EASTERN CLACKAMAS MANS, T IIl’RSDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1927 W h y H e Succeeded H on ored politically JUST HUMANS and profession­ R. V . Pierce, w h o s e picture appears h ere, made a success fe w have equalled. H is pure h e r b a l remedies which have stood the test fo r many years are s t i l l . among the “ best s e l l e r s.” D r. Pierce’s G o ld e n M e d ic a l D iscov­ ery is a stomach »Itera tive which makes the blood richer. It clears the skin, beautifies it, pimples and eruptions vanish quickly. Th is Dis­ covery o f Dr. P ierce’s puts you in fine condition. A ll dealers have it in liquid o l tablets. Send 10 cents fo r trial pkg. o f tab- lets to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, i, N . Y , and w rite fo r fre e advice. ally, during his lifetim e, Dr. By * ^ Q E T IE C A R R \ f ANY the songs they slug you. * mothers o f men. Many the flow’ rs they bring you, moth- i er o f men. But think, If you see and know, There is a fairer blossom, though, Just a daisy o f long ago. Mothers o f men. Once from a wilder garden, mothers of men, Asking your praise and pardon, moth­ ers o f men, Came a child with a little fist Bearing a daisy, that you kissed, Just a flovv’r that the reader missed. Mothers o f men. Soon will our blossoms perish, moth­ ers o f men, But there Is one you cherish, moth­ ers o f men. Never long will the flowers last, Flowers wither and fade so fast, But there Is one that the reaper passed, Mothers o f men. One you will wear in heaven, mothers o f men, One In our childhood given, mothers o f men. Once a child with a little fist Brought you a daisy, that yon kissed— There Is one that the reaper missed, Mothers o f men. T H IN K AB O U T By W A L K E R F. A . In one m in u te pain from corns is ended. Ds. Scholl’s Zino-pads do this s a fe ly b y removing the c a u s e —pressing an d rubbing of shoes. They are thin, medi­ cated, antiseptic, healing. A t all drug and shoe stores. Cost but a trifle. D £ Scholl’s X tin o -p a d s P u t one on — the pain is gone! For Pipe Sores, Fistula Poll EvU Try HANFORD’S Balsam of Myrrh first bottls if M t Muted. S C H O O L F O R M EN Train.■{ for BUSINESS TKADF.S or PROFESSIONS E n ro ll any time. Bend for literature. O REG O N IN S T IT U T E r .A l.C . A . B id * Special Sale OF U Tanson Pearl Necklace, 3 strands. W hite Gold Diamond Clasp. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price $10. C M. Guthrie, 141 a Campb #1 Ave.,Lynchburg.Va. 40 T U L IP n u lls , four each o f ten rarl- ctles, $1; 15 Iris, three each o f five va ri­ eties. f l ; postpaid. W. P. Kim ball, 214 E 23rd St., Portland, Ore. B ig Money Melting Goods at Home. Spare or fu ll time. Men. Women. No experience necessary. Send 10c for sample and fu' Inform. H. E. GlUis. Dux 334. Oakland. Calli Results wonderful and sure. One complete box Of K K R M O L A will convince the most skepti­ cal. Also cures Bcsema. PrioellJf. Ask jo u r dealer. B e a u t ▼ B o o k le t F R K K . Dr C IL Berry Oo., Dept. B. 2975 Michigan Are. Chicago. P A R K E R 'S H A IR B A L S A M R e m o I »andru tf -S t*>psH air F»11 Ing Restore« C o lo r __ * Beauty to G ray sod Faded Hair 6or. and gl so a t lu n gglets. BI«» m chem, Wfcs. Patchnf FLORESTON SHAMPOO—Ideal for a«* la connection with Parker’s Hair Balsam. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. 50 cent« by mail or at dr -le­ gist*. iliacox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N . I . W . N. U , O E S every day find you lame, stiff and achy? Do you feel tired and drowsy— suffer nagging backache, head­ ache and dizzy epella? A re the kidney secretions \ scanty and burning in passage? Know, then, that these are often signs of improper kidney action. Sluggish kidneys allow acid poisons to remain in the blood and upset the whole system. If your kidneys are acting sluggishly, assist them with Doan’s Pills. Doan's have established a nation-wide reputation. 1 Are recommended the country over. Ask your neighborI D o Stimulant a n Diuretic ’s to the P Kidneys ills TH E E A R T H ’S B IR T H D A Y I These computations are. o f course, largely theoretical, but in geology we have a more direct evidence both ns to tho age o f the earth and ns to the time life has been exlstnnt. The study o f rock formation and the Investigation o f fossil remains definitely establish the age o f the earth at millions on millions o f years and the existence o f life to have been o f almost equal millions. Certain It Is that the stalactites and the stalagmites In the caves at Luruy In Virginia have been millions of years In formation for this Is proven by direct computation from the pres ent rate of Increase In size. rt Is certain that mnn, or at least a being endowed with reason, has been In existence since before the age of the mastodons and while flie horse was still a four-toed animal no larger than a good-sized dog. Man as he then existed knew o f fire and Its uses and had- already devised for himself simple weapons o f o f­ fense and defense, and the remains o f human skulls such ns the Skull o f Engls or that o f Cro Magnon would evidence that even at that remote time the human race was high above Its animal associates and had estab­ lished its dominion over the lower forms o f life ami Intelligence. O CTO BER D IS H E S HE difference between success­ fall months when the nuts T ful marriage and an unsuccessful T HE and games are in season, we turn one is often no more’ll tbe difference a to some o f the cherished dishes which so many enjoy. New York Chestnut Bread. Take two cupfuls of unsifted graham flour, one cupful of pastry flour, two-thirds o f a cupful o f brown sugar, one teaspoonful o f salt, three teaspoonfuls o f baking powder, two cupfuls o f buttermilk, one and one- eighth teaspoon fills o f soda, one cup­ ful of finely chopped chestnuts. To the flours add the sugar, salt and baking powder; when well mixed add the remaining ingredients. Turn into a buttered pan, cover and let stand twenty-four minutes. Bake In a mod­ erate over for forty-five minutes. O ld - fa s h io n e d G in g e rb re a d . Take one cupful o f butter, two cup­ fuls o f brown sugar, three eggs, one tablespoonful of ginger, one cupful of milk, one teaspoonful o f soda *nnd seven cupfuls o f pastry flour. When the butter and sugar are well creamed, break In an egg and heat w e ll; repeat until all the eggs are used, then add ginger, salt, soda with the latter dissolved In the milk. N owt add the sifted flour. Put a small cake o f dough on a well greased baking sheet and roll out to a quarter Inch In thickness. Bake In a rather hot oven until brown. Re­ move from the oven, cut In squares or oblongs, lay on a cake cobbler and frost if desired. These gingerbread cakes will keep for a long time If kenf In tin boxes. Chestnut Stuffing for Turkey. Remove the shells from as many chestnuts as needed, then boil In their skins In salted water. When they are soft, remove the nuts and peel them. Now mash ns thoroughly as potatoes. Take equal portions of fine bread crumbs, sweet mashed po­ tatoes and chestnuts, mix well, add­ ing butter and. If too dry, a little creatn. Season with fine herbs, finely chopped onion and pepper to taste Some prefer all chestnuts, omitting the potato and crumbs. A w B O U R J A 1L Y Beg Pardon Jones— How much are the orangesl Girl Clerk— Sixty cents a dozen. Jones— Aren’t you a little dear? Girl Clerk— Sir, I’ll call the man­ ager ! Iren Bein’ a good sport don’t mean put­ tin’ up with everything. It means reducin’ the tilings you gotta put up with to n minimum and then bein’ game nliout them. * Husbands appreciate good sports­ manship Just ns much ns they nppre d a te any other good quality— that is to say. they think it’s coinin’ to ’em FOR THE GANDER- Women used to ask themselves— “ I wonder if lie'll try to kiss me?” Now they ask— “ I wonder when— 7“ I f you gotta fight with a woman, fight with everything you got. It's on’y after a good w ar that you caD expeck peace. However, lioldin’ worth three tiaies os it. The Phillistines t>eople tlint was put by the Jawbone o f an your peace is much as makin' wasn’t the on’y out o f business ass. (C o p y righ t.) ’* * * * * * * * * * . , Do You Know That: E phrase to “ bury the hatchet” T H came from our own Indians. It Is M O T H E R F letcher’s Castoria is especially pre­ pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. T o avoid imitations, always look for the signature o f Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Pow der G irls! Teacher— So you don’ t* know what letter comes after “ h” ? Boy— No’ m. Teacher— What have I on either side o f my nose? Boy— Looks like powder from here. -V an cou ver Province. Marie— I shall not marry a man un­ less he Is my exact opposite. Alice— You’ re asking fo r an almost perfect man. A sense o f humor laugh amid tlie tears. will bring an Illusion to a command given to the North American Indians by their “ Great Spirit” when they smoked the peace-pipe to “ bury the hatchet,” war clubs and scalping knives in the ground so that all thought o f enmity might be burled out o f sight and so out o f mind. T o “ bury tbe hatchet” has now come to mean a desire for friendliness and a wish to end the strife and en mlty.— Anna S. Turnqulst. ( © 1927, b y W e s t e r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n .) ------------ O-------- ertlH 6IRU G AG v P SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! Vi m Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Lo o o l A nsw ered by BARBARA The O nly D ifference T ow n ley— Must be great to live out In tbe country. You’re not shut In by buildings. hubbubs— N o ; only by billboards.— Boston Transcript. between a good sport and a martyr. ((E). 1927. Western Newspaper Union.) ---------- O ---------- What Does Your Child Want to Know At all dealers, 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. • Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism TEC H N O LO G Y P ortlfU M l.O rogoB B.-antifal D . O h ! suns and s k ie s and clo u d s o f June, A nd d a y s o f Ju ne to g e th e r . You ca n n o t r iv a l fo r one h o u r O c to b e r's b r ig h t blu e w e a th e r . — Helen Hunt Jackson From N ecessity O nly Ends pain at onceJ Elim inate W aste Poisons from the Blood. S O M E T H IN G T O D aily Dialogue CORNS Feel Stiff a n d Achy? To be W ell the Kidney» Must Thoroughly (© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) F W E knew Just the date of the earth’s birth we could add another holiday to the ones we now celebrate. T h e “ twin” regiments o f the Span Professor Mnreaux o f the observa­ Ish-Amerlcun war, the First Ueorgla tory o f Bourges In France, while he and the Thirty-first Michigan, were ut has not attempted to fix the exact one time on the verge of a pitched birth o f the earth, issued a statement battle, according to W. L. Grayson of that his study and Investigations es­ Savannah, senior cominunder-iu-chief tablish the age o f the earth at not o f the United Spanish W ar Veterans. less than 5QQ,000,000 years and the The trouble begnn when the tiand of period o f life on this planet at about the Michigan regiment marched 250,000,000 yeurs. through the camp at Chirkumuug« I f the French professor Is right park playing “ Marching Through Mother Earth Is getting old enough to Georgia,” Grayson related. The Geor­ be quite sensible and life -has been gia men were restrained by their otfi here long enough to have established cere with difficulty and finally decided pretty substantial evidence o f what on an unique retaliation. T h e next natural development can accomplish. morning, ufter a hasty night rehearsal The greatest age hitherto ascribed o f an unfamiliar selection, the Georgia to the earth has been the figures ar­ band marched on the parade ground rived at by the calculations of the lustily playing the hated “ Marching time which It has taken the earth to Through Georgia.” — Detroit News. cool from a white hot mass to Its present temperature and the retard­ ing effects o f the tides on the period Blooey— I f your gurters tighten, o f the earth’s revolution. look for rain, Is the advice of an Sir W illiam Thompson, applying the Omaha weather expert, I see. Fourier method o f heat conduction, Flooey— And i f they loosen, look concluded that the earth could not he fo r something else than rain to com» less than 20,000,000 years old else It down. would still be too hot to live on and not more than 400,000,000 years old or w e would not find any Increase In “ Do you believe In sleeping out of temperature In deep excavations. The same scientist computing the doors effects o f the tides concluded that the “ N ot while I can pay the rent.” earth was about 100.000,000 years old. R egim ents Once Clashed JÉ By DOUGLAS MALLOCH — 1 1 !^ ' I I lf TH E FLO W ER H E M IS S E D i 1 ■ Excellent Reason for That Sable Trimming Mrs. Charles P. T aft, who with her husbuud, has founded the magnificent Cincinnati Institute o f Pine Arts, con- detuned at a dinner purty the costll ness o f modern fashions. "T h ey get more costly every year,” she said. “ A woman used to bu) leather shoes with real soles, shoes that could be walked In ; but she buys now, for $40 or $r>0, sundals of llzurd skin and cloth o f gold that would go to pieces on her If she walked s tnile. “ 1 beard a story the other day that shows up modern fashions beautifully. A millionaire's w ife came down to din ner In oue o f her new summer gowns — a diaphanous thing bordered wltb sable. “ ‘H ow do you like fills go w n i’ she asked her husbuud. “ ‘Fine,’ he answered, as he wiped his wet forehead, for the evening was w a rm ; ‘but 1 don’t quite see whst put pose the sable serves.’ She laughed complacently. ‘It serves the purpose,’ she an swered, ‘o f showing that we can af ford I t ’ ” Page 7 P O R T L A N D , N O . 4 1 -1 9 2 7 Slowly we nre lenrnlng aomethlnc o f the history o f the globe on which we live. M ore slowly mnn Is develop­ ing find advancing. The next 500.000,000 y^n rs o f the earth’s existence should he worth liv­ ing. the next 250.000 000 years o f the development o f life should bring forth some human beings who will have a genuine excuse for existence; who will accomplish something well worth while. So far the human race has not been a very great success. There Is so much that we do not know compared with what there Is to know that the wisest o f the world are. In reality, hopelessly Ignorant. The only thing to do Is to keep on seeking to Improve. Delving s little more deeply Into the unknown and trying every day to he s little wiser and n little more civilized than we were yesterday. by Me<~*tur« Newapaper Syndicate.| DOES N O T AFFECT TH E H EART r -. O’n'rtert 28 aed 3V I M • y v rb *~ *. C-. 1 *■'.-»* I ea h fr-.s. Ds’ t. It S. . i t *» mm 2fe BoM Addr - m : “ Citl- H u t." tlC» 2bc.