Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 06, 1927, Page Page 5, Image 5

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The* I.. .! line-up:
oU'jjaxr^vi' r
dA'ixti r>
'n k eft i .ul; haute. left tackle;
Wilier, k l . (i. ar,l; i-hraitr, cente ;
Lingeir.ui’. , right Guar.
iaht tackle, Brown, right end; Hay­
den, quarterback; Fifer, right half;
VV hitehe ill, left I ih II ; Osborne, full
» 5 d
Subs Jenning: for Hayden, Jen­
nings for Brown, Mitealf for Lingel-
bach, Byers for Miller.
in a practice football game last
k ri 1. y against St. Mary’s Academy.
.1staiaiia avas defeated 25 to 0. The
i.ai-up I.1« , as follows: Beck, left end
1 a... . i l l ..i-;,*.; id i.lc.', left guard;
Shriner, center; Ligelbaok, right
!;u:.rd; M.tch.ag, nigh, tackle, Brow.i
l o ’ h end; Ilay.icn, quarterback; Jen-
nin; s, left half; Fifer, right half;
Whitehead, fullback; substitutes. Met
'-d f ‘ ur L’ ngelbach, Byers for Miller.
7 he senior class has elected the fol
lowing officers: President, Elwin
Heck; vice-president, Alice Kaske;
secretory and treasurer, Lillian Dun­
can; sargant-at-urnis, Opal d e ft e r ;
class advisor, Mr. Bull.
^ <11 ^ rT
‘" 2 d ’ i
Attend the Band Supper Saturday
OCTOBER (5 1927
o a c a u r j;.
M e n t io n
I o the Needs of I ls Customers,
1B& ! ’ ■ -i
tuis aJaniL cfiers its ex. client
■ à
tacil-L s and varied Services
for your Use.
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and W£ grind it for you at $ 1.09
You Wifi rind Everything in Vegetables on
or Vegetable Counter
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Bible School; 10:00 a. m.
Preaching 11:00 o ’clock- -Subject
, “ Sowing and Reaping”
j Evening— C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Preaching 7 :30 P. M. Subject ‘ Gods
Henry Penner spent the week end 1 The Epworth League of the M E
Great G ift.”
visiting in Portland.
Church elected the following officers
L dies Aid Society nieetn Thursday
afternoon at 1 p. m. at the church.
Mr. ami Mrs. Emery Closner ami laSt Sumlay eVt',li,,K: President’ AU
, A hearty welcome is extended to children of Springwater visited at the ^ce ^ aa^e > vice-president, Pauline
strangers. Everyone in the commun­ Art Smith home last Sunday.
Buell; second and third vice-presi-
it y is welcome.
______________ dent Ethel Hayman; fourth vice-presi
D. E. Dent, Minister.
Mrs. Hedgeock and daughter Elenor dent, Evelyn Putii; secretary-treas-
o f Portland, were dinner guests of urcr, Olive Bishop; pianist, Lavena
Attend the Band Supper Saturday- Mrs. W. H. Grabeel on Sunday.
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Sunday School 10:00 a. m.
Preaching, 11:00 a. m.
Epworth League, 6:30 p. m.
Preaching, 7:30 p. m.
The theme for the morning service
will be “ Worship in Spirit and in
Evening “ Seeking and Success”
You are invited to attend the ser
vices o f this church where a cordial
welcome is alwavs extended.
The Buell family quarttet will sing
at the Sunday morning services.
’«j »
ff T-’-" 'yn
Theere arc fifty-two boys enrolled
m the manual training and median.-
fa I classes. Five boys o f the Junior
and senior classes are taking a course
in wood turning.
The Girlii’ Glee club met last Thurs­
day. Many girls turned out and a
M. E. Ladies’ Aid
Mrs. Irving Smith was hostess to
the M. E. Ladies’ Aid Society Wed­
nesday afternoon.
There were 16
members ami one visitor present. New
officers were named as follows: Presi­
dent Mrs. G. E. Lawrence; vice-presi­
dent, Mrs. W. E. Buell; secretary, Mrs
W. H. Grabeel; treasurer, Mrs. Irving
Smith. Two new members were add­
ed to the membership roll. The next
good year is being anticip: cd by Mis? Estacada high school in 1927, was a meeting will be held on October 19.
visitor here last week.
Mis. Theo. Ahlberg was a Portland
The cooking class under the super-
The typing classes began taking
vision o f Miss Scott, is studying and their second periods o f typing Mon- visitor Tuesday.
t< - '•■
- . j ‘lay
— —
... advancing rapidly under
v ■■ tin d iffu ...
e n . . t kinds o f . fqods
and j are
for ■luteins and starches. They in- the instructions o f Miss Samnelscn.
Mrs. P. Brueckuer and little son of
tend to
Springwater visited for a few days
i < afeljria next Monday,
A student body meeting called Mon-
this week at the J. J. Penner home.
; ’
1 di-hes to the students.
day at 5:15 it was decided that the
I- -:.i- Closner, a graduate o f the Freshmen reception would be given
Friday evening of this week.
A m f 1 ’ 8 ‘ ; r R n* ‘ ’ : r on
■ The V orld History, class has decided
Fu- s In Al 1.-1 ys i)elii?ht
to use the “ World News,” u small cur­
An n a m V s n n p 'y o f î*'’*oon *»*ns,
rent event paper, one day each week. s u g a r y
th otr o v n m itiin »! sw eet-
timi r h n*.” h ¡ , - a n y w lilitio n .
The official yell club is a “ howling i
success” according to Mr. Manning. fr,».-, ih e !':i: i' i:«: r »> %vl. a re the
They made more noise than all of the inMil»’ nm ! in b ltlon »if e v e r y prnr'len-
'**•’» ttenrt.
fre n i ’i s in g le oln n t-
St. Mary’s students.
The class in newswriting is studying
feature stories this week. The mem­
bers are looking for material which
may be developed into interesting
stories concerning the pioneers and
early history o f Estacada.
Monday o f the fourth week of
school found more new students en­
Refreshing Shaves
You want smoother, better shaves.
Shaves which give a soft, youthful ap­
pearance to your face. You’re tired
o f dull, rough-edGed blades which pull
and scrape.
Here’s th e remedy, VALET AUTOSTROP
RAZOR. Araiorandstroppingmachine
combined. Providing a keen, smooth­
ed ged blade for every shave.
You will lose that morning grouch and
enjoy shaves that leave your face soft
and smooth.
\41e L 4 u io -S ir o D
R azor
Sharpens itself
W r -rlrV thr.* '••Err
t V .■ • A •
eoraitftiitlr fntt> ► • •tir. Shr-uM ’n.
your» affp etirr no r.?.-fcct » n ic e ,
p a ir o r
rh.i t r. cr.t.
I f y i u r • - ••
'm i t ir .r a n a w o iK —r o t in i
~, t h o
Razor b«
hat f »n to
to r » f.»r re­
ti0 - n
co n d i-
: f . i e ith er acrvicai
AutoStrop Safety R i:c r Co., 656 Fiut A .
New York, N. Y.
The Boys’ Glee club met last Wed­
nesday with a turnout o f eighteen
boys and a promise o f a few more to
join. Mr. Baker says there is some
promising talent and they will soon
start work on four-part songs. They
are using semi-popular and semi-das
sical music.
Miss Florence Hassel, wtio graduat­
ed here in 1926, visited the high
school last Wednesday afternoon.
There is to be a football game this
Friday, October 7, at 3 :0 0 ‘o ’clock on
the home field between Estacada and
At a student body meeting on last
Wednesday evening, ten “ official
rooters” were appointed to attend
each football game o f the season. The
following were chosen: Ruby Bates
Erma Wilcox. Alice Kaake, Lula King
ston, Blanche Armstrong, Irene Davis
Percy Forman, Lillian Duncan, Fred
Beck, James Beck, Evelyn Myers, 1st.
substitute, Clay Perry, tied for 3rd
substitute, Marion GaiJner and Kath­
leen Beck.
On the home field Tuesday after­
noon the Estacada high tangled with
Beaverlon. A much better game wa?
played than that with St. Mary’s
Academy. The score was 13 to 0 in
favor o f Estacada.
fn 'r » r e I? h e a rln
f o r o n ly :\ s h o -t
t in 1!». rrii#» dvr r f v a r ie t ie s ino.«t c o n -
m e n ly p ro w n l?t 1 !»o lier.»e prnnlen y ie ld
to»- nVmnt f rn d- » s n*Mle tl-e ln«*li
* ih e wt»IHi r e q n 'r e b ru sh o r
'v ir e s u p p o rts m id ¡ r o w fr o m th re e to
f-»nr fe e t fa ll, reni win In ¿rood benrlncr
froi.i tw o U> th re e w e e k s .
It Is rea !
1 n. i:;y to plan t th e la ll p e a s fo r
n u M ility .
A .succi i.sion o f p l a n t i n g
L t b o m a d e to !. tve a c r o p o v e r an,i
I»'UX co n U n u e d , e . I od.
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H o v e l f m r , J ii d rh
'T H E B A T ' COPYP.iOHT. I 9 2 0 4y
a n d A V E R Y HOPW OOD.
Useful Manure Floor
Tl? iff5«' «»f lie* m a n u re tJo<>r o r s to r
r / o ‘dir d, w ith an o c c a s io n a l use o f the
r»**’ o r e sp ru n d e r I a Ft« p that : «»es
1 vd Ir ?» nd w V
;n d finir;.
i * fd -.rn liijr the r o ta tio n s o that
• u ro n ic y b * m ip p lfed to th » fi -M
■ ■■ •*'•?!»!' r fn tr r v n ls ns It Is i
r - o « r n n lfo r m , s te a d v c r o p f»ro
•dion tb^ t i-» a n e c e s s a r y f»«»rt o f
r ’ t-orrot»*' r» fa rm o p e ra tio n .
’ ■ rdl*’ " tl»'*
tli.it ni « lia« k iVotn
b- r ' ■ a p o o r p r.u ’ tîce , r a p id ly
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V-* «:i v e « ! .:« c / L ir e j
ir is sat«l ih n t s a ilo r s v is itin g lb #
•dm. I o i Lavanti, in lice H a w a iia n
h » t *. a re u r » .u ly a m u s e d by t e eu ri-
. 11 « ics o f th e La y sail a l b a t i o 's . or
I'lie -e bitil* s o m e tim e s p e r fo i a,
pi ilrs. a k in d « f d a n ce o r as the
lo rs ca li It, ‘'ra k e w a ll-:.’* T w o a l b e
i'u -ses a p p ro n ch e a ch o th e r , n o d d in g
I m u k ln c prof«>und b o w s , c r o s s th e ir
IN. p r o d u c e s n a p p in g an»l gru m iin g
•'¡Pals, n*-*» «►»» fl-e lr to* *. f*’.ill m u
*• « b re a s ts arai fin a lly p a rt u h i»
« '«• n o iH liig a n d b o w in g , o n ly lo
■ MC to g e th e r
In an d r e p « :.! th e
à m H ; t » *e . i
HIS greatest o f thrilling
mystery plays has been
most skillfully resolved into a
superb novel. It maintains at
high pitch all the qualities of
mystery, comedy and romance
so characteristic o f the work
oi Mary Roberts Rinehart.
• '• d w ith th e extrem ,* “ p oi lU-lies#**
th e b ird «.
ta an joa oM
a s a S a-iiaS In
The Eastern Clackamas New