I ati >01 !> f* f t n Devoted, to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County vol . ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1927 x a V-íMF.R R E S I D E N T S O F N O R T H D A K O T A T O P I C N I C A U G . 14 NUMBER 44 LOGANBERRY GROW ERS DISAPPOINTED fee f i 11283681 The fourth annual gathering o f for­ J j i c c M a n u fa c t u r er s Fail to O p en R e ­ mer residents o f North Dakota will be c eivin g Station; Ray Mailing I held at Silverton again this year Sun- Closes Until P ea r Sea so n A II V ' A h * ’ PI j ' day, August 14. A record attendance E N V Y IN G T H E LUCKY MAN Blackberry Harvest is Now Mrs. A . !l. »tfli S^iil ill tn a rg e ;s expected at the number presen The negotiation with the .juice man­ B y E d g a r A. Guest last year was approximately seven ufacture company and the loganberry On; Farmers Bnsy of Floral Department hundred. growers to establish a berry receiving Had I workid as hard as he The Silverton city park is an ideal station in Oregon City will not be Blackberry harvest is now under Not only will there be special prizes Just as rich I now might be. place for the gathering, as there is . wa> in the fields in this vicinity. A ofi'e.cd in the livestock, poultry, 1 had books I could have read plenty o f room, lots of shade trees can purchase berries that have laid meeting was heid ..t the canery in Boys’ and Girls’ departments at the But I chose to play instead. and tables upon which to spread the over from !ast year cheaper. Gresham last Saiurday by the glow - 1927 Clackamas County fair, but also When in school I couldn't see picnic lunches. There is also a spien- best Since the Ray Mailing „-antiing com­ era to study the details of how in the domestic science and floral de­ What my lessons meant to me, did swimming place ar.u a life guard » I, pany have stopped taking Inga iber- But I wish I ’d studied now partments. is on hand to look after the safety of r'es from the growers a great loss 'ills, when the following conclusions The superintendents of the domes-- When the 3« eat is on my brow. the swimmers. This feature is a has been caused. The growers are ere -eached and instructions sent to tic science and floral departments, I could never rest content great attraction to the young people. disappointed and dissatisfied, think­ ..II the growers: Mrs. A. H. Knight o f Canby, and Av­ Till my money all was ?pent A short program has been arrang­ ing that it is not right that the mar­ “ Pick over ripe berries in cannery on Jesse o f Barlow, have succeeded in Had 1 saved the same as he ed, but most of the time will be spent ket should be shut off. -rates for barrel,ng. 'rick in double- securing special prizes that will be Just as rich I now might be. in renewing old acquaintanceships Some berry growers immediately es­ deck shipping crat -3 only berries that the means of interesting many to ex­ He went plodding on his way and in making new friends. tablished buisness relations with the are firs class and not very ripe. Keep hibit this year. Working hard from day to day. All former residents o f North Da­ Libby, McNeil & Libby cannery in ■rates with fully ripe berries in sep­ The Canby State bank is to give Now I wish, as he rides by kota are invited and urged to come Portland that is taking all the ber­ arate stacks and mark on both ends a cash prize for the best individual That as nicely fixed were I. and they should bring well filled ries. These growers are furnishing of the crate above the hand hole F. exhibit o f preserves. berries that were picked at the right R. and your scale number, also put baskets and be prepared to have a It is useless to complain, For the best canned vegetables the time. Other berries that are too ripe you- scale number, on all shipping good time. Hot coffee in abundance And to envy him is vain ( Canby First National bank will give are not taken by the cannery. will be served by a committee from crates. These crates that are marked For the self-same chance which he a cash priz- o f $3.00 the state organization. Those berry patches near Oregon . F. for fully ripe will be used in hound on earth was given to me— For the best four jars o f canned City and on the highway are being local shipments a3 they will not carry What he studied hard to learn fish Carlton & Rosenkrans Company, picked by individuals and in that way u the long haul in eastern •hipnients. I refused that way to earn. of Canby, will give an aluminum dish. Weekly Ccunfy Agent News the growers are selling what is left of This is very important. Also be sure Now it’s very plainly seen By John J. Inskeep, County Agent For the best canned fruit exhibit J. their crop. .o fill the hallocks evenly and fill the What he is, I migh have been. R. Vineyard's store at Canby will give There will be a big demand for rates to not less than 18 lbs. of ber- a dozen quart jars, winner to select C. L. Long, Extension Horticul­ Call him lucky? Well, it’s true, pears when that season opens the lnt es. Th:s is also very important and turist o f the Oregon Agricultural the jars. Luck was ready for me, too. > ter part o f August as reported by pen W 3 "¡so decided to do the picking The Northwqg^rn Bulb Company College will direct dusting demon­ But back then I couldn’t see pie who are watching the fruit mar­ n the cool o f the day, starting at will give bulbs valued at $2.50 strations in the prune orchards of Just what work would do for me, ket. There see .ns to be a pear short­ 4 :30 a. m. and if possible get the for the best assortment of jellies and John Davis, Carus and A. W. Botkin, Had I made it my concern age in Washington and California berries all picked by noon and deliv­ Estacada, August 9th and 10th re­ /a,ns, S’ x each, no two t h e . All 1 could in life to learn, and a great demand for Oregon pears ered as soon as possible to the can­ This company will also give tulip spectively. Had I worked and saved, then I This will help to bring the fruit mar­ nery. By doing this the berries will These meetings are called for 6 a. bulbs, valued at $2.50 for the o ^ f'a ,- Might have caught luck’s smiling eye. ket up again. oe cool and this will heip them to soitment o f preserves, at least six n. At this hour the air is still and Ray Maling cannery will re-open keep longer in shipping. varieties, winner's choice. the dust more easily applied. One- its receiving station at Farr Bros, “ lie sure to keep the berries in the There will be a prize of $5. for the alf acre in each oerhard in the Davis feed store at the beginning of the shade rs soon as picked as they (urn best canned fruit display, the second .ad Botkin orchard will be dusted pear season in August. red if exposed to the sun. Use only prize being $2.50. Other prizes are ■v h sulphur for control of brown four nails in a cover, one in each cor­ offered in this department for can­ ,t in the prune crops. These treat- ESTACADA B A N D G I V E S DANCE ner of the cover. Be sure to put the ned fruit, jellies, fish, bread, butter, ed plots will later be compared with ''¡eats on the outside. Handle very .rees receiving no dust. cakes pies and cookies. The Estacada hand will give one o ’ carefully, and if you follow these in­ According to Mr. Jesse the floral A Clackamas C,aunty poultry raiser the best dances that has ever b ee structions you Will hive done your display this year will be given better • ecently remarked that he could stay given in this part o f the country next p art towards making a success o f the and larger than that o f last year and ir. the poultry business oniy so long Saturday night. August 0. They arc shipping, and you will get a better added space will he necessary. This is he could raise pullets. This was — anxious to have everyone come out price for your berries.— Gresham is to be provided by the flooring of a logical conclusion. 1st. Complaints and dance a few steps with them and Out-ook. the opening heretofore used as sky­ i c now coming to the county agents enjoy the * ’enir.g. They are goinj light for the first floor. New light? u'fice o f troubles with the 1927 pul­ the Ywoffty-fi'-st annua! Multno­ to have some music that cannot be are to be installed on that floor sc let crop. excelled no matter where you go to mah County Fair opened at Gresham that the needed space is provided for Many poultry raisers in order to dance and the floor is in fine shape on August 2nd and will close the 7th. the floor and other booths on the ,.ccp early hatched pullets from com- and large enough for everyone t( This year's fair should be the banner second floor. ng into production too early, cut have a most enjoyable evening of ■me o f the entire twenty-one years, This year it will be necessary that 'own on the amount of feed given to ¡round improvements have been dancing. all flowers, to bo entered for prizes lie birds. The most successful poul- nado to the extent of s c ,al thous- After publishing the Eastern Clackamas News for the past throe be in their places by midnight pre- •y raiser3 insist that the pudets ent- ruh o f dollars. Another new bulld­ 4 H CLUBS TO DEMONSTRATE weeks for H. B. Snyder, o f The Peoples Store, am proud to say that ceeding the fuir, and that all exhibit? l the winter months in a fat thrifty og, known as the Bi ys and Girls we have completed a deal whereby we have taken over Mr. Snyder’s ors must grow the flowers themselve. mdition, the fatter the better. Cut- club building has been erected at a The first day at the Clackamas which they are to enter. ng down on the feed causes the bird interest in the News and will have complete control of the same. ■ost of $20,000. A grandstand has county fair wiil b, children's day an' A special prize o f $7.50 will he giv­ become thin and light and detracts aen placed on top o f this building Mr. and Mrs. Pauli, who have been publishing this paper for the also 4 H club day. The clubs will en to the garden club in ¡he county from future usefulness. which will scat several thousand peo­ endeavor to show those children who past three months have returned to their former home In Seattle, for the best exhibit o f flowers, not If the flock ’ is commencing to ple and the race track has been en­ are not members the work o f the Washington. They intend taking a months vacation on the sound les. than 30 named varieties, the sec­ ay. the amount o f animal protein in rol/ reconstructed and horsemen organizations. Demonstration team; ond prize to be US.00. he mash may be diminished but in who tried out the track in condition* where Mr. Paul’s father has a camp and 3onte time in September Mr. chosen by each club, wiii compete in ig 'heir horses pronoun- d it ne of The first prize for the best dis­ no case should the future layers be Pauli will enter the airplane business where he will help assemble their demonstration work to deter­ i> fastest tracks in the Northwest. play o f cut flowers bv an amateur tarved. There the protein is taken the machines. mine the best demonstration team in Here is a chance to see sonic o f the ■om 'he mash, bone meal prepared V-ill be $5.; second, $3; and third, $2. the county. In There will be a special prize for the for chickens should be added. ■est races o f the season. Our predecessors have all published good newspapers but wo are Entertainments o f stunts are also best display o f gladioli to be made by jme cases as high as 10% bone meal $.10 000 in pi'.yiun. h iv * been going to endeavor to publish a bcUt-r one if it is possible to do so. being planned by the 4 II clubs to in­ a florist or commercial grower. This n the mash is desirable. ’fe "d by 'lie fair management to be We can have the best small town newspaper in the stale if everyone to; est other children in their work. will be $7.50, the second prize to be Many poultry flocks suffer from divided among many i..,iih:t< n- A special girls' booth will be shown cluding the livestock division with its that knows any news will tell it to us or call us on the phone and let lack o f green feed during July and $5. this year under the supervision of horses, entile, swine, go. , ■ end other us print it. We want country correspondents in every neighborhood Other special prizes will be given ir. ’.ugust. Green feed is as essential in Mr. I. A. Humphrys. The girls will entries in this section. This amount summer as in winter and birds forc­ this department. a ound Estacada and will send them the paper free, and furnish them give demonstrations o f sewing, cook­ of premiums will bring best the re is There will be many new attractions 'd to go without a sufficient amount with paper and stamped envelopes to send their news in. if theie is ing and canning. at the county fair this year. Among ire subject to colds, fail to gain in in the state out and one should not not a correspondent in your locality plerre call • t th;s office and let During the entire four days the pass up the opportunity ot seeing these will he polo games between the weight and are subject to diseases. us make arrangements to have you send us the news each week. This county boys and girls clubs will hav< these entries. There arc only three Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson of Portland Hunt club and the Seventh booths and demonstrations in the big days left o f the fair and they are paper already has a good live bunch of neighborhood news gathers United States Infantry team o f Van­ Canby are using grass for summer pavilion. couver Barracks, two o f the outstand­ green feed. This crop furnished suc­ .lie best days so lets a'l go o c, and and wo are proud of them and want them to continue as they have '■•pond one day seeing the th:n y that ing polo teams o f the Northwest. culent green shoots during ¡he hot- i been doing. Have several good ranges all in re .vor'h seeing ail coli c .? I in a Another now attraction will be the est weather and in addition furnish- 1 It also takes a good deal o f money to keep the paper going and first class condition. C om ' in and os shade. and we ar sure u,at everyone whippet races on the race track. look these over—-at Pointer's Furni­ Twelve cows in the Clackamas going to get h;3 moneys worth. the editor oating so we will have to have the support of every busi­ Portland day will be one o f the ture Exchange. days scheduled, and on that day there Cow Testing Association were found | ness man in Estacada and will help them to write an ad that has the Edwin Bates attend the Annual Old will be the whippet race and polo :o be unprofitable and disposed o f ; best pulling power because we are vitally interested in this town now Have several good ranges all ir Settlers Picnic held at Sandy last game, although there will be thesi and one cream separator was d s- and want to see it grow and see its business men prosper. So let us first class condition. Tom' in an Sunday. Re meet a few poo; ie that features on other days o f the fair.— plactd by a new one according to the get together and pull together and we are sure to forge ahead. The look these over— at Pointer's Furn - he had not seen for about 4<5 years. June report o f A. M. Barger, tester | Oregon City Courier. lure Exchange. :nd Clyde Ringo, secretary o f the i Newspaper needs your help and you need its help. John Page is just opening up a new association. BRIDGE LUNCHEON O f course we arc in need o f money at all times but at this time It is reported that a Gre at Bull furniture tore here . nd h,- says he Five hundred and twenty-nine cow? we are very badly in need o f it as it is going to be hard for us to get Run loir, covered three hundred acre s goinp 'a sell the best nerchundise epresenting twenty-five herds in Mrs. Robert Currin entertained the but is now under control. at the lowest possibh rice and "s strated and make both ends meet and if there is anyone knowing iacknmcs and Multnomah counties bridge club with a luncheon and after heap ns the mail ordir houses. Mr. re under supervision o f Mr. Barger, themselves indebted to the paper will they please call and sett!, the noon bridge Thursday. Honors in ' ' h .1. C. Duus family enjoyed a go buys his furniture direct from lach herd is visited once a month and ! same and let us get acquainted with you at the same time. cards fell to Mr-. Bose D enying and fam 'ly reunion at the home o f Mr. he factory and he therefore cuts out 'he milk weighed and tested for one Mrs. Herman Gohring. Those pre and Mrs. Johnie Duus at White Sal i he middle mans profit. II receiv- The Eastern Clackamas News will be known as a strictly Inde­ day. The other days the owner sen'; were: Mrs. Bose Demming. Mrs. . ion Sunday. •I a shipment last Wednesday and -e ghs the milk. pendent Newspaper giving every thing and everybody a fair and Herman Gohring, Mrs. Dave Eshel- •ve saw some mighty good furniture Members o f the association rece've square deal and. if at any time you think that, v.e arc not doing this man, Miss June Oakley, Mrs. Dan Al­ Little Maerose Bartholomew spent '-hat can be bought at the right price. .aluable information from the asso- len, Mrs Raymond Lovelace, Mrs. 'V. tell us and explain why you think we are not and we will make it Monday with her cousin, June Forbes, ation tester who recommends prop­ J. Moore and the hostess. right. in Gresham. Ur. and Mrs. W. E. Dunn, o f Los er and economical rations for each Ar,pel's. Calif., Mr. and . ]•; K. era according to the feed the owner You are welcome to come in and visit us and watch the machin­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry t." Barre wore I as on hand. Mr. and M i3. Chnr'ey Sparks an ! <•! son. o f Seattle, W ish., Mrs. G. ery run at any time and wo will do all that is in our power to-make nio’ sin ly surprised Sunday writ n son Milton, spent the week end in 1 The three high purebred herds for j 11 • Mrs. John Dunn whom they hadn’t June wore Jerseys belonging to W. you feel at home and explain the workings o f the machinery. We are Portland. ; fir. and Mrs. E ier Hughes, o f Port- seen for fifteen yerrs called on them. F. Fischer, Boring, J. C. Kraft, Jr. ; ii'1 Mr a id Mrs. J. F. Johnson o f Yours Truly, Mrs. Dunn .was accompanied by her Their herds produced an avr- are o f Mrs. Eva Salini» o f Gresham visited ; Longview, Wash., spent the week end sor., Cecil. at the Bartholomew home Friday. at be J. R. Hughes home to celebrate "7.7. 10.1, and 39.2 pounds o f butter F R E D L. H A Y N E S i . . Hughes’ birthday. fat for each cow. Editor and PubesHer. Ri'hiyH G art r o f Newbcrg is s»< - Mr. and K rx Ray Schumwny ere nigh grade herds belonged to ing a few days here. Mr. end ’ Trt. V, niter Rsmrer and living over Linn's Inn for a short Christ Kraft, Jerseysavith 42 pounds Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McCorrniek ale time. Mr. Smith !s employed by the ’ A : Be Nelson Hol3teins, 42 pounds The Werr >n Construction Company Mrs. Walter Evans of East St Wo have one good as new Fair picnic dmner with he D'iP >n's in the P. E. P. Cotr.mnv on the night fe* and John Kraus. Ho steins with have finished the cement shoulder Lou’s 111. f. ,,,'ped in Esta.adu. Sun- 39.3 pounds fat. freight. on the Sandy road ' o n FMrv'ew ’ay on her way to the E. Cromer banhs-Morae IT; hois* pow,- gaso- j latter’s gi >ve on Sunday. Mrs. Rainser, Minnie S hrepel and Are. to Park road. Tiiey are now ’. o w in Sp-ingv/ater where a family !ine engine f r sale cheat; if taker: it ■ ■ 1 * i v M: rmi’ V were teachers in Es- If in need of first class baby bugy making a detour necessary in Rose- reunion wai M i Mrs. Evans is a MH e Smith r-4 Renry Boyer j tacads high school several years ago. cousin to Mrs. Cromer. change. §rc *i tine Exe! ngt. way. he mono i j neo THE EASTERN C U M A S NEWS IS SCLO THE M S , WHICH HAS CHANGED PUBLISHERS II NUMBER O f TIMES IN PAST 3 YEARS, WAS PURCHASED 31 FR EI L. HAYNES