Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 14, 1927, Image 1

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    aimt (Ülarkamaa
Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
Next Saturday afternoon and even­
ing is Stunt day at Gladstone Chau­
tauqua. Different Communities of
the County will have a representative
| who will put on a vaudeville stunt.
Estacada will be represented by Mr.
R. It. Cooke, whose ability in that
line is well known. He will appear
on the evening program and un-
doubtedy many from this vicinity
will go over to hear him next Satur­
day night.
The break o f dawn on the priarie
Is indeed a rare sight to behold.
When the clouds on the distant horiz­
Are wonderously tinted with gold.
More beautiful still is the evening
As the sun at the close o f the day,
Wafts a kiss to the plains o f Dakota
On the wings o f a silvery ray.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall, who are
now located in their new location
habe the restaurant funiture placed
and are ready to receive their old
friends and invite everyone to their
new place o f business. Their special­
ty along with the other good home
cooked meals is that wonderful chick­
en dinner on Sundays.
All gorgeous the heavens at sunset
Are clothed with an infinite light,
That scintillates over the prairie
And fades away into the night.
The last reddened glow of the twi­
Marks the course o f a race that is
Tells in accents superbly exquisite
That another day’s journey is done
The Estcnda Band received an in­
vitation to partake in a Band Con­
test to be held in Milwaukie next
Sunday. There will be several good
bands present and they have all had
about thirty days time to prepare for
the occassion with the exception of
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kiggins and
Estacada and we did not receive no­
tice of the affair until last night family, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kigginc
(Wednesday) when the Milwaukie and family, Mr', and Mrs. Cliff Kig­
band paid the band here a visit and gins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­
tendered them the invitation and on liam Fink, Miss Gertrude Fink, and
account o f ♦his fact the band will not Walter Fink motored to Monitor Sun­
enter the contest but will be repre­ day where they attended a family re-
sented by its president, Mr. Ames,
and a few more o f the band mem­
bers. The idea o f this meet is to
sponsor an organization to get a law
passed in the state o f Oregon for
Mrs. Mae Reed entertained the
financial aid to the small.town bands bridge club with a lovely luncheon
This would be a very good thing for and afternoon o f bridge Thursday.
the small bands as it takes consider­ High honors in cards fell to Mrs.
able money to run an institution of Don Allen and Mrs. W. J. Moore.
this kind and there is times that the Guests were: Mrs. H. C. Gohring,
band is in need o f money and no Mrs. Don Allen, Mrs. Robert Currin,
place to raise it. The band is the i Mrs. Bob Cooke, Mrs. W. J. Moore
best asset a town can hove and every Mrs. Ted Ahlberg and Mrs. Raymond
town should be proud of the fact that Lovelace.
they have a good band.
School District No. 108: School
Bids will be received by A. G. Ames
up to 6:00 p. m., July 26, 1927, for
75 cords old growth 4 ft. seasoned
wood delivered to Estacada schools
before August 20th, 1927.
Clerk District No. 108
Thomas I. Kirkwood, Pastor
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.
Service o f worship at 11:00. This
will be the last regular preaching
service until August 21.
Christian Endeavor in the evening
at the church.
Topic: “ Applying
Christian Standards in Amusements.”
Mrs. Ava Bronson of Portland vis­
Sunday School at 2:00 p. m.
ited at the J. F. Lovelace home Sun­
Preaching service at 3:00, which day.
will be the last until August 21.
Remember the Junior-Intermediate
Christian Endeavor on Thursday af­
ternoons at the church.
unday School at 10:30 a. m,
Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m.
Church service at 8:00.
There will he no more church ser­
vice until August 21, but the Sunday
School and Christian Endeavor will
continue as usual.
P a rk Dance Hall
Nina Davis and Miss Olevia Lie- j
land were in Estcada on Tuesday
afternoon to look over the prospect
o f obtaining classes for physical cul­
ture and dancing classes for children.
Misses Lieland and Davis were im­
pressed with the favorable conditions
shown in this community. Miss Lie-
land and Miss Davis met with Mrs.
Henry Beers at her residence.
ON —
Saturday A u g . 6
W ith the Best Music That
Money Can Buy
Though the morning of life is en­
And the labors of noonday more
The reward o f a life worth the living,
Only comes with the shadows of
So the glow o f a wonderful sunset,
As it lingers awhile in the sky,
Tells a story o f souls that have labor­
and ar* living in mansions on high.
- —Neil D, Annes.
Miss Louise DeBois, who has been
j employed at the Home restaurant for
the past six months is leaving to
i make her home with her aunt who is
going to support and educate her.
She starts in the Jefferson high at
the opening semester. Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Hall are very sorry to lose the
services of this efficient little girl,
but are proud to know that she is
going to a good home and receive
a good education.
Mrs. Brunneer was able to sit up,
for the first time since her fall three
A picnic supper was enjoyed at weeks ago.
30 girls of the first Presbyterian
church of Portland are enjoying the Dodge Park Sunday evening by Mr.
camp at Hillockburn, which is run by and Mrs. Robert Currin, Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Buells and family re-
Mr. Johnson, this week.
The camps i Don Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace turned from a trip to the coast Fri-
this year are exceptionally successful. ' Smith and Jimmy Hallock, Mr. and day.
The girls range from 12-15 years Mrs. Henry Beers and daughter,
and they enjoy the long hikes, pic­ i Frn'a, Mg. and Mrs. Ted Ahlberg and
Mrs. Herman Gohring was in Port­
nics, campfire meets, nature study ■ sons, Arnold and Junior, Mr. and land Friday.
and various things o f interes».
| Lovelace and daughters, Jean Louise
Mrs. Mary Adams was in Portland
Miss Evelyn Hayworth, former tele­ : and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman and >vcr the wect-.nnd
hone operator o f Estacada but now | son, David.
x Stayton, was married to Mr. A.
SCHOCL b i t s WANT >j £Y D1ST.
Friends of Miss Lydia Matson wi!
Downing of Stayton July fith.
NO. 100
be interested to hear of her marriage
Estacada. Oregon— Sealed bids will
The LaDee Logging
Company to Dr. Albert Harding of Astoria V received ur> to 6 n. m. Argus’’ 4,
started work again Wednesday morn­ Miss Matson graduated from the Es­ 1927 at the office of A G. Ames, Es­
tacada High Bchool in ’21.
tacada, Oregon, for the transporta-
icn loon Starting at Estacada going
rt" and Mrs Bcalah Lawence of by way of Barton, Carver, Logan, top
Ed. Linn, Harry Snyder a *6 W. A
Portland hav- moved out to the of Springwntor hill and back to Eflta-
Helleman were business visitor* in
..ej.fee Lawrence dairy farm
in •~da. Trip to be made twice daily.
Portland Monday,
The bidder to take care of insurance
bonds, busses and all incidentals con­
Mr. and Mrs. Amel Miller o f Port­
Margaret Fashing o f
Portlan- nected with the transportation of
land enjoyed a few days at Log La spent Saturday with her Aunt, Mrs
thirty pupils, more or less. A des­
Barre this week.
W. W. Rhodes,
cription o f busses to be used to be
furnished with the bids.
Mrs. J. L. Hewitt o f Portland spent
Mrs. Edith Cockerlir.e and d uighte
Clerk S-.kaol Di«t. No. 108
Saturday with her sister, Mrs. S. E. of Log Angeles are visiting at thi
Ben Tannler honiz in V’ iola.
Raymond Lovelace is playing ball
Don Newman of Portland is visitine
with Longview again,
his aunt, Mrs. Sturgeon,
! ¡3:
i *MH! S * i
Sure C u r e
-or Ford chat
VER a million Ford Owners have ban*
¡3'ned chatter, So can you.
Just drive in and ask fer a crankcase full
o f Veedol For i d , the economy Oil for Fords.
Then drive out for a near motoring ex­
perience. Your Ford will start,— stop—
and reverse with pe-feet ease.
We recommend Veedol Forzol because
we know vhat it will do. Better start
Usin’ it today I
Cce^e Motor Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Janies Sims o f Port-
land came out Sunday to paint their
Mrs. C. S. Hurst was called to Port-
land. Sunday to be with her daughter
in-law who is reriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle and
children were visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Woodle Sunday.
I am in the market for Bing Lam-
bert and Royal Ann Cher»1««. Boxes
furnished.— J. G. Haymnn.
Mr. Brown, the cow-test-r, was in
the neighborhood the first o f the
neck testing cows.
Miss EHythe Peters, of Osewego,
came out this way Inst Wednesday
evening with Bob Cahill nnd called
on Mr. and Mrs Roy Dnuft'ass.
M-. Kin? and Mr O'hson first mot
in ISr2 while Mr. Gibson was at­
tem po? College City. Cal. Mr. Kin
and family paid Mr. Gibson a sho -1
visit some two years ago when they
were up thi* way.
V.V K f c - î / t
Sunday guests at the W. A. Ileyla-
man home included Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Rothwell, Mrs. Anna Park, lira.
II. O. Califf, one of Estacada’s
Carrie Winchell and Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Alexander all o f Portland. young men who joined the Navy
Mr. Alexander was formerly propri­ last week will go to Santa Diago.
etor of the St. Paul Hotel in Port­ I Most of the boys who are ein the
Navy from this part of the country
will be home some time this month
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keith and daugh­ ;he exact date is not known. Orogo
ter, Ellen, visited over the 4th with is only allowed seven men for the
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cahill of Spok, Navy a month and if there is anv
ane, Washington. They drove thru young men contemplating on goir
Pasco and ceme bock thru Lewiston, j into the Navy they ought to make a
Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Cahill accom­ appointment as there is already a
panied them home and will visit here : long Waiting list and it takes som ;
| time to get in.
for a short time.
The Navy is one of the best place
The people of Estacada and vicin­ for a young man to receive and ed­
ity will be interested to know that ucation and learn a trade and not
the short piece o f rock road near cost him any money.
the rock crusher on the river road is
Mildred Rhodes is visiting at the
being paved.
Ray Johnson home in Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirkle o f Camp 1 Vi
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tannler ot San
are receiving congratulations upon
the arrival of a daughter in Port­ Francisco are visiting Mr. Tannler.
land Sunday.
Douglas Johnson, Superintendent
Mrs. Harry LaTlarrt and Mrs. Tom of Hillockburn badly sprined his knee
Carter were Portland visitors Tues­ last week but is recovering as rapidly
as can be expected.
s a S fl!)
Owing to the fact that the pape>* horn has been tie
up through a course of law and has just been sealed anti
is now in permanent hands we find ourselves in destitut. ;
circumstances in a financial way and are going to appea
to you for your back subscription.
This is a good time to give your home paper the sup
port that it deserves. The money that is to be raised i
quite a little sum and must be raised in the next two week
The duty of all publishers is to remove the names o
all delinquent subscribers, but we see by the subscription |
list that this has been neglected and find that we have •
number of unpaid subscriptions that Should be paid, so i
you will give this matter your immediate attention we as
: sure you that it will be appreciated very much.
As a special inducement to the gentleman paying hi
back subscription we will give FREE a Valet Auto Stro;
Safety Razor.
As A special inducement to the lady paying her back
subscription we will give FREE fif-y envrtlopo# 2 nd fiftj
letter heads with her name p:ir..cd thereon.
Please call at this office in the next few days and lei
us have a talk and get this small matter straightened up.
W e Thank You,
T !» r r \ ? T F !? N C L A C K A M A S NEW S,
Prompt and satisfac­
tory banking service,
adapted to the various
needs of oar many cus­
tomers is assured to all
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