EAST CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1927 OUR COMIC SECTION Under Arrest P R O F E SSIO N A L IN ST IN C T A tailor lmd a great desire to hear one of his customers a celebruted tenor, sing. Obligingly, the tenor gave him a couple of tickets for his next appearance at the operu house. Meeting him a few days later, he asked whether he had enjoyed the performance. “Oh, It was awful I” replied the tailor. “Awful 1 W hat do yot. mean?” “Your coat,” the other groaned, “It wus too tight under the an as.” Page 7 SE5K WOMAN SOON RECOVERS By Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s V egetable Compound “A neighbor advised me to try Lydia E. PinkHam's Vegetable Compound, which she said had helped her so much. So I bought a few bottles ami tried It out. It sure helped me wonderfully. X felt m uch better. My work was no longer a dread to me. If I hear c ’ any one who is troubled the way I was, I will gladly recom­ mend the Vegetable Compound to them and I will answer any letters In regard to the same."— Mas. B ebtha M eacran , 1134 X. Penn. Ave., Lansing, Mich. “I had been sickly ever since I waa fifteen years old. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham ’s Vegetable Compound I i got so I could do all my housework and I am In good health.”— M rs . M abie K. W il l ia m s , Ketchikan, Alaska. From Michigan to Alaska, from Maine to Oregon and from Connecticut to California letters are continually being written by grateful women recom­ mending I.ydla E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound. The Compound Is made from root3 and herbs and for more than fifty years has been helping to restore run-down, overworked women to health. Are yot on the Sunlit Road to Betr te r H ealth? ^ „ ^ 9 elieveme , when wt frt çoueh with you , y o WOHT KL)N WILP ALL 0 VER. T he . W H E N IT R A IN S Duration of Soviet Rule Easily Proved “Comrade” Kalinin Is president of the soviet union, lie Is a peasant by origin, l.lke all l "I president* Ka­ linin makes a si--e.li occasionally, lie makes a spot 1 1 y of addressing peasant audiences. Not long ago lie made s speech at a farm ers’ reunion not so far from Nignlx The presi­ dent was drawing a grandiloquent pic­ ture of life under the soviet regime. At the outset he told his pensant- llstenors that Russia « as the first country to throw off the yoke. Sud­ denly he was Interrupted. Interrup­ tions are not Infrequent In peasant districts. “We have land and free­ dom." cried one farm er, “hut under the czar some of us had three pairs of pants and now we have only one." "Comrades,” replied the comrade- president, "the negocs of Africa have no pants at all.” “How Is that?” came hack the voice from the audi­ ence. “You told us we were the first to he sovletized, hut If those people in Africa have no pants at all, they must have had soviet rule for at least 20 years.”—I'lerre Van I'assen, In the A tlanta Constitution. T en d er, A ch in g, F ersp irin g F se l Amazing Relief in 5 Minutss or Money Rack, Get a bottle of Moone's Em erald Oil with the understanding th at If It does not put an end to the pain and soreness and do away with all offensive odors your money will he INFLAMED LIDS prom ptly returned. It r ie Increase* the Irritation, Don't worry about lmw long you've MITCHELL EVE SALVI'., a simple, de­ been troubled or how many other pendable, safe remedy. preparations you have tried. This 25c at all druputsts. powerful penetrating oil Is one prep­ aration th at will help to make your painful aching feet so healthy ami free from corn and callous troubles th ho nhlo to go anywhere Since 1846 Has Healed Wounds and and at you'll do anything In absolute foot Sores on Man and B east comfort. Money bock for first bottlo If not suited. All dealers. So marvelously powerful Is Moone's Emerald Oil th at thousands have One A dvantage found It gives wonderful results In “I’m ghul my wife Is built long and the treatm ent of dangerous swollen thin, sorter like a shoestring, as you or varicose veins. mouglit say." stated Gup Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. Physical and Mental “Why?” Inquired an acquaintance. Requisites for Flying “Well, she don’t shade the corn The exploits of Lindbergh uml while she’s n-hoeing of It like a fat Chamberlin have attracted attention woman would.”—Kansas City Star. anew to the physical and mental fac­ tors concerned In aviation, says llygefa Magazine, commenting edi­ torially on their flight. Continuous flying for from 44i to 50 hours makes a tremendous demand on the constitution, since it Involves sleeplessness, relative starvation and constant concentration. In addition these factors is the question of al­ Prepared Especially for Infants to titude and tlie ability of the body to meet the demands of the unusual en­ and Qiildren of All Ages vironment. Undoubtedly, n physical examina­ M other! Fletcher’s Cnstorla has been In use for over .10 years ns a tion of a man who has Just completed pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas­ the terrifie stress of a transoceanic tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and flight would show much the same Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot­ physical changes that occur in m ar­ ics. Proven directions are on each athon runners or In workers who are package. Physicians everywhere rec­ compelled to maintain concent ration for long periods of time. ommend It. The genuine hears signature of D O N ’T Hanford's Baisam of Myrrh (Copyright, w. N. U.) She—Dad says you don’t know enough to go in when it rains. He—Does he? She—lie sure does. He— Well, you tell him I stay in in the first place. Lim ited A ppreciation THE FEATHERHEADS / HELLO FELIK— SAV, FPEDDY IS SICK — IM SORE HE HAS A FEVEI2- ALL BIGHT1— ALL BlGW T/-POr HIH TO BED THEN- Freddy Will Be a Big Diplomat UjELL FREDDY DOES n T w ant m e T o SEND f o b T he D o c T o B~~ he T h in k s m a v SE HE COULD GOTO V SCHOOL TOMOPPOW'*- A very pretty play 1 saw. . Its. morals no one could deplore. 1 clapped my hands and said ‘‘Hurrah!" W ith only half a dozen more. r OH SO I ' T hat ’ s i t ! - ' NO SII2.~SEND h im T o S chool , T o d a y / > BABIES CRY FOR “ CASTORIA” No Interest in L ife Husband (anxiously) — My wife seems not to have the slightest Inter­ est In life. Doctor—W hat makes you think that? Husband—Well, I’ve tried her with golf, billiards, football and racing, and It's Just like talking to a stone. E xplained S m ith- Saw you and your wife oul w alking yesterday and, funny tiling I —when you had to cross the street she went over first, then you wait­ ed your chance and followed. Sm art—O, th at’ easily explained. You see, we’ve Just made our wills in each other’s favor.—The Pathfinder. /{AB SAYS H6 \ WANTS T o BEST u p today s o HE CAN BE CHEER­ FUL WHEN VDO INCOME H O M E « y T he little D ic k e n s |>K OH WELL— W F A N N Y - LEY N, HIM PLAY HOOKEY T h is o n c e T h e m - / v HA HA / A ppropriate Decorations W O U LD SO O N IM P R O V E E arly A bolitionists Jail Bird FINNEY OF THE FORCE D ad—Look here, Dorothy, like the way these youngsters ging you 1 Dot—Don’t you know scarcely more than boys, They’ll soon improve. I don’t are bug­ they’re daddy? V mulvimill x 'WCK/LU LOIkE- TO SHAKE TO YEi. ,SA AC GI NT / m u l v ih il l ? . o i ' ' DONT CAVMIMBEB the m a n ! w h a t ’ s HE LOOK LO IK 6 ? / G PA h ì T&,\F YE2 ASK ME - ANO HE'S HAPDEO W THAT, 1 S o b /— The first protest against slavery I p tlie United States was made in loss by the Society of Friends in Herman town, I’a., according to an answered question In Liberty. Behavior that Is not quite sh irk Ing can easily he very annoying to all people of good taste. If one’s relatives live 800 mil«* away lie cnn brag more about them. HM U s END i n /* h im In tellig en t C ornfed— in Style The Last D ifference F lyosan has k illed a ll his m illion s o f friends and relatives Survivor She looks as If she Is "all there," But goodness knows, That la more’n I could truthfully say say About her clothes. "How much do you ask io r this place?” "Ten thousand dollars." “Thanks. I'm the tag “ollector." "Ton are? Well. I never was of­ fered more than three for it.” Boy, Shoot This R eporter—I know a person who has lived In one room all his life! Editor—Good! Get an 'ntervlew right now. Who Is he? R eporter—Our three-weeks-old baby 1 well - h At? D-B o il e d , h o w l o n g . ABE YE2 N IN FEC . ' EXPECT A \ PA(?0ON FEB I I BEIN' PO uSH . / Y NOPE-A ' PE- APPOINTEEtÀT- o t m T h e n e w I W A A 12D 5M /, A m assing Riches ”1 saw an old Egyptian tomb fltled with priceless treasures." “Yes.” commented Senator Sorg­ hum. “Those ancient kings remind ns th at graft was one of the world’s j earliest institutions.” — -W ashington j Star. -^ro wonder h e’s blue. lie knows 1^1 he’s next. Flyoftan has killer] every single fly anrl mowquito in tliou»nn«lrt o f hom es this sum m er, llyosnn is the m odern best wuy «tf fighting flying pests. It kills them by the whole­ sale—not one tit a tim e. Flyosan is the original liquid insect spray (lion-poisonous). I m * Flyosun itself, not one o f its im i­ tations. Flyosan not only kills ull the flies anrl m osquitoea in your hom e b u t also rids it o f the m il­ lions o f deadly, disease-bearing germ s which each one carries. G olden O pportunity “Ry the way. I met Dupont. His wife Is very hoarse and can’t sing." “Oh. what about Inviting them both to dinner tonight?“—Rele Mele, Paris. A Scalili Bend youngster, age three, was helping his mother make ginger­ bread. Molding it in the shape of a man. lie placed raisins for the nose, eyes, mouth and a row of buttons, lie began to decorate tlie figure’s legs also with raisins. “Why do you put rai ins on his legs?” asked the mot tier. “Well,” the boy explained, “him got tlie hives.”—Indianapolis News. C XFe.ftrn N*wsp»p.r Union Ml-yAHl/rQ T' i ter m nn ’• has the riffkt inseritetele fo r Srich in • sert. O n eels uheresse drug» term sold. "Sw atting” only Bratterà these germ s into the a :r w hich you am i your family breathe. //e re l* the right insertiridm fo r each in teri: rL Y O SA N , U q u lei S p ra y — L illa A le. an i nio .q u ilor a. PETERM A N *! ANT FOOD — • s te r m in a t e « ■ at«. PTTF.KM AN’S DISCOVERY, L iq u id — s » le v m ioat re bed-bug*. PFTF.RM AN’S ROACH F O O D -esterm ¿nates Ihiit ciK k rn gch a rm v. P E H R M W S M o r n FOOD — p ro te c t* agnina! moth*. You mrisf have a speeific Insecti­ cide for each inject. .No single in­ secticide will eV tcrm inute tinnì ail. e have had nearly 50 years’ experience. V> c knotc that is true. L V im a n à 200 Fifib A s., .NYC.