t r m - Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County VOLUMK XXII K S T A C A D A , OREGON , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 20, 1927 Number 3 LOCAL A*'D PERSONAL COM HUM IY GLUS ! r G. r. LOCAL A JD PELiOfJAL Clyde Schock was a business visitor in Gresham last Monday. ________________ The boys in Mr. Drew’s class are H ah school is giving a program. Ir !.. iiis . Julius iiiicfter has been on the sick list this week. The Eastern Clackamas Community Mr. and Mrs. W w. . J. j. Moore visited club will meet on Friday evening, at Camp 8 Monday and Monday d -ht. October 2 3. in the Masonic Hall and it ---------------------------------‘ is expect* 1 that this meeting will be Miss Sallie Clinton o f Portland, puttine grandstand. * ........* « sides « « » « on » « the « 8ia ..«n .u u . They a.re S°*nE to the grand stand th( “ ™e. coIor as the Gymnasium. This w,‘ l ™I'rove the appearances of the ----------‘ ....... — ------* ■ very much. attended by everyone interested in spent the week end with Miss Vivian school property This week will end the first six the welfare o f a real community club. Gorham. ___________________ . eeks o f school. Everyone is dread Th* social part of the organization The Legion Auxiliary met last Mon- ' ‘*K the exams that will come thb wher* people not only from Estacad: ¡but the surrounding neighborhoods day evening at the home o f Mrs. G. E W e are hoping that the E. H. S. m ay meet and spend an evening to- Lawrence. will keep gether in a social manner, is w e d ------------------------- - up the good record that fia.- Mr. Duell kept the Doys boys in at a* the K|,I>r *ne j . P. Johnson is expected home neon period for several minutes Tr.es the I of this week. day. when he «rave them a little talk on their privledges .ar.d duties. Sl . , ■ , . .. . ................ ~ ‘ -• ~ ' ' ° /-'O fB e . » r c .t Last Friday, October 14, Estacada Tu’c.j , at the 1 ed Harders home. defeated Parkrose 21 to 0. A ll o f th subs h id a chance to play but did not , | ,k~ 7~ make mi ke . ny touchdowns while they gtitu’ o will a T r-?' Id in Oregon C tty played. The line-up. Deck, Linglebach O ctob er'2». Millard, Shriner, DeMoy, Kltching, la u tz, Hayden, Whitehead, Filer, O Mesdames Augusta Sagner and Jake worth the effort. | Mrs. C. D. Lawrence o f Portland becn started in football this year. b,,,ne' Jennings. Marchbank and Fan- Moss v ere business visitois in Port­ The program committee has been spent a week at the 0 . E. and S. E. 1 opies o f popular songs have been ^on- land Monday. busy getting something that is o f real Lawrence homes recently. niimographed for the assembly sing- worth in the way of entertainment. A. W . Arm strong will give a talk on his ---------------------------- - lng’ GRADE SCHOOL NOTES Mcsdames O. E. Smith and E. E. Mrs. B .0 . Sarvcr visited her sister, A new buletin board has been plae- T he Kstacada G r dc school will play Hann.-h went to St. Johns Tuesday work as forest ranger, which is sure Mrs. S. Strickland, of Gladstone last ed in the Finglish room for clippings Gresham Grade school here on the to a , , ‘ m* 1 w - C. T. U. Meeting. to be entertaing. Ralph Baker, o f the Sunday. from the newspapers and the historj home field Frida- the 2t lit^T Mr ________________ high school faculty, is to render some ----------------------------- of some authors they are now study- •violin selections. Mr. Baker is one of Miss Leila Howe o f Independence, ing. the best violinists in this section and spent the week end with her parents The high school orchestra assisted this part o f the program is well worth at this place. the baud with their concert Tuesday hearing. Roy Beck, who the people ------------------------- October 18. /r o m this vicinity have heard in read- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodward o f Don't forget November 4, when the ings, will give a few selections that Oregon City, spent the week end at i will be highly entertaining. And then the E. S. W om er home. a social time is to follow. Keep t h i s ________________ Ernest Rhyning, form erly o f Esta- in mind and be sure to attend the John Moger purchased a Chevrolet cada, bui. now o f Lake View is here meeting. cabriolet from the Cascade M otor Co. for a short time visiting his mother. Mr. Arm strong has taken for his the latter part o f last week, Ben Sarver , who is In the Navy and subject for his part o f the evenings Buell is the com h Ten’ cents ad- Mli!- l!- O. Culver has been on the mission will be chrrged. sick 1 during the past few days with Hereafter the Grade school stu- the P>evading trouble, a bad cold. dents who wish to see the football ----------------------------- games o f the High school, will be Mr. m d Mrs. R. E. Moore visited at charged ten cents admission. the hon e o f firs. Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Page, last Sunday. H a llo w e’en P ie Social and P ro g r a m Miss Mary Alice Reed came fro Portland Saturday to spend the week The pupils and teachers o f the ‘’ n son David vi-ó, ted Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Stephens were at present stationed entertainment “ Protective Organiza­ Mr. Kshleman's . . ‘lay . ty evening October 28th. 28th, at the tion.” dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. C. W . expected home for a short visit, the mother, who is q u it, ill, at hor .......... Springwater Grange hall, at 8 p. m. in Salem last Sunday. Wilson at Oregon City, last Sunday, latter part o f this week. Ethel Young, Teacher. L e c t u r e and Pict ure n i- m • , , It is rumored that there will be a ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitching had as Mi Monison, formerly pro C hu rc h Noiice The Prohib tion Fi|m, “ Lest W e For. large crew o f men here soon to dis- guests last F’riday, Mr. and Mrs. B a r -1 prietor e f the Estacada Laundry, left get,” which has been drawing large mantle the electric sawmill at River vee o f Marrow, Oregon. a few day- ago for Alaska to accept crowds in all parts of Oregon, will be Mill. ----------------------------- The public is invited to a series of her former position as a cook, of shown at the Estacada high school on ----------------------------- I The Christian Endeavor the Gospel Meetings at the Church o f ------------------------- the evening of October 25, at 7:45 . This is said to he a true story of the effects o f the liquor traffic on three generations. Rev. R. E. Close, super- intendent o f the Anti Saloon League, will give an address. No admission, but a fle e offering will be taken, Children under 14 years must be ac- companied by parents or guardian. . .. --------------------- Crimp Fire Gir l» George Rose and sister Miss Pauline Christian church will give a social at Rose, drove to Corvallis last Satur- the church tomorrow evening. The 'lay to spend the week end with ntertainment will be a Hallowe’en a f- friends. fair. ---- --------------- -— >■ ----------------------------- i Mr. and Airs. George Linn o f Port- Mr and Mrs. James Shannon o f land, were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. W . Oregon City, called at the Methodist E. Linn last Sunday. The gentle- rrsonage Sunday evening. Mrs. Shan- men are cousins. non and Mrs. Cook were childhood ------------------------- friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ahlberg and fam ily, left Tuesday on their vacation Mis* Geraldine Cook, after spend- trip. They first visited relatives and ing the week at her home, the Meth- ,. ’ . friends in Seattle. odist parsonage, returned Saturday to i. , , ’ J ------------------------- her work as high school teacher at - Miss Betty W allace came up from Canyonville. Portland last Sunday and was a guest at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes I Mrs. Russell Sweet o f San Fran over the week end. ¡cisco, and her aunt and children from Several o f the girls from the grade , , , school have organized a Camp Fire . . . . . . group which is to be called Lewa . , , They are to meet every Wednesday and are under the guardianship of Miss Anderson, teacher of the eighth grade. The officers are : President, ■ J¡issoula,~Moñtaná' had ltini-hVon with Glen Cary; vise-president, Lois Bates; recorder, Neva Lemon; news report-; Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Haynes and Miss Vivian Gorham last Wednesday. er, Levena Grabeel. Other members little son, Freddie, spent the week end They were enroute to California. include Catherine Madin, M ajory Ma- at Milwaukie, visiting at the home o f j ------------------------- din, Loi* Smith, Carol Yocum, Louise Mrs. Haynes’ parents. Air. and Mrs. Lawrence W ebber re- Armstrong. ; -------------------------turned from Antelope Sunday night. — —— ----- r ! Mr». W . Rodleshon and son Edwin Mr. W ebber went back the first of N ew P ord W o r k Start» and daughter Lena, o f Portland, were the week but Airs. W ebber will re- Christ house on concr of Main and Cth St., beginning next Tuesday, October 2 6, 7.30 in the evening. Preaching by evangelist Daniel Sommer, formerly o f Indianopolis, In diana i The Masquerade dance ausp ces ° [ 1 ary’ Pronnses jeVen ’ . ... > . , » , , , ... Aliss Edna Bates was an over Sun- f ° r ^wo 'vecks with Mrs. Cummings day visitor at her home here, return- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kenny ing to Monmouth, where she is at- Morrow Station. tending the State Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Barzee o f Sherman W . C. T. U. H old C on ent ion .County, who were on their way home from Newport, visited a few days last Dear W hite Ribboners: week at the W . E. Buell home. The best W . C. T. U. Convention in j the history o f the work in Clackamas Mr. and Mrs. W . W. Smith, Airs. County Just closed in Oregon City. , , Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Henry The repo, read by the President Beer„ visited at the home o f vfr8 showed r arked gain in all union*. F Donnley in Gresham, lasf Sunday. The County treasurer is in good con- ________________ dition for ndvonce work for the com- t - « ™ „ ing year ar.d over $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 in our EarlV Monday morning Phil Stem - Eagle There v considerable and the people Were greatly concern- ed last Sunday morning when word came that one o f our oldest and most highly respected residents. S F Worn " W“ lM t in the ....... .. tains. Scve™ a, experienced mountaineers immed­ iately departed for the locality to join in the search for him. In company with Wallace Smith and Coon Boyer, Mr. W om er left Es­ tacada Thursday on a deer hunting trip in the vicinity of Squaw moun­ tain. The party reached Smith’s ranch that night and Friday morn­ ing separated each striking out for the hunt. When Mr. Womer failed to return Friday night, Smith and Boyer started out Saturday morning to find him. Saturday’s hunt was fruitless and much fear was expressed thut he had met with an accident. W ord was received in Kstacada Sunday morning and Smith and Boyer continued their search. Towards evening they discov­ ered his foot prints on the rim of Roarin„ Th , this proceedure was o f „ T ^ . T f , » . ally about 6 o’clock they found him hut he seemed to be dazed and bewil- w . i .. i . . . . • , u. V w.th him » . d matches but appeared not use them. He was taken to Smith's cabin and ***• ,u‘xt morning brought horn«. At t h . proa.nl ......... Mr. W o m .r a p p .a r . to be none the worse for his perilous udventure B r idg e P arty The home o f Mr. and Mrs. It. R Cooke was the scene o f a Jolly com­ pany o f friends last Saturday evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Cooke entertain- . ____ were ___ _ <‘d with a bridKe P»rty. There t;,,e e tables and Mrs. Herman Goh- A large number o f ladies took a!ftu*s C.''*>,CwO.CO [ $• 1: ■ \ Í “ Z ‘ ? j . Ù1 f -v P C -- FAMOUS SIX HORS” TEAM Owned by Portland Dsmascws Milk Cor . '-»y, I. D. Huston, Up. realized for our C. F. H. Cottage fund W e are proud o f the fact that three Clackamas County young people won state prizes in the essay and poster contest. W e want to thank all who participated in any way toward mak- ins: a success o f the convention. A t- tendance was fine all through to the close. Officers chosen were pres;dent Mrs. E. B. Andrews; vice-president, Mrs. Sam Lane, Secretary; Mrs. Henry Babbler, Treasurer, Mrs. Fan- ny Smith. Yours for service. Mrs. E. B. Andrews. As in years past one of the spec­ Hotel. $2,000.00 First National tacular at ¡¡-actions nr the 1(J27 i liunk. 9XOOJ.OO; ¡.son Mor !. $1,- Cifie Inf i .tioir.l Horse Show wii! 000.00; W . F. Turner. $1.000.00; be the contest between the drivers Unite 1 States National F>ank, $1.- of the Northwest’s famous s 000.00; Ara rican Security Ex­ horse hitchvs. Th so contests pr< ' change Bank-Lumberman’s Trust ably bring the audience to a hJV r o., $1.000.00; W es C Jt National pitch of enthusiasm than any otl rank $1,000.00; Imperial Hotrl, of the sterling events of the Show, 5500.00; H. Lit bes & Co $5» 00; The 17th Annual Pacific Interna­ Supporter of the Pacific Interna­ tional Livestock Exposition with tional Horse Show, $500.09. which the Horse Show' is combined The amount of the Premiums of will be held in Portland Octob fered for this y ar’s Pacific Inter- 29 to November 5, inclusive. al Livestock Exp« »¡i to­ $35,000.00 Is to hj given th* tals ÍTOO.OOO.OO. The Exposition year in Fremkims for the H • ’ "*s gr'rat Livestock Show. Show, making t hi« ev nl. f .. v I ry Products Show, Land and fourth time in sue» • i n.^be gr at '■f r.«*.'»ctur rs’ Products Show, est Horse Show in Am«riea. Th No? th vent Fox Show, Wool Slow , stake* and their rtorf.rs i n '’ " i-«lu?trial Exposition, ard a splen­ Olympic Hotel. S • ! $4 did -jj.i’ and iiir!.,’ Clu’ Y.V, ¡. Ex with the balance ad cfniinz from Mbit pPt* ^nt^d un'Vr thr* n- > of Portland. Or r ■» a * .!«: C. ..:p p: .n*n»*r ” The rr.ür • cf grrn Jodmal. $2 "»«>< , M . th« entire Northwest a of*« ring Hotel 12 f 00 00. f • -d Ci a • : r < i'il fare and-ore-tb— 1 r: • for o f C om m erce, $2.unu uo; Portland ( the round trip to Hie K sp osil, ------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bears had for dinner guests Thursday, Mrs. Art Dix on and Mrs. Dr. Blank of Portland and Mrs. A. F. Donley o f Gresham, Mrs. W allace Smith and Mrs. Ham- mond. ------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Rail Douglass of The Dalles, arrived last Saturday to visit at the home o f Mr. Douglass’ mother Mrs. J. H. Denning. Sunday they a!: visited at the W ill Bell home on Douglass Ridge. Mr. Denning ac- . ompanied them. Jim Linn, who has been employed *ner'can to e a rea Clackamas County C. F. H. Cottage H *rb H« l « y drove into town with two large buck deer, each of fund. Demonstrations o f department them beingsuecessful in getting one. work gave us a vision o f the great potsibilHU • long many lines. The ' Loyol Temperance Leg:on, under the ^'^ie sPeec^er from Camp 8 was de- direction o f Mrs. Emery French, was la>’ed ,ast Fri^ a>' ™ account o f a log- cspecially fine, as were many other *ra*n being o ff the track and it numbers by the young people. As reQu*red some time to clear the ob- a result o f the banquet, $ 90 .0 0 was **ruc^ on 80 that it could get by. m U: J Ê U,x ns operated on recently tor g o iu r sntly for goittr soclal It is ex),eeted that he will be out of tht‘ hospital in a few days. f , — ------------------------- •' ,, n i 'I' '- ord was received in Estacada this . ■ u "*ee^ known . ,, , . hcie where he resided i number < ; year*, hut at present in Portland, wa „,ass 0,.(i(,r married a few days ago to a Portland Ia<|y- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowen and fam — -------------------- ily o f W oliowa, Oregon, have just ded Harders had a narrow escape arrived in this vicinity, and are un- i ,s* «• , . r loading a car load of'sto ck and im- -S a’ l"- fr<>m being injured . . li.le employed at the LaDce logging plements. They will take possession camp. A large falling tree headed foi » « h,'..fn ! m :th° L PUr,ChaS! n ' n a out hin'- n( l,ut «aW ¡t just in time to gel McQuowen, in the Lower d /-• Garfield »•- jts b'' way. district. Sale was made through the -----------------------------An intcrestoing program finished the W ooster Agency, Landlord YV. G. Moore had hi* oth Pleasant affnir, which included victro- erwise good looks somewhat dgfigur b' music, readings by Airs. W . F. ed the first of the week by a had dose Gary and lltle Mae Rose Hurtholo- of poison onk. His eyes were closed mew, duets by Mesdames YV. E. Lin and his face badly swolen. It is and G. E. Lawrence and a talk by R' v. Cook. great deal better now, however. ani^ ^ * 88 ^ ancy Bounds o f Scotts Mr. and Mrs. \\. L. Cummings, with MjlIs were ?uegta at the Robt Snyd. their iittle daughter Betty Jane, start- r home over the week end. ed on their return drive to Los Angies on Tuesday. They have been visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Allen was absent at the window o f the Liberty theatre William Dale, school clerk for this Saturday night on account o f illness district, w .1 commence next week to She has about recovered now. take the school census. at Creck this . Saturday . . . night, . under th, ... ’ the Ridge Lumber C < Company Plant c. fU« n American Legion Auxiliary, on were played and refreshments were Saturday evening. served, all in keeping with the com- _____ __________ ___ ing Hallowe’en festivities. A fter par Announcement o f the birth o f a son taking o f refreshments, lights were October 14, 1927. to Mrs. Morredith turned low and there amid the decora- James Burton, Portland was rerei ed lions o f black cats witrhes Jack-o at this place. Mrs. Burton is the lanterns, etc., “ spooky” stories and eldest daughter o f Mr. and Airs. How- “ hair-raising experiences" were enun: ard James, who resided here a nuni erated- her o f years ago.