Page 6 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTORER 13, 1927 OUR COMIC SECTION Our Pet Peere I’LL JUST HURRY -AND GET THERE FIRST [ J < C.FI5H WORMS MAKEGOOD B A IT ) \ » ; >• r r ’ G05H.’ I T S A LONG WALK-,/ GETTIN’ H O T ^ ^ C ^ M H ! FINE",NOBODY here y e x J PlAGl/f TAKE IT! 'FORGOT THEM . ¡PESKY WORMS’ ) (Cosyrijfht, W. N. U.) Mental Suggestion FINNEY OF THE FORCE 7 ST han O ^ AH SoRK, FAMNY-AM \ A iN T VE2 PROUD AV TrtS commandin ' pose v e r 01 .' m am h as - shovin ' back T he c e o w o an ’ helpin 'WITH T he h o s e a m ’ i 51 c H • ~ FAITH- ITS A WICKE D ^ E q i RE, S o f r i s .¿& Ü back , me f p i e m D S . a m siw E T îie foire e a a d ie s a chanc T - ITM A V S A V E T i E H U L VB U ILD IM ’ IM T o iE E lV y / V UJHÄT is UT, fam m v - \ ' tell ME QUICK !~ 'S UT VER H u SBA m ' i S IN V DANGER, SURE ? J THE FEATHERHEADS / aw f a n n v ! l is t e n - d o in g -,B a t a a q n o t h in g S e l l in g V I WONT / - !- o m T c k e tell ER. IS - y Y BEGOCCV an T h £T l?AVMOIMDS M E - O l LEFT THE FOIQB UNÛHEI 3 L T he PR u m e S / / / Fanny Pulls a Fast One J ust a m in i IT e , MCS. PR in DEVILLE- HEC e S MV MUSSANO VOL) CAN TALK T o HIM ------y WELL, PUTTING IT ' THAT WAV MRS, PmimviLLE - u h - T SHOULO b e p le a s ed T O . OF OOURSE - hih , V>EH •• VES .. MCH / / ' FINDS ROMANCE IS NEW COLORIMETER OUT OF EXPLORING AIB TO INDUSTRY Device Measures Color With Extreme Precision. Cambridge, Mass.—Human Judg­ ment In the measurement o f color has been eliminated from Industry by a new Instrument developed at the Mas­ sachusetts Institute o f Technology, called n colorimeter, used for auto­ matically measuring the color o f any substance rapidly und with extreme precision. In all previous Instruments human Judgment has entered Into the match­ ing of an unknown color with a stand­ ard color, accuracy o f such color matching depending entirely upon the skill of the observer and the quality o f light. It can only he made with such Instruments by persons whose color vision bus been carefully stand­ ardized. The new colorimeter developed nt Technology by Prof. Arthur C. Hardy and Frederick \V. Cunningham o f the department o f physics, does not de­ pend upon any human judgment, and the accurate records of colors come from the machine as fast as samples can he fed to It. Tlie Importance of such an Instrument lies In Its value to Industry, in nearly every branch of which control o f color of its prod ucts Is necessary. Accurate measurement of color Is the first concern of manufacturers of fabrics, particularly In the delicate shades which often deceive the eye. Color control Is also of bnslc Impor­ tance In making of Inks, dyes, paper, and many other commodities. In the manufacture o f confections, one com­ pany alone makes chocolates In 715 dif­ ferent colors, each of which must he kept at a standard shade. Makes Record on Paper. The new machine not only measures color accurately, but makes a record on paper by which It Is possible to match that shade at nny time. A powerful optical system and elec­ trical devices are employed In regis­ tering color by this machine. The speci­ men color placed In the holder Is Il­ luminated by a special tungsten fila­ ment lamp which gives an Illumina­ tion 50 times more Intense than full sunlight. Water filters are used to prevent the light from setting fire to the sample. In making the measure­ ment, magnesium carbonate, • the whitest substance known, is used ns trie standard o f comparison. Light Is alternately reflected from the speci­ men and the magnesium carbonate and acts upon a photo-electric cell In which It sets up an alternating cur­ rent. Amundsen to Devote Time to Lecturing. Moscow.—Capt. Itould Amundsen the man who had peeped at the top and bottom o f the world. Is through. “ The alrplune and dirigible have taken the romance out o f exploration," lie said. “ Dog sleds nowadays fly through the air. The good old times when terrific hardships were a pleas ure are gone. “ The man who starts north or south In u dog team today feels like a piker. Some ‘Byrd’ comes along nnd squeezes n year's trip In one day o f twenty-four hours. He packs up a couple of chicken sandwiches, nnd then is too excited to eat. We In the old days dragged a toil of hard­ tack over the Ice and were glad to munch every crumb.” Though resolved to spend the rest of his life lecturing amid the luxu­ ries of civilization, Amundsen be­ lieves there is much to be done. The eleven-day train trip across the steppes o f Siberia put him In a reflec­ tive mood, tie waited live days for the weekly express at Vladivostok and it pulled into Moscow three und a half hours late. “ Has anybody started to dig a hole In the ground?" lie mused. "Think of the unlimited possibilities of such a venture. We go down a couple of thousand feet and bring up limitless treasures. There must he something or nothing In the 8,000 miles down from New York to China.’’ Judged by comparative develop­ ments up to the present time, Amund­ sen pinned his hopes for future com­ mercial and scientific flying on the dirigible as against the airplane. With a little greater perfection of maneuvering apparatus, he said he had no doubt but that dirigibles could he nnchored over nny given spot on the face o f the globe while scientists descended hy means of rope Indders to make observations on the ground. Worth It New York.—Joseph Minkel prob ably will concede that it was worth It. In court for parking his car In for­ bidden territory he explained that he another motorist who owed IVm st.'iO. left his car, ran after the credl tor, got the money. "Then you won't miss a $1 fine," said Magistrate Ltridges. After Long Suffering by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound In a little town of the middle Wost, was a discouraged woman. For four monthsshohad beets In such poor health that she could not stoop to put on her own shoes. Unable to do her work, unable to go out ot doors or enjoy a friendly chat with her neighbors, life seemed dark Indeed to Mrs. Daugherty. Then one day, a booklet was left at she turned the pages. Soon she was reading with quickened Interest. The little booklet was filled with letters from women In conditions similar to hers who had found better health by taking Lydia E. Pinltham's Vegetable Compound. “ I began taking the Vegetable Com­ pound,” Mrs. Daugherty writes, “and after I took the third bottle, I found re­ lief. I am on my eleventh bottle and I don't have that trouble any more, and feel like a different woman. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to everyone I see who has trouble like mine, and you can use these facts as a testimonial. I am willing to answer any letters from women asking about the Vegetable Compound."— Mas. E d . D augherty , 1308 Orchard Ave., Musca­ tine, Iowa. Are you on the Sunlit Hoad to Bet» tor Health} B o sch ee’s Syrup h a s b e e n r e lie v in g : c o u g h s d u e f o r e lx t y -o n e yea rs. Bees “ Kill’ Line York, Neb.—When a telephone clr cult went “ dead" near here, linemen found a swarm o f hcos had taken pos­ session of the transformer box. The workmen removed several pounds of honey and service was regtored. to colds Soothes the Throat l o o s e n s t h e p h le g m , p r o m o t e s e x p e c t o ­ r a t io n , g i v e s a g o o d n i g h t ’ s r e s t free f r o m c o u g h i n g . 30c a n d 9 0 c b o t t le s . B u y It a t y o u r d r u g s t o r e . G. G. G re e n , I n c ., W o o d b u r y , N. J. H tra ltM , p a r t ly y égala bit. Iniasti Childras’a Regulator, foruula on ever] Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic. A W iW R « S & ß $ r S S Y R U P fba infanta’ and Children’« Regulator Children y row healthy and free from colic, diarrhoea, fintulem-y, constipation and other trouble If fiiven it at teething time. Safe, pleasant—always brings re­ markable and «ratifying: results. “ Lost” Fort in Canada Found After Century Montreal.—Old Fort llalkett, in the Lizard river country, abandoned al­ most 100 years ago by the Hudson Bay company, has been rediscovered by Allaire Delzell, a trapper, who has reachel Telegraph creek British Co­ lumbia, from the river country. In the ’80s an attempt was made by an expedition o f the geographical survey to find the old post, but without suc­ cess. Delzell probably" Is the first white This current Is fed to a vacuum man to visit the place since the trad­ tube amplifier which increases the ers abandoned It a century ago. He power ten qulntllllon ( 10 . 000 . 000 . 000 ,- found an old cabin, built of squared 000,000) times and automatically keeps timbers, near a stretch o f water called the amount o f light from the speci­ Fish lake by the Indians. Inside the cabin was a quantity of men and the magnesium carbonate balanced. The color o f the specimen powder nnd lend, ns well ns a number Is analyzed at each wave length of the of ancient muskets. Parchment made spectrum and the record is reproduced from caribou skins covered the win automatically by a pencil moving over dows, but Delzell believes that the a revolving drum. The result is a de­ parchment was provided by the In scription o f the color, by means of dlans, who apparently make use of the which the identical shade may be re­ old fort from time to time. Delzell told of an exciting race be­ produced ns often as desired. Colorimetry Is a science that Is still tween himself and a pack of 26 In Its Infancy, hut a good start has wolves. He was crossing the ice on been made toward establishing stand­ Fish lake when he saw the wolves ards for colors. With this new ma­ approaching In fan formation. Un­ chine much delay and tedious experi­ armed, except for a .22 automatic pis­ mentation Is eliminated. It will even tol, he was compelled to roost In a go to the point o f establishing just tree for several hours until the wolves how many shades or variations o f nny went in search of easier prey. given color are possible, down to the most delicate that nre practically Im­ Bottle Drifts From possible of differentiation by the hu­ New York to Azores man eye. Red Bank, N. J.—On June 20, 1923, Needed in Industries. Color standardization Is something Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederic Parker Hum­ that enters Into hundreds o f Indus­ phreys of New York city nnd Fair Ha­ tries, and In them is o f paramount ven, N. J., were cruising on Long Is land sound in their yacht Fenella. Importance. Mrs. Humphreys wrote a note, In­ Take, as an example, cottonseed oil. closed it in a corked bottle and threw Refined cottonseed oil produced In It overboard. The bottle was picked this country during the Inst year was up July 15 of this year In the Azores, valued nt around $23,000,000, the mar­ according to a letter just received by ket value of which is determined Mrs. Humphreys. largely by Its color. Very minute dif­ To arrive at this destination the ferences mean variation of hundreds of thousands and even up to the mil­ bottle must have gone around Mon- lions o f dollars In the market value. tauk point, striKlng the Arctic south erly current, following It down to Sometimes, because o f a disagreement between buyer and seller of a con­ some point south oi Cape Ilatteras, signment, over the color, there will be where it probably was caught in the gulf stream. suit over the amount Involved. In one case seven tank cars of cot­ tonseed oil which called for a color .0 per cent red proved to he 7T4 per cent red, which made a difference of SI5,000 In the value. Colorimetry also enters Into health studies, such as the skin nnd blood tests, eye protective glasses, etc. In standardizing nnd testing colors the United States bureau o f stand­ ards is co-operating with the light­ house service, the railways, the steam­ ship companies, nnd agencies dealing with hlghnay traffic. And yet, the bu­ reau people say, the problems which have been solved and the things that have been done are Insignificant com­ pared with the things that still await solution. Tears o f study and research will he required to develop the science o f colorimetry to a point where most f the demands can be m et THIS WOMAN FOUND RELIEF At All Oruggiat 9 DO YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA J Try Olive Tar Inhalo it to soothe throat andnasal passages. Rub on neck and chest to relieve congestion. Take internally to stop coughing and remove inflammation from tissues of throat and lungs. TlALL ft RTJCKEL Haw York FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world­ wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. correct internal troubles, stimulate vital «organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist o n the o r ig in a l genuine G o l d M e d a l . Popularity F oe to Brains The renson that popular college youths do not get as high marks as the bookworms Is not, as commonly believed, Just that they do not care to work as hard, but that they are likely to rote lower In brain power, reports Dr. W. H. Sheldon of tests made at the University o f Chicago. However, brains and outstanding leadership seemed to go together. The notion that large-bodied men rank higher In sociability than thin men, but lower In scholarship nnd Intelli­ gence, nppenred to hnve some sup­ port front the figures.—llygela Maga- alne. Raised Trouble “So the Browns have had a dis­ agreement nnd separated. What was It nhout?” "She wanted to have her face lifted, and he insisted that It be the mortgage.” ;; German Matrons Taxed ;; I! on Their Shorn Locks !! [ | Iterlin.—"If women want to . . wear shingled hair, they shall ] I he made to pay for It,” Is the ■ ■ decision of the municipality of \ ] Wartenburg in East Prussia. ■ • A fax of 12 marks per yenr [ ] has been imposed on every • ■ shingled poll. Girls tip to fif !! teen years of age are exempt • ■ but married women who have !! sacrificed their locks have to ; ; pay double tax. .. Other townships are prepar ] I Ing to follow suit In tapping . . this new source of revenue. At ] I Schoenau the tax Is 20 marks ■ • per year up to twenty years of i I age, and 30 marks after. I t . t '* * Don’t, n™ treat som Inflamed smarting eyes wuh power- -nl d.n v » • d ruppe,1 in £ " by hand. A soothing effective, safe remedy is best 2ftcerna— ** drugs,*»'« Li ALI. A RCCKRL ! New York City « £ e f