Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 11, 1927, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
*|m u Akin
Marion and Ellen Stone of Califor­
nia are visiting at the DuBois home
for a couple of days.
Grange organizations o f Oregon,
For several years the Estacada j Mr and M,.s Homer Sarver, and
\ Washington and Idaho are working
Band and the Estacada Library As- ,yjr and j j rs Elmer Sarver, spent
to a common end according to re­
sociation have sponsored a Labor Day g un(iay a{
home o f their parents.
ports received o f a conference held
Celebration. This has b e e n p r i m a r i l y ________________
j this summer
between prominent
for the purpose o f giving the people
j i rs j j eMrieUa Jones, mother of
representatives of the granges of
o f this city and the surrounding com - 1 j j rg Matt Lonsberry, is returning to
the three states.
There has been
munity and interesting and entertain-1 j,el, j,ome Wednesday,
considerable speculation over the at­
ing celebration. Secondarily any sur-
titude o f the grange toward econo­
plus over expenses has gone to the
Mrs. G. E. Lawrence spent the
support o f the two most worthy or. week end at her sister's home in Port mic questions, but it now appears
that a definiet program has been
ganizations putting on the celebra­ land.
agreed upon, and that the granges ot
the northwest states will bend their
Usual Committees have been ap­
Miss Ruth Dillion who works at the
pointed and are hard at work on the Estacada State Bank was taken to St. energies to obtain the adoption of
days program, which will consist o f Vincent hospital in Portland with an the following legislative program:
Severance tax.
music and speaking in the morning attact o f appendecitis the first part
Debenture plan o f farm relief.
sports and games in the afternoon, o f the week.
Graduated state income tax, with
dancing afternoon and evening and
provisions for the three
the band will give concerts all day
Dr. Johnson and family and Dr.
time to be anounced latter on the Johnson’s father and mother, Mr. and staets.
Water power.
Mrs. A. J. Johnson, made the Mt.
While tne farm relief program is
Besides the program put on by the Hood Loop drive Sunday.
one o f federal procedure, the others
Library Association and the Band the
could be undertaken by any state,
Pioneer Day Celebration will also be
Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes are leaving
. , *
held on this day and there is bound Thursday £or New Port, Oregon for and 1 ^
me“ '
___i-____ _1
ures will be presented to the people
to , be plenty o f fun and excitement
a ten days or two weeks vacation.
deaung with water power, income
for every one.
The speaking will
tax and severance tax.
The first
be o f interest and very intertaining.
Mrs. T. A. Reed and her baby girl,
.The committees are hard at work who is eleven days old will return two have been defeated decisively in
Oregon, a state-wide hydre-eleetric
getting the program in readiness.
from a Portland hospital to her mo­
measure having been rejected Iasi
“ Genseng Lane” is a new and nov­ ther’s home, Mrs. A. H. Perry, Wed­
November by a vote of more than
el feature on the program and this a- nesday o f this week.
four to one.
lone is going to create a lot o f fun
The northwest granges affirm their
and merriment and you will have to
Theodore Harders and Mr. Gibbins
opposition to further development ot
attend to find out what this all a- were in Portland on business Mon­
reclamation projects, until agricul­
bout. The Band Will be there with day o f this week.
ture has been restored to a position
their music and we will say that the
of parity with other industries, this
Estacada Band will take care o f the
Martin and John O'brien and two
, . .
,, .
, ,,
i postuon being counter to that pre
music end o f the program for that boy friends called on Mr. and Mrs. ,
. ■
. ,,
. . . .. ,
. . . . vailing in central Oregon and in man\
day. The Library Association is the Jacob Moss Sunday it being their
sections of eastern Oregon.
other worthy institution behind this fifth wedding anniversary.
program and if you can come and
spend the day with them you will be ! Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thorton spent W eekly County Agent News
By John J. Insxeep, County Agent
helping two things that are worthy ; the week end at the Jacob Moss home
of help and also be getting a big, full
Clackamas County potato grow-
days enjoyment and pleasure for your
Mrs. Minnie Sumey a nurse at the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mr. A E. Troutman and family of
ciding the case and determining the
Last Sunday Morning a party of
Mopin, Ore., were in Estacada over
the week end on their way to Oal: about fifty stockholders of the P. E.
Mi83 Ethel Hodges from B’ smark Grove where he has a band o f 1730 P. Co. from various points in the
N. D. arrived in Estacada Tuesday head o f sheep to look after through Weilamette Valley were taken up on
morning on her way to Camp 8 to the dry season. It will be remember- the .«i e-'o to — c t th
visit her friend. Mrs. W. B. David- d ihat he was up in that district last pla:.. retain.r.g to Estacada Hotel for
summer also.
¡dinner that evening.
s:n at that place.
Estacada 's going to have a bakery
that they will be proud of. It will be
located in the Masonic building and
the proprie or, Wm. Weingart has
been a verj busy man the past two
or three weeks painting and install­
ing his machinery and putting in oth­
er fixtures that goes to make up a
first class bakery.
He has installed an electric oven
that will turn out 120 loaves of bread
at a time. The store is equipped with
two up-to-date bakery show cases
and you will be able to see the pastry
that he has to sell. They will handle
everything in the bakery line, baked
fresh every day.
The materials that is to be used in
the making o f his bakery goods is go­
to be nothing but the best and his
bakeshop will be kept in a clean, san­
itary condition at all times.
Mr. Weingart says that he will be
open for business and inspection
Tuesday, August 16 and invites you
to come in and look around and get
acquainted with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurst have taken
rooms at the J. T. Irvin home.
Mr. Joe Douda has finished pick­
ing loganberries and returned to his
home in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox return­
ed Sunday from a four day visit at
Antelope, Oregon,
The dance given by the Estacada
band last Saturday night was well
attended and everyone that Was there
reported an evening well spent. The
band officers were well pleased with
the crowd that they had and the
Masonic Home at Zenith, Washington crs have entered thirty potato fields music was the best that could be ob­
spent several days at the home of |101 certification.
Diseased plants tained for a danre.
Mrs. A. E. McBroom and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Moss. She is | are being rogued or puhed out by the
growers in preparation for the firs,
S e lf S er vi ce
Carol, o f Oakland, Cal., have return­ on her way to Minneapolis to visit
of two field inspection.
ed to the home of her father Mr. W. old friends.
County Agent J. J. Inskeep has
R. Reed in Garfield after attending
Many good folk are lamenting the
Mr. J. H. Denning is much im­ been busy the past month heiping the passing o f the era when men tnd wo
the wedding in Portland of her sister,
Elizabeth to Jesse Dale Frantz, which proved at this writing.
ose mosaic, wilt and other diseases. men consecrated their lives to uszelf-
was held at the Central Presbyterian
Most of the growers planted certified ish service and prepared themselves
church, Saturday evening, August 6
to become ministers,., missionaries,
and the‘r fields are exceptional­
Dr. O’Dell of the 1st Presbyterian the week end at the
teachers or country doctors that they
ly free from disease.
church o f Los Angeles officiating j home.
Prof. G. R. Hyslop of the Oregon might administer to the spiritual,
The bride was given away by her |
mental and physical needs of human­
father and Carol McBroom, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Richards of Agriculture College expects to visi. ity without thought o f large worldly
of Miss Reed’s sister, Mrs. A. M e-! Oregon City, Ralph and Joseph Rich-
gain. They are not in error when
Broom acting as flow er girl and pro­ arda of Woodburn spent Sunday at to inspect potato fields for certifica they charge that modern men and wo­
ceeded the bride on the arm o f her the home of Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes.
Mr. Mickle the State Dairy and men are choosing vocations today i;
father to the alter. After the cere­
which they can do the greatest ser­
The ladies o f the Garfield Dorcas Feed Commission has personally no­ vice to themselves.
mony a reception was held in the
church parlors and was attended by society will meet at the home o f Mrs.
People today are coming to the be­
about 150 guests. None o f the guests j Ernest Duus on Thursday afternoon, sprayed apples could leave Clacka- lief that the best way they can help
were told where the bride and groom ¡August 18. All ladies come in and ma* or an>’ other county in Oregon others is to produce much that their
would spend their honeymoon, but bring your thimbles.— Mrs. M, Rob for interstate shipment without firs, profit shall be large and that they
it is rumored that they will spend a «rtson.
belne washed t0 rer‘love the sPra>»a- shall never become dependent upon
month at Hotel Coronoda, at San die-
The old idea of service was
experiments at the Oregon Agri­
Born— To Mr. and Mrs. Ike Tucker
go, Calif, after which they will be at
direct. Tho new service is indirect.
home at 836 Montgomery Drive in Sunday, August 7th, a 9 lb. boy.
Twenty years ago it was still though;
solution of hydrochloric acid to be
that only ministers, doctors and teach­
Mrs. Moore and daughter, Lola, best for this purpose.
ers served humanity. Today every
Although the crop is iight this year
and Mrs. Ed Bates and daughtes ar­
workman who carries his whole day's
Christian Church Services Every
rived home Monday from a trip to this regulation in the future may wage home is known to have earned
Craton Lake, which was much enjoy­ prove be quite a burden.
that wage in service to society.
Bible School 10:00 a. m.
That Clackamas County soils re­
Elhcrt Hubbard's version o f the
Pleaching Service 11:00 a, m. and
Mr. Bert Twining was an Estacada spond to fertilizer for early potatoes Golden Rule was, "Do unto others as
8:00 p. m.
visitor on Wednesday and reports has been demonstrated on several chough you were the others.” but an
Everybody invited and all are wel­
farms this year. F. E. Price, Son
business rushing at Grants Pass.
even more up-to-date version is “ Do
and Crops Specialist from the Ore-
vouiself murh good and no bad to
Rev. Kenneth Susley,
Mr. Carter was an Estacada visitor
Agriculture College and J. J. Ins others.” Getting something for your-
returning home Monday.
KetP. County-Agent, recency harves. s -If is reprehensible only when it is
Jed potatoes from fertilized and un-
Pinchot W a s W r o n g
gotten at the expens eof another.
Bill Palmer was called to Portland fertilized rows on the Geo. Kohl fare.
G ifford Pinchot, former governor
Vernon Anderson having a short
bitty hills in adjoining rows were
o f Pennsylvania, has issued letters death o f his brother,
leave o f absence from the Nuvy is
to hundreds o f newspaper editors
visiting with his relatives in the Gar­
Eari Gunther and family returned treatment produced «
while th
commendatory o f the decision o f th
field district.
Massachusetts department o f public Saturday night from their vacation ’ ?>ws recem ng 400 lbs. o f a comp.ete
utilities in the orcester Electric Light and were on their way to Camp 8.
I The terulized hills gruded 6 lbs.
Mr. and Mr3. C. M. Sparks enjoyed
company rate case. He declares that
’, whne the check hnls a drive to Bonneville last Sunday.
the commission followed the “ prudent
Mrs. Steimnan went to the Oregon g raded 30 lbs.
investment” rule in making its deci­
City Hospital and had her tonsils re-
Ten dollars worth o f Commercial
sion. Careful study o f the opinion
Mr. Ernest Amacher, who has b e n
fertilizer per acre produced . 00 per
shows that Mr. Pinchot is incorrec moved Saturday.
assistant at the Delft Creek Hatchery
—~ ~ ~
¡cent increase ot marketable potatoes
In his views.
The original invest
for some time, left this morning with
Ray Keith is at the hospital in by August 5th.
ment inthe company claimed a pre­
his family for Bingham Springs near
sent value o f about $18,000,000; the
Pendelton, Ore., where Mr. Amacher
- — — - -
- ■
j when the crop is harvested in Sep-
commission fixed a rate which it de­
will have charge of the hatchery.
cided would pay a fair return (six
They will be nvssed by their many
per cent- on $10 000.000. which it Estacada Sunday Morning and picked | nature, while the check rows are yet friends in this community.
finds is a fair valuation o f the prop­ up a crowd o f P. E. P. employees green and mane more growth,
erty for rate-making purposes, "bas­ from Salem who were going on a pic-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luhammer ere
To our many friends, neighbors
ed upon the principles enun-eiet-d nie up the line.
and fellow club members we wish to away on a two weeks vacation v - t-
by the supreme court” While the com­
1 hey
Mr. and Mrs. Granvill Linn left ex-end our sincere thanxs for ail help ingrelativcs and coast resort
mission had kind words to say for
expect to visit Creator Lake also be­
"prudent,” investment," it followed Wednesefay for
Springs, contributed and the assistance ren­
the theory o f “ present value," in ac­ where they expect to spend a two dered in building a barn to replace fore they return.
the one we lost by fire.
cord with the view o f the United weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Fetor Kuhl and family
The Estacada Public Library el'.sod
States supreme court in actually de­
Mrs. Dan Matson was an Estacada
visitor over the week end.
Si BOÉbCüir
Mrs. W. B. Davidson came down
f:om Camp 8 Tuesday morn.ng to
The Ninth Annual Re-union and pic
meet her friend Miss Eythel Hodges. !.i<- o flhe Philip Linn family was h-ld
|«t Dinty Moore’s Park on Eagle
Ed Linn was in Portland on Wed­ Creek, August 7th, 1927.
i There being about 125 of the fam­
ily present. Those who attended from
Miss Marjorie Spring County nurse a distance were Mrs. Manly Layton
lunched with Mrs. W. J. Moore, tide an ddaught r, of Bucoda, Washing­
is arranging for some dental clintics ton: Wm. Buiiard and wife, of Alpha,
here in the country schools.
J Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice
I. n, o f Kelso, Washington. Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. McBroom and daughter Mrs. Oral Palmatery and two hoys of
were dinner guests at the \\. J. Satan, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. John
Moore home Tuesday evening.
Mohchke and children o f Banks, Ore­
gon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis of daughter o f Wamic, Ore. Mrs. Walter
Camp 8 are visiting in Portland over Bever o f Multomah, Oregon, Mr. and
the week end.
Mrs. Mason of Multomah, formerly
o f Caiifcrnia, Mrs. Jennie O’N’eel and
Mrs. C. A. Radford of Camp 8 is chili-ren o f Fairbanks, Alaska and a
visiting her mother in Boring»
number o f invited guests all o f whom
enjoyed a joyful time and declared
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gunter of Camp the day well spent.
8 who have been spending his vaca­
A bounteous lunch was served at
tion in Spokane have returned and 1 p. m. A number of the younger
Mr. Gunter is again running the folks enjoyed the swimming in Eagle
“ speeder”
Creek after lunch. It was voted to
have the next meeting at this same
Steve Turel driver of the forest Park the first Sunday in August 1928,
service speeder who met wi h an ac­
There were three present who cros­
cident to his arm, has again been sed the plains in 1865. There- is but
compelled to go to the doctor fo. six survivors of a family o f 32 who
further treatment.
came to Oregon in 1865, three of
whom reside in Estacada.
Mrs. B. D. Kelly and two children
We regret to state a number could
Joyce and Benny went to Portland to not attend on account of forest fires
spend a week with her mother.
in \\ ashington and their presence was
greatly missed.
The G. P. Rose family arc moved
The secretary reported one mar­
into there new home.
riage; three births; no deaths during
the year August 1926 to August 1927
Mrs. Ray Shumay and baby were
M. Lonsberry, Sec.
Here last week from Multhomah visit­
ing Mr. Shumay who is a motormen
Methodist Episcopal church ser­
on the railroad.
vices every Sunday.
Sunday School 10:00 a. m.
Mrs. S. P. Sleeth, of Long Beach,
Preaching services 11:00 a. m.
Calif., is visiting at the home of Mr
Evening Services 8:00 p. n.
and Mrs. J. J. Pcirner for a week o-
Everyone is welcome and all are
ten days.
He is contemplating on invited.
locating in Salem.
Rev. FF. A. Simms, Pastor.
Mrs. A. Montague and daughter
The public safety and the health
RcrnDe, of Arington, Ore., are visit­ of Oregon people requires the im­
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. mediate provision o f more hospital
beds for tuberculosis patients is the
official opinon of the board of direc­
Mrs. C. F. Hurst reports that he tors of the Oregon Tuberculosis As­
daughter-en-law, Mrs. B. M. Ilurs sociation, as expressed at c meeting
who was at a sanitarium in Portland of l!:nt. body Thursday afternoon in
:s better and was able to leu e iht Port.and. The moorin'- - c s P n ov­
sanitarium the fore part of the week. er by Leslie Butler, o f Hood River,
vice president o f the Association, took
Mrs, S. J. Surgeon and daughter offical action to authorize the Presi­
are having a new hot water tank in­ dent and Secretary to lay before the
stalled at their hime.
Oregon State Board o f Cont-ol the
facts regarding the urgent need o f
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus were at proceeding with the construction o f
tho Gres'nr.m fair, Friady and report th. Eastern Oregon Tuberru
I :.s
J an enjoyable time.
pital which was authorized by a ma­
jority vote o f 82,000 at the Novem­
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks and Mr. ann ber election last fear.
Mrs. J. C. Dhu: were dinner sues :
Tho waiting list for admission to
recently at the Bib Cooke summer the Stale Tuberculosos Hospital at
home up in the mountains.
Salem is almost twice us great as it
was a year ago, according to Dr. G.
Mrs. Louise Perlt and doughte; C. Bellinger, superintendent o f the
FFiorence, o f St. Paul stopped over hospital.
At this time last year,
Sunday at the Mrs. John Liauth an there were 42 patients waitin'; for ad-
Mrs. II. C. Gohring homes on thoi. Hospital, while on July 26th o f this
way home from California.
year theie mere 71 tub reulosis pa­
tients waiting their turn to be admit­
Mrs. A. Bruner, mother of Mrs. C. ted. O f th*s number, 31 arc residents
S. Allen who was hurt when she fel of Multnomah County.
several weeks ago is improving slow
Other members of the hoard atU nd-
nr he Be rd meeting were !>r. Marr
Bisalllon, Dr. F. D. Strieker Dr. K A.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilrox were in Pierce, Mr. T. J. Gray, Miss Mary
Portland Tuesday on business.
Campbell, R. N., Rev. W. G. Eliot,
Mrs. S. IVi. Blumnuer, Mis. Mary
Mr. Ben Tanner is suffering froi Caufield, and -Mrs. P. R. Whiteside.
nos'on in his foot. He is not able to
be about.
B ooklet P ri n te d by B rake Lining
Firm R ec en tly.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitrhing and
son o f Estacada were Gresham fair
Mortoist who do their own repair­
visitors, S..turday.
ing will find practical help in n b >ok-
yet, eently pubhshed bv th Russell
Miss I.urilc Baker, o f Portland, who Manufacturing Compa- o; Middle-
has been in Hawaii the past year wn town, Conn. Photographs and lucid
a week end guest o f Mr. and Mrs. W. directions giving instructions on the
proper method o f rclining internal
and external brake band . are in-dud-
Mrs. F. C. Bartholomew took fou • I ed, as well as full directions for the
p-'zes on flowers. FFirst on Larks ! arc and ad j uV ment o f brakes. The
•purre. Second on Sweet Peas; sec­ motorist is told how to cut the brake
ond on Flocks; second Clarkia.
lining *o be sure o f a pe'-feet fit,
| v.-hat rivets to use, how to fit them
Mr. and Mrs E. F.. Barthilomew | to avoid scoring the brake drum, and
end daughter of White Salmon were I th- order in whiih iliey should be ap­
ruestr. Sunday at the F. C. Bartholo­ plied to proven' buckling or stretch-
mew home.
| ing o f the linin'-.
The Russell manu aciuring Corn-
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bcche, o f Gar inny say they will be glad to mail
last Saturday a week ago for the an­ field were callers o f Mrs. Frank bis booklet entitled “ Rusco Brake
A; plic ■
1 Cate” to
nual vacation and Will he opened a- Iiu-st Tuesday evening at the J. T
j ary auto’s', who
xlica a copy.
gain September 1. Mrs Ecker the Irvin home.
librarian expects to visit her daugh­
Mr. Weave.- reports that 60 crates
Mr. and Mrs. P. .1 ' .-hii.-lc and
ter and family at Glenden on the
coast for a few days and to make o f Himalayan berr t•< W '"c di ed at Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy o f Port-
other visits in different parts of the his place Tuesday and expects to con- land were Sunday guests at Log La
^inue picking until wet weather.
I Barre.
I state.