Page 7 EAST CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1927 TWO HOMES MADE HAPPY SECTION OUR COMIC By Women Who Used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. M O T H E R :- F l e t c h e r ’s Castoria is a pleasant, harm­ less Substitute fo r Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe­ cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend It «n. FOR OVER 200 YEARS _ ., .......................... ■ ------ -— •■■■■■ . - SAY “ BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! ■ H er V o cab u lary Gets So M u ch U sag e . I MEAN,OF COURSE, A80ÙT 'v b u e O A U s O ro a .'-w H y sie ,! SAW HER wVtVl MV OWN E.YES- iN f b o ñ T o f T he f l im s y dud C a f e a n ’ e t c , e t c , t i c — ancs WHEN X t h i n k o f the devil T hat l u b k s a b o u t S u cm . . BEUGEAÑT FlNNEY- .\N\;h\i I T h ink Voo ou Q h T l To KNÛKJ S om 3 h in 3-./ F o r C u ts, B u rn s, B ru is e s , S o r e s DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only “Baver” package which contains proven directions. Handy “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark o f B ayer Manufacture o f Monoaceticaoldester o f Salicyllcacld if V ? All J u ltri arc authorized to refund your money for the first bottle if not suited. Few persons have courage enough to appear as good as they really are. —J. C, and A. \V. Ilare. Don smarting eyes with power- drugs "dropped” in p effective, 1 by band. soothing safe A remedy Is best 26 cents — a ll druggists. L IA L L A K U C K R L - N e w York City ¡V I 9 P* C 32BTi»out - j I T W P M L P A R K E R ’S H A IR B A L S A M Removes Dandruff Stops Hair Falling Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair lU flrfìta / |K ' w h y -SERGEANT F in n e y FAIL — W\\y / w o o d s ME / I Your Druggist Says Emerald Oil Must Give Complete Satisfaction or Money Cheerfully Refunded. Thlmlll fboB T h i n g s '— 1 WOÇN OUT I n T o i OELYJ II y e q y 01 ix p e c T // 60c and fl.00 at Druggists. Hjscox t hem. Wks , Patchogue.N. Y, HINDERCORNS Rem oves Corns, Cal­ louses, etc., stops a ll pain ensures com fort to the fe e t, makes walking easy. 16c by m ail o r a t Drug' gists. ilis c o x Chemical Works, Patehogue, N. Y. FELT HATS C L E A N E D _l _______ © 0 $1 post paid. W e clean, reblock, retrlm , r e ­ m o d e l m en s and la d le s ’ fe lt , velou r, v e lv e t, ■ ilk and s tra w hats a t n om in al cost. A ll w o r k gu a ra n teed . M a il ord ers solicited . E L S IE ’S M IL L IN E R Y A rtisa n s* B ld g . - P o rtla n d , O regon CAR BUNCLES^D EATH Boils and carbuncles cause agony, sometimes death. T a k e no chances w ith home-made poul­ tices o r expensive operations. O ne application o f C A R B O IL (a scientific an tisep tic) quickly stops pain and d raw s ou t core. G e t a generous f»0c box fro m your d ru g g is t today and keep it on hand. M oney back i f n ot satisfied. Don’t Bccept substitutes—ask fo r CARBOIL by name, b p u r l o c k -N E A l C O „ N a s h v i l l e , V e n n . When Itching Drives You Mad W h e n th e avrful itc h in g o f E c ­ ze m a is u n bearable, h e re is a re m ­ ed y you ca n t r y b e fo re y o u pay. B is m o lln e is th e best h e a lin g o in t­ m en t m ad e. W ill a lso ta k e a w a y fre c k le s , p im p les, b ro w n spots an d h e a l a ll sores. W e tru st you so you can n ot lose, send yo u r n am e an d address fo r a la r g e box o f B ism o lln e, use it 20 days, th en send us one d o lla r o r retu rn w h a t you h a v e le ft. T h a t’ s fa ir, isn’ t It? © W estern Newspaper Union !2 ! say u s ia j © . , — w ho ' s b e en r v T J o u n t ä in H O L Y P E T E ~ CANT PEOPLE LEAVE THINGS ALONE ? ~ MOST T h e y always Be B us T in G - S om etlung .'? // T he D es TC uc T ve ­ o f S ome F olks - look a t T h at P e n ! — S ome ­ o n e h ad t o p l a y » jack - k n if e wì T h it o au SE iT h a d a P o in T ONI it G . G. G r e e n , In c ., W o o d b u r y , N . J. S C H O O L F O R M EN T r a i n , 1 « »LSIHISS, TRADES E n ro ll a n y tim e. OREGON V . 51. < . A . l t l d g . PROFESSIONS Send fo r lite ra tu re . IN S T IT U T E Of TEC H N O LO G Y P o r t la n d , O re g o n W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 33-1127 When a young man falls in love with nn heiress he thinks his fortune Is maid. & ¡S NOW LOOK WHAT D E ST R O YS veuve D on p/»— NO WONDEIÄ N O T H IN G - WORKS APouND HEPE ! - S o m e BOOV ALWAYS I ' HAMMEipiM©- o n (T oß. S omè T hini ®-! cocm sr t o o o r ie n t a l ! f t ■ : m decidedly unpleasant a ffentle laxative, w ill act promptly in re lief of stomaoh and bowel troubles, and vour freedom from pain and- dis­ com fort will make you feel that life Is sprain worth living. 80 c and 90 c bottles. A t all druggists. Give a baby half a chance and it ran smash more dishes than an Im­ ported domestic. n atu re Cabbage Traveled Far Stomach Disorders Green's August Flower No matter how discouraged you have been with powders, footbaths or other applications, i f you have not tried Emerald Oil then you have something to learn. It’s a wonderful formula— this com­ bination of essential oils with cam­ phor and other antiseptics so marvel­ ous that thousands of bottles are sold annually for reducing varicose or swol­ len veins. Every good druggist guarantees the first bottle of Moone’s Emerald Oil. It must end your foot troubles or money back. it ' s !- When Iluihly Ilonca of Sunta Rosa, Texas, slipped a note in a Texas »a l­ ley cabbage, asking that the consumer write him, lie hardly expected to re­ ceive his reply from ns distant a place ns Newfoundland. Honca re­ ceived a letter from a young man who bought the vegetable there. A m erican P atents Tour feet may bo so swollen nnd in­ flamed that you think you can’t go another step. Your shoes may feel as If they are cutting right Into the flesh. You feel sick all over with the pain nml torture anil pray for quick relief. What’s to he done? Two or three applications of Moone’s Emerald Oil and in fifteen minutes the pain and soreness disappears. A few more applications at regular intervals and the swelling reduces. Aral ns for Soft Corns and Callouses a few a pi»! ¡cat Ions each night at bed time and they just seem to shrivel right up and scale off. That Destructive Nature THE FEATHERHEADS The Young Co., 70 Dorr 8t„ Toledo, O. Lest nnyone think Americans hnve Zone the limit arlth Inventions, the United States Is stfll Issuing about 35,- Odd patents a yenr. Unless you have more dollars than sense do not expect others to con­ sider your troubles Interesting. Here’s Speedy belief fer Tender, Aching, Swollen Feet : H Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. PLACES— — . B a ls a m o f M y r r h ^1 A r * r L .r :g | mam «Sä® H A N F O R D ’S I The man who attendato his own alt fairs has no time to laugh at the ml*- takes of others. The more worthless a man Is the more Interesting he seems to he to some women. ''■-•ir-'- F IN N E Y O F T H E F O R C E correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All d r u g g is t s . Insist o n the original genuine G o l d M e d a l . C rv lor Disappearing " I have taken Lydia E. Plnlthnm’s vegetable Compound and I think It la the most won- d e r f u 1 medicine I ever tried," Is the s t a t e m e n t made by Mrs. Goldie Shoup of St. Joseph, Illi­ nois. She de­ clares that after taking the Com­ pound she Is In better health than before. Mrs. J. Storms ¡of 29 Lane Street, Paterson, N. J., writes: " I cannot speak too highly o f your medicine and I recommend It to nil my friends.” These statements were taken from two enthusiastic letters which tell o f the help that has been received from using the Vegetable Compound. Both Mrs. Shoup nnd Mrs. Storms were In n run-down condition which j caused them much unhappiness When women are suffering from lack o f strength nnd from weakness, their own life nnd that o f their fam­ ily Is affected. When they feel well nnd strong nnd nre able to do their housework easily, happy homes aro I the result. , Are you on the Sunlit Hoad to Better Health? haarlem oil has been a world­ wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. Children Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches " The yellow tart with the biadi bund " ^ i Childhood’s Lessons affect the w hole life ¡ï Teach your children to use Cuticura Soap daily to keep the skin clear. Soothe and h*“al rashes, eczemas and other irritations with Cuticura Ointment. Shampoo with Cuticura Soap to keep the scalp in a healthy, hair­ growing condition. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 59 «. Tnlenm Me flokl everywhere Catte«/» LaPor »torte*, D«pt Sample each free Aikirem: 13. Malden, Mas« ” Cuticura S h arin g S tick 25c.