Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 25, 1927, Image 1

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    (Elarkrnnaa £mua
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
Sacred Animal Makirg
O nly
, n, .
American Tour With Ring*
ling Bros, and Barnum
& Bailey Shows
Mr. Denning is slowly improving.
Mrs. M. E. Williams, of Gresham,
I visited at the Denning home Tuesday.
„ ----------- p
E. McWillis was a Portland
Mrs. W.
shopper Tuesday,
13 III
Mrs. Hammon spent last week visit­
ing with her daughter in Portland.
Mrs. M. A. Clark, of Los Angeles, is
visiting her mother this week.
A Day Filled With Many Thrills and Joys and if
Everyone Does Not Enjoy Eisself it Will
Not Be for the Want of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens spent j
the week end at the Armstrong home
at Oak Grove.
^ any p PjZeS fln(J RjbbOIlS tO
be Given to Entries in
the Different Divi­
sions of Fair
Mr. J. P. Woodle is working for
his son in Troutdale this tveek
Dr. Rhodes and family returned
Saturday night from their vacation
T_ *i .
Mr and Mrs. Steinman, Mr. and
Hailed as the “ greatest feature or
The 5th Annual Springwater Fair
at the beach
4 .-
• (ua
Mrs. C R. Jossey were at Dodge
will be held at Springwater, Oregon.
all time,” Pawun, the world-famed
Friday, September 16, 1927. The
sacred white elephant o f Burma is to ar
un a^*
Mrs. S. K. George, o f Eugene, re-
Springwater Fair Board has been
be presented in the menagerie of the
turned to here home Sunday after ,
, .
. . .
j o
Kathnne Moss is visiting Mrs
Rmgling Bros, and Barnum and
. a ,
a month's visit at the Dr. Rhodes ' w" k,n* . :hard *° maka tb,s the, b* *
„ * *
, . j cu
. „
Thornton in Salem during the absence
;gest and best fair o f them all and
Bailey Combined Shows when the big
¡they have offered a premium list
circus exhibits at Portland Friday j0
r#* 084‘
Say. Listen I When you plan to take learn many interesting things about
that is far out of the ordinary for a
August 26.
Mr and Mrs. Douda, o f Portland, that outing Labor Day do not forget the town and country in which they
fair of this size and kind. I f you have
ir viaitingr at the Irvin home Sun- that Estacada is Planning on having live. There will be sports and games ' s v o tin g id the home
f o u n d * 'm ore than three hundred were
Mrs. Eteuth not received a copy o f the premium
more fun and enjoyment than you of all descriptions. A wrestling match and Mrs. II. C. Gohring.
list it will pay you to get one and
years and the only genuine »acred
can find in seven counties. The com- is planned and this alone is worth
look it over and see what they are
white elephant ever brought to Am­
Donald Dunsea, of Seattle, is visit- mittees are hard at work getting coming many miles to see For women
family returned offering.
erica. His is accompanied by his su-
Show f f ° ° rm
rm their
their vacati
vacation at Netarts Ore-
CrlCa' ,
n c n pn \i;n and ' nf^ Mrs. *Yank Hurst and his grand-. things in readiness for a good full and flower lovers the Flower Show
Springwater is located close to
nttnnder|l hv a retinue of fourteen na- *atber' Mr. A • Monison, this week, i day’s amusement for you. Remember which is to be held in the I.O.O F. if011 last Saturday,
the Cascade mountains at the eieva-
this, that it is not going to be put on Building on the ground floor, spon-
tive Burmese. The present is Pawah's
Esther O’Connel
has been v,n„ifkf„i
!tion of „i,™o.„
1200 feet-
.j,« ninwlir,»
John Nortlund and family and for the money that is going to be sored by the Clackamas Valley Gar-
- -------- ------
...u; u u has v » A. splendid
L Sea.9 u „ __I,’—,.:
friends enjoyed a picnic at Laural derived from it, but all money that den Club, is going to be an unusual visitinfr at the Helyman home, re-
C p i°
' y ac"
Brothers being under bond to return
Portland Sunday
is left over after all expenses are show and you will have to see it in tmned to her home Thursday, at
wot?** 'tl 'tS *>rUnc*
him to Burma at the close o f the
paid, goes to two o f the most worthy order to appreciate i t . “ Ginseng Winlock. Washington.
I -
08 c vigor o
their dairy stock. They invite you to
. .
» those rare eleohants Mr. and Mr*- Moncgger, ° f Mult - 1 institutions
that the town has, and Lane” is going to be the novel feature
ox the
me day.
uay. Here
nere is ,s where
wnere you
you are
Dr’ and Mr». Wallens of Spring-
“ J °ee th° Product, ol th™
,a'T“ 0 S , , . . ,
„ ‘ j „ „ „ nomah, lost their little son, who was that is the Estacada Band and tne
the of
that the Buddhists o f today and cen- ^
m()nths #u> Hg ,g tfc# grandson
.......... ,
.....................„ not going to have the time o f your life. Wiiter havc moved into apartments I f" ™ " *nd
turies past have worshipped in be of Mr. and Mrs. Harkanrider.
many townB the size of this that You will not go wrong when you come in the olc* Bank Building where they
that « «« l '« u
lief that in their huge bulk reposes
can boast o f these organizations and to Estacada Labor Day. The Band W1 make their home’
I everything has been done ami is b“
the soul of Buddha. And certainly he
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . V. Coop and
Migg Ruth Dillon wag brought ing done to ad to your comfort and
is as different from those elephants daughter Melva, visited Mrs. Coops’ this is one way that you can help to will be there to entertain with mu-
make them a success by coming here sic at interval, throughout the day hom(j from g portland ho jtal Mon. pleasure as they want you as their
with which the
. , public is familiar as parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson o f
Day and enjoy yourself with and every concert that they play will _
she , tood the trip well and ,B ¡guests and want you to spend a most
day is from night. His eyes are milk Depp Creek over the week end Qil. 4- Labor
\ M
A 4
- M
H + A A 1
1 *. A A *
h a .1 A « * R
I 1
rt /"I llf,T L
. W 4
1 M
A 1
1 I A 1
» 1
1 1
1 K
/ , H
of ■ . the
day be f“! filled
white, set with sparkling pupils His bert
Mrs Coops
getting along nicely at the present enjoyable day.
is the Pioneer's Day Picnic. This gives and enjoyable music. Come one, come
skin is soft and pliable. His body is
Rules o f the fair are: All articles
came home with them to spend a the old residents a chance to meet all and let us forget our cares and
white cs a “ white man” is white. To
must be owned by the exhibitor; All
their old friends and the new people worries and have a good time just
quote the French authority, M. D us-;
Little George Lawrence o f Port- exhibits should be in place by 9:00
a chance to meet the old ones and for this one day.
land is a guest at the home o f his ¡a. m. If possible bring your exhibits
sard, he is “ as gentle as a kitten and j j j j M jjary Emma Surfus spent an
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George the day before; No exhibits may be
as beautiful as a Greek statue.
afternoon with Mrs. Coop last week.
This rarest of beasts was found
Mr_ and Mrs z A Coop came over
moved prior to 5:00 p. m. except by
special permit; The Fair board will
eight years ago in the jungles of from TiUamodk Satu-rday to visit Mr.
Mrs. Anna Rank, of Portland, vis­ not be responsible for loss or injury
Lower Burma, midway between Man- and Mr( R s Coop( r, turning Mon.
dalay and Rangoon. Last summer he day
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Weingart last to any article; No animal known to be
week and also helped them to open up diseased will be permitted on the
was brought to England under the
. . .
—-- — -
the ne wbakery.
protection of the British government
Df Guy phe|pg wil, give threc
grounds; No article which has prev­
and in the face o f threats from the ,ectureg ftt tfce band ha„ in Egtacada
iously won a prize from
The Clackamas Valley Garden Club ' One noteworthy feature of the pres-
Buddhists priests who protested that next gundayj Augugt 2g ag folloW8. will hold their annual Flower Show ent fire season has been the sudden
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buell and fam- Fair Association shall be eligible for
his departure from Burma would n .00 a m . 2;30 and 8:00
m. Sept. 5, “ Labor Day,” in the I.O.O.F. hange from a low fire hazard through ily, the Thrope family and the Yocum a prize at this Fair; The decisions
brin. diie calannt.es. More than two Everyone u invited to attend and Building. There will be prizes given out the forested region o f the state, family enjoyed a family re-union a t !o f the judges elected
by the Board
to one o f very high hazard. Contin- Sberiran, Yamhill County, last Sun-! shall
million people saw Pawah when ho . h, ar thege splendid iectUres .Com e as follows:
be final; No article which ia un­
was presented under the auspices
Qng Come ajj
worthy shall receive a prize simply
First,second and third prizes for ued cloudy weather with a slight ex-
day. About 150 were present.
the London Zoological Society. The
__________ _
because there is no competition; All
the best general display_
cess o f rainfall for the year up to the
bringing of the white elephant to [ u M W ., as though the 8Ummer
First, second and third for Asters, middle o f July contributed to a very Dave Eschelman and family are exhibits prepared
in the Juvenile
America is in furtherance of the complaint is making its annual rounds
First and second for Dalhias.
favorable spring from the forest pro- away on their vacation_
| partment must be prepared by the
Ringling policy of constant enlarge-!ag thgre hag been ev(jral reported
Fiist and second for Delphinuims. tection standpoint. The field p e r s o n - ------------------------- | exhibitor; First and second prize rib-
ment. The arenic portion of this sea- |ck
First and second for Gladiolias. nel , up to that time, had been re-
Mr. and Mrs. Gill, of Duffur, Ore- bons will be awarded in all classes;
son’s circus introduces five rings in
_____________ _
First and second for Zinnias.
ciuited to only about 60 to 70 per gon, spent the week end at the Wm. Cash prizes in the Juvenile depart­
ment are: First prize, $1.00; Second
place of the usual three. The Big f G
Duncan, Supervisor Road
First for Micalmas Daisies.
cent ° f its summer strength, and Dale home.
Show’s personnel numbers more than Djgtrict No 39> ha„ compieted thc
prize, 50 cents; A prize of $42.00
The prizes may be seen in the Drug tho3e men in the service during that
— --------------
sixteen hundred people, and nine hun- ( .ilgnn Road betw#en Egtacada and store window any time after Aug. time were mostly engaged in improve
Mr. and Mrs T. Hardis, Mr. and ¡will be awarded to the person winning
ment work.
Mrs. Robert Snyder and family, Helen the most points in each respective
dred horses. A hundred double-length , Garfield and ha* moved the rock ¡25
All flowers exhibited must be i Subsequently to July 15 there was Perry, Ruby Bates, Vivian Wilcox, class, (Donated by the Oregon City
railway cars are required to trans- crua^er over
porter District near
port its ten thousand marvels, p u s . lh# Seigworth piace t0 comm*nce grown by the person who enters a general clearing of weather condi- and Mandy Sarver picniced at Scott Chamber o f Commerc.) Blue ribbons
a special Pullman for Pawah and his work on the road on Route No. j them.
tions throughout the state, with stead- Mills Sunday.
count two points, and red ribons one
point; Any article not listed which is
All exhibits must be complete by Hy lowering relative humidity and ac-
------------ —------- -
out of Estacada and will do away with
Mrs. J. Moss and Mrs. Sagner and ¡deemed worthy of a prize, will be a-
part o f the dirt road on this route 11 a. m. at which time the judges conipanying high fire hazard. Protec-
tion organizations were immediately children are visiting a couple of days warded a prize.
The 21st. annual Clackamas county and it is needless to say that this will do their work.
Anyone wishing to arrange their organized to their full summer in California,
fair will open at the county fair will bring a pleasant smile to the
“ Misinterpretation o f the revised
flowers Sunday evening, Sept. 4, may strength, with a few xdditional men
grounds at Canby, Tuesday, Sept. 20, face o f the rural carrier
do so any time after 5 o’clock. There added. Conditions became critical a-
Mr. Hendrickson is now at work motor vehicle has proved costly to
with Children's Day. On that day
waB not unt11 PuttinK ,n concrete walks and steps hundreds of motorists, while others
children o f school age and under will
Ed. Linn, Jr., had his car stolen will be a few plain containers for bout Ju,y 23 and
be admitted free to the fair grounds in Portland Tuesday about three o ’- those wishing to use them, but plan ¡August 7 that increasing humidity around the new home of Mr. G. P. are laughing because they are win­
There will be special features put on ^ clock in the afternoon while he was to bring your own containers, also offered some relief in Western Ore- Rose, which will greatly improve ners as result o f the mistakes of
their fellow drivers.
by the members o f the boy’s and girl’s standing in front o f Olds Workman any small tables or flower stands k°n. The hazard remained high in that Part of the city,
Regulations covering headlights
the members o f the boy's and girl’s & king. He Recovered his car Wednes- may be brought and used in your dis- Eastern and Southern Oregon.
Perhaps the most striking feature
As this is the fourth benefit o f the j and spotlights were the cause o f the
club’s of the county', and special at- dr,y morning about 7 :00 o ’clock. It play jf y0U w¡gb t0 do so. WTe hope
and library, it is hoped that all mixup, as result o f which those who
tractions offered for their amuse- had been driven about 200 hundred .hat the flower show will be bigger o f the entire record-breaking period D
have had ° f continued low humidity insofar as W‘M take interest in it and anyone lost are bewailing the loss of their
ment. These will be decided upon at j miles and is thought that some one and better than any we
the next meeting o f the o f the county ¡just took it in order to take a joy and we beleive that it will be We Oregon forests are concerned, was the having any new “ stunt” will come spotlights and auxiliary lights, while
expect some judges from
Portland, small loss and area burned in spite o f forward with it will be doing some- j those who gained arc placing these
fair board. Although several offers ,ride.
Mr. Clary has promised to get us some the many fires that were started. ll' mkr towards helping to .make this lamps on their machines after having
have been made for a dog and pony
| o f the best.
Thunder storms were quite prevalent O'” beat ° f all celebrations ever held accepted them as gifts from those
show and other features, no definite
Mr. Carl Hendrickson hrs just ¡
who thought their use was barred.
program has yet been outlined by 'returned from Mu'Hood'where he'has 1 Any
amateur in Eastern Clackamas during the dry season and as a result here.
The state o f affairs was disclosed
the board. A number of surprises will boen buiidin(r a summer cottage for is eli« ible to cntcr this contest.
about half o f all fires reported both
Mrs U. K. Livingston,
by officials of the motor vehicle de­
. . on
. . that
. . day
. as well a: i
inside and outside of national forests
be sprung
Mr F. Herman o f Rainier, Oregon. \
Keneth and Robert, Livingston, of St. partment, who explained that the
other days
days o or f the
tne rair.
^ ¡g bujR on part 0f tbe 0id Ryan
Tbe fiyjng squadron o f seven men i13'.1! bct n dae t0 ^b's cau“e' y '
Helens, and Mr. and Mrs Adams and . |'aw re0ui'res two headlight* hnt aTr
A parade o f the livestock exhibited Holmstead near Summit Ranger Sta- have completed the Granite Peak trail ‘ ° th*jr location the nationa' fore*;s children^usan and John, of Portland m ^ T w o ^ V x T h a r r h '^ h ti'^ n 'd tw
by the
he club members will be an at- tion.
and moved to Thunder Creek. The have baen mora “ ^ a * !
have been camping for he pest two I
Z , ¡„ addition *
. ______ , ,
. ,
iiiii&r o
u r i n » a and
m i x fully
u i iy i ,5
u per
u e i cent
c e n t v of i
. .
_ * _______ p .
. . . sP0_thlfht»
ion o Of f th
n ___r ..
®‘ t °rm»
the . mornimz
Granite Creek trail, length eight -
. . . . . . . .
weeks at Camp George on the Oak
The auxiliary lights must be tested
According to County Club Agent
Mr. J. A. Heck, brother-in-law o f miles, is a credit to any district, well 4
. .
. . . . . Grove River near Ranger Station.
land approved by the division and
On state patroled lands
R. C. Kuehneu there is to be unusual Mr. Chris Johnson and Mr. J. Kolh- located, well built and well drained. v° ^1'** caai' <-
. . .
... .
I must be fastened on the machine
keen competition between the m em -imoog, a friend of theirs, came up It will last many years.
lightning has been credited with about
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Anderson |no hjpher than the headiight centel.g>
bers o f the Boy s and Girl s Clubs from Oakland, Cal^ via the California
During the extremely hazardous
per c*
0 1 e rts‘
At the present time individual fire i,ua<!s 'PUBD'°<I iuojj sjsan» aiaqj puu and either on or between the spring
of the county this year. A number of highway for a short visit and are period the past month extra men
reports from all sections of thc state " e
^n t, at 1 x' r s*,mmer omc horns. The spotlight must not be e-
new clubs havc been organized since now returning to their home via the i have been used as emergency gaurds.
quipped with stronger than 32 candle
are somewhat incomplete and no defi- — ar Log LaBarre Hotel.
last fair time and these new members paciflc highway.
j These men were concentrated at
power globes and must be fastened
. . . . . . .
nite figures as to loss have been se-
are to compete with those who have
Walter Hansen, o f Woodland, vis-
thc cars nd ,egg than 30 jnch(..
points threatened by lightning or
. ..
cured. Nevertheless the majonty of
been following the club work for a j Great preparations are being made places used heavily by campers,
the damage has been confined to the lte.d at, the ' VllIiam Eeman home for nor more than 72 jncheg frQm th#
number o f year*.
for the Labor Day celebration in the
The pack train at Oak Grove rang-
a few days this week.
ground. They also must be adjusted
park. A few more tents are needed er station has moved fifty thousand Potent'a* t<’ r< 8t ,and a !^as ’ r . tbp
so the light rays cannot be raised
Mr. Sally, salesman for the Pacific above 30 inchea from th# grQund #t
L * u " “r . w f F L L w
M. O'Dell o f 1211 Cora At­ re. Port- for the side .hows. Anyone having pound, of supplies and equipment
tieally no merchantable timber has
tend was apprehended by the sheriff a tent which they can spare for thai from Oak Grove to projects and pro
Fruit and Produce Co. o f Portland, iq O
been burned. Some few fires hate oc-
makes regular calls on the merchants
o f Muntr.omah County, acting on in-¡time can leave it at Mr. Wooeter s tective men since the first o f April,
curred in logging operations in the here thr#e time8 #
structions from Sheriff Mass o f Ore- office.
I The “ Forest Service Limited” has
Mr and Mr*. P. C. Olson and son
northwestern part of the state and in
gon City, and brought to Estacada
j been busy allright
~ ~ — ^
San Francisco arit visiting Ids s afer
Lane county resulting in some loss in
Mr. and Mrs. John Dresen o f Chi- Mrg. Milton Boyan ft„. a
on August 19, where he appeared
Earl LaForge, proprieter o f the
Old man Lightning is a good sport
' " “ i '“ ®
before Justice Wooster to answere a “ Spuare Deal” barber shop locked at least. He always lets us know in
equipmen .
cago. 111. drove out in their car and
___ _____________
are ivsiting their brother, Mr. Harold
Mr and Mrg G B Linn ri.tuni(l(1
charge perferred by Ranger Arm- his shop and left town the first part advance what he is liable to do. N ot1,
n J a
l u _,r<
’ 1
strong o f leaving a campfire burning of the week and nothing ha* been
so with the careless camper who * v* exc®* * ®n aerc* in ar
Dennis o f Camp 1. Roy Dennis, Mr. from Wilkr.t Springs test Tuesday
Dennis’ brother was with them and whore they spent the |a|t , wo week(l
and unattended on National Forest heard of him »¡m e. Mr. LaForge leave* hi* fire burning in some iso-
Mr. and Mrs J. M. Mann called on
expects to stay here perminently.
land and near forest material.
had just signed a three year lease iated beauty spot to creep slowly
Mr. and Mr*. R. W. Currin Sunday.
Mr. O’Dell, through hi« attorney, for the building that he occupied and end undetected into the surroundine
Mrs. Stewart, s:-.tcr o f Mrs Gib-
Mrs. Marion Tyson who has been benSi gpent a few day„ at h(,r houge
entered a plea o f not guilty to the he had a very good business and the Inflamable growth, probably getting
chuck Crawfford are
charge. The case was set for im- motive o f his leaving cannot be un- a good start before it can be reached tbe parents of a new baby girl Tuts visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. E. she came from oijrm pi. last week
Smith o f Springwater, who has been
mediate trial and resulted in the con- dersfood by his customers> The owner
No excuse these days, and especial- day
viction o f Mr. O'Dell, Justice woo- o f the shop will have a barber to ly under present conditions, for any
quite ill for the past two months,
Mrs. Patterson, mother o f Mrs.
ster assessed a fine o f *25 and costs take hia place in a short time, how- one to be so careless. He certainly
Mrg Blanch Bratton of Portland r*turn*d to her home at Orchards. Gibbens, returned to her home m
or tw.lv* day* in the county ja il
^should be punished.
gtaj.1Ilg w;tb Mrs. Crawfford.
Portland last w**k.