EAST CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 28. 1027 Pagre 3 When ne hus injured u man he ex Improved Uniform IrLe,national pects some retaliation, nnd tukes tbs precaution of huvlug the Injured one watched. We know he dogged Barnes for years. Even now there may be those who know for what purpose we four are gathered here. I am not cer- | tain but thut Achilla (peaks Eu„llsa ■is well us he does French.” The listeners were startled at the | « UNITtO STATES SERVICE Cheese I N T E R M E D I A T E A N D S E NI O R TOP­ three, pressing about him, saw that o. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON IC— Choosing the Right Kind of red light suddenly Illuminated the Office In Llchthorn Bldg. Estacada Friends. Geo. Lawrence & Son. "Miss Barnes gives me the Impres­ C H A P T E R V I— Continued YOUNG P E O r r . E A N D A D U L T T O P ­ sion o f being a very shrewd young square marked 1. A hand moved vary — 11— IC— The Obligations of Friendship. slowly to the square numbered d. Pilone 37-3 Nlta was silent for a moment. It Indy," Malet said, “ nnd one not easily DR. CHAS. I\ JOHNSON “That,” Mllman whispered, looking deceived. You all know that, wheu The friendship of David nnd Jona­ lias not easy to readjust herself. DENTIST relieved, “ represents the weight. Six once we start. It will be almost Im­ Office Hours: 9 A M. to 5 P, M. than has become Immortalized In the “ What sort o f a come-backT" Evenings by Appointment possible to keep one who Is already a pounds means a lurge and prowling world’s thought. It wns unique In Her father hesitated a moment. Phones: O f f i c e . M l ; K e s H o n m , 5051 cut.” little suspicious In Ignorance." " I don't think you’d understand.” ESTACADA, OREGON They heard a sudden exclamation. that It occurred between two men of “ Yes," said Bradney, “ I am afraid “ Can I help you?” The weight went up a hundred and rival worldly Interests. Jonathun was the crown prince, the heir to the "No, N lta ; It Isn’t work for women.” she cannot stay here." twenty pounds. The square numbered GATES F U N E R A L HOME “ Her godmother lives In Philadel­ “ You mean there’s danger In It?” S. E. W O O STE R 1 was now In durkness und unother throne. David was heir according to phia,” said Barnes. “ She can’t refuse He was afraid to say too much, ne Gresham 2471 Real Estate, Loans, Insurune« was Illuminated. They could trace the divine choice und arrangement. dreaded to be entrapped by her seem­ to tuke her In for a month or two. She the path of the trespasser. He was Jonathun knew this nnd magnanimous­ Rentals ED L IN N A T L IN N ’S IN N said something about earning her liv ­ ingly Innocent questions. He knew ly waived Ids natural personnl rights Farm Loans a Specialty creeping near them. AG ENT she was mentally much quicker than ing, but I should prefer her to go to Telephone Estacada. Oregon "Achille,” Mllman whispered. "That to the one he knew God hnd chosen. Philadelphia." he. The Fessendons again. I. Friendship Established Between Estacada, Oregon Phone 54-51 would be his weight. The six pounds “ I am afraid she would be a source “ It’s not my Becret,” he returned, wus when he rested a foot on It be­ David and Jonathan ( I Sam. 18:1-4). C. D., D. C. and E. C. Latourotte J. E. GATES o f danger If she remained," Peter “ and I ought not to say any more. 1 1. Love nt Sight (vv. 2). fore putting his whole weight on the ATTORNEYS can only assure you that Malet and Mllman agreed. “ Also, It would never grutlng." Following the Interview of Saul and do to compromise her In an affair Practice In all Courts. Bradney are splendid fellows, both fur David after the victory over Goliath, Peter Mllman betrayed no nervous­ First National Bank superior to me. Very high types. They which might end disastrously." If you want what you wanl ness now. Noiselessly he drew the Jonathan’s soul was knit with that of Oregon City, Oregon "W e’ve been too busy with theories,” believe that what we intend to do Is David. He loved hint as his own soul. when you want it— in the print­ sawed off shotgun from Its place. the only right and logical thing. You snld Fleming Bradney when the prob While there was mutual love, this ing line— letn of Nita had been settled. What Then with a touch of a button all pleasing trait stands out more prom­ must let It go at th at” O. D. EBY lights In the garden were extinguished. W E H A V E IT! "And because there’s dnnger In It we are after should be original dls- In the darkness the shades rolled inently In Jonathnn than In David ATTORNEY-AT-LAW nssoclutlons o f Ideas.” you think I ’d better keep out o f It?” General Practice. Confidential buck. Agulnst the sky, bright with because It meant great loss to him— "I cnn’t get that very clenrly,” snld "Exactly," he exclaimed, grutlfied at Adviser. stars, the watchers could see a figure the loss of the throne; while it meant Neeland Barnes. “ As I see It, all we this attitude o f obedience. Oregon Otty, Oregon lying uhove their heads. Another Immense gain to David, the acquisition "Then It Is dangerous,” she cried. want from Itnxon Is a cold million. light was switched on which left the of the throne to which be lmd no nat­ Barnes saw he had made a damaging Half of that goes to Mllman und we group below still In durkness, but ural right. |pjL«i. - admission. She had trapped him. split the rest.” 2. Coyenant established (tv. 3, 4). showed pitilessly on the trespasser. “ Exactly,” Bradney returned. “ That's “ Daddy, what makes you think I ’m Following the love covenant be­ The gun was already at Milmnn’s sfruld of anything that's dangerous?” the very point. How are we to make shoulder when Neeland Barnes made tween them, Jonathan stripped blntself w ill find this him give up a million? I don't know. "Oh, Nlta," he said reproachfully, a jump for It and pulled the barrel of bis court robe and bis equipment “that's scarcely playing the game to paper an excellent nnd gave them to David. This act Pipes and Fittings I down. drag Information from me which is "M y God, Mllmnn!" he cried, white­ was a virtual abdication of the throne Got our prices before yon buy medium in w hich hot mine to give. You are deliberate­ to David. Dryer Pipes Made to Order faced. “ It’s my girl. It’s Nlta." ly trying to make me betray my II, Jonathan Defended David “ Ah," said Mllman with a curious For Sheet Iron Work, re- to d isp lay th eir Mends." pairs, Soldering and plumb­ smile, "so I perceive. A strange posi­ Against Saul’s Frenzy (I Sara. 10:1-7). He had risen to his feet. She could bargains and make David went Into the battle with ing, call at the tion In which to find a guest. Is it See he was not pleased with her. Goliath out of zeal for God nnd true not?" their wants ki i o w n “ Indeed, I ’m not," she said earnest­ AMES SHOP "Inexplicable," said Bradney. He religion—not for personnl glory, but ly. “ Daddy. I came over here because It turned out ns always that because cast u suspicious look at Barnes. MAIN STREET Something told me you needed looking " I think,” Peter Mllman went on, he made God first, God honored hint. after. It Isn’t that I ’m trying to make ■ Î 1 H E B Z E B Upon David’s return from victory “ we should like a talk with Miss you betray your friends. I want to over the Philistines, according to Ori­ Barnes." be wire that they are being honest “ I ’ll fetch her," Barnes said engerly. ental custom he was met by a tri­ kith you.” lie wus confused, ashamed, humili­ umphal chorus of women from all the " I have never met squarer men,” he cities of Israel chanting praises to ated. answered. "You will be kind enough to remain him for his victory over their enemy. "Then I ’m on their side, too. My here,” said Mllman. Barnes saw that They ascribed more praise and honor futher und Ids friends, right or wrong.” he wus menuced by that most dread­ to David than to Saul. These women Barnes did not know whnt to say. ful of weapons ut short range, the seemed to sing as answering chants. CUTS MORE But a daughter of his could not be as­ sawed-off shotgun. He remembered The one sung, “ Saul has slain Ills sociated with anything Irregular. lie thousands," the other answered, "and Its load of buckshot “ I fear I must Shook his head. SLICES remind you that we must Insist on an David his ten thousands.” To hear “ I cannot accept your assistance," sung the praises of a shepherd boy explanation from you, too. To allow he told her. TO TH E LOAF you the opportunity of escape would surpassing his own wns too much for “ Very well. I shall tell Mr. Mllman It aroused murderous envy be most unwise." He raised his voice Saul. I am leaving after luncheon tomorrow. which had been slumbering In his u little, but he did not tuke his steudy I came over here equipped, specially heart and moved him twice to attempt guze from Barnes’ fuce. equipped, for a certain sort of posi­ An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and “ Miss Barnes,” he said, “ will you be to kill David. This wickedness was tion, and I'm going to get It.” In his hpart ns a hitter feeling, but so kind as to come here at once?" children’s between meal snacks. "Skilled secretarial workers and The girl's voice trembled as she an­ this occasion fanned it into n llame, Stenographers are drugs in the mar­ ranking It n burning passion of evil. swered. It seemed to them all there ket," he assured her. In Saul’s third attempt to kill David, ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES wus a trace of defiance In her tone. " I am not going to he a stenogra­ “ What Sort of a Comeback?” Jonathan defended him before his fa ­ “ I won’t be a minute. It’s not very pher,” she retorted. “ I did that to ther and evoked from him the oath The same Ilolsmn quality that won the Harry M. earn money to come here. I shall take You don’t either. None of us knows. comfortable up here.” that David should not he slain. He The shades were drawn again and the other position, so you won't have Obviously the thing is to get close to thus exposed himself to the anger of Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The him. Into the house for choice.” the lights switched on more fully. to live on a stranger's charity." his Infuriated fnther for David’s sake. "H e doesn't know me,” Mllman de­ Neelund Barnes looked from one to same price as the regular large loaf. "That Is a hard thing to sny," he III. Jonathan Revealed to David answered, flushing; “ and it's not alto- clared. "But I cannot be seen, be­ the other of the men whose faces had Saul’s Murderous Intent (I Sam. been In the shadow. It seemed In­ cause Loddon, who has told me so yether true. Mr. Mllman sought me 20:30-40). Sold at Your Favorite y ^ g * » m n-9 jk iff »ut because he thought I was able to much under the Influence of my port credible thut they could suspect him The beginning of the new moon wns of complicity In this eavesdropping. and the belief that I never stir lelp him. I am not living on charity." Grocery and Restau- J L \ 4L3 ¿ ft J Y » celebrated by sacrifices nnd feasting “ What Is it you are trying to do?" abroad nnd know nothing of outside It wus plain enough what her errand at which all the members of the fam­ affairs. Is a frequent guest. The ques­ wus. She asked. rants in Estacada and ily were expected to be present (v. 5). “ Let me explain," he began. “ You must not expect me to tell tion Is. would he recognize Barnes?" Vicinity. TUwcbt rnunCen of ifuHc&um{¡unity “ Certain to," Barnes snld gloomily. Peter Mllman stopped him with a David’s excuse for being absent was you. My dear, don’t be hasty and " I haven't altered much since that day gesture. "W alt," be commanded. "W e that lie might go home to attend the leave us yet. Promise me that?” I threw him from the pier. What sbull hear you when your duughter yenrly sacrifice o f the entire family. She kissed him good night. The annual feast was more Important comes.” “ I won’t go yet,” she said. “ I can’t about Malet?" than the monthly feast Matters were “ Probably not," said the sculptor. Burnes sank heavily Into a seat. lie lose you ns quickly as that.” now so serious that Jonathan nnd When she was alone her face took “ In those days I was twenty pounds felt that Bradney and Mulet looked David renewed tlie covenant between pn a worried nspect. She hnd suf­ heavier, wore a mustache, and had a upon him us a traitor. themselves. In this renewal the terms Nlta was wearing a blue silk dress­ fered many things In order to he with general air of blen-etre.” “ I am the man," Bradney declared. ing wrup when she came Into the were broadened beyond the life of him, and she determined to find out Jonathan (vv. 14, 15). Suul’s anger what the mystery was that enveloped “ I doubt if he has ever seen me. We Japanese garden. Her bearing was was now so fierce that for Jonathan know he talked to Malet for some confident und unufruld. She cuuie this strange household. Although she to be found In David’s compnny wns was not yet twenty-two, she hnd trav­ time. It Is I who must contrive to get quickly to her father's side und put most dangerous, so he cleverly planned Into his house.” an arm about his bowed shoulders. eled widely and met Innumerable peo­ a sign by which he could make known "In what capacity?” Mllman asked. ple. In Mllman and his associates “ Oh, Nlta, Nlta,” he groaned. “ How to David Saul’s attitude and purpose. “ There you have me,” the scientist she recognized men of charm and cul­ could you do such a dreudful thing We prove our friendship by warning ture who had made her fnther their admitted. as this?” those who are exposed to dnnger. "W e are safe to start by assuming,” firm admirer. And they were all hold­ Malet, watching her closely, saw Dnvld’s heart responded by pledging Mllmnn cut In, “ that Paul Raxon Is ing back from her any mention of that she bent upon the sitting man a fidelity to Jonathan's seed forever. their real venture. In order to de­ always cautious. From the outside look which liad something of maternal This pledge was faithfully carried out ceive her they had clumsily Invented his house is impregnable.” tenderness In I t It seemed strange by David (II Sam. 0:7, 8). Concern­ “ You mean,” Bradney remarked, and ncted a falsehood. It could only to the observers that she stood there ing real friendship observe: be because they were plotting some­ “ that to get In one would have to be us though to defend her futher from 1. It should he made while both vouched for?" thing of an Illegal nature. enemies. Of shame or embarrassment parties are young, when the hearts “ Undoubtedly," said Peter Mllman. there wus no sign. They had played on her father's are capable of being knit together. "So you caught me," she said. »motions and enrned his gratitude and “ I f someone socially prominent took 2. Ileal friends are few. W e should co-operation by n few hundred dol­ you there. It might be all right. “ Well, perhaps It Is best you did.” lie careful In the formation of friend­ “ Why?” Peter Mllman demanded. lars. For so small a thing it had been There was one curiously disquieting ships. For though we should love (T O B E C O N T I N U E D . ) possible to enlist his sympathy and thing Loddon told me about Raxon. /Two men In a sedan and a farmer and his boy In everybody we can have but few friends. a smaller car had stopped on a country road for aid. They hnd been clever enough to Friendship should be formed for the a short discussion of business in general. The »rente the illusion that she was wel­ ❖ X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X < g * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X * X > purpose of helping each other. There farmer and one of the men from town were old come when In truth they might be em­ can be no real friendship except where friends. The other was unknown to him. barrassed by her presence and already merit Is on both sides. "Give Mr. Hartley one of your cards. Bob," sug­ planning to get rid of her. She decid­ 3. Real friendship can only be with gested the farmer’s friend. ’’ You ought to do soma ed she would not be driven out. Her business with him before long.” How often you hear dad, or some viewpoint. Let’s get lots of exercise, God-fearing people. Both David nnd father needed his daughter even If he Jonathan recognized their obligation Now, If Bob had presented his card to Mr. Hart­ did not yet know It. The thought that other grownup speak, with a sort of so that tile grownup person we’re go­ to the Lord. ley, there would be little of intercat to us in the three dangerous men might be plot­ half-sigh In his voice, of what he ing to be not so many years from now transaction. But bob did not have a card lo him/ may be fit and strong. Let's not get ting some crime for which Neeland would do If he were young again. Satan on Watch Barnes would ultimately bear the Time goes quickly when you are Into little habits of shiftlessness that Whatever your business or profession may be, young, und you are only too likely to will handicap the future. Instead, let Prayer Is the strategical point which you can't afford to be without a supply of personal blame drove her to action. cards. Your business is built by making yourself us all work hard and play hard, so Satan watches. If he can succeed In Her room was at the rear of the put off things you really should do. known favorably to a lot of people. When folkm Grownups look back to the golden that when the person we’re going to causing us to neglect prayer, he has house. Four Iron hnrs protected Its need, or consider, something in your line, you windows. Almost five feet below she days of their youth as the happiest be looks backward, he'll find his youth won; for where communion between wont them lo of you. If they have your card could see the Iron grating which time of their lives, but there Is also an encouragement, and not a matter God and His people Is broken, the true the chances are in your favor. source of life and power Is cut off.— roofed In the Japanese garden. When something-of regret In their backward for regret.—Exchange. There Is no better place in this community to get Andrew Murray. »he leaned down from her open win­ glance. There are so many things personal cards -for business, social or campaign P o p u la r M a la ya n N a m e dow she could hear, faintly, the sound they would like to have done, but use - than right at this newspaper office. Our didn’t o f voices. The name "Timur” Is said to be The Man at the Top prices will please you just as much ns the csrds. Unfortunately, time gives us Jnst almost as common In Malaya as Mary It was about her they were speak­ Let us prove it need (hem N O W / The man nt the top Is usually some ing. Barnes had come from her room one chance. or Jane Is here. Translated. It means >nc who has been In the habit of going Let s plan things now. then, so as “ tin." with the disquieting Information that •o the bottom of things.—The Pro* moo f n - their talk on oil had amused her very to have as few regret* as possible I when we look back from a grownup | Success makes most men amiable. much. The news had been a blow. /^RECLUSE Ì FIFTH AVENUE l 'I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL CARDS WYNDHAM J MARTYN PLUMBING /Tdvertisers L O N G L O A F Give Him One of Your Cards, Bob! One Chance A ll That Time Accords to Man j !