FASTERM CLACKAMAS NEWS, E 4 THUNSDAY. JULY 28, 1927 Weekly C o u n ty Agent News tricity has been used in dehydration culation system. ______ of prunes and nuts. The design of I w g Cooke and famiIy of Loi C. L. Long, Txtension Horticultur- I dehydrators has been vastly improved Angeles, are visiting at the home of A’ong this lino Frank G. Cramer la O f tin- Iragon Agricultural College '*» the !“st few years and the capacity j. a . Kiggins, of Cozadero for a few nemos 2il questions that merchants, expects to bo in Clackamas County, approximately doubled by the recir- days.____________ __ __________ hoitid answer before they can expect August 9 and 10th. The purpose of full results from their fldvert!sing: Mr. Longs visit is to give demonstra­ 1. Have 1 a sign that points the j tions on. the use of sulphur dut for way to my store? ‘.he control of brown rot of prunes. 2. Does the outside appearance of i The “Niagara” Duster Company has my store attract favorable attention? | agreed to furnish a machine for the DURING THE HOT WEATHER WE ARE 3. Are my windows paying full | demonstrations which will be arran­ CARRYING A FULL LINE OF rent? ged for at Cams and Estacada. These 4. Do I make my window display meetings are in line with the recent LUNCH MEATS talk by use of show cards? DILL PICKLES 4 for 10c or Per Dozen 25c marketing meetings held at Corval­ 5. Do 1 price everything on dis­ lis. Have you ever experienced delay and an­ play so my customers can see for The elimination of brown rot is noyance in endeavoring to cash a check where themselves? declared by marketing experts to be 6. Are my windows well-lighted? j you were not known? a forward and important step to im- Do they attract people to the store Prunes. after dark? , The pear and cherry slug, a green­ The next t>nts you go -raveling come »n anwi 7. Do I display all of my kindred ish brown slimy slug, like larva which j go sem« of our TRAVELLERS CHECKS, good liner, the many smaller items needed skeletonizes the foliage of pear, in connection with the larger ones? everywhere and require no identification. cherry and some other trees is doing '■ 8. In my store do I make it ea3y considerable damage to Clackamas j for my customers to buy? Is it at­ County orchards. tractive? Is it different or just like it This pest is controlled by spraying 0- lias been for years? the infes-ed trees with arsenate of J 9. Is my store well-lighted; is it lead at the rate of 2 pounds to 50 | on* of the bright spots in town? gallons of water. 19. Do my fixtures seil goods for An 4-II Canning club was organiz­ ! me or are they used merely as stor- ed at Estacada with Mrs. F. A. Simms ' age ? a3 local leader, and the following 1 j 1!. Do I have a bargain table and members enrolled: Lois Bates, Lois j i do I change it frequently? Smith, Carol Yocum, Margaret Nord- I 12. My silent partner is the mer- bin and Esther Simms. ' char.dise on my shelves. E he as act­ On Sunday, July the thrity-first ive as I expect my clerks to be? Is the Cams Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs will T h ru th e w hiskers in a flash he cn the move or is he a loafer? — leaving the face sm ooth as hold their seventh Annual picnic on 1?. In my want book do I list the the Molallv River. There will be sev- velvet. ite -s called for that I do not carry in r-ral talks, some races, horse shoe stock? T he s tro p p e d , smooth* pitching contests and of course every­ 14. Do I let people walk out of one will swim. At noon will be the edged blade does it. VALET my store with merchandise without big picnic dinner. W S; AUTOSTROP RAZOR is the only having an equivalent in cash or a de­ razor th a t sharpens its ow n i finite understanding as to payment? Hard boiled eggs are sometimes blades—w hile the blade remains 15. Do I realize that manufactur­ s-S K ' 'w ¡5.9',g í ; r 5 í .95-T9; í » wjmí ,»VS'Í in the razor. N o disassembling. er:; advertise to create a demand for used to garnish fish in a colorful my merchandise? Do I take advant- way. Garnishes that can be eaten A razor a n d stropper in one. are to be preferred for economy. ! age of it? S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y OF C A L I F O R N I A A n incom parable shaving unit. 16. Am I giving my newspaper a J. P. Woodle, who came to this B uilt for tough beards and chance to get results for me? 17. Do I make my newspaper country on Christmas morning of ’72, tender skins. Saves Your Facel copy individual? Does it stand out came in and had us to advance his stronger than my competitor's? Do I date tag another year. Mr. Woodle wi-' o the copy myself or do I leave it came on the railroad fro San Francis­ co which had only been opened for a- ¡to he newspaper men? GUARANTOR LEGAL NO TICES LOST—A bag of laundry on Wed-, 13, Do I standardize my merchan bout 18 month before and it took Wf» cristi th a t evèry iiBcFof u V à l é t nesduj evening, July 13 between J. i AufoStrop Kartor be fo h stan tly en ­ SALE—s acre tract cultivated [ d'.ze and my advertising by using a them 11 days to make the trip from thusiastic. Should an y th in « hnppeti w. C- bill's place and Curvinsvllle no . 1 FOR San Francisco to Portland and he told land, suitable for truck gardening, 'distinctive mark that will be recogn to yours alTectin« Its perfect ser^ Vice, send it to tid fot* rep air or re ­ tify .M s. Cahill or Sam Barr. pd. us many interesting hapenings of one third n-!e north of Estacada I ¡zed as mine? placement. If youi* stro p is n ot in on paved highway. B. F. Bullard. good condition—rè tu m it fo r a now those days. _______________ ______ 19. Do I talk with my farmer cus- one—‘no ehargo for eith er »erviee. FOR SALE SCHOOL BIDS WANTED BY DIST. I tomers at their place of business ,/A Oregon farmers are not behind NO. 109 Iwliere they can show me the results FOR SALE—Water System, 1 Fair­ banks Morse Engine, 1, 2000 gal Red Estacada. Oregon—Sealed bids will 0{ beir efforts, or do I always expect their brethern in other parts of the AutoStfop Safety R.nor Co. Share*«* United States in the use of electri­ Wood Tank, 1 New Fairbanks Morse be received up to 6 p. m. August 4, thun to call on me? luci / 636 F irn A v enue,N ew Y o fk ,N .Y . city on their farms and in their farm 1927 at the office of A. G. Ames Es- 20. Do I know my own business? Pump, 1 Air Motor Wind Mill.—R. houses, reports the experiment sta­ tai-ada, Oregon, for the transporta­ ■ —Wisconsin Press “Howler.” H. Currin. tion. In Oregon horticulture, elec- tion loop starting at Estacada going FOR SALE—Largo Iron Kettle, Side by way of Barton, Carver, Logan, top Mrs. Jubb was a very pleasant call­ Hill Plow. Potato Digger, Bedding, of Springwater hill and back to Esta- er at the News office the first par. and Braded Rugs, Some Furniture— cr.un. Trip to be made twice daily, of the week and ordered the News to C. Denney. P-44 during the school year of 9 months keep coming to her place another The bidder to take care of insurance FOR SALE OR TRADE—A Register­ bond*, busses and all incidentals con­ year. They subscribed for the paper ed Shropshire Buck at V. Lingel- nected with the transportation of whe n Mr. Gibbs was Holding down the ba-li, Rt. 2, Box 90 2-44 thirty pupils, more or less. A des- editorial chair. He preformed the . . . ... rriage cermony of Mr. and Mrs. i Ttrbi» and also preached the funeral FOR SALE—Wellington piano, in cription of busses to be used to first class condition, will sell for furnished with the bids. cer/icos of Mr. Jubb’s father. They less than half original cost. See C lerk School Di»t. No. 108 ¡live five miles from Springwater. Mr. W. A. Heylman. 3>tf — ------------------------------------------ ] Jubb is making preparations to go BUILDING material—Lumber, any with a threshing outfit for the sea­ NO TICE FOR PU BLICA TIO N kind—Brick—Tile—Cement, Grav­ son. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOI el. Sand—Plaster Board. U. S. Land Office at Portland. WOO»— 1(1 inch 1st growth $7.00 Mrs. B. D. Kelly and Mrs. J. F. Toll id-inch 2nd growth $6.00 delivered Oregon, June 21, 1927. are celebrating their birthdays, at 9 Notice i* hereby given that Ben H. Vr 3. Toll’s home at South Fork. COAL by the sack or ton ÌÀ Gel my prices before you buy. t can Stowell, of Route 2, Estacada, Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and gave you money. M. F. Sarver gon, who, on May 17, 1922, made Homestead Entry, No. 07277, for ■ITdren visitde at the home of Mr. Phone 39-7 Estacada. N u N K b : S W '.N E 'i, Section 25. Township 4 S., Range 4 E., Willi- McGinnis's mother at Borring. FOR SALE—Walnut Dining Set, mette Meridian, has filed notice of 4 chairs and a table, and also a intent-on to make Final Proof, to The Community Club at Camp 8 mahogany library table. Mrs. establish claim to the land above de­ g"-e their usual Saturday evening scribed, before K. F. Frazer, U. S. Vernie Duus, 61-11. 33tf Commissioner, at Portland, Oregon i-.r-e which they all enjoyed very much. on the 6th day of August, 1927. FOR SALE—Strawberries, raspber­ Claimant names as witnesses: ries, cherries, loganberries, grapes Anton Habelt, of Route 2, Ksta- and peaches during season. Pick cada, Oregon; August Schucnbcrg, of U:ss Stone and Miss Gillum are vis- them yourself. Kinney & Lam- Route 2, Estacada, Oregon; Fred i; x with Mrs. John McGinnis at bersoa. Place opposite Garfield Baldwin, of Route 2. Estacada, Ore­ C-. ip Eight. Grange Hail. tfc .-on; Joe Fenster, of Route 2, Esta ada, Oregon. Horse* Mr. Shibley, of Springwater, h-.s WALTER L. TOOZE, Sr., .?r>-4 2 Register lb contract for building' a new mod- Team of good horses, srhool house at Camp Eight. Har­ WOOD BIDS WANTED See U, S. School weight 2800 1! District No. 198: School | ry Sarver of Estacada is assisting Morgan at (he Estacada Bids will be received by A. G. Amrs him with the building. When th s Feed Store. up to 6:00 p. m., July 26. 1927, for | 1 riding is completed it will be a 75 cords old growth I ft. seasoned, great improvement to this district. FOIt SALE— l burner oil stove with wood delivered to Estacada schools1 even. New and a bargain. See before August 20th, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davidson mo- ! Bartholomew and Lawrence in . rod to Portland in their new car on • WM. DALE, Estacada. 40p Clerk District No. 16'' I ft ur day vacation. FOR SALE—Nice strawberries at 2ftc and 5l»e a crate. Pick them Thelma Kalhoun, of Seatt!«, is vis- NOTICE yourselves. Four varieties. G. iti»g her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 1 W. Dillinger. Rt. 1, Upper Gar­ We have added seed cleaning equip- A' istrong at the Oak Grov« Ranger! field. Phono 19-6 mvnt and are now prepared to clean Station, FOR SALE—Pick Em Ur Self. Lon- all kinds of needs and grains. Wc . sianu Jumhos, largest strawberry A. E. Yocum, who is a member of grown. Lasts nil July, ripe now will make a speeialty of Oats. Vetseh •l Kinney and Lambenton'», place and Clover, The *ame syat*. m of the firm of The Yocum Lumber Com- )ì opposite Garfield Grange Hall. cleaning Clover will ho used that has ;■ my, enme in and put the date tag STRAYED OR STOLEN—Yellow made our Parent House The Charles o:i his paper tip to '28 says that hive snepherd dog with long hair. Has R Arrherd Implement Co. of Salem -U i he timber cut for th* present and collar with lic fiw number An«- |(Vefron famoti« a Clever cleaner« tfc M they will increase the stock here vo!« to name of “Sport. Reward and we will hive the same market for in the lumber yard at Estacada. for information. Minnie Ensh, Rt T' rie rten eve live wires and doing selling ns our Parent House. 1. !' • acn la. Call 71 62. nil they can to help moke Estacada Write u* for information. DR. C. L. HAYNES ARCHEP.D-BRF.WER GORDON CO. the best town in this part of the state. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 86-SS-90 Union Avenue Is sac* Fitted- -Reasonable Prlees Joe ! aCroy. one of the prosperous Portland, Oregon 5 Mohawk Bldg., 3rd a id Morrison farmers near Estacada was in to see >r Roberts Bros Portland. Oregon us the latter part of iast week and EVES A re Pr 1 treat them accord­ shoved h-'s .1st* tag ahead mother R SALE- Six weeks old pigs— ingly. A complete year. He say* that all the crop* we-e Call Mrs. J. H. Tracy, R R. 1, 1413 o p t i c a l « e r v i e e t h a t good in hi* neighborhood with the ex- -jL-vee* ,-«d *s tfies. r r--«-» et . : old pigi. LE— . _ e t$v specialist. Masonic building,, Of-* ntion of apple* and th-. . Corbin, Kt. 1, Estacada. not *o good. 40c egea City, ;i-62. - t ¡'O IN T E R S T H A T SHOULD H E L P T H E MERCHA NT n m time -and- ESTACADA cTVIEAT COMPANY Travellers Checks Valet Aito-Strop Razor ESTACADA STATE HANK Qassiñed Ads ÌV w Given Under Auspices of the Estacada Band Aué.6 at the Open Air Dance Pavillion ESTACADA, ORE. Music by the ROVING BAND OF NOMADES cf Portland. Oreo'cn