Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 08, 1927, Page Page 4, Image 4

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¿I ¿ U :
iu ìì
'- Tattle
'« 4 L L ie should not be fed with'n 24
! hours bef fore slaughter, but access to
ater Is desirable. Do not kill
-Lsl>' :«il ¿V Ì J i t v ll l 6 i frcsh wat
i i the
tne anim
animals while in an excited or
I Adiiiss:on 2 5 : arr! !0c » overheated condition, as they will not
* bleed well. Beef from animalc not
. . . PRO G RA M . . .
j P»,°Pe«,ly bled does not keep well.
September 9 ■& 10
Grain should be fed to high-produc
ing cows under all pasture conditions.
“In hog Teasing it ig not so much
' the kind of pasture as it is the nec­
Sallie O'Neil and William Haines essity of having a good pasture of
and Harry Carry
- some kind.”—E. Z. RusgelL
One of the best of the season
With the approach of hunting sea-
I son, the Biologicol Survey of the Uni­
ted State Department of Agriculture
directs attention to the fact that
under the migratory bird treaty act
regulations, adminstered by the bu­
Ma'.t Moore Sc. M:.rie Prevost
reau, the only shore birdg that can
lawfully be hunted are Wilson snipe
or jacksnipe or woodcock. The Fed­
eral se.-fton has been closed for an
indefinite period on hlack-bellied and
Harold Lloyd in
One of J lny«V best. Admission golden plover3 and until August 16,
1929, on greater and lesser yellow-
15 & 35 cents.
legg. There is no open season on
reedbirds. A copy of the Federal
game laws and also a bulletin con­
taining a synopsis of the Federal,
State, and Provincial laws relating
Salt * O’Neil ar.d an all star cast. to the protection of game will be
A Very Good Show
furnighed free on request addressed
to the United States Department of
mini um is three ounces of copper Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
cond-ietorq), there is no danger of
the l.u ding being Hr, d even when a
In a recentu ^ . o n a . r e
direct .roke of lightning is pacing ™eat h^ ' ne hftbits of Amer.can
vives, approximately 50 percent
through the conductors.
of those questioned believed that the
butchers they patronized either han­
dled the very best or a very good
quality of meat. Commenting on this
The raing of the last few days have °Pinion’ “ onomieU
tbe U"ited
. .’.In
started the grass to growing States
a per cent of i T the
hp j
quite a blessing: to the late y , .
. ,
beel animals slaughtered at the
, . ,
Chicago market in 1924 were graded
John R.cnard family are on as imfi of choice and suggest that
their vacation thig week.
.<the lack of consumer knowledge
, He,pie has done a lot of re- of mMt
deg an<,
Uty ^ evi.
pair work on the school building, and dgn^ »
it ig now ready for the school term. ;
F o r d S a le s a n d S e r v ic e
George hatching is moving to Esta-
Profit* In Tree*
cada this week.
H. D. Lombard is moving in the
- why ,houldH ^ 7 r . plant trees?”
houge • acated by by Geo. Kitching. is asked and answered by Alfred B.
Hagen has been doing a lot of Hastings of the forest service, United
in the grain ration, and corn
The Eastern Clackamas News Isirablc
, of . Agriculture
. .
silage and legume hay for roughages. painting
. , the Curnnsville store lac-t
v. States Department
nch a ids to , itq v> appearance.
The ration should not contain too ve.
• *
Trees set idle acres, too rough . _
Editor and Publisher
R, li Haie
much roughage feeds at this time.
, ic ?. on her vacation.
. ..
for planting, to work
State highway departments last
2 he Earl MeConnol family are growing and alwayt marketable crop.,
Entered at the postorficc in Estacada, year surfaced a total of more than
f. : & ‘ ?.
. ...
, . Though trees take a number of years
Oregon, a* second-class mail.
. It. \\ nae was visiting his to
. reach
* maturity,
„ a _______
13,600 miles of earth raads. In ad­ A:
young plantation
dition, they rebuilt 5, £28 miles of son Wilbur Tuegday.
a farm, just as
Ivor Hon-en made a trip to Port-
old surfaces, 163,059 miles of the
orchard does. In o few years
$1.50 287,928 miles of ¿’Federal aid State land Tuesday
One year
i i ¡ H ’ with
IV,ill Lloyd
E w a t
. . . . .
is yeilds small* material in the form
.75 roads are now surfaced.
Six months
Cecil Wright has been gick for of thinnings, such as poles and fence
Rubber hoof pads are not recom­ several days.
posts; later fuel and pulp wood; and
Don Ma son was culling on Gao finally tie and saw timber. It is a
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927 mended for horges that work on the
farm, as the soil works its way under Walter and Victor Leon Tuegday.
savings bank that pays compound in­
Mr. aid Mrs. Frank Halferty and terest. Timber growing is a necessary
The nice thing about being a man the padg, causing lameness by extra
is you don’t have to stay home after pregsure on the navicular joint. When children from Madras, Ore. arrived part of diversified farming, afford
you wash your head.
rubber pads are used, the Bureau of Tuesday evening at the home of ing employment and wages for winter
* * * * *
Animal Industry advises that pine tar ,, Mrs. Ilalfertys’ , parents, „ Mr. , and work. A farm wood lot is security to
b, nk#r and the farm loan boari
It may bo that the mills of the gods with a thin layer of oakum should be A„s Wilbur Wade, for a few dayg
grind slowly because they get paid for applied to the sole of the foot to keep visit. They expect to locate here if
posg!blo near school. . . .
it moigt and avoid contraction.
. . .
September 12th will be the epening
school in Estacada and every-
The manner in which the average ters, s, Mis Edgar He,pie, Tuegday. thing ig being put in shape Bt thc
An eyc-specialist says green quiets
Mr. and Mrs Hoffmeister and school buildings to receive the child­
the nerves. This is especiall true of hen molts or gheds her feathers is a
reasonably safe guide to follow in chilc! von vv re ähopping in Curring- ren on that day. A bus line has been
green backs.
• * * * •
weeding out poor layers. The better ville Tucsday.
arranged to pick up the high sehool
Although spring and fall are the producers continue to lay late in the
students outside of Estacada and
favorite seasons for outside painting
wil make the following places; Bar­
it may be done in either summer or late. The late layerg also molt late ns
ton, Carver, Logan, top of Spring-
winter if neeessary. Outside painting a rule, while the early molters, which
water hill and return. This is a fine
can be done whenever the surfaces
thing for this section of the country
are dry and the weather not damp,
are usually the poor layers mol; coramen e Bn Monday the 12th of and will give the young people c
fi’Qety, or freezing, and the tempera­ slowly. Hens that have nor molted b. S'-yto her with Miss Rosie Traehal fine chance to atend the high school
ture preferably between 60 and 80 August or September will show dirty ns teacher.
here. William Buell, principal, along
M . avd Airs. Chariie Hicinbo and with the School Board are making al
degrees F. New wooden buildings worn out broken plumngc. while those
need a priming coat of paint as soon that have molted early will show two children spent Sunday at the the necessary arrangements to maki
as the weather permits, finishing fregh, clean plumage or growing Sew ices’ home.
this school year a success.
Mi. end Mrs. John Mattax are
coats being added within the next feathers at this time.
month or two. Tinned roofing should
Lightning eonductorg should be at­ moving into their new home this
Celory for soup should be chopped
be painted as soon as laid, while gal­ tached direct to a building with met- weak.
or cut very fine to give the juices a
vanized sheet iron may he allowed to alic fasteners. Porcelain insulator
chance to mix with the other soup
weather for a year, usually with no are not required. A good electrics1 moron into their new house on Sat­ flavors.
injurious effects, to give paint a better conection with the wet roof and the urday and in the evening 25 of their
foot hold.
walls of a building, gays the weather frier.i! and neighbor* called on thorn
The dry cow about to freshen Bureau, helps to relieve the structure and gi ent a very pleasant evening.
l i r aid Mrs. Frank Mattoon and
s uld he fed a luxativo ration, wheat of itg charge. Whi n a conductor of
bran and linseed-oil meal being de- sufficient weight per foot is used (the dau hter Esther, of Oregon City,
called r. the home of their parents
Mr. ar.d Mrs Wm. Mattoon Monday.
A man and hi* wife and baby-
have moved in back of the Mattoon
store. The man will be boss of the
voodt- at the Eliot Sawmill.
Wm. Hieinbuthom and wife and
their two daughters, Mildred ar.d En­
>m Stevenson. Washington
iwent Friday at his brother Charles'
3 Knltog* Corn Flake* .........
u at Rivet M 11 and spent Satur­
3 Jersey Corn Flakes .................
.................. ...... 25
and Sunday a. the home of their
C 4k H Pure Fruit Su^ar per 100 lb sk.
......................... 6.70
parents. Mr. and Sevier.
Re-» Beauty Enamel Ware (Special Sale) each
Mrs. Leo Allen of Stevenson and
Our customer* are buying 3 at a time. Don’t wait until ali are gone.
Miss Bcrlsh Hienbothom of Portland
Wc*>ern Oil qt.................. ....... ................................ .................
called at the Sevier home Sunday
F.ajtern Oil qt.............................................. ................................. , .26
M s- Norms Randolph, who has
Gasolene in Your Barrel Per. Gal.
I eon spending her vacation at the a r r a r- .* c » w '- w * e * e » e rB 3 v * * B iK n a * e e e * e * i™ e
Mesa! Sponge* (Sec them) .......................................................... 10
ne rf her parents. Mr and Mr*,
Something new, never shown before in this part.
hn lia lolph. will leave for school
We want *o.*no Wheat. OiU, Barley, and Rye.
i Wednesday. She goes to Lake
We want your Fat Cow*. Steers, Hosier*, Sheep and Hogs if your
Yion. Her brother Bruce will r.c-
, mpnny her there. Her many
mice is right.
•■ 'ends wish her success and good
V want a no. 1 Milk Cow. What hara you to »oil 7
September 11 & 12
The New Ford car will
be one of the speed­
iest, most alert cars on
the road. You will be
delighted with its low,
smart lines and beaut­
iful colors.
September 13, 14 & 15
September IS & 17
on the
Currinsvilk Store Prices
;p t. 10
J. < l
Although neel and rubber cflter
largely into the manufacture of
itomobiles. there is more wood
in t. s industry than
tv»r „-«¡a
in the old horse vehicle business.
Eagle Creek
good mu : : c
Yau will find it to your advantage to read the
advertisements contained in this issue an 4 read what
your particular merchant is offering this week. You
will find them as interesting as the news items and
the stories, it is their weekly letter to you and they
want you to read them.
Radio Season is Here
Have you heard that New Ivolster Radio yet? One
of the clearest toned radios on the market with the
Brandes Speaker and the Phileo A and B battery
eliminator. The very latest model in radio.
Just received the famous Marathon Tubes. Also
a tube tester. Bring in your old tubes. Let us test
them out for you free. Get a new set of batteries
while our stock is complete.
Buy your hardware at the Hardware Store,
A Member Of The Winchester Chain Stores
Telephone 491
Estacada, Ore.
Why Spend Your Time Baking When You Can Get
Good, Wholesome Bread, C?kes, and Pastries Al­
ready Baked, Without The Work And Worry?
Phone 53-6
c/411 Kinds Fresh and
Salted cTHeats
¿M E A T
Electricity * the silent servant * works effi­
ciently, tirelessly, hours with out end, uncomplain­
ingly * in the modern kitchen.
It relieves the home-maker of the continuous at­
tention to detail that haa made housekeeping of
other years a round of ceaseless drudgery * un­
interesting routine.
Electric ranges, refrigerators and other appliances
help you to realize those happy dreams of 1 ome-
* when execution of ideas seemed as
simple as their planning.
Electric refrigerators keep foods sweet and fresh
for days. The dry cold makes it possible to have
foods of practically all kinds in the same compart­
ment without interchange of flavors. They insure a
continuous supply of ice cubes and make new frozen
or chilled desserts and salads simple to serve. Econ-
nomical * efficient * convenient.
Electric ranges cook foods more thoroughly *
show less shrinkage in meats
* fuller flavor in
vegetables. They keep your kitchen clean and sweet.
With the automatic time and temperature comroi
they cook for you even when you are miles awry,
and without your supervision have dinner ready ana
hot when you return,
Electric Refrigerators and Ranges of all the best
standard makes installed in your home on convenient
terms. May we show them to you?
I fj €>nc Power
o .