Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 15, 1927, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
m m m of goijntï
Miss Ruth Dillon is still improving.
Mrs F. E. Hammon is on the sick
list this week.
Mrs. J. C. Whittney is papering
her house.
M rs. Whittney was on the sick
list the first o f the week.
A regional office to serve as a con­
Never a year when helpful Grange
tact station between the Bureau of
participation in local community a f­
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith adop-!
Mrs. J. Moss is back from Aurora Agricultural Economics, United Sta­
fairs has taken on more practical ted a small buby boy recently.
tes Department o f Agricultural, and
where she was picking hops.
uspects than so far in 1927 in hun­
public and private marketing and re­
dreds o f (fural localities .scattered
Mrs. Nellie Waller is a guest at the
search agencies in the Pacific North­
over the country. A short summary J. K. Ely home this week.
Mrs. Ista Baurenfeind is visiting
west has been opened in the new
paragraph of some of these activities
at the J. K. Ely home this week.
Post Office Building, Portland, Ore­
furn’shes illuminating evidence of
Mrs. J. C. Duus is on the sick list
William A. Schoenfield, form­
how worth while an organization the
this week.
erly assistant chief o f the bureau
Grange really is:-
Mrs. J. S. Denning last week.
has been placed in charge. Mr. Scho­
In Mercer, New Jersey, Granges
Lola Moore leaves for Corvallis
work, being regionaly in char­
combined their efforts to wipe out
Mrs. A. Brunner is able to sit in acter, will require that considerable
Sunday where she will attend college.
objectionable billboards and prevent
a wheel chair now.
time be spent in Seattle, Washington,
the erection o f more, and already
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith were
where he will use space in the bur­
many o f the highways throughout
Henry Penner and Fred N eff spent eau’s office at 505 Arctic Building.
Saturday in Oregon City complete
music by Lloyd Smith's Dance
the mc3t attractive parts o f the coun­ in Portland Tuesday.
the week end in Portland.
For a number o f years the bureau
details were worked out for the pro- Players.
ty have been cleared up.
has maintained several local offices
Orval Douglas was a week end •j: |m of the twenty-first annual
In Beaver county, Oklahoma, an
W edn esday
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore were in the Pacific Northwest serving that
Clackamas County fair to be held
energetic Grange agitation resulted guest at the J. H. Denning home.
in Portland visiting Wednesday and important agricultural region with
at Canby September 20, 21, 22 and
in impaneling a grand jury at the
stock and Poultry day.
crop and livestock production fore­
The college attendance from Esta­ 23. Indications point to a good at­
county scat, which has made a thor­
casts, shipment and market price re­
ough cloan-up of bootleggers and all cada is larger than any previous year. tendance for the four days o f the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forman who ports, fruit and vegetable inspection,
show and the many features listed open for inspection. Conclusion of
law violators who had overrun the
judging exhibits. 10 a. m. Bovs’ and have been in Eastern Oregon are re­ and for the inforcements o f the Uni­
county and which the ordinary forces
Mrs. M. E. Williams o f Gresham should prove o f interest to all who L'rls’ club poultry judging contest. turning to Estaeada.
ted States Grain Standards Act
o f the la wand order seemed unable was a guest at the Denning home attend.
10:30, Boys’ and Girls’ club poultry
and the United States Warehouse
to cope with.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Moore spent Act. The new office will render fur­
appointed as sports manager. He judging contest. 10 :30 a. m. Band
Pennsylvania Granges are very ac­
concert- in court. Cooking demon- from Friday until Tuesday at Clacka­ ther service to this region which is
will receive entries for the Ford
tive in preventing theiving by auto­
Roy Wilcox whq has been in East­
ration, by Schuebel Cooking Club. mas lake fishing.
steadily increasing in importance as
and pig relay, the horseshoe pitch­
mobile parties, from whose depreda­
ern Oregon on business has returned
1 i a. nt. Calf club demonstration by
an agricultural area.
ing tournament, the boys’ bicycle
tions farmers suffered seriously last
Mrs. C. Crofford, Mrs. Nevels and
( olton Calf Club. Other club demon­
Mr. Schoenfield will devote his at­
races and the boys’ and girls’ pony
summer, and some Granges have ap­
strations. 12 a. m. Fair board lun­ Deb Foilet were in Oregon City Mon­ tention particularly to developing and
race. His office is in the Butler
pointed committees to take the lead in
coordinating economic research work
Mr. and Mrs. John Ausberns were building in Oregon City. All rules ch- m. 1 p. m. Cooking demonstration day evening.
stopping the trespass.
o f the bureau in the States of Oregon,
on John Githens at Eagle governing contests are posted with by Meridian Cooking club. 1:30 p. m.
Granges in Washington in many
Mr. T. Harder and Mr. and Mrs. Washington, Idaho and Montana. He
him. Entries in contests for prizes Band concert in grandstand by Mo-
instances secure control o f the re­ i Creek Sunday.
la’ la band. Horse shoe tournaments Kiggins wire at Seaside last week. will cooperate with state institutions,
will be limited to residents o f Clack­
freshment concessions at county fairs
■'< urnod. Livestock demonstration by They returned Monday.
reseach and agricultural extension
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foilet and amas county.
and endeavor to raise the quality of
\\ Isonvillc pig club. Sewing demon­
agencies, farmers’ cooperative asso­
what is sold at such stands. A spec­ daughter were guests over Thursday
The courts are being prepared stration by Meridian sewing club.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sparks have ciations, chambers of commerce, and
ialty is made o f fresh fruits and an at the J. Foilet home.
I for the horseshoe tournament which 2 p. m. v'v hippet races; four races, moved into the G. Armstrong prop­
other commercial associations and
effort to increase the sale o f milk
j will attract a large number o f en­ 2:30 p. m. Polo games between Port­ erty.
civic bodies. The establishment of the
an a substitute for cheap "p op” and
Mrs. Nevels o f Corvallis, mother of trants from among the ladies as land Hunt Club and 7th Infantry
office in Portland follows the estab­
similar drinks formerly sold.
Mrs. C. Crofford, spent the first part well 'as the men. Separate contests teams, 6 chukkers. 3:45 p. m. Ford
Ed Bates who has been having lishment o f a similar office in San
Other similar lines o f practical o f the week at the C. Crofford home. will be held for men and ladies.
and pig relay race .same as previous acute indigestion is much better at Francisco to serve the Pacific South­
Grange activity for the community
Trophies to be awarded in contests d
1 p. m. Calling contests, cattle this writing.
welfare include the following:— offer­
Mrs. M. Lonsberry and daughter, i will be on display sometime the com­ calling, hog calling and chicken call-
Mr. Schoenfield was formerly as­
ing prizes to schol children for the Stella, were Oregon City shoppers ing week in the windows o f the Bur-
Dr. Wells and family o f Koseburg sistant cheif of the Bureau o f Agri­
i:> for cash prizes. 4:30 p. m. Train­
best essays v ritten and securing pub­ Wednesday.
| neister & Andreson Co.
ed dogs act in court. Zerada and his were visiting old friends in Estaeada cultural Economics in charge o f re­
lication c f the prize winning ones in
The fair board reports that fine troupe in free act. 7 p. m. Trained Tuesday.
search, and also Chairman o f the
local newspapers; improving sanitary-
Mr. J. H. Denning is able to walk progress ¡3 being made oh the new dog act and Zerada and troupe in
Federal Crop R eposin g Board. He
conditions around school buildings and and can talk and use his arms some grandstand which will amply take
Mrs. E. F. Hammon is having a spent two years 1924-1926, in Europe
court. / :45 p. m. Free moving pic­
insisting upon a better grade o f motor now. He is improving quite fast. -
\ care of the increased crowds ex­
tures in community tent. 8 to 12 p. two ear garage built at her home. as Agricultural Commissioner, Mak­
busses for transportation o f school
pected this year. The lower portion m. Dancing.
J. I). Miler pastor o f the Full Gospel ing studies o f European markets for
children; insisting upon proper super­
Hall is doing the work.
M. E. Woodle and family of o f the stand will be utilized to house
American farm products. His exper­
vision of roadside stands and in many Trout Dale were Sunday guests at his the boys’ and girls’ club work ex­
Thursday, September 22, Farm and
ience abroad has familiarized him
states advocating licensing o f same; parents home, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. hibits.
J. J. Penner and family returned with the export markets o f many o f
Industrial Day.
using its influence to prevent the Woodle.
Below is given a detailed outline
9 a. m. Exhibits and barns open. Wednesday from Stettler, Alberta the products of the Northwest. He
showing of objectionable movies and
;of the events that will take place.
9:30 a. m. Morning Enterprise show­ where they have been visiting home formerly worked and lived in the
encouraging by the patronage o f its
Miss Doris Gardner, who has been
Tuesday, September 20, Childrens’ manship contest for boys’ and girls’ folks.
Mounain States, and is familiar with
members the presentation of high- at Normal schol, is visiting her mothei Duy, schol children will be admitted club members. 10:30 a. m. Cooking
the farm problems in that area.
class films; aidirlg telephone com­ this week. She is going to teach at free.
A good crowd attended the M. E.
demonstration by Concord Cooking
panies In extending their lines into Myrtle Creek.
f l u b . Band concert in court. 10:30 Church supper given by the ladies CULLING THE EW E FLOCK
remote rural districts and oftimes
a. m. Baby clinic conducted in audi -1 aid at the I.O.O.F. Hall Tuesday
9 a. m. all exhibits and stock barns
inducing farmers to give rights of
Ralph Ohmert is still on the sick
torium. Prizes for best babies. 11a. night.
way, furnish poles and even assist in list. He had the “ flu,” went back to
m. Sewing demonstration by Carus
Ewes kept for breeding purposes
setting same to secure the pread of work to soon and is bed fast with hibits starts. 4-H Livestock judging sewing club. 11 a. m. Livestock par­
Robert Manning and family have should be at least average in size for
j contest. Smith Hughes judging con­
such lines; in towns where no resident the plursey now.
ade. 12:30 a. m. Basket luncheon returned home from a trip to South­ the breed they represent, says H. A.
test starts. (There will be earns from
physician is available combining with
and program by Kiwanis Club. Cham­ ern Oregon and report a fine trip Lindgren, animal husbandry special­
other groups or with other towns in
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and Multnomah, Columbia, and Clackn- ber o f Commerce o f Oregon City and a dandy time.
ist at the Oregon State college exten­
taking the necessary steps to insure Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denney spent mas counties in this contest.
Business Mens’ association. Open to
sion service. The ewe flock is gone
the location o f one.
10 u. m. Judging o f girls’ sewing. all. 1:15 p. m. Cooking demontration
Tuesday and Wednesday in Antelope,
Mrs. A. S. Hassel and two boys over carefully before breeding and
10:30 ». m. Band concerts by Molal- by Concord cooking club. 1:30 p. in. have returned from the Hassel mill those not up to standard are cut
Oregon, visiting.
Thfre will be a meeting o f the
I la Band, Buena Vista Boys’ Band, Band concert in grandstand. Horse where they have been for the past out..
Es acada Parent Teachers Association
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith, Mr. and Oregon City Boys’ Band. Judg­ shoe pitching tournament resumes. four weeks
A Shropshire ewe* should weigh
at the Grade School on Monday after­ and Mrs. H. Bears and daughter were ing of club livestock and poultry. 2 p. in. Whippet races. 2:15 p. m.
160 pounds., A Hampshire 185, an
noon, September, 19.
dinner guests at John Githens, of : Cooking demonstration by Union boys’ bicycle race for boys’ under 1G
School opened Monday with its Oxford 220, a Dorset 180 ami a Meri­
Mrs. Roy E. Beck, Pro*.
Cooking Club. 11, Boys’ and Girls’ once around the trnek. Prizes, $5, $4, usual excitement. New hooks, old no 130, with all other breeds in pro­
Engle Creek, Sunday.
Club parade. 11:30 a. m. Official
S3, $2, and $1. 2:30 p. m. Polo game hooks, and no books came the first portion. The size o f ewes is eut down
Services at the Full Gospel Hall
A number o f friends called on opening o f the twenty-first annual between Seventh Infantry and Port­ day. Thi attendence is not so large l>u too early breeding. It is not a
are as follows:
Rev. and Mrs. Simms Monday even­ Clackamas county fair with talks by land Hunt Club. 3:45 p. m. Ford and due to hop picking, but many more good practice to breed ewes to lamb
Bible Study Sunday morning at 10 ing to tell them good by. They left O. M. Plummer, manager o f the Paci- pig i clay race same as previous days. are expected to register within the under two years o f age.
- lie International Livestock Exposi­ 4 p. m. Trained dog act and Zerada next week or ten days. The new
Preaching at 11:
for Oklahoma Wednesday.
“ Only healthy actice ewes should
tion; Judge C. W. Kruse and others. and troupe in court. Band concert. teachers are very agreeable and we be kept for breeding,” says Mr. Lind­
Evangelistic Service at 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting on Tuesday even­
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kiggins re- Herman H. Chindgren, president of ■1: 30 p. m. Awarding o f prizes do- have no doubt they will be well gren. “ Listless, unthrifty ewes sel­
ing at 7:30.
- turned
from Seaside the county fair board, will preside. ,nate;l hy Oregon City business men. liked by all.
dom produce good lambs. A bright
Bible Study on Friday evening at where they have been spending their ■l-H club rally. Livestock parade and 0:30 p. m. Broadcast o f the Dempsey-
Very litle difficulty was encoun- pink skin is an indication o f the
7 :380, to which all are -requested to i vacation.
Tunney fight by loud speaker. 7:45 lererl in registering the high school thriftiness o f the ese. Parasites such
12:15 p. m. 4-11 club basket luncheon p. m. Free moving pictures in com­ pupils, a satisfactory program hav­ as stomach worm, lung worms, and
bring their Bibles.
Mrs. E. S. Womer, Mrs. T. Ahlberg, 1: p. m. 4-H club health judging con­ munity tent. 8 to 12 p. m. Dancing. ing been worked out beforehand.
All not worshipping elsewhere are
the like tear down the vitality o f the
Mrs. D. B. Eshalman and Mrs. H. C. test; winners to compete at state
cordially invited to attend.
Much interest is being manifested in ewe. Unless a ewe responds to para­
fair contest. Sewing demonstrations
J. D. and Mrs. Miller, Pastors.
Friday, September 23, Greater the commercial department owing to site treatment and increased feed, do
by Wnluga Sewing Club. 1:15 p. m. 'Union o f Clubs Day.
the fact that the sophomores are not keep her in the flock..”
band concert in new grandstand by
Opening o f cFBetaoinshrdlumfpk allowed to take commercial subjects.
Matt Glover and children visited at
Constitution, a valuable asset in
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely and son three hands. 1 :30 p. m. Whippet,
The grnde teachers are Miss Sher­ the ewe, is indicated hy a wide deep
9 ay. m. Opening o f exhibits and
the Alpaugh home Monday also Rev.
Glen and Mrs. Nellie Walter returned races. Four races between some of stock barns. 10:30 a. m. Band concert man, first; Miss Poole, second and chest and a wide sprung rib or heart
James Aikin Smith.
Monday from Morgan, Oregon where the worlds’ champion dogs. Horse in court. Cnnning demonstration by third; Miss Hunter, third nnd fourth; girth. A weak constitution in the
they have been visiting the past rhoc pitching contest starts , 2 p. m. Springwnter Canning Club. 1 1 a . m. Mrs. Gardener, fifth and sixth; Miss ewe is not associated with good thrif­
W. D. Freeman and son, Kents and
1 week.
BBoys’ bicycle race for boys under Livestock parade. Boys’ nnd Girls’ Beck, sixth and seventh; Miss Ander­ ty lambs. Ewes that make the best
family are vacationing at Crater Lake
10. Boys to furnish own bicycles. club livestock demonstration. 11:30 son, eighth.
mothers have a mild, bright eye, a
and other places o f interest.
The Community Club, who have Once around half mile' track. Prizes a. m. Camp cooking demonstration
The high schol teachers are: W. feminine or matronly appearance,
not been holding meetings during the $5, *4, $3, $2, and *1. 2:30 p. m. by Springwnter club. 12:30 p. m. E. Buell, Principal; Miss Samuelson, and quality a shown in the texture
summer months, will hold their regu­ Frank Zerada and his troupe in tam- trained dog acts and Zerada troupe Commercial; Miss Kershner. English of the wool, size o f the bone and
W.C.T.U. women wilt hold a hot lar meetings again rt the band hall }-olino act, in front o f the grand­ in court. 1 p. m. Canning demonstra­ and Latin; Miss Anderson, English
and refinement o f the features.
tornala sale Saturday the 24th at the
stand at 3: p. m. Trained dog act tion by Springwater canning club. and Spanish; Mr. Mannin, Mathe­
the Last Friday in the month.
The ram, which is in reality half of
Drug store, be^ining at 10:30 o ’clock.
matics and athletics; Mr. Baker, the flock, is gone over carefully to
The first meeting will consist of before grandstand. 3:15 p. m. Boys’ 1 :30 p. m. Band concert in grand
election o f officers and a speaker on or girls’ pony race, entries limited stand. Sewing demonstration by Wil- Science; Mr. Drews, Shop work; Mias see that it is o f good couformation
to Clackamas county. Boys or girls sonville sewing club. 1:330 p. m. Fi­ Scott, Home Economics.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and daugh­
: ideredare the lamb market the year
flower raising will be there to deliver
o f IS or under, ponies not over 14 nals o f horse shoe pitching tourna­
ter Patricia and Ellen Roberts of
before, quality of the lambs produced
an address and toll how to raise and hands. Prizes, $15, $10. and $5. 3:30
Portland, Ore., visited at the A. E.
ment. The high man o f each o f the
hy the ram and whether the ram is
care for flowers. These meetings are p. m. Ford and pig relay rare. Entry
Alpaugh home Sunday.
The partnership business, known as increasing the average fleece, weight
3 preceding days will play for first,
'o f vital importance to the community fee 50 cents. Fords to be model T. second ami third prizes, consisting of Lonsberry & Perry has been disolved
o f the flock.
Mrs. J. II. Kitching and Mr. and and should bo atonded hv everyone with starter and foot throttle dis- cup for champion, $8 for second and hy mutual consent. M. Lonsberry re­
Mrs. John Olsen o f DeKa'b, Ill’nols w!th the best Interest o f Estaeada at conected. Three times around track $5 for third. 2 p. m. Whippet races. taining the lumber and building ma­
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Johnson of
changing pigs each time and coming 2:30 p. in. Polo game between Port­ terial business and A. II. Perry the Aurora and Mr. and Mr*. A. H.
spent Friday at the Harry Kitching heart.
t- a complete stop each time. Prizes land Hunt Club and Seventh Infantry truck and wood business.
Wlsnn o f Portland, were Sunday
All orders for Lumber nnd other guests at the Dr. Rhodes home.
Boy Scouts and manager are on* 710, $5, and $3, daily. 4: p. m. 3:4 p. m. Ford and pig relay. Same
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilcox and every weotf and are building houses Band concert in court. Finals in as previous days. 4 p m. Free trained building materials will be taken care
son William
Vantou e f.or camping. They have 200 acres of H-. alth judging contest. Winner to dog act and Zerad and troupe in '■( hy M. Lonsberry at his office and
Thursday where they visited the avia­ land in their Memorial Park Eagle to receive Banner Courier cup. 7: p. court. 6:30 p. m. Third annual ban­ lumber yard on Main St. All bills for
All account* o f Yoccunt Lumber
tion field. On their way home they Creel- runs throueh it. It is, a beauti­ m. Fiee trained dpg act in court.
quet and meeting o f Clackamas same payable to him.
Co. remaining unpaid, can bo paid at
sloped in Portland and went on the ful p’ ay place down on the Creek. Zeia-ia and troupe. 7: 45 p. m. Free C> eater Union o f Clubs in commun­
Orders for Wood and trucking to the Estaeada State Bank.— L. M.
Battle ship Oregon.
moving pictures in community tent ity tent. 8 to 12 p. m. Dancing.
A. H. Perry Phone 02-2 residence.
They come out in troops.
2tf. 52
Program is the Best that Has Been Ar­
ranged in Years. Also Many im­
provements Made at Fair
Grounds Completed