Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 08, 1927, Image 1

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    A y J s|>-
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
Mr. E. Bates is on the sick list this
week. He has acute indgestion.
Mr. and Mr. F. W. Bates are visit­
ing his father ,E Bates, this week.
Construction work on the new
grandstand at the county fair ground
was begun Monday morning by a
corps o f workmen. The new struc-
ture will be 48 x 100 feet. On the
first floor there will be a space o f
18x100 feet to be turned over to the
Boys’ and Girls’ Club work. It was
found r.ere3sary to change the pc si-
tion o f the club exhibits from the
main pavilion to the new structure
owing io crowded conditions of last
year. According to John Robinson,
pavilion superintendent, the pavil-
ion will be filled even larger than
that o f Iasi year, from the plans
that aie being mad« by exhibitors."
The old grandstand, which was
raised Saturday, has stood for 20
“ ll4
1,1 “ delaPldat';a C0.n:
Mr. Ted Harders was in Portland
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Jake Moss is at Aurora pick-
ing hops.
Mr. J. H. Denning is still improv-
- - - ---------— -
Mr. and Mrs. Harder and children
spent tbe week end in Eastern Oregon
Mrs. J. C. Whittney has an infec­
tio n on her hand.
With the Weather Man Against them the Com m it­
tees Went Ahead with the Celebration
The citizens o f Estacada and vicin-
ity awoke Monday morning Septem-
ber 5, hoping against hope that the
rain had ceased, but to their sad dis-
sapointment it had not. The Estacada
Mr. Wm. Weingart was in Portland
Wednesday on business.
Maurice Ely spent Labor Day with j The 6th Annual Springwater Fair
home folks.
, will be held at Spiingwater, Oregon,
[ Friday, September 16, 1927. The
Wm, Buell took a business trip to Springwater Fair Board has ¡fbeen
Portland Tuesday.
working hard to make this the big-
_ _______________ ; Scst ai'd the best fair o f them all and
up town instead o f the park. Taking
Marion Gardner was in Portland r
it all through, the day was much too couple of days this week,
j The committee wishes to thank ail
Mrg fiveket was in Portland a
1 those who
so kindly grave
aw- «ouple o f days the first of this week,
p_._ i this
l :-"
Band was not to be outdone by the vices and tjma for
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore are at
Miss Susan Bqwfnan, Mr. and Mrs.
weather man in the least, so alnpg, g- Financially speaking the affair was
Reeds Port visiting friends,
bout 11 o ’clock tb«y. marched down a success.
Sherwpod Kelker o f Portland, were
, h" Ve °'XeTed a Premium hst
i that is far out o f the ordinary for a
| fair of this size and kind. If you nave
‘L ? ^
, . •*.
P y ,you to get one and
it over and see what they are
Mr. Shearer says that the plans
are almost completed for the fair
Mrs Molly Hates and daughters
Bryadway to the Broadway Ser-1 The old settlers who ia m* here to 'v*ek-®nd guests at Log UBarre,
and there is no doubt that this is go­
Ruby, Edna and Lois, left Thursday) vic* f ^ ion " h.er.e the^ . f ve * eof
a‘ ‘ he Pioneer’s Day
ing to be the best fair that was ever
cert that would have did tusticc, tv
Picnic went home
for the hop fields,
a much larger U na, and with all the thinking of the tirp« they would have °* Portland, friends o f Mr. H. H. La- held at Springwater.
Mrs. E. VV!.' Hu well ’ vt Portland, la ‘ u and t e a ^ weather it made a had, had the day been a nice one.
Barre, spent Labor Day in Estacada. \
J *
B,°“ : d
I thanktul to the Estacada merchants,
who was Visiting at the Bates home, Person wanl to *** ®M*
The Flower Show was fine and
the Oregon City Chamber o f Com­
I. ¥; VvH * itH th« . un,u,,J1‘ 1 bad day WP Showed a great deal o f Jiard work of
Juu. Horhes. of Gresham> was at
'* Among the events for the 1927 , lefl 'fuei‘ day-
merce and others throughout thc
,hau on tins u«rt.—
day there wa, the f y i r u u and the
in the Fred Bartholomew home over the
county as they have made it possible
county fair will be whipet races, polo | _
a fair crowd in attendance, but noth- charge, ’Ih i. was a fine place to go week end.
to offer more and better pirzes to the
g.-mes, « : : , ! * contests, pig and Ford
**■ and Mr’ J’ D’ Miller have ta’ ing like it would hav^ he^r* iX it (vac even" if one did not care much for
boys and girls than ever before.
relay race, dog show, bicycle and , ken room8 at Mr3’ F’
Hammo" 8 ’ been a bright and sun shinny day. flowers he would com«
tfetnfc,’ Mr and Mrg Fifer were ,n town
A large tent has been secured for
pony races for hoys and girls, these Thcy are holdin» anlau
hlile The dance that was held in the Park ing that he had saw some of tire Labor Day. She was formerly Miss
possible to show the stock to advan­
races are to be ou childrens’ day,
pavilion was a success and ^voryoiie pio»* beautiful flowers that he would Lindsey.
tage rain or shine. This is a fine thing
Mr. O . E. Smith is at home on his ,
September 20, there will also be at­
, f
, that attended it enjoyed themselves see in some time to come,
as the entrants will be glad to have
tractions put on by the Chamber of
to the rulleat extent.. There were
ln e names of the judges for the
O. E. Syron and family are at thc their livestock in out of the weather
, ! ____ , . . . ___ . . . . ______
~ „u.........._.... u - «
UofUmercv u» Oregon City Ihuieday.
several things that were called off show were: Mrs. Pearl West, f«,m
coast this week visiting different re- *X *t should happen to be bad and the
This day will be known as Manufac­
Little Margaret Whit« is visiting bocause °J thc weather, but a lot of the better flo*t I magazine, she works
people are assured of a place to go
turers and Fanners’ day.
at the home o f J. Foilet for a few credit is due to the folks m charge for on tM classification o f flowers; Mr.
if it should rain.
Friday, the last day of the fair dayg
going ahead and Ooing the best they Chenowick, of Portland, DahUft und
Competent judges have been ap­
will be greater Clackamas Uunion of
l^ould to entertain the people who had Gladiolla specialist; Mr, (r e d Borsch, . ^ rs'
Marshall, of Portland, pointed in all departments and will
p iMbo’ «Jpy, and 14 panquet will be
come out in the rain and the disagre- 9f ^ttplytoa,
Mapletun, preaniel
pitsamel and annual ex- v ‘s‘tod ° ' er t*le w««k end at Mrs. be on hand to pass judgement early
Mr. and Mrs. William Perry have
Elizabeth Allens.
onb 6t the features.
in the day.
moved into their house that Josseys’ able weather to sFeJld th« day ^ Uh
¡"he j ud*fes were Pe°Ple that
Granges, community clubs and
in«m. The events that were carriex make flowers their study and under-
Saturday, September the 10th is
other organizations have already
out as planed were a success to the
stand the dilferent variofieo aud
Grange Day, when final plans will
spoken for reservations.
r ,r and j Irs
1Iomer sarver of fUilest « xtent and those that did at- could see point* « t merit that ama-
bo made and the little details taken
Portland w ere'a t the home of her tend went home wel1
♦U-i* c o u i not see. Some seem to
care o f and assistants appointed tu
mother, Mr». E. E. Hanna, auuday.
were rata soaked. Every- Ah.uk the prizes for Dalhias were for
O. E. Syron and family are at the take charge o f the various depart­
' thing wi.s held inside so the crowd (special d*splay but they were for
coast this week visiting different re­ ments. Ail open meeting will be held
in the afternoon and any one inter­
Morning Service:
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Chapman and could &et in outside of the rain’
i*aneral disPlay aa wouid be *>ard « sorts.
daughter were Sunday visitors at the
“ Gmsen« Lane ’ was a howling offer prizes for e«Ch sp«ciw a* there
ested will be welcome to meet with
Sunday School 10: a. m.
home of W A Wilcox.
success and had it not been for tho
so m*uy. aiWyrent kind»*
Preaching 11: a. m.
weather this, M.Oulu nave y^eu a bitm: | tfi* president and others appre-
An invitation is extended to anyone
Evening Service:
Mr. gn<i'Mrs. J. O. Whittney are Fer celebration, fh ose who wei-e lucky ciate the people’s efforts and work
* * * *“ mp,n* “ * in the county to make an exhibit.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p
moving into the Dinty Moore prop- t0 « et in throu^h tha crowd to see that they put in on their displays and
Premium Lists may be had at the
Pleaching 7:39 J. m.
"The Tent Thrillers, Snake Charmer, think that everyone was excellent,
D. E. Dent, Minigter 1 erty.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Denney o f Mo- Estacada State Bank or from any
¡Indian Princess. The Man with Horns
Those pdiudug prizes were;
member o f the Fair Board.
lal a, spent the week end with his
Mrs. Anna -Rank and daughter The Hairiess D ^ , T:.» T « h ot Three F irst-G eneral, Mrs. Ames; Second, ^
This Fair is one o f the few in the
The time is here when once again
county that you can attend, take in
^wcet Sixteen, etc,” Mrs. Bartholomew; Third, Mrs. Sar-
the schools o f the state are opening j ann i Mr. U. D Uiloreth wery holli- cl>vailoW8’
will never forget whatt hey saw.
ver. Asters— First Mrs. Bartholomew,
fo receive thy youth. We are hereby day guests o f the Wm. Weingarts’,
Mr«. R. 8. Coop is taking care of the side shows and have a good time
Hundreds were standing line to have Second, Mrs. Guttridge, Third, Mr*.
reminded that thc school is a clearing
Roy Coop while his mother Mrs. without any money but such is the
case at Springwater and the Fair
house for the spread of communic-
Mrs R. A. Bradford mother of the;r
told by the lonf
* oos^
G a d .o la s -r .r.t, Mrs. Rob-
c j ,,
able diseases.
Mrs. Wm. Weingart, spent Sunday penenced Gypsy Queen,, anu also in ley; Second, Alice Huxley. Delphe-
Board and members heartily extend
There are nearly 200,000 children with her.
,f " ont
the B?,a“ ty
h n l 1A ” *S| Ss« « ond> M“ ’
Mr. and Mr«, C. Beebe of Garfield to you an invitation to come. Remem­
of school age in this state, who will
hB e l l .«next. Dr. Abbott o f Port- Kiggins. M a n g o ld -f .r,t Mrs. bar- Were Monday callers of Mr. and Mrs. ber the date is September 10th.
early in September will «»em bU ini
The Band is intending to play ai a" d’ ,who a«u m ed the role o f Dr. tholomew, ¿iB B W -^ ir.t, M « . A m « . C. F. Hurst.
Don’t forget the Dempsey-Sharkey
the various schools; among this num- Garfield next Friday at a pie social Wo° Ginscr- f ’ the Chlnese Dro
W ’„ „ d Mrs. Bartholomew D m .y -
a scream, t^e tva. «bly assisted by First, Mrs. Robley. Dahlia— First,
ber there are, no doubt, many who and dance.
Mr, and Mrs. Goliring entertained fight picture will be shown Sunday
Mr. S. E. Wooster.
Mrs. H. Kitching; Second, Mrs. Sar-
are disease carriers. If Oregon is tp j
------ ------------------
a few friends at bridge, in honor of and Monday nights at the L.berty
Theatre in Estacada.
come undpr the wire a winner in the ' Mrs. George Guttridge won first
Mr. and M il. Harfy Smith last Fri-
Taking the Labor Day Celebration da„ ay 0 nhJl”
suppression o f communicable disease , prize in the O. V. Coop Aster contest Sager of Portland are deserving a
grjat deal o f credit fer the part they and the Pioneer Picnic as a whole.
The Garfield Grange will give an
she must look more closely to the pro­ .«nd Mrs. Wooster second,
tection of the children who must
Mr. and Mrs. William Tailor of entertainment and Pie Social Friday
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Schiedel and booths in Ginseng Lane attractions the weather,
spend five days a week in the school
Portland were guest* of Mr. and evening September, 9th at 8 o ’clock.
chi'dren Kenneth and Ray visited I ~
----------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- Mrs. William Weingart over Labor ivius'C furnished by the Esuicada
Band Everybody come and enjoy
By making education compul­ over Labor Day at the A. W. Schie - 1
Mr§- C, Kiggins gave a birthday i A surprise party was given on Day.
yourselves. Ladies bring pits and
sory we have automatically assumed del horn?,
j patty in honor of her little son Les- Mrs. John Nortland Saturday evening
Hie rcaponsibility of keeping the
' ley’s 7th birthday last Saturday the by a bunch o f her friends from Port-
Mr. and Mrs. . F. Carry came gentlemen bring well filled pocket-
book.;.— Entertainment Committee.
school safe. It is, therefore, of great
Mr. and Mrs. William Beel and guests were, Ptarley and Brook Sny- land. Delicious refreshments were home this week. They have been gore
importance that all children be given Margvet Beet o f Sandy Riuge were her, Fredrick Haynes Jr., Glover Kig- served, there were about 20 gutst3 the past three months to Glendcn
present and they presented Mrs. where they have a summer resort.
a cartful examination before enter­ vuests over thc week end o f Mr. J. gins, Mildred Kiggins, Mrs. Wm. Fink
ing school to determine whether or leavers and daughter at camp 8.
land daughter Gertrude, Mrs. Evert Nortland with a lovely set of table
not they are disease carriers.
Kiggins and Mr*. Glover Kiggins. and silver.
1 Mr. Carlson and son Gilbert vis-
Irene Hayden o f Portland wa* a little Dorothy Kiggins. Cake, ice
ited Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Coop Tues
In schools the spreading of infec-
tign is a ^erious thing, because it ns | v. «Kk end guest at her sisters house, cteam and cookies were served and ' LitUe Lois daughter o f Mr. and daY Morning bringing with them a
more frequently here that the infec- Mrs. Frank Moore, she will spend her a delightful time was had by all.
IjUrs S E Lawrence celebrated her r®uPl* o f hie« boxes of peaches.
tion is transferred among the child­ vacation in Estacada and Seattle.
second birthday at the home of her
ren o f widely separated households.
The ladies aid that met at the uncle C. B Lawrence last Thursday
Mrs. Ed Allen o f Big
Before the opening of school a
i “ ‘ ^
Can‘‘ b0l" e home o f Mrs. Kriegger last week, re- evening. Other relatives were present ®andy Haiti are visiting at the home
Mrt. Elizabeth Allen for a few
sample o f drinking water should from Wall Port Tuesday, where he ported a very good time. Twelve were and appropriate refreshments were
be sent to the State Board of Health was visiting his mother who a ter- prcsent and delisclous refreshments served, and she was very proud of her day*»
Laboratory for analysis. Toilets lously t*l.
were served, and they havt their work cake that was decorated with animal
__ ^
-------------- ;
should be inspected and made sani­
planned out for the winter. Their erackers and which she termed the
^ rs ® ™' Hurst, daughter-m-law
Mr. and Mrs. John McGinnis of next nleetin|r
be h„ Id at Mrs. Roy circus cake,
of Mrs. C. F. Hurst is quite sick. She
tary. Such precautions may prevent
is back in the Deer Sanitarium of
an outbreak of typhoid fever and pre­ camp 8 have returned from a trip B[ck(<. houge Sept 15
east where they were visiting thç
vent many deaths.
M'ss Edith Harkinrider has re-
Teachers, parents and childlren ; parents ot Mi- McGinni*.
.—. ■—■— . . .
Mr*. Han# and Mr. and Mrs V.
should realize thaï when many chilff-
ren are gathered together the danger I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brabell and
a" d
da^ W ilson back working at the telephone office ......
.. .........................................
ond baby, Mr. and
Mrs. ..
o f measles s-arlet fever whooping children were in Salem Sunday at a r‘ nd Mr*- VVelch and daughter Gladys She was up in Eastern Oregon for Dod(
v|i!tIn i at thc j T
! ! . . ! and
! m
l V * ; . . . is great. It
P " is
! | ^
m ilv reunion
« Kues s at the Wm. Dal. hom* three weeks.
Irvin home Sunday.
reunion held
held in
in the
the State
State Fair
very important for teachers and par- j grounds o f that city. 42 were present. |over i ' a,,or ua>'-
Rev. Simms will preach both the
ents to co-operate with the local
_ _ _ _ _ _ —
-, »v„
health officer and the family physl-1
Mrs. .Jpu* Mvidingcr and son
A family reunion was held at the
T . J . l T8*v dM not
Mrs. —
E. S. Womer
Chur h 8«n<hy
cian in trying to discover and is o -' fohn o f Spokane, Washington were home Sf ------
--------- ---------
late tilt io childhood diseases.
greats at the Mrs. John Blauth and Day. Those from out o f town were: leave town the first part o f the week
Paul womer and family, and Mr. a8 reported and will be here for some
It is particularly important to do.H . C. Gohring home over Sunday.
and Mrs. Floyd Spurlin and family, tinie yet- Sunday Schjo1 10 °Jc,,oc,k’
this In every family where some child
Mrs. John Blauth was visiting in Qf Corvalis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood- church 11 in the morning, and , 30
is starting off to school. The school
when it opens will therefore not be-1 Corvalbs last week. Mr. and Mrs. F ward and family, o f Oregon City and ' n tb* *v*mng.
come the medium for spreading some j K st returned home with her and Chester Womer, o f Portland.
The new minister o f the Christian
j at" y*d over Sunday’
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshde r b urch, D. E. Dent, will preach both
If you have any suspicion th at1
Mr. R. S Coop and son Arlie Coop man and »on, all had a very enjoy- morning and evening services at the
you may have had a childhood di-1
alio visited
with Mr.
Mr. and
and Mrs
Mrs O
O. V
. w . day,
■>»'- tk»™
a* present,
-« ■ * .«
Christian Church. Rev. R E. Dent
•ease in your family dur'ng vaca- nl*>
vis ted with
V. able
there was 23
teache» in the Gresham high school.
tion time be sure to consult your Coop Tuesday morning.^Arlie Coop
f -r.r'ly p'-.-s'cian or local health
came over from C-.n as, W sn ng on
May Rose Bartholomew who has
r .rrv W d -oz Rzate President
cer before school reopens.
Monday to^v s:. w,t nome om.3. e been visiting at her aunts house, Mrs. t0 tbo Auxi.iary o f the American
j returned Tuesday.
C lyde Saling, o f Corvalis, returned L « p „ n 0f Antelope, Ore. wrs visiting
The mov'njj p-’etures o f the Demp­
to her home Sunday,
relatives and friends here last week.
sey -Shaik.y iig- w ll be shown at
she left Saturday for Paris, France
the L berty Theatre in Estacada Sun- ther, Mrs. Sherman have returned
Mrs. B. A. Hu.s., daughter-in-law to attend the convention there.
where they spent a
day and Monday. You h“ r d lb ‘ ft* h' ,r ” ™ ^ ' ^ w i n be here for the win- of Mrs C. F. Hurst, is quite sick. She |
1 - ’ -z over the • «
._ tke
b f - k in th* Deer Sanitarium in
Mr*. Msrv Adems v'slted relatives
y _„ wul oe able tv - v - « m ,n a - ^ ........... ho ia u m Atneaa
P o rte d .
in ivvlianU
day. l^ v week.
t t««vh«r, tu e« dome w in Athena. ^Poitou»»!,
The Springwater School opens
Monday, September 12. Both of the
■ ooms have been pninted and cleaned
and ether th'ngs that needed atten­
tion have been attended to and the
child! on of this district will be sea t­
ing thc term with rooms and a build­
ing that is up in first class condition.
Miss Ethel Young is the principal,
. ,
and Miss Esther Head has charge o f
the primary grades. Thc teachers and
School Board are planning for a
very successful school year.
Services at the Full Gospel Hall
are as follows:
Bible Study Sunday morning at 10
Preaching at 11:
Evangcl'3t:c Service r.t 7:30 p. m.
Pr -.yer Meeting on Tuesday cven-
mg at 7:30.
! I in*
Bible Study on Friday evening at
7:330, to which all are requested to
I wish to thank all my friends for bring their Bibles
them kln^ms, and worth o f a empathy
AH not w orshipin g elsewhere are
b1s0 for
flo w c .
cordially invited to attend.
Mr*. Bertha Minch
J. D. and Mrs. Miller, Tostors.
R E Moore and wife were at the TME DINNER OF THE SEASON
John Page- home Sunday. They went
The ladies o f the M. E. Church will
on tip to Wm. Porter* fishing and serve a chicken dinner in thc 1.0.0.F.
caught a lot of nice fish and got good Hall Tinsday, September 13. Begin-
ing 5:30 p. m.
Get in line at the Spring Booth for
O. V. Coop Is building a new ex- your C hicken and Potetoet. Proceed
tens ón on his green house. It will to the Summer for your Salad rourse
rnake the l.uilding about 90 frát Inug Mien to At»4, —t*i for your xeeetib’ ee
rltogctht,. He will specialize in cab and end at W in t e r f
vour H u c k le ­
have and tomato plant* and potte< ber ry or A p p l e Pie A-L.-Mocle and
------------■■* - - -
Come and enjoy your dinner with
Mr*. F. D. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs
i Decorations in keeping with the
R. E. Simmon* and daughter and soar on*.
tranci* Winlick o f Portland were
G F T.
gu*rtu at the G. E Lawrence home
r ■ J family ware
in Aurvia last W Ctd- . U i v u l g .