Haaímt (üarlumtaH iCnits Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1027 VOL. XXI ABOUT YOUR I t B3X AN IDEA. IF CARRIED OUT. WILL HELP M IL CARRIERS Mr. Johnson, the postmaster, along with the Postal Department, »are sponsoring the idea of better mail boxes and mail box stands. They are out taking pictures of the boxes before they were put into good condition and after and there is quite a contrast. Perhaps you have no­ ticed, when you were out taking that “Sunday Spin’’ the unsightlyness of some of the mail boxes, and how well others looked. Also the differ­ ence it made in the corner or road­ side where they were all found up in good shape. The government spends a great deal of money during the year to get the mail distributed properly and the owners of those delapidated boxes should see to it that his box is stand­ ing up straight and at the right height. Where there is a number of boxes all together the owners should get together and put them on a plank with a post at each end so that they will all be the same height and easy to get to by the Rural Mail car­ rier. This would be inexpensive and would Improve the looks of many corners and roaside. It will not only help your carrier but show the peo­ ple that pass by your mail box that you not Only appreciate the fact that the government spends this large sum of money each year for your bene­ fit but that you are willing to do your part in helping them to keep it up and improve it in any way that it is possible. Mr. Johnson is more than willing to give you any sugges­ tions and advice in this matter at any time and is anxious to see every box standing on a firm foundation and upright and not leaning away over to one side and about ready to fall over and hard to get to. We fee) sure that if you put your box up in the proper shape that you will fee proud every time you go to get your mail, that your box is not ready to fall over. There is a number of tourist tha‘ pass these boxes every year and let us have them say “that they saw thf best upkept mail boxes when the; passed through the state of Oregor and especially the Er stern part ot Clackamas County." Mr. Johnson wishes to state for your own infevmation that the box should bo four feet in height and leaning just a trifle to the road so that the carrier can drive up and see into the box quickly and easily He also expects to send in his re­ port in the next three weeks and ir endeavoring to have the best repori for the state of Orogon. The roads on the the routes are said to be ir exceptionally good condBion due tc the fact that the road trustees are putting forth their best efforts to bring this ahout. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT In connection with the neighbor­ hood f)rug Store 4 program, KGW, Friday evening 7:30 to 8:00 o'clock (this Will go on the air) I N T E L L IG E N T A D V E R T IS IN G BUILDS BUSINESS OREGON W E E K L Y IN D U ST R IA L R E V IE W Medford— Palmer Investment Cor­ poration of Chicago will build $50,- 000 fruit plant. Oregon will receive $44,242 federal forest fire fighting funds this year. Rend— Great Crooked River high­ way bridge, 350 feet high, dedicated. St. Helena— June postal receipts, $11,372, are 0 per cent over June, 1926. St. Helens— Exceptional hay crop being harvested here. St. Helens— Three new buildings will be erected for county fair. Eugene— Work begins on $35,000 Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house Forest Grove— New Oregon Tele­ phone office building nears comple­ tion. Salem— Quarterly postal receipts are 18 per ceent above last year’s. Klamath Falls— Labor unions buy $7,000 site for $40,000 tabor temple. West Linn— Union high school be­ ing remodeled at cost of $15,000. Seaside— Work will begin at once on new $25,000 west side water sys­ tem. Wallowa— O. W. R. & N. Railroad improving 24 miles of track, Gardiner— Old planked treet beeing filled and graveled. Newberg— Spaulding Pulp & Paper Company mill will soon be in opera­ tion. Marshfield— Heavy demand made for Oregon Myrtle wood for furni- turee. Bandon— City will vote August 15 on selling electric plant for $120,000. Portland— Libby-McNeill & Libby fruit plant starts with 700 employes, and will employ 2,000 at capacity. Klamath Falls— Californai-Oregon ’ower Company will build $40,000 warehouse. Klamath Falls— Weyerhaeuser Co. will rush plana for great pine mill, Recdsport— Bridge to be built at winchester Bay, for Roosevelt High­ way. Central Oregon wheat promises a ccord yield this year. La Grande— Roesch Hotel, now ruilding, will be eight stories high. Madras— Grain expected to aver­ age 30 bushels per acre. Medford— Alluvial Mines Company it Prospect, incorporated with $100, 000. Klamath County inspectors find not ’ singlee case of bovine tuberculosis. Eugene— Guaranty Oil Company trikes heavy gas flow in Well No. 1. Ashiand— Local cherry crop great­ ly exceeds early estimates. Grants Pass— Famous Greenback nine sold to Los Angeles buyers. Medford— E. W, J. Hearty of New York, pays $10l),000 for Medford a u it plant. Hillsboro— District will spend $5,- 100 on South Side grade School. Graet Northern lets 45-mile con­ tract from Shelvin-Hixon logging oad to S. P. line at Chemault, to op­ en Bend-Klamath Falls line th's year. Portland— Tennent Casting Com­ pany will establish plant here. Klamath Falls building since Janu­ ary 1 totals $923,286. Albany— First car of barley from 1927 crop is shipped to Portland. Milvraukie— Contract let for new heater and siore building, Dallas— “Itemizer-Observer” is milding a fine new office. Klamath Falls— Dairy production gains 400 per cent and potato grow- ng 1000 per cent in five years. L* Grande building for six months s $763,715, better than for any whole year so far. NUMBER 42 LOVE Fame may come in a dozen ways, Wealth is found in a score of trades, Every art to its genius pays. Skill has various ranks and grades, But soon or late we all come to know, Love is the same for the high and low. Man finds love in a woman’s eyes; Something tender and sweet and true, Be he foolish or be he wise, Sends him out ih the world to Woo. A certain woman must whisper “yess” If love ie to crown him with hap­ piness. And Whether the maid be d a r k or fair, Pretty of face or plain to See, If love abide with the m ated pair, None in the world Can happier be; For rich or poor it is all the same, Love c an exist without w ealth or fame. Honor and love have no degrees, Richer than others a man may be; Fame has limits and boundaries, There are rank and caste on land and sea, But who is welcomed by love at night Has all that maketh a king’s heart light. — Just Plain Folks by E. A. Guest. Hugh II, Carlin, a stock raiser and farmer of the Githen-Carlin Ranch, came into the office the first part of the week and took advantage of our stationery offer on subscription. Mr. Carlin has crossed the plains from Illinois to Oregon eight differ­ ent times and says that every time he goes back there that he likes this part of the country a little bit better. We are glad that he came in because he told us a quite a few things of interest about this country that most Quite a few people from Estacada of our readers already know but are attended the Gladstone Chautauqua. very interesting to us as we are to­ tal strangers here, just coming in Vivian Gorham has been ill this from Kansas. week but is better now. reclamation project. Linto— Columbia Highway being widened to 48 feet for heavy travel. Klamath Falls— New high school to cost $290,000. Eugene— Pacific Tel. & Tel. Com pany will spend $400,000 here, $400 000 here, $20(1,000 for building a- lone. Bend — Lumbermen’s National Bank opens with $100,000 capital. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Currin from Mrs. Ollie Lovelace is employed at j Gresham and their children and their families and a number of old time the Home restaurant. ! friends of the Currin picniced in th; I Estacada Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mrs, Edith I'ltose present were: Mr. and Mrs. Cockrrlino and daughter of Los Ang­ Geo. J. Currin Gresham; Mr -ii'1 les spent Saturdny at the Fred Barth­ W. A. Wilcox; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. olomew home. | Currin; Mrs. Clyde Denny; Mrc. Joe ; Supple and daughter Joan of Port­ The Misses Ctaudle Plank and Rach­ land; Mr and Mrs. T. J. Greenman ael Ha.loway of Portland were Thurs­ Fairview; Mr, and Mrs. W, P, Cox day dinner guests at the J. F, Love­ and two children, Logan; Mr. and lace home. Mrs. Melvin Briges, Gresham; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McKeen and baby, Port­ Mrs. Loor.ey, who has been a reader land; Mrs. T. M. Freeman, Fairview, of the News for some time was in Mr. and Mrs. Al. Cooke, Damcascus; Monday and made the editor smile by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Denning; Mr. and shoving her subscription tag ahead a Mrs. Milt Marshall; Marion Descheilds all of Estacada; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. year. Bell and baby, Mrs. Jessie Downing. Wm. Alt and Richard Weaver all of Miss June Forbes of Gresham visit­ Sandy. ed her cousin, Maerose Bartholomew Friday and Katurday. BIRTHDAY PARTY Please listen carefully to the fol­ lowing anoUnccment in connection With the Neighborhood Drug Store 4 Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Akers, end Mr. The BlUmduer-Frank Company will and Mrs. Chester were calling on M. give away free to the first 500 per­ T. and Mrs. Roy Douglass last Wed­ sons who write to KGW each week- Baker—Oregon Copper Company nesday evening. some toilet preparation. orders $15,000 power and machine Any one wishing to participate in ■ nit for Balm Creek shaft down 415 ■ Many visiting motorists took in the this must go to the Neighborhood feet. l chautauqua at Gladstone this week Druggist and secure from them a la­ The program was splendid and was Tolodo— Pacific Tel. & Tel. Com­ bel, letterhead or any piece of busi­ pany will spend $15,000 installing worth attending. ness stationery bearing their name; '■ettor linos to Newport. attach same to your letter and mail Mra. W. Vf. Eldçv ri«11' ÿtayton is McMinnville— Oregon Telephone it to KGW not later than midnight 'oripany will spend $35,0«0 improv- visiting her daughter, Mrs. Maude the following Monday and the article ng service. Smith o( the Estaeada Telephone «'ill be sent to the first 500 replies Corvall's— Pacific Teiephone uilt in Rockway. weeks with her aunt, Dr. Eil« Smith the label, letter-head or stationery Sumpter—Oregon frotn 12 feet un- in Portland. was obtained. e'ground on Gibbs claim runs $000 Here ;» an opportunity for many 'o ton, Minnie Ea«h gave us a *1.50 and radio fan* to get some good toilet j Baker— Oregon from Eagle Creek wanted tho ilatioflcry order on the articles absolutely free. •ssays 50 per cent Copper. New* which we are very proud to give Your Neighborhood Druggist will | Lumber exports from Coos Bay for and hope that there will be several glad!;, give ycu a label, letter head ori ear ended July 1 totaled $2,003.127 more take advantage of this offer as p’ecr of stationery. Write a letter | Brooks— First ear of 1927 celery it is a good one. to KGW and enclose same. shipped to Omaha. --- ------------------ j St, Helens— Lumber shipments for Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Engllih and Among thos-' attending the Amor- -eek ended Ju’y 9 are 3,7o0,00o feet daughter of Portland art spending lean Legion Convention at La Grande | Klamath Falls district* mills cut their vacation at the Ernest Duus are Atlee Erick-ion L'wrcnee Web-\ 415-900,000 feet ¡umber last year, home. f Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Sylvester Law- Astoria— Mark« road to Svensen rence. They left Wednesday morn- be built of asphaltic type con­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lichthorn and i'«- *be Conver. 'on begins Thurt- crete. two daughters of Cutlfomta are visit­ day. i ’ . .4—-CittJ.: befir .2 on Vale ing i t the P 3- S.ar.-.p rime. Mrs. Robert Currin entertained in honor of Mrs. Don Aiier. s birthday aniversary, Monday evening. Guest were: Mr. and Mrs. Rusueli Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Ewalt and Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen. The world marvels at the growth of the American telephone system. Nothing has done more to put tele phones in practically every American home, than advertising. Government owned telephone sys­ tems in Europe see no need for ad­ vertising. The taxpayer has to covei deficits, and there is no incentive for officials to maintain a growing tele­ phone business and pay dividends to hundreds of thousands of stockhold­ ers. To show why the American system grows, it is only necessary to read some of the advertising of local tele­ phone companies. A good illustra­ tion is advertising appearing in Mary­ land newspapers during a recent month. * V One advertisement appealed to the young person at school to ring up the folks at home and keep up the person­ al contact. Another, pointed out the cheer that is brought to parents when their young people who have gone out in different walks of life, make a little “phone visit” instead of mere­ ly trusting to an occasional letter. Y’et another, suggested that a young person away from home, when con­ fronted by problems, gets comfort and help by ringing up the home for advice. All the advertising had the human touch and appealed to every member of every family. The American tele phone system grows an« gives the best and cheapest service in the world, largely as the result of con­ tinuous and intelligent advertising. LIBBY, MCNEIL ft LIBIT P U N T IS PUSHED FORWARD M ork on the plant being construct­ ed for Libby, McNeil & Libby at East lu e n ty Second and Powell streets in Portland is progressing very rapidly. In fact, part of the building has been completed and part capacity opera­ tions have been carried on since June 15. When the structure is completed it will have an annual capacity of 50-,- 000 cases, or approximately 12,000,- 000 cans, according to G. B. Kile, general production manager for the Pacific northwest. Fruit and veget­ ables are being canned by the Port­ land plant. Construction of this building, which vdl cover approximately 200,000 ■quare feet of space, has been watch­ 'd with more than usual interest be- au3e it marks the entrance into Portland of one afthe largest packers ■f foodstuffs in the world. The eapf- lal of the Libby, McNeil & Libby company is said to be $66,000,000. Thomas Yocum, one 0f Clackamas ' ouniy’s progressive farmers wag jn ’ see lla flie first part of the week and '.eft a $1.50 laying on the counter and said to mark up his subscription ”nothor year. Mr. Yocum has a anch of 160 acres of which there arc about 80 acres under cultivation. He ■as some of this in apples and cher- Weekly County Agent Newt es. He says that he now has 80 The cabhage maggot has made Bi­ ons of hay already put up. Mr. annual appearance in parts of Clack Yocum is interested in the Telephone ompnny and the Bank. This farm amas County. The following infor " for sale nnd tho crop all goes with nation from Oregon Agricultural Extension circular 65 gives direction it and can be had for the sum of $100 an acre and anyone interested should fer control of these pests in field. Extension Circular 65 entitled “In get in touch with Mr. Yocum at once, Crop3" is available at the County as he is going to sell this farm at a price like this. Agents office for the asking: THE CABBAGE MAGGOT: The cabbage maggot is a most serious pes Mr. Furgeson, deputy State Forrest of cabbage turnip, cauliflower, cel­ t.anger asked us to cal, your atten- ery, rape, kale and radishes. ;ion to the fact that this is the closed The larva is a typical maggot, season for burning and will be until waxy white or yellowish in color. The October the first. If you have any body is cylindrical, ending bluntly burning that you want to do you behind tapering- to a point toward the hould get in touch with Mr. Oren head. When mature it measures a- Ballou, «ho is acting fire warden bcut .32 inch in length. noith of the Clacamas River to Bear SYMPTOMS: A few days after l reek if you live in this territory. If f!-.e cabbage phnt3 are set in the field you live South of the Clackamas Riv­ 'hey show a sickly bluish cast. Upon er, Springdale and Dodge districts get pulling up the affected plant, the tun­ in touch with Charles Colson. This nel and the repulsive maggots are s very important and this precaution discovered. should be heeded and save any trou­ CONTROL: Of a great variety of ble that might occur. onri-ol measures recommended and practiced, the screenings of the cub- Mr. M. Chase, one of the News’ oage re d-beds .and the use of c o n r. family of reader-, was in the office 0 va sublimate on the enbb ges and the first part of the wee!, and had similar plants in the field are the t 3 marl: his date tag put up a year most practical and effective treat­ ahead and also gave us a paid local ments. that you will find elsewhere In this CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE at the issue look for it r.s it might be of r; e of 1 ounce to 12 gallons of wat­ interest to you. er s e. most efficient material for use on permanent plantings of cabbage Charlca Weaver, who had us add his cauliflower, and similar plants. A- bout 2 liquid ounces to the plant name to ho subscription list of the rhculd be used, the material being News readers, says that he h. s ten s mply poured on the surface soil a- different varieties of berries end that very one of them is a good one. We bou‘. the plant. Four treatments should bo given, tho first treatment are very glad to put his name on the list. three days after transplanting and succeding treat ments at ten-day in­ ter.als until four have been made. Mr. II. G. Foster, forest examiner A Lorre1 in the back er.d of a wag- Trout the U. S. Fores Office at on, fitted with two leads of hose and Portion ’ p :: cd through Estacada on Slop cocks, affords a fairly rapid his wav to the La Jib c Camp to look me'bod of application. over the timber situation. Dissolve the corros've sublimate in 1 quart of hot water in a gU s, wood Chas. Schuster, a brakeman on the en or earthenware v ssel. Dilute to La Dee Logging train had his foot 12 ga'lons. run over and nearly cut It off. He Reasonable precaution should be was brought to Estacada and after­ obze'-ved becruse of the posionous wards taken to a hospital in Port­ nature of the corrosive sublimate. land. Mr. and Mrs. August Polmar. from Portland and R. H. Currin and D. C. Johnson from Bull Run spent the ev­ ening at the R. H. Currin ranch Frid- S'verr.1 pota*o grow ers o ' George ; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johnson, of day evening. g thc:ed re-cntly at Chrias Johnson's Independence, Kansas, are visiting pia-e fnr r. short tour of pot-to field with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Atlee Erickson, »on of Mr. E, E. of the community. Pol ato disease Johnson for a couple of minths. Erickson, who are one of the many •• e identified and discussed. live wire farmer* of this community Ont of the best fields 3ceo he­ Emerson Surface and daughter of w»s in and said to move h'» f thor’s lor t.ed to Henry Schmidt. It was date tag up another year. Atlee is clearly demonstrated here th.it com- California and Edw.n Burlingai.i of connected with the American Legion r r -'irl fertiPzei5 pay even on new Gresham are visiting Mr. ami Mrs. L. being one of its officers and ir, doing g round. Tbe use of only 160 pounds J. I’almateer. Mr. Surface was the all that he can to make the legion of n 6-7-5 fertilizer made a nig dif- pharmac st here at one time. here the best that is in mo ststo a d r' er.ro in tho size of thep lants and Mr. and Mrs. Wili.am Dale and says that the rest of tho members r.re !he r -i -.her and : ze oí potatoes all h'b'n ! rite cr'" '« t'on *r -t ■- Tho date of the C’ackames County L ; S -’i'.h are enjoying a vacation at the comt ss the guerts of Mr. and to help when called upon to do any thing. J-rsey Club picnic at Firwood has 1:3. W.12 Caty. heert changed from July 21 to July Mrs. Nora Kanrile and son, Chester 2?-h. ’ Mr. attd Mrs. Mn'nr are mak- Among tho?.- attflndmg ¡he Glad­ Reid, and daughter. Mr? Guv Wilcox, ng prep-r&t'on* far a large meet­ stone f 1. , *i ¡ua an- V. .„.am Wade, were over this way the last week ing Prof. G. V. Copaon of th- O-e- Mis. Ada l-’r.iith and J. F. Lovelace. , picking cherries, leaving on Friday gon Agricultural Coi!o~e will be for Antelope, near where Mrs. Wil- present and speak on the effects of Ed. L nn - id Ed Stelnman made pasteurizing milk. trip to Salem Friday. 1 cox lives.