EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, “T2 < L i M > L. ......u f i i mi m M • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1027 PACE Sa*ur< -venmg. and Mr. .1 M''«. Roy Douglas ih. 'r. lccoiipcvied by Mrs. Prei- d to - . 0 ; . it*.le daughter, mote Scl:uc"'**l Sunday and visited with Mr. a.,,. .'Trs. G. Moehuke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffineister, Ruby and Victor, attended the wed- din* of Miss Alta Branch and Dr. Walter . lartin, at the Methodist ch i It o f Lents Sunday. Miss Brasch forme I.. ved out in this neighbor­ hood, but moved to Lents. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson were 1 „ vic’tirur w th Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gib- j 'I so.i Sunu. y afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. IValter Douglass were Portland visitors on Tuesday. C r tr i; p • a %■ , ¿ a sr » a § o f . ? r . SLVCljilifi£Bg ¿ t ] » i n n «JCliiOG School Books and Standard School Supplies fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Note Looks. Watches, Knives, Vaccuum Bottles, etc. TH H ESTACAL’A P H A R M A C Y The REX ALL Store Weekly County Agent News L Euiopean earwigs are becoming in Portland with her mother, Mrs. and Mrs. H. Johnson. George Willing, after several ,1 numerous in various parts o f Clack­ Colt. Grant Test was a Portland visistor visit in Portland with relatives i amas County. The directions are fr'ends, has returned to h;s horn given herewith for mixing and apply­ on Tuesday. Miss Margaret Maloney left on with Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen. ing the summer poison. Mr. Larsen, who is working Late summer poisoning. It is well Sunday for Chicago where ghe will to follow up the general application i visit for a time she will also visit Portland, spent a few days over i..: bor Day with his family. [of poison brand bait by the use o f , in New York and Toronto. Major Luther Felter and family small amounts o f poison baits applied to tieeg, wails , and other objects came last week to make their per­ Ail plans for the 21st annual Clack­ several times during the summer, to 1 manent home on his ranch. The Hill amas County f iir will be held at th. \ ch the earwigs after they begin to Crest Orchard. They formerly lived county fa.r grounds at Canby ha. in Portland where the majir was an been completed. Indications point t< climb at night. For this purpose it is well ti have a instructor in the Hill Millitary Acad­ wards one o f the largest and b ‘ mixture which will not dry for sev-| emy, blit the Major has geeured a county fairs ever held by the Cla. 1 - ! eral days. This may be accomplished leave of absence and will devote hie amas County Fair Association. T : by substituting glycerin for a third t entire time to the interests here. county fair board this year is spar | ol the amount o f the liquid used. I Mr. and Mrs. Homer Glover and no pains to make this the grea.c» 1 Oat hulls will make a mixture which Cliften left Saturday for Seaside. Mr. ever o f fairs. will stick to objects better than Glover returned on Monday, but Mrs. Numerous attractions, such . whea bran. The following mixture Glover and Cliften will stay for a whippet races, polo games, the . ■ couple of weekg. , is suggested: to be held In the history o f the co n- 1 Sodium fluoride..................... 1 ounce ty fair, horse shoe contests, band c j Molasses.................................. 5 ounces certs dancing, poultry and livestc SPRINGWATER CHURCH Glycerin.................................. 5 ounces calling contests, parade of livesto I. Water.................................. 5 ounces Thomas I. Kirkwood, Pastor demonstrations by Boy’s and Gif ’ Oat hullg, about .................... 1 pound Sunday School at 10: a. m. Clubs are some of the offerings t r Mix by disolving sodium flouride Worship service at 11. amusements this year. There will ai in water first, add molasses and Christian Endeavor in the evening so be a number of surprises sprur.;- glycerin, and mix with enough oat Topic: How Should I spend G ods by the board. hulls to make a wet mash. Smear Portion Of My Money. Mai. 3:8-12, From indications the large pavil n pinches of this in the crotches o f ail II Cor. 8:1-5,9. which will be in charge of John Roi. lr.es; leave pellets of it at intervals Tne Chi.stian Endeavor business inson, o f Alountain Road, the buildin; of about six feet along all fences oiecting and social will be held Fri­ will be filled to capacity. and W'alls, and along the top of the day evening, Sept. 9, at the home of Air. Robir.son is to be in comp! house foundation, in cracks o f barns, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erickson. charga of the fit at floor, which is and other buildings, or anywhere GEORGE house the horticultural display, that the earwigs are seen -crawling. well us the individual farm exhib . Sunday School at 2 p. m. Caution. Sodium flouride is poison­ and Boys’ ami Girls' Club work. Church service at 3. ous to human beings, but death from EAG1 CREEK On th • second flood will be the its use is rare. Wherever small child­ floral exhibit in charge o f Avon Jcs: Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. ren are present care should be taken Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. who has anounced that owing to | to keep them from eating any of the big demand for space this year, he Church service at 8. poison bran. It should be scattered would like to have these contemp! - 9 .i so that no large lumps be left on the ing to exhibit to gat in touch v ’\ GEORGE ITEMS j ground. Material applied to trees and him. His address is Aurora. Rout' : other objects should be placed be­ A large space will be al.owed to e .!: School began here on Tuesday it o f flowers tins year, as there v. iu yond childrens reach. The game pre­ cautions should be used in regards with Miss Kokel as teacher, and ail be additional floor space since to poultry. A thorough sprinkling pupils being present except two. space bo two n the first and seen ..d Mr. and Airs. C. A. Johnson and floor in tho center of the building of the grounds with water after the bran has been on a couple of days daughter Vivian motored to Oregon been floored to care for extra exi. - City and visited with Mr. and Mrs. its. will wash out the poison. Inskeep, on Sunday. The opening day, September ..'0, Mr. John Klinker and daughter, will be Childrens Day. Children .f Clover mildew which appeared it Clackamas County a few years age Helen from Portland, spent from school age and und. r are to be ad. Salem— BlcQucen Bacteria Com­ is here to stay, according to informa Saturday until ¿Monday with Mrs. led free o f charge. It is also pie n 1 pany o f Ohio will establish branch tion from the Oregon Agricultura! Marie Klinker and family. to have the tourists, who arc visit, g here for nitrogen-fixing farm bac­ College, most o f the damage is to William Joyner spent a few days ‘.he state, and showing the lice teria. in Sellwood with his uncle and aunt, plate on their cars, to bo admit l the second crop. Carlton— Flora Logging Company Clover mildew is successfully con­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell. free o f charge during any of producing 70 cars logs daily. trolled by dusking with gulphur a Mr. and Airs. Roy Ginthei and faur days. They will also be g t Salem— Local growers shipped 103 the rate o f thirty pounds per acre Alisa Marion BBateson of Portland the privilege o f camping on lue cars o f cherries this year. soon after the first crop is cut. Small pent Sunday and Monday with Mr. grounds free. Ashland— Natural Lithia springs hand dusters are on the market tha: here ships $100,000 worth o f carbon- will dust several acres of clover per ¡c gas yearly.. hour. Eoseburg— Loon Lake road to cost Cha kames County will be allowed $72,130. three ears of Pyrrotol before the sup Burns— Herrick lumber road to be p y is exhausted. One car has beer opened by Sept. 10 for shipping stock. ordered and over half of the secont Gold Hill— State will open $55,000 car has been sold. Rogue River bridge on Pocific H gh- Orders ere coming in rapidly arc way. those wishing to order should do sc Grants Pass— Fashion garage rris- immediately. School Board 0 .0 k . ed to make way for Helmer furniture block. NOTICE Sclo— Scio State Bank lets contract Strictly speaking, of course, this cannot be done, B U T on the otherhand the buying p ow er of a dollar is surprisingly elastic. Our Store is your Dollar Stretcher. 3 Kellog Corn Flakes for . . 1 Package Kerrs Farina . . 25 Bars Royal W h ite Soap for Just Arrived Boys Slicker Coats; Girls Gpolashss; School Supplies; BiJ Line of Logging Shirts; Blaz­ ers; Wool Shirts; Wool Blankets. KJf H. B. Snyder, Prop. '£ § ¡¡1 0 tus e s FROM THE KEIGHBORfNB TOWNS ] OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL Company will build $60,000 ware house here. , , Klamath Falk Each Now Machine And Each New Plan buihdng large Process That Multiplies Man’s Pro­ pine mill here. ductive Power, Or Turns Out An Im­ Astoria— Excellent cranberry crop proved Product, Represents A For­ assured this y\,ar. ward Step To The Enjoyment Of during July totaled $100,335. More Ann Better Things— An Ad­ Portland— Work progresses on vance In The Standard Of Living. $350,000 Beth Israel Jewish temple, Myrtle Point— More new sidewalks North Bend— National White Ced­ ordered by city council. ar Company operating double shifts Beaverton— Van Kleek farm pro­ West Linn— New school auditorium duces 14 Vo tons of hay in two cutt­ here to cost $10,300. ings o f two acres o f alfalfa. Salem— Valley Motor Company Klamath Falls— Oregon Bank and building concrete garage. Trust Company opens with $90,000 uood River— Growers contract COO capital. tons pear3 to Libby cannery. Bend— G-eat Northern extension Vale— New theatre to be built on go ithv.rd to Chemault contracted. site o f one burned. • or'baldi— Section o f Roosevelt Eugene— 11 miles o f Deadwood- HUhv :y under construction. Five Rivers market road graveled. Canyon City— Old Badger mine at Baker— Machinery arrives for Ore­ Sutanville district has 35 men work­ gon Copper Company power p.ant. ing and will soon open reduction Portland to be served with 30 re­ plant. frigerator ships this season. Canyon City— Thompson mine at Rainier— New Dubois mills to cut Susir.viile has five-stamp mill opeer- 100,000 feet lumber daily. ating. The Dalits— O. W. R.&N. tie treat­ V hee’ er— Highway opened to ing plant to build new $83.500 mill. Brighton. St. Helens— Hall miil resumes work Friend— Black Butte Company con­ to cut 50,000 feet lumber a shift. tra s for '0,000 feot logs daily. Columbia City— Work begins on H sifvay— Idaho Power Company new sawmill of 25,000 feet capacity plans extensive rural electrical ser­ daily. vice. Hood River— Apple Growers As­ Mitchell— Seven mi’ es o f Mitchell-j sociation pays another $125,000 or. Dryvlllc highway will be built. , „ •<•<>« 0361 Klcm-th Falls— Sand Creek road i Tillamook County paid off $71,502 er.t atice to Crater Park to be im­ warrant debt since January 1. proved. Salem— Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., Gold Beach »tree:* to be oiled. R e e ls p o r t -n .3 2 miles o f read to ' f ' . ” * 125’ 000 bond* fo r woll“ n* Lakeside to be graveled at cost of $96 Eugene— Building permits for sev­ E68. en months exccedil.OOO.OOO. Condon— Twelve cars wheat in first Salem— Oregon Linen Mills here gi .-in Shipment o f year. can make 1,000,000 pounds yarn r* -e Cr'-vc— Plan rebuilding saw -1 .. early. mill just recently burned. Klamath Falls— Tule lake hay har­ Coquitlc— Heavy shipments head vest o f 70,000 tons largest ever lettuce being made. grown. Halfway— Old V-.derwood placer Ashland— New clay products plant mine being reopened. opened for busin-3». Pc inland— Sons of Norway to build I Tillamook— Spruce veneer plant ? '* 'too lodge ’ f ..J action of carload a day. Port.and—i*---- 1 Paper and Filip ' for new concrete bank building. Drain turkey g over» expect to sY; $20,000 worth o f turkeys this ve r. Myrtle Point— Holt-Chase cannery will can blackberries and huckleber­ ries. YOUR FACS Ti ■ Garfield Rkip-a-IVe- k Club i r.i c-i to tie or qu’lt qu:lt3 for any- ' one that wants work done. Fo ; prieeo inquire o f Sec. Phone 20-21 ' Airs- H. H. Anders. M everywhere arc awak­ ening lo the tnith that dull, rough-edged hiades pul! and irritate tne skin. Save ycur face! We hove one good as new Fair- Marriage licences fn e at Pointer's banko-AIorse 114 horse power g.'so Furniture Exchange, baby buggies line engine for sale cheap if talon nt almost as cheap. once.— See Pointer's Furniture Ex change. The most important factor in correct shaving a smooth- edged, keen razor blade. Stropped, sm ooth -ed g ed Valet AutoStrop Razor blades give perfect, fa ce-sa vin g shaves. UPPER EAGLE CREEK Misg Kathrinc Hall who has been up at EHensburg, Washington, re­ turned home last Alanday, and sp nt the week wiih her parents Mr. end Mrs. S. E. Hull. She left on Saturday for Corbett where she will teach school thig winter. At the regular School Board meet Ing Thursday night it was decided t nay transportation for all high gehoo pupfls outs:de the district. The exact amour* could not be escertaine'1 hut wdl probably range from 10 sen's to 25 cents per pupil a day. It was also decided to pay milengi Mrs. Lena Priester and little ? daughter, Anita, were guests o f )ier ,0ln sister. Miss RosaDo uflrlr.ss over thi weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and child- . . i ren motored out this way Sunday, eating dinner at the home o f B. R. Gibson, relum ing home on Mon ’ay. Mr. and Mrs. Gibgon had gone to Estacadi. to attend the La1 ,r celebration. Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas; . o f R ;V came down this way and spent the week-end with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Art Smith were call­ ing at the home o f Toy Douglass last *e The Valet AutoStrop Razor keeps your face soft and youthful looking. more than onc mil v!S in f‘ r r p“r t / E A G L E CREEK. . T # « i Russel Strincham o f Snokane vis­ ited a eoupb o f days last week with li'y aunt, M s. A C. Cogswell. Mr. and Mra. R. F. Meyers and dm ehttr E tv- arc spending a va- cata. i at the ceast. Nini ladies from here Wont to Springwater on Wednesday to attend a joint meeting o f the Ladies Aids o f Springwater, Grange and Eagle Creek. Airs. H. Glover gpent Wednesday Val e lÁo ” cu5 1 rop Razor S /.a r.'v is i :e lf GUARANTEE Wr -xifih that ife r y user < f c u n r ta n t ly o n t h ir y tiu r s aifo rr:« , ' t • i • f *f taon—r e t u r n i t to r.» r - a V«i«t Ante o Jlr.tñt M * V I anyth U m * i *•#*. M tnd »» t o >• . *• o- I not I *ne no char»?«.-for e ith e r le rv ic e . AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., 656 First Ave., New York, N. Y. i -