Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 08, 1927, Page Page 2, Image 2

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PERSIAN S f b s d b lS
He’ll Make a Good Fireman,
Marie Decides.
Sinaia, Uunmnla.—King Michael I,
R um ania's
flashed down the concrete walk of the
royal summer palace here a couple
of days ago in his red-painted, m inia­
ture American automobile, alm ost
bowling over Dowager Queen Marie
as he went. Ahead of him raced his
favorite dog, Mumbo. They Imagined
themselves going to a fire.
“ Madcap Micky,” as Queen Marie
calls her romping, irrepressible grand­
son, was shrieking, blowing a whistle
and ordering even royalty out of his
path. Queen Marie, who was taking
n stroll in the palace grounds with
the little king's m other, Princess H el­
en, and form er King George of
Greece, said Jocularly:
“Well, If he doesn't m ake a good
king he surely will m ake a first class
Prefers “ Micky" to Majesty.
W hen the correspondent of the As­
sociated Press asked Queen Marie to
describe the boy king, she said:
“H e h asn't the rem otest Idea w hat
the events of the last fortnight mean.
He can't understand why people make
such a fuss over him. lie w ants to
be called 'Micky' and not *your m aj­
esty.' ”
“I-lke nil other children, he Is In­
tensely fond of fairy tales, and stories
of adventure and dnring. He exults
with Joy and trium ph when the vil­
lain in a legend has his head cut ofT
or when some wicked character Is
shut up in a dungeon or eaten alive
by wolves. He also loves (lowers, a
tra it which I suppose he gets from
Knowing my love for flowers,
he goes to the palace grounds, picks
little nosegays and puts them a t my
bedside In the evening. He also takes
delight In swimming, rlUlifR his pony
and picnicking.”
Tlie queen said th at the little king
always speaks E nglish to his m other
and Queen Marie, but Rumanian to
Has Few Playmates.
"Micky tins been kept very much
nt home by his m other," said Queen
Marie, “and therefore hasn't many
playmates. Helen puts him to bed nt
0:30 or 7 p. m. in the evening. He
Is up again by 0 :30 or 7 :00 a. in. In
the morning. H alf an hour later lie Is
out on the law n, playing with his
scooter or other toys.
“H is chief characteristics are his
unusual intelligence, argum entative
nature, obstinacy and mischievous­
ness. H is m other Is very religious,
hut Micky dislikes going to church
bem use the services nre so long.”
T he queen said th at Michael had
not fully realized th a t his grandfa­
ther, Ferdinand, was dead, and the
little fellow constantly looked for the
toys which the late king was In the
habit of giving him daily.
See U. S. to Study
Present, Says Visitor
W ashington.—If you are curious
about the past, travel in Europe. But
If you would learn of the present and
future, tour the 'United States from
const to const. T h at Is the lesson
which Ambassador IMieyrredon of Ar­
gentina says he learned during a 10,-
000 mile automobile trip across the
“I saw man yet Involved In con­
quering nature,” Mr. I'ueyrredon ex­
plained. ‘‘It made me realize the end­
less effort of the American jwople, es­
pecially In the agricultural sections.
Argentine, a sim ilar country, has much
to lenrn from your methods.
“There Is interest everywhere In
conserving your natural resources.
Unnecessary exploitation of nature Is
discouraged. Even the anim als nre
protected by signs, ‘Shoot only with
your camera.*
“One unusual and ra th e r pleasant
observation I made,” he rem arked
“was the number of young people In
the small towns drinking milk. On
every table milk instead of wine.”
Dishes Patrick Henry
Ate Told in Book
W ashington. — H andw ritten cook
hooks, antedating the Civil w ar and
now In the possession of Mrs. Nancy
F. Munce of Virginia, will be Incor­
porated in an “Old Fashion Cook
Hook,” to be published this sum m er by
the Woman’s National Democratic
Mrs. Mancie inherited these recipe
hooks from departed ladies of past
generations who thought nothing of
mentioning eggs by the dozen and
cream by the quart. Most of them
were handed down from m other to
daughter for generations, by word of
mouth or In writing.
One of the old books Is called
“ Patrick Henry's Cook Book.” Al­
though not actually bis property, It
U compose«! of recipes of dishes used
hv his family and probably eaten by
him many times, o n the tly leaf, In
faded, delicate writing Is Inscribed the
statem ent that these recipes were
“draw n off” at Bed Hill, the PatNck
H enry home In Virginia, by Mrs. El­
vira Kf. Taylor, one «*f his direct
C arry
Good S ubstitute
On Bloody M ourning
C erem ony in Secret.
Constantinople, Turkfey. — Slashing
their foreheads and necks with sharp
swords, lashing their bare backs with
chains and beating their breasts with
their palms, 1,000 1‘erslan residents of
Stamboul succeeded In evading the
T urkish police and carrying on this
year us usual their annual mourning
for two men slain 1,300 years ago.
The Persians were warned that the
T urkish government Intended tlds
year to put a stop to the gory demon­
stration, staged every year on the
tenth night of the moon in the Moslem
month of Moulharrem.
But they gathered secretly in the
courtyard of an ancient hnn, hidden
in u shadowy corner of StHinhoul, and
laying costly Persian carpets on the
cobblestones where camel caravans
used to unload their burdens, they
constructed nn Impromptu mosque
wherein to follow the spectacular
Persians have performed the cere­
mony on this night for thirteen cen­
turies In memory of H assan und Hus­
sein, grandsons of the Prophet Mo­
hammed, who were m urdered by an
usurping caliph.
T urkish police, arriving on the
scone a fte r the barbaric moonlight
orgy was over, arrested some hundred
of the self-wounded, bleeding par­
ticipants while a thousand Persians
packed in the courtyard rent the night
with their walls and sobs of “Hussein !
H a ssan !"
A hlack-robod, black-gloved Persian
priest, mopping his eyes with a huge
black handkerchief, worked himself
into a frenzy while he walled over and
over the story of the ancient murder
in nil Its gruesome details, telling of
how the young Hassan w as poisoned
by ids own treacherous wife, an ac­
complice of the villainous caliph, nnd
of hew Hussein, w andering half dead
with th irst in the desert of Damascus,
was found by the usurper's men and
Though both Persians and Turks
nre Moslems, the Persians belong to
tlie Shiite sect, which refused to rec­
ognize the line of callplis founded by
tlie usurper.
Since the Seventeenth century nil
T urks Iinve been Sunnites. Nowadays
some 10,000 Persian Shiites reside In
T urkey peacefully nnd the only oppo­
sition by the Turkish government Is
its attem pt to put a stop to the annual
flagellations of Its Persian guests.
National Farm Leaders
and Business Men Unite
Chicago.—The A gricultural Club of
America, ft super-organization of
farm ers and of business leaders deal­
ing with agriculture, which will be
“the largest and most democratic
club In existence,” and will have its
own home In a $35,000,000 “Agricul­
tural Capitol building” to bo owned
by Its members, reached the stage of
formal organization here recently.
Led by Coburn Whitmore, Dean
Charles F. Curtis of the Iowa State
college nt Ames nnd other national
farm lenders, the organization ex­
pects to attain a membership of 510,-
500 farm ers and business men who
deal chiefly with agriculture. Its five
fundam ental purposes were stated, nt
a meeting of the board of governors,
as follow s:
“To centralize, and make possible a
closer co-operation between all exist­
ing farm organizations on m atters of
national or group-interest.
“To aid them by providing them a
perm anent central home.
“To enable such business men ns
implement makers, bankers and others
dealing with farm ers to understand
the farm situation better from di­
rect contact with actual farmers.
“To create a fund of millions of
dollars with which farm ers may fi­
nance great projects th a t will help
them meet their needs.
“ Finally, to make Chicago, as Its lo­
cation nnd shipping facilities entitle
It to he. the agricultural capital of
H eadquarters of the club nre to be
In a new building, plans for which
have been drawn by William H.
Pruyn, Jr., architect, nnd approve«!
by the board of governors. Its total
cost is to be $35,000,000, nnd plans
f«ir financing It nre under way.
* Reveals Recipe for
Famed Singing Hinnie |
W illiamstown. Mass.— Football has
been substituted f»»r head hunting
among some Filipino tribes, who re­
port the gridiron pastim e ‘‘almost ns
satisfying.*^ sifl s'C . C. Batch» Ider, ex-
secretary of (he Interior.
Dublin, Ireland.—Everybody in
Ireland knows what a singing
hinnie Is. Consequently there
was much surprise when country
families rend In London dis­
patches that Mrs. L. S. Amery.
wife of tlie secretary for the
dominions, and oUier well-known
British women had learned for
the first time nt a London cook­
ing dem onstration ju st how to
m ake this p«»pulnr Irish country
dial). The recipe known to every
Irish housowife is:
One pound of flour, one tea
cupful of currants, three fourths
pound of butter, lard or mar
garine, one tonspoonful of bnk
tng powder and sufii«4ent sweet
ndlk to mix to the consistency
of pancake dough.
The hinnies are cook»*»! on n
hot grithJIe and are called slug
Ing because of the noise made
by the sizzling grease.
A **-»«* ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ + ♦ * * * * * * * * * * *
IN v / h a P ng PORT
Bedford’s Sea Era
Drawing to Close.
New Bedford, Muss.—A nather lierolc
chapter III the history of New Eng­
land, filled with the exploits of strong
men in combat with tlie giants of the
sea. Is drawing to a close.
This old-time port, th a t has been
home to hundreds of suil of whalers,
now can boast only one whaling ship.
The schooner John It. M anta may be
tlie "last of the whalers," for most of
the old-time whalemen are dead, and
the M anta's only hope of recroiting a
crew is to sail across the A tlantic
ocean to tlie Azores.
A few still live who remember the
heyday of whaling, when th is port
teemed with the activity of the w hal­
ing barks, when men snlled aw ay on
seemingly Interm inable voyages, when
wives and families of seamen and
captains haunted the "widows' walks"
on the old-time h o u ses hoping to
catch a glimpse of a returning ship.
Ilut ttiose who remember are grow­
ing old and some are nearing the
century mark.
Recalls W haling Thrills.
Among those who remember keenly
those earlier days is Capt. Ulysses E.
Mayhew of West Tisbury, on tlie is­
land of M artha's Vineyard. H is youth­
ful appearance and spirit belie his
fourscore years. In his life he has
had adventures and experiences that
would cram more th an one movie
As a boy In his 'teens he sailed his
first whaling voyage during the Civil
war. On th at trip he learned about
stal kiug the w hale in small boats,
harpooning, tlie downward ru sh of
tlie wounded w hale nnd tlie peril to
tlie small boat as the rope ran off
from the shrieking windlass. And he
learned how the “kill” nt last was
effected, with lance or bomb-gun.
Last Survivor of Lafayette Crew.
Captain Mayhew believes he Is the
last survivor of tlie crew of the bark
L afayette, burned and sunk with two
other Yankee ships off Fernando de
Noronhn, Brazilian convict island, by
the Confederate w arship Alabama,
A fter a series of adventures he was
sent back by the United S tates con­
sul from Brazil nnd promptly shipped
on another whaler. On this next voy­
age he saw tlie U. S. S. Kearsnrge
a t Faya), in the Azores, ju st a fte r It
had sunk tlie Alabama.
It Is a far cry, he says, from those
old days to the modern times th at
have seen the typical old whaling
harks Greyhound and W nndcrer pass
on. Of those proud times, only the
schooner John It. M anta renmins. And
New Bedford has long since turned
from whaling to Its great cottou tex­
tile mills.
Wives Jealous, Taxicab
Drivers Change Plans
Chicago.—A Jury of 222 authors, e<l
Itors, business men niftl teachers, who
returned their verdict to Prof. S. A
Leonard of the University of Wiscon
sin, acting f«>r the national council ot
teachers of English, has put nn O. K
on misuse of “shall” and “will” nnd
“who” nnd “whom.” Aiming 45 l«icu
tions banned from speech and writing
by the jury, however, are these:
“None of them are here.**
“ Will you be at the Browns* this
“ Who are you looking for?**
“T here’s a dangerous curve nnd
you’d better go slow.”
“ It Is me.”
“There Is a bed, dresser and two
chairs in the room.'*
“Can I he excused?**
“T hat chick must be fixed.”
“T :y nnd get It.”
Some members of the Jury said the>
would accept all these idioms. Virtu
ally every member of the Jury said th*
hidebound rules of rhetoric were fast
giving way. Nice distinctions between
“shell” and “w ill” nnd “ may” and
“can” are parsing in everyday speech
in favor of originality and forceful
They were trying thought-reading.
"W hat did I Just think 01?” asked
Max of his friend A rthur.
“You thought. Max, th at li 1 were to
ask you non for the loan of $f>0 till
the first of next month you would say
you couldn't do I t Wus that right?” |
“No, th at's wrong."
"Really? Then you can let me have
the money."
“The Square Deal Barber”
Estacada's Leading Tonsorial Artist
Popular Prices — Bobbing g Specialty
B attis
Shop on Broadway
Estacada, Ore.
r --------------- — — ----------------- -------------------------------------------
H aircutting 36c
Shave 15c
III ordering your freight sent through us you receive personal service
both in Eataiada and Portland that will gave time and money
PRONE 18-18
Call and Deliver Service
“I've m ade a great discovery, Mom."
“ Well, w hat is it?”
“ I’ve found out th a t the tm-vy end
of a m atch is the light end.'
Munlelp, ' Term inal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.—Phone Main 7733.
LINN’S INN, Estacada, Oregon.—DAILY
Oh, w o e is m e if 1 ehaukS se e
T h e w oofus o r th e eidckereee;
'T ie m a r v e lo o e . Indeed, th e e r a s .
O f h i m w h o a l w a y s s e e k s a paa e.
All in One Spot
•A.M. M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
P ortlanJ
5:20 Lv. Estacada
Eagle Creek 8:15
È arton
Eagle Creek
Clacksmaa 8:55
E stacada
7:60 J l t . Portland
6:00 10:00
'D aily exoept Sunday
(A) Saturday Only.
SUNDAY—Leave P o rtlasd t 0 i . i t
Leave E stacada 4:30 p. m.
A. M.
L r.
Friend—Well, how do you like be
ing m arried? You were alwuys la­
m enting when you were a bachelor.
Newly M arried Friend—Oh. it’s
much better, thanks. Before I was
m iserable at home and miserable
when I went out, and new 1 am
only m iserable a t home.—Der Goetz,
Terrible Scandal
Neighbor—Don't tell a soul about It,
but did yon know Mr. and Mrs. Smith
parted yesterday?
Village Gossip—Do tell.
No, 1
never dream ed of such a terrible
thing. How did it come about?
Neighbor—Why, you see she went
to her sewing club and he attended
the stock show.—Capper's Weekly
“Advertising is tlie education of the public
ns to what yon are, where you are, and what
you have to offer in tlie way of skill, talent
or commodity. The only man who should
not advertise is the man who has nothing to
offer the world in tlie way of commodtiy or
service.”—Elbert 11 ubbard.
Power of the Press
Brooklyn, N. Y.—A new angle of
"Do you stand back of every sta te ­
the bitter controversy among mem­ ment you m ake in your newspaper?"
bers of the South Brooklyn and Bay asked the tim id man.
Ridge Taxim eu's association over tha
“Why-er-yes,” answ ered the country
advisability of adm itting women Into editor.
the organization came to light recent­
“T hen,” said the little man, hold­
ly nt a meeting in the Admiral Dewey ing up a notice of his death, “I wish
council clubhouse.
you would help me collect my life
The association was on the verge of Insurance."
capitulating to the amazons of the
highways when somehow the wives of
several members got wind of what
was going on and now the chances of
putting through tills co-membership
plan don't look so good.
Tills latest development was re­
vealed by H arry Carlson, an officer of
the organization, who adm itted that
when his wife heard uliout the plan
"she w asn't a t all In favor of it.”
Carlson added:
“ You know yourself that If the wife
of one of our members should come
in here dnring a meeting some night
and find tier husband sitting between
two strange women It wouldn't look
so good for him."
And so the resolution which would
adm it the feminine gear shifters to
Lynx—Ilow much did you lose on
membership definitely has been rele- the Hare-Tortoise race?
guted to the table, on which it wus
Fox—Not u seed. I had Inside In­
placed several m onths ago, and the form ation th a t the race was fixed so
members adm it th at the only way it I kept off IL
ra n be taken off is by a change of
lieart on tlie p art of their better
halves, which they seem to sense Is
T h e w o r ld I . full of p i c t u r e books.
not likely.
A dazzled public blinks.
Who Cares About ‘Whom,’
‘Shall,’ or ‘Will’? Asks Jury
I n te n t on h ow a p e rso n looks
In stea d of w h a t he thinks.
How Stupid People Are I
I’atte n t—Is the doctor in?
Office Roy—No, he Just stepped oat
for lunch.
P.—Will he he In a fte r lunch?
O. B.—Why no, th a t’s w hat he went
out a fte r.—Boston T ranscripL
He Is That Way
g K X K H M C H H E a a E I M H a M U U a B ia C S B M a K I I B C H H B M ir .
I A Safe Place to Put
Your Money
This Company has invested over $77,000,000
in this territory.
It has 90,000 light and power customer»
serves a population of over 400,000.
Its business is growing steadily every day.
We offer you an opportunity to
No Escape
820 E lectric B uilding
A Sure Thing
“Why nre you so willing to bet all
you've got th a t the Jury will dis­
"Because," replied H enry Peck.
“H en rietta Is on the Jury."
money in this successful and well-managed busi­
ness at 6.67 per cent interest.
B etty—Tom said he started life
by running away with a e lm # .
M ertle—I don’t doubt i t He'd run
aw ay with anything th a t's not nulled
“I h e ar th a t your divorced wife has
made up her mind to m arry a strug­
gling yonng law yer."
"Well, If M argaret has made up her
mind he m ight as well cease strug­
Electric Pow er Company