M E T H O D IS T N O T E S .4 1 «5 C harter No. 12.'$ T 0 T AL ..............................................................................$309,903.07 L IA B IL IT IE S Capital stock paid in ....................... i............................. $ 15 000.00 Surplus fund .............................................. 6,000.00 DEMAND DEPOSITS, subject to reserve Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ........ 143,692.90 Cashier’s checks outstanding .................... 939.34 Cettified checks outstanding ..................... 13.40 Total trf demand deposits subject to reserve $149,640.14 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve "lime certiorates o f deposit outstanding 35,511.03 Savings deposits, payable subject to notice 104,745.30 Total o f time and savings deposits ............. $140,256.98 TOTAL ............... ..............................................................$309,903.07 S T A T E O F O R E G O N , C o u n ty o f C lackam as, ss. I, Ruth L. Dillon, cashier o f the above named bank, do solemn­ ly sv.ear that the above statement is true to the best o f my know­ ledge and belief. RUTH L DILLON, Cashier n C O R R E C T — A tte st: Bible School; 10:00 a. m. S u b scribed and sw orn to b e f o r e me H. C. STEPHENS Ibis 18th day o f O c to b e r, 1927 Preaching 11:00 o ’clock— Subject THOMAS YOCUM S. E. W O O S T E R N ota ry P u blic ‘ A Christian Soldier” RUTH L. DILLION (My Commission expires May Directors Evening Services 26, 1931) Christian Endeavor 6:30. tmrzr -ri g lu a sm M Church Services 7:30, Subject— “ The Weight That Hangs A. Heylman W m . Smith Dr. M. M. Martindale on Jesus.” A ttc rn e y s-a t-L a w Chiropractor A hearty welcome extended to all. We will take care o f any legal busi­ D. E. Dent, Minister. ness you may have \V. g-OPCOATtVj Insurance, L oans and C ollection s w. DR. W . of Oregon City Monday and Friday eve­ nings after six o’clock. RHODES Office at Linn’s Inn O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N A N D S U R G E O N O ffice In Ltchthorn Bldg. Walter W . Gilbert, M. D. Estacada P h y sician The People's Store __7 i_t - f iy- .inij. dum, i 'itti—íai-n..- and S u rg eon O F F IC E H O U R S : 9 T O 5 and ev en in gs ESTACADA, H- B. Snyder, Pi'op. WÊË DR. v\\W OREGON •¿han THE NEW ZEROLENE, FRED A . PERKINS O P T O M E T R IS T .. -■- 'Jká*' * —♦ wjy i* P h on e O ffice 331 MONEY CANT BUY BETTER oa Res. 2 8 -1 5 “ Perfect Fitting Glasses” Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker vis- ited Mrs. Stahlneckcr’s . mother at Our supervisor has a crew of men Wilsonville, Sunday. Miss Eunice Towell visited with working at the rock crusher this Marie Stauffer Sunday. week. len. Miss Helen Ernst who is a giad- uate o f U. o f O. went to Portland to a^end the foot ball game between Oregon and California, Saturday. Mr, A, W. Stauffer had the mis Quite a number o f Elwood people Mrs. Will , Co* o f Enumelaw, fortune t0 have his arm thrown out attended the auction sate at Upper Washington, is visiting for a few days o f piace whi)e helping L N Va„ , n Highland, Saturday. with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Otis Val- with some wi]d cattIe g unday E L W O O D ITEMS Easy-Stropping -------------- -------------------------------------------Mrs. M. Park visited her daughter in Colton Saturday. Otis Vallen went on a hunting trip — Fast-Shaving around Roseburg last week. His brother, Ernest P., brother-in-law, R. Ginther made up the party. Mrs. Edd Hodgkiss o f Portland but formerly o f this place is very ill in a hospital there. S P R IN G W A T E R C H U R C H Thomas I. K irk w o o d , P astor FACE-SAVING A few strokes on its strop— easy, simple, quick — gives you a smooth-edged, keen blade. Then — a lightning shave— 78 seconds from lather to toweL Saves Your Face Buy itl Try it! A n ingenious combination o f razor and stropping machine. A com ­ pact shaving unit. The “ best buy” on the market. V&IelAuaStrop Razor Sharpens itself GUARANTEE W e -Hah that every oeer o f * Valet AntnStrep Rater be eonetantlv enthesiaatie. Should anything happen to yours a (Ter ting its perfect aernre. aend it to ua fo r re­ pair or replacement. I f your etrop u> not in good condi­ tion—return i t fo r a new o n e —no charge for either service. A u toS trop Safety R azor C o ., 6 5 6 First A v e., N ew Y o rk , N . Y . Sunday School a t-10 a. m. At the close o f the Sunday School hour we are having a short worship service for the children. We hope that this will encourge the boys and girls to remain for the regular church service. Service o f worship at 11. We have begun cottage prayer meetings, which arc held at the var­ ious homes every Thursday night. The place o f meeting will be announced each Sunday from the pulpit. „ Christian Endeavor in the evening at the church. Topic: Christian En deavor in All Lands. Rom. 10:18; Col. 1:3-6. The Christian Endeavor will hold a business meeting and social Friday evening at the manse. GEORGE Sunday School at 2 p. m. Church service at 3. The session and delegates to the Evangelistic Convention are asked to meet for a few moments at the close o f the service, E stacad a, O reg on M ond ay In connection w ith A u x ilia ry Masquerade, at and F rid ay E venings 15 * T e le p h o n e 681-J Manufacturers o f High Grade Monu- ments and Markers 1108 Main St. Oregon City C H A S . E. N IN N E M A N E a ^ !e C reek HALL, i M oose B u ild in g Oir work is done for those who love and Remember . £ Standard O il r v itftS u tio r i, C orrect L ubri­ cation Special- I«t*.GHr;'K«° *'ml oth er dealer«. THE NEW ZEROLENS Reason why (1 O F M A N Y ) GOOD MUSIC! ’- öett : X quart Oregon City Granite Works EYES Are P reciou s ^ treat them accord ingly. A c o m p lete V-iir- '.■>*’ rw p leases en d o p tica l sa tisfies. serv ice that Dr. F reeze eye specialist. Masonic btiildinp,. Or­ egon City. i S t a b i l i t y — Lubricates cop. rectly - never "breaks clowar The modern oil fo r moder M m otor cart. STANtVUUJ OIL COMPANY OF CALIFCM4 l i b e r t y T h e a tr e ¿¿mission 25c and 10c . CUTS MORE •- X, , . . SLICES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October 21 and 22 HER HONOR THE GOVERNOR Pauline Frederick a Smashing Drama o f a Fighting Mother and Her Boy in the Shade o f the Gallows SUNDAY AND MONDAY October 23 and 24 Monte Blue and Marie Prévost ALW AYS GOOD BIG WRESTLING MATCH AND SHOW Bill Thorton vs. Joe Reynolds TUESDAY, OCTOBER” 25th * o f Portland o f Los Angeles The Fastest Match Yet EAGLE CREEK Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. An WEDNESDAY AND -THURSDAY October 28 and 27 effort is being made to put more spiritual life into the Sunday School J ALBERTA VAUGHN Let us help by our attendance and , Ryamth, Jazzy, Speed, Thrills prayers. Christion Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. ( FRIDAY ANÏT s ATU RD ÂV" October 28 and 29 Church Service at 8, We are rejoicing in the new elec ’ trie lights. Come and enjoy them J _ With Lew Cody a Renee Adoree A GOOD SHOW with us. COLLEGIATE ON YE BULAVARD - . . s.,1 T O THE LOAF An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. E CONOM ICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The rame price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite 'f Grocery and Restau­ rants in Estacada and iF Vicinity. - '«