Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 08, 1927, Page Page 8, Image 8

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.. l ' .
cHECKING a c c o u n t
a n in t e r e s t b e a r i n g t im l
A SAVINGS a c c o u n t
a s a f e d e p o s it b o x
If In Need Of Feed Or Seed
Is The Place Indeed.
-------------------------- ----------- Albright lives at Sail Diego mpl Mr.
I f you want to see Dempsey in ac- Schaneil at Santa Ann, California,
ion come to the Liberty theatre
Albright has been spending twe
Sunday and Monday night as the We*ikg with her neice, Mrs. Swink a,
Dempsey-Sharkey fight is going to Dundee and Mr». Mary Hammond ol
be shown.
Oregon City, while Mr. Schaneil was
touring in British Columbia.
Mis. Julius Kreiger was on the the sdleeao fawoliuouipouipuinuiur.
sick list the first part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hammond
Hammond, Amy Drake, Mrs
Mrs. Mary Mach« who used to live jja ry Hammond, Mrs. Sarah Albright,
with Mrs. J. Kreiger, spent Labor -VIr,«. ElU Swink of Dundee, Mrs,
Day at her house.
liable - Ballinger and daughter ol
Manzanita, and Mr. and Airs. 0. L.
Evelyn and 1 redrick Buell spent a ¡£ammond formed a motor party Sun-
few days at the homo of Miss Baker day t0 silver Creek Falls, where s
in Portland this week. She was their picnic lunch was enjoyed. They vis
8th grade teacher.
the Waldo Hills couatry, re-
turning by way of Saiom and Silver
Miss Ruth Dillon is getting along ton
W ANTED— Prune pickers. Inquire Clackamas County, Oregon, and that
at N. M. Tracy, Estacada, Oregon. Monday tne iih day of Novembe
Phone 14-6. ltf.
1927, at the hour of 10 a. m. in the
WANTED— To buy cedar posts, lum­ forenoon of said day, in the County
ber and fir side cut. State price, ca­ Court room of aid court has been
pacity of mill and if possible to sur­ appointed by said Court as the time
face. W. R. LaLoude Milwaukee, Ore­ and place for the hearing o f objec-
ions thereto and the settlement there­
gon. pd. 3t.
Date of first publication Sept. 1st
FOR SALE— About 20 head of ewes i g 2 7
also some Hampshire ewe lambs,
Date o f last publication Sept. 29th
one Hampshire buck.— E. W. Grib-
bon, Estacada, Oregon.
2tf pd4b 1927.
Florence Wills.
FOR SALE— Corn binder, ensilage
Administratrix of the estate of
cuiterand silo, bean thresher and
brail puder. .vil in good condition Fredrick Samuel Bannister, deceased
at a bargain.— Hubert Strcbin, I
w . \ . Heylman A tty for Admlnl- nicely-
Troutdale, Ure. Kt. 2,
4tf pd 51 gtrjx_
Mrs. George Guttridge and child-
FOR RENT— Four furnished rooms
ren, Earl and David, and Mrs. ¿. P.
for light housekeeping.— Mrs. F. K.
Coop and Dora Herring left Monday
morning for the hop fields near.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Aurora where they expect to pick
FOR SALE— Lincoln itambolet, crocs
U. S, Land Office at Roseburg,
Bred ewes all ages and prices Oregon, August 23, 1927.
reasonable. About 30 head.— J. 11
Notice is hereby given that Car!
,-Irs. Kane nnd Mr. and Mrs. \ .
4ster.;ng, Urcsnaiil, Pnone 3291. pd.50
■f. Wonsetler, of Rt. 1, Estacada Ore­ H. Hillard and baby, Mr. and Mrs. J.
gon, who on November 6, 1921, iiku D Douia were visiting at the J. T. Irvin
For Saie— Baby buggy, Mrs. Theo.
Portland H. E. 07644. Riseburg, home Sunday.
Oregon, No. 017288, for REV*, sca­
.»Ir. and Mrs. J. C. Duus spent
FOR SALE— All kinds of Slab Wood tion 23, Twonship 3 S., Range 5
— Klaesch Lumber Co. l ’hone 43-13 East, W'illametto Miridian, has filed their vacation up in Antelope and
notice of intention to make three Mf.upln, Oregon visiting their child-
FUK SALE— Three farm horses, rear Proof, to establish claim to the ren, they report good, crops. They
cheap, weight about 1300#— Mrs. land above described, before K. F. came home last Thursday.
Fraser, U S. Commissioner, In Ycoh
Lacey ,Phone 59-12.
iuilding, at Portland, Oregon, on the
Miss Helen Davis. Lois Neff and
FUK SALE UK KENT— 190 acre- 5rd. day of October, 1927.
Willie Price, of Portland, spent La-
farm, located on Kt. 2, Estacada
Claimant names as witnesses:
bor Day here with friends.
Oregon, Mis. Lacey. Phone 59-12.
Albort W. Lee, George IV. Wilson,
C, Marion Brock. David W. Jones,
Miss Sammie Cieighton, o f Port-
land, was a guest of Doug.as Pr.ce
and Fred Neff Sunday.
SACRIFICE— Good 3 room house an Oregon City Granite Wo**k*
Mrs Minnie Hanson and daugh-
2 large lots in Oregon City nea Manufacturers of High Grade Monu­ ter went to Sea Side Friday and vis-
h gli school, good street. For quid,
ments and Markers
iced a couple o f days with Mrs. Han-
sale $359. ur trade for good light
1103 Main St.
Oregon City sons s ster. Tney returned home Sun-
truck. Phone 68-61 or write A. C.
Eastern Clackamas News, Estacada
Oregon. 3lf.
Moose Bui ding
Florence Hassell imd friend came
FUK SALE-—Two colts coming two 3ur work is done for th .se who love .Vdncfdny for a few days visit w,th
her mother, Mr*. A. 11. Hasel and
and Remember
year eld in the spring or will trade
for rov.s or any.hing l may use.
Hurry U.bson, Lk.r.on, Oregon.
siraineJ.— K. C. Hoygi.ard, Kt. 2.
64 1 araday, Oregon,
pd. apr. Is .
Telephone 681-J
Walter W. Gilbert, M. D.
FOK S A L «— Lat model Cherrjle,
touring beat condition. $126.90
casti. C. M. Sparks.
door se- an,In good cond Don Will
trade tor Iivtetock or anything 1
can isc.— Larson, iiti,u re at t ur-
ri ns villa Sten, pd ltf.
2 ', i*nl» ib e.stacaéa, R. 3
Fbort«» 331 for Appointment
tiiflead«, Orogon
Dr. M. M. Mar’¡peíale
of Oregon City
Monday and Friday eve-
n jUg S a f t e r SIX o'clock,
..»'Tie . O.
Notice i* hereby given that the
oActf o i
County c lex k of
Perfect F.tting Glauses”
• rtd •vftnirtç*
rho me 2,-1. pJ. 69.
W d ta M p td , ea adm.nie.ratr.» oi ae
n# te c . . cJr’ck S*. '*J«I Lsjnnist^r.'
- H ys HIe4 her fine! arcou t
FOR SALE— One thorob.ej ehester
white L .jd cow.— Write ¿ 1 . eh.se,
1 'a mile' south of Spnngwater. pdl
FOR SALE -20 held of euv.es at V.
Lingiitack. r.t.2.Bux 99.
FOR SALE— Good cl<
seed rye,
Fhyiician and Surgeon
Oifice a' Linn s Inn
m o r e P 'n v rr* ? c r t h e
sam e
p r ic e
L ' l S Ar* Pr#ci#-*
them accord-
A complete i
. « i.»l . . - » K . t l . l
*i»cc nl.it. Masonic builii.*i^„ U
i »ly.
A. ii* t.è'.LJ
r---- 7TT*. • *
There is a real live agitatio:
Molalla in favor of having an air-
plano lantiinK field It has been sug
6th. 1927.
From there they started by automo-
S.dney L. DeLapp, Administrator. ba# fo f ^
huH1(( 01, Monday. Mls
Classified Ads
gested that the J. R. Cole property
j THE COUNTY COURT, OF THE 1 half mile out be used. Norman Ken-
ney, district manager of the Stan-
dard Qil Company has received sev-
» m-i c a l communications urging the cs-
In the matter of the estate of V ¡1- ublighment of such a field. It is said
liam DeLapp deceased Notice is here ^ bg dLsilvd at thU time for the
by given that pursuant to power and accomodat;on Qf thc planes engaged
authority granted to the adminislra- jn folcsL fire observation. It is point
tor of the estate of William Walace eJ QUt that Independence and Silver-
DoLapp, deceased by an order made ton are citjes ajrcady having land-
and signed on thc 19th day of Aug-
ust 1927, by the above entitled court
fleldg' and u u urged that , Uch
the administrator of said estate will . eg are badly needed and will
from and after Monday the 3rd day jn (he future be stU, more in de:T1and.
of October 1927, offer for sale and
Tom itaught#r had an odd auto-
proeeed to sell at private sale to mobUe accident on Wrights bridge
thc highest bidder for cash, subject a few day| ag0 His machine skidded
to the approval and confirmation of went through the railing of the
tne above entitled court, the right
bridge, but hung by one wheel
title and interest of *»id estate^ in ^fom wbicb poaition it was rescued
and to the following described real without much damage. P. M. Mayes
I property, situaW >n the county of a passenger in the car, had his bad
Clackamas Siate' pf Oregon, to wit: badly wrenched and Mrs. Slaughter
I Beginning at the Southwest corner y.ag shaken up. All three jumped
[of the Geo. W. Palm ate«, U. i,.^ G- j lOUJ
ear It is believed that ii
No. 63, in Sect.22, T. S, S. R. 4. E o. lbey
mey ],ad no'£ their weight jaodJ4 |}«vt
tl,# W. M. Running thence north carried it ovel’.
along the west ling of the said claim,
Miss Reva Everhart entert&lr^d £
49 rods, thence east 64 fv-is. Thence n,jmb(,r of htr fien d s at the su n
¡¡s o u :''
rot*B t0 c*nM"
Thtnc<; mer buine wl pet HSrçnts. Mr. am
west along tne -latin line u4 ib - s tu >; s w . W. Everhart, Tuesday even
place of beginning, co. "aililllg 13 , ing of the lust wee«, >» honor of Mist
and one half acres more or less> Ki.en McVeigh. Miss McVeigh WW a
saving and excepting therefrom a iormer instructor in thc Molalla higi
strip of land 20 feet wide, off the ..(.jjool and has been visiting frienuZ
west side thereof, and heretofore in MoUua 'fhope enjoying the even
deeded for a roadway.
ing were Louise Dalton, Mary Ellen
Bids may be made any time after MeVeigh and her mother, Mrs. Bogut
the publication of this notice and be-
Klanl|lth , „ 11 . , Mr. and Mrs. F.
fore sale at the office of W. A. Hey- faurie> i{arp}d Ridings. Ernest Paul
man Atty. for the administrator, ^.ey, Verne Faurie, and Mr. and
Estacada, Oregon.
Mrs. W. W. Everhart.
Date of firBt publication Sept. 8, 1927
y, r3 Sarah E A ibright and sor
Date of last publication October >If St,huneil lcft Sunday for Dundee
c a r e of Y o u r e v e r y b a n k in g
w h e t h e r it be -
lit. 1, Estacada, Oregon.
Banking Service
N e e d
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Reed, son»
Robert and Ronald, will leave Fri-
day f or Tacoma, Washington where
they will visit at the home of Mrs
Reeds. parentS) Mr. ana Mr.. E. E
Ur' and Mrs H r Nebl.as atu
* ■
<br E c o n o m ic a l 7 ronsJ>ortat¿ 0 B
Orily Chevrolet offers
Bodies by Fisher at
such low prices
iffT S u
Th e bodies that Tislrer has built
for today’s enclosed Chevrolcts
are comparable, in every respect,
to the coachsiork o f the w orld’s
finest automobiles!
N o other uut in iftv lo w price field
ofTcrs be dies by Fisher, with all
Th e C O A C H
T h e T o u r in g $ £ 1 C
c rR o a iU te r •
f e r . • • • *625
g s-n o o ,
* » » Sport
^hcrimíí/l«l $745
v — -i.-m n «n d elegance.
thc cor> u.., - .... .
that the F is h e r n am e assures.
Conic in — and make your own in*
spection o f Chevrolet coachwork.
Note the smartness o f its Duco
colors . . . the grace o f its full-
crown, one-piece fenders
. •
deep, resfiul seats and the fashion­
able durable upholstery.
VVTon Truck*
( C Jta u ii Only) ^
l»T on T ru ck
(Clwissi* Only)
All price» (. o. b. Flint,
James M. Closner, Prop.
Path,” a pageant given at Uolombu
Mrs. Gladys Bany of Canby was in
Molalla on Thursday visiting her pa--
ents, Mr. and 'Its. Jim Buty.
Then remove the cover, and turn th?
apleg gently, so the pieces will keep
their shapt. Let them brown Ugh ly;
they are then almost transparent.
Place them in a hot platter and sur­
round them with the bacon.
Lib. McKinney left Wednesday
evening for Reexport, Ore. where
in the northern tingle of the I'ula-
she starts teaching Monday.
Ine hill pti mis n p luce, which Hie
Bob Marchbank was on the sick people of Rome hellcve to be liauhted
list a few days the firt part of the by the glp'si of the liulf mm! Cnl guln,
Hie emperor who r.irpusai'il even Nero
weeli, he is better now.
n cruelty mill Ploodihlrsthi'.:':-. Pierre
Van I'um-iM-o relate«, pi tp« Atlanta
Beets need not always be served Coni-tltutlcn
Though the guiiii* re­
cold, in vinegar. The new, young fused to iieconipany us in’.I the half-
cummer beets are especially good inoldered ruins, we encountered no
hot, with butter nnH salt and pepper. -'lioal In any of Hie historic halls,
Cook them in their skin» ami peei tlioitgii we half cxperte-'l tp s:t plain
them when done by plunging quickly loms repitil (lie glia -lly sc- if s lliut
were once enacted here. For here Da-
in cold water,,
i f your sewing machine has been lígula, reclining at the lain riel tnhle,
closed for any length of time, it will hurst oul laughing, and when asked
,h - can o of Ids mirth replhd: "HoWi
probably need a thorough going over.
ca y || w. uhl he to have Hie her ds of I
Wipe and dust it
fdl vmu ipy eoiirtl, rs roll over Hie marble
oil can with kerosene, oil every pari llcnrs.” la tips , m: ilia ih ■ ( laml-
and run it vigorously without thread Ins was feasting when he was Ill-
until well loosened up. Then oil with formed (lint Ills wife Mesailina was
good quality of machine oil and go dead and received the news with a
over all the parts again. Wipe and lest, I hep ordered a slave to pour him
-lean carefully, stitcii on scraps until n cup of udne. And here nlro ilie
.hrcuu is perfectly clean, and as u same emperor devoured h|s fatal re­
past of mushrooms of which Tne!:ns
anal precaution, tie a bit of wool 01
speaks, a dish prepared by his l-ivkig
the presser foot above the needie to wife ami nine. Ag lpp'nn In order to
prevent any oil Horn running down make way to Hie throne for her son
on the work.
children of Roseburg, who have beet
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, I, N. Farr
icturned to their home Tuesday
Their small son Dickey will stay at
the home of his grandparents foi
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson o
v'ancou*. er, V\ ash ngton., spent thi
week-end at the home of Mr. anc
Mrs Lester Randall,
Roscoe Hlbbard, who 1« employee
Exce.rdve »bynes was up .tl
Fried Appier Ana Bacon
at a drug store in Portland, spea
of Tlmm.'s NaM, li;e
at caidoca I.
Thursday visiting his parents, Mi-
and M ri. Harr.- Hibbard.
Thinly sliced bacon is delicious who lifted c;,r!( HtI!-V f ' a) Its eh c :r-
Mr. and MrB. Walter Large, o, a hen browned under the liaine or ly to Its pre cut |>". Ifloa ns one of is»
■post potent . nd -i for mailing a I
Oregon City spent Monday evenirt -he broker in a gas stove, it .s then
htflitencli.g | '!c p n on. lie w i
at the home o f Mrs Larges’ parent--. .ree oi excess iat, cn»p and <tpi>cl.;.- nppidled at the it -y Ilio: lit of li sv­
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Coon »pent th. ng. Good results cun also be obtained ini; io f:<e a crow ; |p j.erson. Afl *r
week-end picking hucklebtrr.es ii jy lying it in a heavy skiilet, draining other agencies had eo: xed ip vnlp . r
th0 Mt. Hood country, They hike. j l tne lai with brown paper. App.rs Ills services on tho h-iare platforia,
Ji' tomatoes can tnen be i.-.ed in tne Itpflpnth's siine, d d nidy after a rep-
almost to the timber line cabin.
Mr. and Mrs. W- H. Steininger am iat and according to the Bu.cau oi resentntlve had c; piped ori his t: I
■! to ti r
Dick and Arthur drove to Day to. rióme Economics, U. b. Depai.me.it for mon:!i.. It was . vp'
Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs Charles j i Agriculture, make a particuiqnj artist Ih i lie could keep Id h ;ek so
attiactive breaKiast disii. n it io . io a - Ids ttudirace. IclHm; Ills crayon 'Ip
most of thc tnlKIng. nn ! need u n
ng lecipe ,s s.ggvated tor ir.sd
Jannette Worley and her cousin
only occash nally for a brief redim ii.
iuargeret lieede. are visiting at thi apples and bacon: beiect good tail Vast signed up for the tour of Illus­
ppits. reel and cu. them in . to i trated lectures and the h 'of sluipl'c-
an<f Mrs. GG. S. Morga
nch cubes. Fry tile baco.. :n a uea.y Ity of Ids rep-irks made quite a hit
Astoria. The in ter is ethe s ster c
ia.ilct, as soon as tne slices or ua.on with Ids ir d' aces On on > occasi n
Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Todd, who havt -ue cusp, lgmove and dram them on n Pldladelphla he w lit to his block-
bi an enjoying a ten day motor tr | -lean brown paper, f o r trying mt hoard on the siege npd rapidly drey
through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wy­ apv.es you wdl need abo«* v* cup oi In outlines of n great building, th o
tu nlng Ids herd lie remarked dryly:
' ■> ■
oming and Washington, returned to oacon la:. P -
"Yon see I can draw a house” A*
up latasr
their home here on Friday morning a aeon r^t, piling
the theater was packed, the an lien A
Among the interesting points vis.ted high in the frying pan. Sugar .o tas.e. decided he hail Intended the possible
were iit- Washburn and thc Yellow, ue sues you use enougn sugar; app.es donlile mean'ng nnd n storm of a|>
»tore National park, where they epenl fried this way need more sugar than pitture ensued He earned $40.fXXI that
three days.
apples fried in the ordinary way. searon, hut got "komealck” toward t'«*
Mrs. L. E. Maaterton returned on Cover and cook slowly until tender. close arol eanoeled eng.ip/atolita that
•vi Uhl have 1
I,*,('(jp nioro
Friday from an extended visit with
her parents and other relatives at
Sait Lake City, Utah. She was ac-1
compsnird by her five year old ne-,
phew, Bi:ly Hadley, who will spend j
thc winter here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cooke mads a !
trip around the Mt. Hood loop Srt
19 cent tablets for (e o )................................ .......................... .08
urday ae far aa Swim. Sunday they
r tu ne I hr.ne. ’.Vhile vicw:ng ih
5 cent tablets for le a )............................................................... .04
country, Mr. Cooke had the misfor­
Psneils, Pens Irk* and a full assortment of school supplies.
tune to s-.eerely strain the Fgamer.U
A nice assortment of box writing paper,
in his leg. He was unable to bo on
Reguiar 50 cents, n or
.................................................... .
dui, at the Huntley-Dtaper drug
etc: » for o:--cral deye.
A nice new line of cotton and si.k hosiery.
M.a S. G. j.iIJcr her neice Mency
A Complete line o f groceries.
Cole. Mrs R. J. Elkins a-iJ
’-‘ -r-
V i» bu • — t for cash or tr- io,
Lcnors and Maey wsie . . . . .
‘ • * 'f ^ s - tp-»«
H. A. LaBarre, Prop
Tuoetsy. Mency Cols. Lsnc-« end
ils.-y Elkin* too» part In th* "Magic