1 lEaaimt Ûllarkamas Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, THUNSDAY, JULY 28, 1927 VOL. XXI the termination of free passes by rail- | roads, creating a national bureau of , animal industry, opening up great na­ tional waterways and vigorously ad- j vocating the protection of bird life. While Grange members in this or- ! ganization, which number nearly 1,- j 000,000 Patrons at the present time, have all benefited from the above practical program of half century, so successfully achieved, the fact is sig­ nificant that all farmers outside the Grange have similarly benefited, as its service has been conspicuously of overflowing character to all the rur­ al people. HELPS A LLM FARMERS THE PRACTICAL WORK OF THE GRANGE NOT CONFINED TO MEMBERS Few of the farmers who have not yet joined the Grange realize how much they owe to that organization for the service it has rendered to agriculture as a whole during its 60 years of existence, in addition to the benefits it has brought directly to its own membership. This is significant­ ly emphasized in the following con­ cise summary of actual Grange achi- evmcnts for the benefit of the rural welfare, about which many farmers will be interested to learn:* It was through Grange initiative and presistent agitation that rural de­ livery of mail brought to the farm homes of the United States one of its greatest blessings, and in which all farmers have shared, non-Grange members as well as those affiliated with the organization. The earliest organized champion of the good roads movement was the Grange, and discussion of the subject in thousands of Grange meetings created the sentiment which first de­ manded better roads in the various states, particularly those from farm to market, whose benefits are shared by all farmers today. Grange mutual fire insurance com­ panies doing business in a score of states carry nearly $500,000,000 of fire risks for farmer members of the Grange, with a very marked saving over the rates in old line companies. Even more important, however, is the fact that the presence of this exten­ sive group of Grange mutual com- panieshas has had a highly salutary effect in holding down rates in gen­ eral on farm property everywhere. With the certainty that if the com­ petitive feature which those Grange companies continually provide were removed, insurance rates on all rural property would take a big jump. Of the millions of farm women who are running a sewing machine today very few realize that the first great fight successfully carried through by the National Grange was to prevent the renewal of monopoly pate..t right on sewing machines, and that in con­ sequence every sewing machine pur­ chased by the housewife for the last 40 years had cost many dollars less than if the Grange had not been on guard for the rural welfare. No class of people derives greater direct benefit from the operation of the parcel post system than do the famers, and yet for years the Grange unaided, conducted a fight for the enactment of parcel post legislation, opposed by the powerful financial in­ terests represented by the great ex­ press companies of the United States. Few legislative measures espoused by the Grange have been more vigor­ ously fought than those in behalf of pure food laws and requiring the package marking of fertilizers, insec- tides, etc., showing their actual con­ tent; while pure seed laws, staining of seeds, etc., have been other Grange measures of similar practical char­ acter from which every farmer con­ tinually benefits. Other measures which the Grange has either initiated or fostered that have been of assistance to farmers universally have been of assistance to farmers universally have included the establishment of the Federal Farm Loan system; legislation for the pre­ vention and eradication of contagi­ ous dis. ases among domestic animals, coupled always with a demand for re­ asonable compensation to ownei'3 of animals thus slaughtered; enactment of strict laws prohibiting the manu­ facture and sale of colored oleomarg­ arine in imitation of butter; liberal Federal appropriations for the eradi­ cation of the gypsy moth, boil weevil, corn borer, San Jose scale, cattle ticks, and various other destructive insects and plant and animal dis­ eases; sponsored a law to prohibit the manufacture of tilled cheese and an­ other to prevent the sale of adulter­ ated lard; advocating rigorous gov­ ernment inspection of the products of all packing plants and to insure the wholesome handling of food products everywhere; initiating strict prohibi­ tive legislation against the manufac­ ture, Oslo or transportation of adul­ terated and misbranded insecticides; the prime mover in securing the so- called Packer Control act: backing the Smith Lever act, out of which grew the county agen* system of the present time; favoring strongly Fsd- s -i and state . *.c t .r • nactmsnts L. A. Chapman wrote us a nice let­ ter enclosing a check for $3.00 pay-1 ing his subscription in advance and 1 wishing us success for which we are [ very thankful and hope we can make the paper interesting to him. We are trying to make the News the newsiest paper in Clackamas County. FORMER ESTACADA WOMAN HONORED Mrs. Gerald Wilcox formerly of Es­ tacada but now of Antelope, Oregon, was elected president of the Ladies Auxiliary of Oregon and will be a de- lagate to the convention in Paris, France in September of this year. INDIVIDUALITY By Edgar A. Guest Five birds from five small eggs will be Alike to hear, alike to see; Alike in feather; later on If you should chance to look at one You would have really seen the five Nor could you any way contrive To tell one from the others when You next should see the group again. But five small children, reaching earth By the same avenue of birth Will come with splendors all their own, And when to childhood they have grown Though certain traits of kinship gleam None like the other one will seem, Each in its own way will express An individual loveliness. Whene’er a meadow lark you see Like all its fellows it will be, But who has children three or four Or seven or eight or even more Will find in each some loveliness Which all the others don’t possess. Birds must be birds, but children’s arms Come laden with their special charms. Road building is now an interna­ tional industry. America started the movement with its unprecedented us of automobiles. It devised machinery which made it easy to build a hundred miles of road, where formerly it was a task to build one mile. The giant caterpiller tractor, grad­ ers, steam shovels and trucks move road material with such speed and case that they make the efforts of the hordes of men required to build the Roman roads look puny by com­ parison. Canada is iolowing the lead of the United States in road building. A newspaper advertisement publised by the Province of Ontario Department of Highways, says: “Don’t apologize for Ontario’s road. The day is past when they do not compare with those of any other n*o- vince or state. Road building to car­ ry modern traffic, is a new science. It was in Ontario that the practice of putting on gravel or crushed stone in thin layers was first proven to be more economical as well as more safe to traffic, ‘Feeding the road,’ it was called. “Ontario developed the asphaltic mixed with gravel or crushed stone. In ten minutes after being laid, it is hard enough for traffic. Deours are not necessary while this construction is being put down. “In building the highways, every consideration has been given to the safety of those who use them. The greatest factor of safety now lies in automobile drivers themselves * * * See that your brakes, lights and stor­ ing gear are in good condition * * * Practice caution at spots where dang­ er may arise. Watch the warning signs for crossroads, railroads or oth­ er danger. Be careful in villages or where pedestrians are using the roads be courteous to traffic.’’ LOCAL ITEMS LOCAL ITEMS NUMBER 13 J. A. Kiggins, who has been an em­ ployee at the power house at Cazade- ro since 1907 came in to sec us and reports everything in this neighbor­ hood in fine shape. Mr. and Mrs. Kiggins has a fine family of ten hoys. Three of his boys, Ben F., Gene and Rex have gone for a two months busi­ ness trip to Montanna. Ben owns land just four miles from where they have struck oil and they went there to see some of the oil men. NO CONFLICT The purposes of the daily and week­ ly newspapers are so different that there should be no conflict between them. Each fills an entirely distinct mission and answers a different need in the lives of a community where both enter. A half-dozen or more daily newspa­ pers have quite a following in Morgan ton, but instead of considering them as rivals in the field the News-Herald welcomes them as friends and helpers There is no great danger that any family will get too much to read and can always be sure that “the home paper” hus a place in the home where the daily papers are also read.—Mor- ganton (N. C.) News-Herald. Among those enjoying the P. E. P. picnic at the Oaks were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Anderson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cromer, Mrs. Robert .Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayden. Mrs. Ed. Bates and daughter, Miss Edna, and Mrs. S. W. Moore and daughter Lola, started on a trip to Crater Lake, going by the way of Ashland where Mrs. Moore expects to visit her daughter. BELIEVE IT OR NOT WHAT NEIGHBORING TOWNS THROUGHOUT THE STATE ARE D O M BRIEF The growing tendancy toward thri Investment in stocks and developmei. of new enterprises on the part of or workers, means increasing busines activity for all lines, by widening ou domestic markets. Forest Grove— Banner loganben, crop being raised in Western Wash ington County this year. Falls City—Improvements to b; made to streets of this city. Sumpter— Work begun on teh phone improvements between thi city and Canyon City. Ashland— Work on new vocation., building to start at once. Klamath Falls— Klamath Ice ai: Cold Storage Company is to build $35,000 ice plant. Lakeview — Exceptionally hea1 hay crop is being harvested here. Elkton—Bridge across Umpqua I’ er at this place will cost $29,930. Reedsport—Fiscal year passed wit! out forest fires in entire district. Garibaldi— New road built to Gari­ baldi Beach Hotel. Woodburn— Electrically run saw mill to be built here. Harrisburg—New section of High way costing about $7,500 nears com­ pletion. Hood River— $15,000 school will be built in Orchard District. Tillamock— Modern concrete busi ness structure being built here. Klamath Falla— Great Northern Railroad to begin work at once oi Klamath rail terminal. Echo— Local telphone office beir. repaired. Canby—New electric line betweer New Era and this city nearing com pletion. Emery Closner is working in Grass Vivian Gorham spent the week end The greatest long distance runner Valley. with friends in Portland. in the world is said to be Clarence ---------------------- Demar, a Boston printer, of whom it Mrs. Ted Ahlberg was in Portland. Mr. Earl Gunter of Camp Eight is , is said, to keep fit, he runs daily ten LOCAL MARINE ON PACIFIC Wednesday. now taking his vacation. miles to and from work. The state BATTLESHIP ---------------------- ment will have to be taken as figura- James Denning is very III in Port­ K. D. Kaufman of Portland was a ^'ve- ^ *s easy enough to believe After a short period of prslimina business visitor here Tuesday. that a Pinter would run ten miles land at this time. ______________ from work; but that one would run raining as a U. S, Marine on lam! D „ . ten miles to it is a little beyond be- Vvin N. Tracy, of Estacada, Ore., le. Mrs. O’Brien is visiting her daugh­ Mrs. L. C. Posson shoppe« In Port- ' lief.— Lew Valentine in the Clay -his post for a tour of sea duty wii. ter in Portland. land Friday. he marine detachment abroad the U Center (Kan.) Times. 5 . S. Colorado, recently reported to Mr. and Mrs. Earl LaForge spent Owen Scott is employed at Madras, ie at Long Beach, California. CAT AND NINE LIVES the week-end with friends in Port­ Oregon. Although U. S. Marines serve a land. nany shore stations in the Unite The origin of the saying that “r States and in our possessions abroi;.! Mrs. W. W. Rhodes went to Eugene Mrs. William Kandle is visiting her Friday to be with her sister who is I cat has nine lives” is obscure, but it nany of them prefer duty on battle daughter, Mrs. Vernie Duus in Ante­ seriously ill. is generally supposedto have origin lips and cruisers, where they have a opportunity to travel from port L ---------------------- ated in ancient Egypt where cate lope. art and occasionally come ashore io Mrs. D. Furnish of Portland is 'were objects of worship. Pashi wa Miss Eloise Smith of Bridlewood, spending a few days with her daugh the cat-headed goddess of the Egyjt ecreation and sightseeing. Avin is 20 years old and was born ians. According to some writer ot. Washington is visiting at the home oí ter, Mrs. Charley Sparks. Mythology, this goddess was suppos a Estacada. He lived at the home C. S. Tooley. hips and cruiser whore they have t ,, , ed to give rise to the common oxpres Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fishburn and , , . . . . acada before he joined the marl sion about cats having nine lives. George Rose, who has Deen attend­ daughter, Purnell, of Portland, spent The explanation is much more logi­ orps at Portland, last March. Pri ing school in Los Angeles for the past Sunday at the S. E. Wooster home. cal than that. The story that a cat o going abroad the Colorado he u year. ationed at San Diego, where ho 1 has nine lives was a typographical Mrs. A. McBroom of Oakland, Cal­ error. It shouid have been wives. ■cived instruction in the drills, u J. Dean Butler, attorney of Oregon ifornia, is visiting her father, W. R. Which calls for an addition to Mr. oms and duties of marines. City, was here Monday looking after Reed. Webster’s manual. If a man who ha. legal affairs. BRIDGE PARTY two wives is a bigamist, what is a Mrs. Grace Manville and daughter,! cat with nine wives? Mrs. W. T. Smith returned home of Multnomath are visiting at the ; There’s something for you etmolo- Mrs. Guy Graham honored Mrs. I Cabbage salad with whipped cream Monday from a weeks visit in Oregon Denny home. danvill with an afternoon of brici gists to figure out! E. S W, Auxil- dressing is delicious. Whip half a City. Wednesday. Honors fell to Mrs. D ---------------------- iary. pint of double cream, season with Transportation suppliies the life- j ______________ Vilen and Mrs. Ira Manville w 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, 12 «insolations to Mrs. R. II. Lovela' Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hewitt and Mrs. bloood of local communities, of states drops of tabasco, 1 and % teaspoons and nations. Irrigation of prunes in Douglas luesls present were: Mrs. Roh: H. H. Hewitt and children of Port­ salt, 1 and V4 teaspoons sugar, a ______________ County conducted by Huron Clough ’urrin, Mrs. Don Alien, Mrs. Lliv little scrapped onion, and 3 table­ land spent Saturday at Dr. Hewitt's In the United States there are 2,70- of Canyonville oblained on 20 acres Iwalt, Mrs. Ira Manville, Mrs. T> spoons ground horseradish. This farm in Garfield. 00,000 rural telephones, or nearly 1 an increase estimated at $1000 in Vhlberg, Mrs. R. F. Lovelace, M must be made just before serving to every two farm dwellings in the two seasons and $500 in a third, Arthur Smith, Mrs. Mae Reed and t. B. Mitchell of Portland was here time. Combine with 3 cups shred­ country. The prunes were larger in size and hostess. ded cabbage. If the dressing is al­ Saturday to attend to business con­ ___ brought a higher price. A number cerning the Bankers Life Insurance lowed to stand, on the cabbage the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hurt motored of prune growers in the same district BIRTHDAY PARTY juices are drawn from it and the Company. out from Portland Sunday and spent with irrigation, dressing becomes too thin. Serve Little Buddy Bartholomew invit very cold. It is attractive served in Use of electricity in our country the day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Matt Waldkirch, who is a wid- several of his friends Wednesday a head of red or curly green cabbage. has increased 70 per cent in eight ______________ ow and proud mother of eleven chiLi- ternoon to help him enjoy his fi years. Per capita consumption was Mr. and Mrs. Scow and daughter ren, living on her 160 acre ranch, birthday anniversary. Those pres Biscuit dough is uieful in many 627 kilowatt-hours in 1926. and Mrs. O’Brien and her niece Mrs. raising garden products and the fam- were: June and Joyce Wilcox, J ways other than for making hot bread. It has no equal for making Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Howe, of Esta- Graves of Portland, were visiting ous fur bearing rabbits to support iorAhlberg, Shirley Lovelace, M; herself came in to see us Tuesday a- rose Bartholomew and Jean Lovele fruit shortcakes, or chicken short- ,;a(ja are spending their vacation at John O’Brien, Wednesday. ______________ bout her subscription. They report a cake. It can be used for a crust for the Shepherd's Mineral Springs at Consumers of goods pay for fire; good many vacationist enjoying the BIRTHDAY PARTY a meat pie or a fruit cobbler. Swee­ Carson, Washington and sends greet­ it adds tremendously to the cost of wonderful scenery on the Clear Creek tened and spiced, with raisins added, ings to all home friends. living, and there is no citizen in the forks. Her children have all grown Little Alton Smith invited the i it is transformed into tea cakes. lowing youngsters to help him ce Pinwheel buns are made by sprink­ Those returning from the Legion in country who does not ultimately bear up and are working out. brate his fifth birthday annivers ” ling the surface of the roiled out LaGrande were; Mrs. W. J. Moore his share. ---------------------- Left-over cooked foods need spe- Monday. Those present were ( dough with sugar, cinnamon, nuts, Mrs. Sylvester Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matson of Portland and cial care in summer. Moist cooked and Lewis Graham. Arnold and T! and raisins, and then rolling it up, j jirs. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wil- daughter, Mrs. Al. Harding, of Astor- foods, particularly those made with dore A blbei g. Wayne Wade and R to be cut across tike jelly roll. The cox antj Atley Erickson. ia, spent Sunday here and then went milk, eggs, meat, or fish, are excel- aid Smith. The afternoon was s; pinwheeis are then sprinkled with _____________ mora granulated sugar and baked Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman, Mr. to Camp 8 where they visited Mrs. lent breeding places for harmful or- ploying games and a delicious bi. ganisms, including those that cause day cake with five candles was ser .. and are wholesome for lunch or at- land Mrs. Ted Ahlberg and Mr. and Ina Smith. ______________ serious poisoning, without making by his mother. ternoon tea. [ Mrs. H. C. Gohring enjoyed a picnic - ■ - - - - - ■ I on Pudding River, near Canby Sun-1 One of the most cign.f.cant econo the food smell or taste spoiled. Left- Mr. and V"~. Harold Wooster Imic dc elopnicnts in recent years, has overs of meat pies, dishes made with Apple butter may be made with or ! day. I been the healthy growth of the spirit cream sauce, gravies, custards, boiled turned Saturday from a vacation without cider, and is a good means Friday guests at the Ted Ahlberg of cooperation between employers or cream salad dressing, must be the beaches. of using up windfall and imperfect apples that must be ‘cooked to be home included Mrs. A Wyatt and and employes in industry. carefully handled and should be used Mrs. Herbcy Huxley and daugh* savad. The U. S. Department of sons of Shelton, Washington, and Mr. j promptly. In hot weather left-overs Agriculture will tall you how to make and Mrs. P. H. Selby and children of Miss June Oakley, of Seattle is vis- should b> boiled or thorougly heated Bessie, shopped in Portland, Wadi, day it, Gladstone. I ¡ting her sister, Mrs. Mae Reed. i before being served again. ‘ J