Devoted to ihe Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County VOL. X í l SCHOOL BOARO AND P.TJ GIVES RECEPTION ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jess Denny, o f Tillamook, wa~ i week enú visitor in Estacada. J. E. Gates, funeral director of Under the auspices o f the school Gresham and Estacada, was a >. isitor board and the P. T. A., a reception in Estacada last Saturday. was given to the teachers o f the Esta- cada schools last Friday evening in Guy Graham, o f Seattle, arm ed the high school auditorium. There last week for a visit with relatives was quite a large crowd in attend­ here. ance, although the affair had not re­ ceived much advertising. Mrs. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Webber left president o f the Parent-Teachers’ As­ on Tuesday for Antelope where Mr. sociation, presided and announced the Weber is negotiating for a ranch. following program: First a piano I --------- -- trio, by Pauline, Fred and Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. M. G. l ifer came over Buell, children o f the principal. J. G. from Portland and spent the week Hayman, president o f the school end with Estacada relatives. board, gave an address of welcome to the teachers and Mrs. Harry Hitch­ Mrs. Nellie Gardener, one of the ing followed by a vocal solo, with grade teachers, spent the week end Miss E hel Hayman et the piano. The at her home in Portland. musical numbers were highly apprec­ iated. Mr. Bqell, principal o f tlje Mr. and Mrs, ft- W, Cgry, o f Port­ schools, >vas then called upon for land, visited Estacada -last Sunday some remarks, which he gave in a and were calleis at the W. F. Cary very pleasing manner and then pro­ home. ceeded to ask all the teachers to risp to ibpii' feel uqd he introduced them, Mr. and Mis, Jack Hayden have pig*. Uucll was included in this in­ moved from the Ray Lovelace resi­ troduction, dence to the home of Mr». Hayden’s A LOCAL AND PERSONAL ÄÄGLD PARTY GiVcK M A D em p sey-S h ark ey W a g e r P arty A party which resulted from a wag­ er on the Denipsey-Sharkey boxing contest some time ago, was held at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Rhodes last Thursday evening when the Dempsey-Tunney bout was staged Ecntertainers for the evening were Dr. Rhode, Mr. and Mrs. D. Eshle- man, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ahlberg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beers, Mrs. C. E. Sparks, Mr. Gohring, and Mr. and Mis. A. Smith. Those o f the winning side were, Mrs. Helen Lovelace, Mrs. Rhodes, C. E. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith and Mrs. Gohring. “ 500 ’ was the diversion and the two who carried o ff high score were Mrs. Lovelace and A. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes were the pleasant re- cipents o f the consolation. Mrs. Lena Underwood and son Lest­ er ar.d Miss Erma Jones are atUnd- erwo .d, Washington, picking apples. Mr. and Mis. Gibbons, who have A*tar « general «nod time visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Posson. been living in the James Simms re­ and getting acquainted, all repared sidence, moved to Portland Saturday, to the domestic science room where Matt Lonsberry and wife went over refreshments of punch and cakes on Beaver Creek last Sunday to visit were served. Jr nys Closner and family, have Mr. and Mrs. Koscoe Guard, return­ moved into the Alta Schock residype» ing via uregen City. just across the river. ^ormpr Resident Here Roy Wilcox gnd Clarynce Webber Mr, and Mrs J. A, Sqmmgr, pf returned from Antelope in the east- Hotlyrowd, Kansas, arrived in Estaca­ | ern part o f the state, Sunday even- da one day last week and Mr. Som­ (ing. mer has been busy greeting old-time friends. He was cashier in the Esta­ Mrs. George Sylvestor. motley. c h a Statp Bank a(ioqt }2 ysar9 ago Mrg. W. E. Linn and ME and Mrs. and moved to Kansas later. At pre­ Tracy Gaboon, cousins o f Mrs. Linn, sent he is proprietor of a Farmer’s were guests at Linn’s Inn last Sunday Union store at Hollyrood. They made the trip to Estacada by auto­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freeman and mobile over the Yellow Trail through the Yellow Stone National Park. Mr. three boys spent the week end here Sommer owns a fruit ranch cast uf visiting at the home o f her parents, Estacada. He ma)ces tpe trip out Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Barr. this away about every two years and Miss Eeila Howe left last Sunday says that every time he comes he notes a big improvement being made for Independence whery she has a po­ ju the y.;H!jtt:y ^urjquudiHg Estacad» sition as critic in the schools. Her »hd that it is settling up very fast. school opened on Monday. Mr. Sommer was a pleasant caller at tfie News office Tuesday o f thi§ wpejf Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Boyle, o f Port­ »■id said to shove his date tag ahead land, were visitors at the home of another year, thereby getting his Mrs. Boyle's sister, Mrs. W. F. Cary, weekly letter regular. last Sunday. Number 52 Mrs. D. Furnish and J. E. Shupe, of Portland, spent Sunday at the C. Suarks home. Mrs. Win Wciugart was in Port­ land over the week end. H IG H S C H O O L N E W S All those wishing to call the pffico may do so hetwsen ihe hours 9:00 to 8:45 and 11 :00 to 11:45. The first two weeks and more o f school have passed and the »chular- ship is progressing nicely. Many new students are still coming in and it looks as though there will be a larger enrollment than year. The high school has a very large commercial department this year. There are thirty-six students begin­ ning typing and the typew riters are in use at all periods o f the day. Miss Lillian Schmidt, u f Portland, “ i itgd high school one day last week. After a visit of a few days here M:ss Schmidt was formerly a teach­ CH RISTIA N CHUP.CU with his family, F. M. Forman again er o f the Eighth grade here. She is returned to eastern Oregon to look now teaching at Washugal, Washing­ Bible School; i0 :0 0 a. m. after business matters on Tuesday of ton. Morning Service; 11:00 a. m. Sub­ 'the high school girls are getting this week. ject “ The Effects of Ein.” ready for basketball and are practic­ Christian Endeavor; 8:830 p. in. ing twice a week. Basketball practice Jim Jennings has been in Estacada Evening Service; 7:30 p. m. Sub­ will begin in earnest the second week this week visiting friends. The Jen­ ject “ Must Be Born Again." in October with Miss Scott as coach. Ladies Aid Society invites the wom­ nings family formerly resided here At the county fair held at Canby, and Jim graduated^from the Estacada en o f the community. two high school students, Thomas high school last spring. NOTICE— All members of the con­ ¡laker and Minnie Baker, with Edith gregation are requested to be present Howell as leader, put on an outdoor The mother of W. C. McWillis pass­ at the regular quarterly business cooking demonstration. jrujeting o f the church Saturday, Oct­ ed away on September 20, 1927, at Many plays and entertainments are ober i i 192f, 7 :3(l p. m. Important. the home o f her son in Walport, Ore­ being planned to take place this year. gon. She was 81 years old and had Election o f officer». The Civics class has decided to use We invite you to worship with us been sick for some time, “ The Literary Digest” for current (strangers are welcome. Fact; opp topics. made happy and right at home. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Grabcel and The following students that have D. E. DENT. Minister. little sons, counsins o f W. H. Gra- enrolled within a week are: !,eel, and his uncle, A. Grabeel, all Freshmen— Irvin Stahlnecker, Pet­ W. .1. Kimmell, late o f California, of Portland, were guests at the Ora- er Rydereroski, Paul Buhlinger. 1 heel home last Sunday. Sophomores— Margaret 'McConnel, h«» bought 8« acres «ear Log La- Elmer Girt, Ervin Douglas, Enert Barre, known as the LaBarrc ranch, Born— To Mr. end Mrs. Harry Stahlnecker, Herschel Gauiey. and with Mrs. Kimmel arrived last Juniors— Alvin Munson, James Monday and were moving to their Grable, o f Springwater, on Monday new home this week. While in Esta­ September 23, a son. They now have Brown, William Uauley. Seniors— Elvin Beck, Harold Hitch­ cada they have been stopping at the e pair of boys. Mrs. Grable is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Me- ing, Sam Whitehead. Home restaurant. Will's, of Estacada, Those attending the county fair at Canby Friday were Evelyn Myers, Sympathy Is extended to John Nord Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith, his Erma Wilcox, Manie Baker, Thomas hand, o f Estacada, whose brother, mother, Mr3. A. Smith and sister, Baker and Edith Howell. Clarence Nordlund, met his death Mrs. Neva Day and Mrs. Smith’s sis­ The cooking instructor o f the Esta­ while working at a camp at Astoria ter, Mrs. Ray Hammond, made up a cada high school, Miss Scott, has a on Tuesday, September 27. Particu­ a, iy and visited Portland last Sun- class o f eight giris. They have been lars o f his death were not given. Mr. | day. copying receipts and canning peaches Nordlund left Wednesday for Astor- Miss Scott says they intend to start I* I mny the guests at the Sylvor.tor cafeteria next week. ! Lawrence home last Sunday were Mr. The sewing class, under the super­ Mr. and Mrs. J.- B. Robertson of 'and Mrs. Lester Huston and son. Mr. vision o f Miss Scott, is progressing arfield, had a pleasant surprisse lost i.nd Mrs. Duane Lawrence and their nicely. unday, when Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reid daughter, Mrs. Bratney and husband A large enrollment o f boys in the nd two children drove out from Os •all of Portland. manual training and the mechanical ■ego to see them and took supper. drawing classes, is reported by Mr. Owen Scott was hit by a falling tree Drews. The Garfield Grange meets in regu­ 'limb last Friday, while working in a The English class is stuulng news lar session on Saturday evening, Oct. logging camp at Dover, and had one writing this term. In order to ge* 1st. side of his nose nearly torn loose. An some practical experience, they are to Estacada physician took care o f the write the school notes for papers. Mrs. Earl Jones o f Camp “ 8” was wound and he is getting along nice- Monday the third week o f school a guest at the John Higgins home at ,iy. found several new students entering Springwater last Sunday. for the term’s work. Mrs. Reliance Carlisle, daughter of The initiation o f freshmen new Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Reilsing. of Mr. er.d ?.Trs. W. H. Moore o f the students and new teachers, was start­ Hillsboro, were guests at the A. W. Fstacad i hotel, e hose home is at Oak ed by making them all walk across Grove, was secured to substitute in the stage. The freshmen had to give Schiedel home over the week end. the grade school for Miss Hunter, their name, address and ambi'ion. The Girls' Glee club is going t Mr. and Mrss. Frank Gill o f Dufur, who is iccuperating in a Portland A'ash., were visitors at the Win. hospital after an operation for ap­ hold a meeting Wednesday evening. pendicitis. | (Continued on page 3) Dale home last Wednesday. i M i M FF Mrs. Nina B. Ecker, who is a news­ paper woman o f quite a little exper­ ience in the newspaper game and an all round country printer and who has been connected with the newspaper here for a number o f years at differ­ ent times is aga n on the News staff. V\ e are very glad to get the services o f Mrs. Ec..ei . n , feel sure the read­ ers o f the News ..ui be glad to know that she is bacs on tile lore». She is well acquainted in Estacada and knows the spelling o f the different people s n inn's and therefore will eliminate the hud spelling along this line. If you h«.ve any news or any­ thing tout yua w.sii to report or any help witu «... « iu can give it to Mrs. t e x t ! oi tali 8x3 and we will send a representative to you. We are endeavoring to maxe The Eastern Clackamas i\ews the best newspaper in the County and with your assist­ ance we can. To those who do not get time to report their news to the News o-fice direct will be taken care o f by Mrs. i red L. Haynes, who manes weeaiy calls at the residences anu ete-y lim e item given her or Mrs. Ecker will be greatly appreciated by the editor o f the News and your home paper will be one o f the things o f great interest to you and to your friends that huve moved away who want to hear what you arcdoing. . F. J. liarkenrider is still on the sick hs.. ESTACADA DAM TO HAÏE LADGE SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and daugh- The Estacada Bund voted to have a It -.pent S: ini.iy in Stcyton, Ore­ gon. big supper at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Sat­ urday, October 8th. The band is run­ Mrs. Will Bel! o f San u'y was a visit­ ning a little behind and this supper or at the J. II. Demir.g home last Sun­ is for the raising o f a few dollars for day. the purpose o f paying a few back bills and putting the band on The secretary o f the Estacada band solid ground again. Everyone is urg­ reports that there are three new ed to attend this supper and get their r.i ibers. money’s worth in a “ square meal” and thereby help the band also. The Mrs. Gladys Duug drove to Salem Band is one of the best advertise­ Inst i.I inday to atiend the State Fair ments the town has and we cannot a f­ ford to lose it and we will not if every and visit relatives. one does his part in supporting it. Gravel was placed on Short street It makes no difference what the oc- last week and it is hoped that the ccssion may be, if there is any music wanted the band boys are more than goo l work will continue. willing to respond and it is not any Billy Handle, who has been work­ more than fair that when the Band ing in eastern Oregon for sever"! boys want a little boost, financially or otherwise, it is our place to return months, has returned to Estacada. the favor and give wnat we can ably airs. Vernie Duus, of Antelope. spare. By doing this we will be help­ Oregon, is visiting in Estacada and ing the community maintain the best organization that it now has. At this putting up fruit. supper you will not only get all you M. Lonsberry was a business visit- can eat but you will hear some real or at the sawmill o f Graves Bros., clussicul music by the newly organiz­ ed orchestra o f Estacada made up o f in Upper Higland, last Saturday. members o f the band. Come out ev­ Guy Graham left on Monday for eryone and enjoy yourselves with the Astoria and other points to visit re­ band boys. latives, returning Wednesday. A rtisa n C ard P arty Rev. B. F. Clay, who left here last N O T IC E The United Artisans o f this place May to take charge o f the Christian There will be a regular meeting of church at Turner, Oregon, was an will give a card party in the I.O.O.F. Neighbors o f Woodcraft to be held at Estacada visitor the first part o f the Hall, on Wednesday evening, October the Masonic Hall Thursday, October 8 week. 5. Everybody invited. * All Neighbors are requested to be present to plan the winters entrteqin Mr. and Mrs. R, R. Cooke drove to Mrs. J. J. Toll, Mrs. T. E. John­ ment. son and Mrs. Thos. Jones from Camp Salem, Milwaukic and other points MARGARET MOSS, G. N .1 1 V4 were Estacada visitors on Tues­ last Monday on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaake and daugh­ day morning. ter, Irene, are at Yacama, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. lleylman at- 1 a.i Derby at Spokane, Earl Gunter, while cranking the working in the apple orchards. V. acu.agtun, me ialier part ot Iasi speeder Monday, received a bad cut A C lose C all. wee*. Mis. neyiuiau took a spin in over the right eye from the crank a sister plane to the one that "Lindy” handle which slipped o ff. ^ There came near being a bad auto­ drove across the Atlantic, and at times traveled at the ra te. of 100 FOE SALE— Six pigs, O. I. C. stock, mobile accident in Estacada last Sun­ miles per hour, 1000 feet in the ai;. weaned. Also one O. I. C. stock, day afternoon at the corner o f Sec­ They report that they enjoyed them­ Call W. M. Douglass, phone 69-6 ond and Main streets, when a car dirv en by Mis3 Alta Darrow ran into Mes­ selves very much. Their son, Captain Estacada, Oregon. srs. J. W. and A. S. Hassell’s car. W. II. Heylman, had charge oi the Miss Alice Douglass was in the car iruiispurtuion part o f the Derby. Mrs. Neva Smith-Day, daughter of with the Darrow girl. No damage Mr. and Mrs. A Smith, is here from was done with the exceptions o f a Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Page went to Stayton visiting her parents and oth­ punctured tire on the Hassel car. er relatives. Port and last Friday to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. T. Hogan. Mr. M E T H O D IS T N O T E S William Gould, o f Portland, who iiogan was struck by a hit-and-run driver last March and has never en­ lias been working at the LaDee log­ Sunday School 10:00 a. m. tirely recovered and it will be some ging Comp, was taken to Portland, Preaching, 11:00 a. m. time before he will be able to walk. Tuesday, by Dr. Gilbert, having had Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. one of his ankles injured by a choker. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Mrs. J. T. Irvin had for guest Sun- day. ,ur. and Mrs. V. J. Hillyard and children, o f Boring, Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Dowdy, o f Portland. Dinner was giv­ en In honor o f Mr. .and Mrs. Sommer of Hollyrood, Kansas. Pete F’ry, who was called out of the mountains a few days ago on ac­ count o f the illness o f his mother at Gold Beach, Ore., returned Tuesday to the forest service and reports that his mother hud recovered. Mr. and Mrs. C. Higgins and child­ Gladys and Anna I.orch, of St. Paul ren were guests at the home of Mr, Minn., arrived last Snturday to visit Higgins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John their old-time friends, Mrs. John Higgins, at Springwater, last Sunday Blauth and Mrs. Herman Gohring. They left Monday, Mr. and Mrs. B. Miss Edna Bates, eldest daughter Gohring driving them to Portland of Mrs. Moilie Kates, left last week where they proceeded on their way for Monmouth where she will attend home, via California. the State Normal. Mr. and Mrs M. Lonsberry and Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgan visited Mrs. Stella Graves went to Highland relatives a* Roschurg this week and last Saturday. While visiting Mr. bef ve they return home will also at­ and Mrs. Frank Nicholas, they attend­ tend the Stale Fair at Salern. ed the play given by patrons o f th< Clarke Grange, called, “ The Country Mrs. H. Sitton, sister o f Mrs. T Clodhopper” which was enjoyed by Yocum, and her son Paul Dempsey all. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sitton spent A party consisting of Mrs. A. G. Sunday at the Thos. Yocum home Ames, Vernon Ames, Mrs. Otto Hig­ They reside in Portland. gins and Will Killendonk drove to Un­ Washington, Saturday, Rev. C. T. Cooke Is the name of the derwood, new minister sent by the district con­ where they visited Mrs. Ames’ sister, Lena Underwood and other rel­ ference to take charge o f the Method­ ’ ’ ist churcli at this place. We have not atives. They returned Sunday even­ yet learned if he will be here to hold ing. services next Sunday, But is expect­ Everybody should keep in mind the ed to he here. meeting o f the Eastern Clackamas A family reunion to celebrate the (»immunity club this Friday evening, wedding anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. at the hand hall. Election o f officer? Waller Paulsen in Portland, was held and other important business. A pro- wst «iu:. lay and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Tr«m will follow. Let’s all go and Harkc-hi ider and daughter, Miss make this a real meeting and show Edith were in altendence. Mrs. the real community spirit. i aolsen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs John Richards and Harkenrider. family, left this week for Portland J. K. Wiennn, from the Swiss Flor " here they will take charge o f a res- al Co., at Portland is the speake- w V 'nurant and confectionery owned by will deliver an address at the Com­ Mrs. Richards' father. It is 1o ated munity Club meeting to he held at the on 23rd and Washington streets. Mr. ¡.an ’ tf 'I, day evening. He will Richards has been head clerk at the talk on Cultivation and Fertil'aation. Estacada Feed store for a number o f If you miss this talk you will be miss­ years, is well and favorably known ing the treat o f the season and the in this vicinity. The family will be missed by a host o f friends. club want* you to be present. Rev. C. T. Cook has been assigned to the Estacada Methodist church and we expect him the last o f the week Rev. Cook comes to us from Fossil, Oregon. Regular Aid meetings are held the first an third Wednesday o f each month. The next meeting will he held at the home o f Mrs. Irving Smith, Wednesday, October 5. Everyone be sure to be there as there are many things o f importance to be discussed at this time. Below are quoted the new prices to be charged by the three barbers o f Estacada. Haircut .................................... Ro Shave .................................. 25 Massage 75 •Shampoo __ .50 Neck C lip .............................................. 16 Tonics . 25 Razor’s Honed .50 Horn's for opening and closing are as follows: Week Day, Excepting Saturday 8:00 a. m. to 7 :30 p. m. Saturday 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Ora! Stormer is the proud owner o f 0 new Colonial Junior Range purchas­ ed at the S. & S. Hardware Store. Ben Tanler, Jr., o f San Francisco. California, is visiting his sister, Mrs. F red Bartholomew this week. F’ red Neff, who has been work at the U-Need-A Bakery left Sal day for Los Angeles, Califor Ralph Brunall, o f Portland is tak his place. Mrs. II. C. Stephens enterta Misses Scott, Samuelson and Pai Rose and Messrs Baker and Drew a ix o ’clock luncheon Hunday e ing. New officers were elected for Christian Bible School last Sum They are. president, Mrs. D. E. I)i vice-president. Miss Maude Shern secretary and treasurer, Mr. Neil