Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 30, 1927, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tage ?
Old Coliseum Turned
Into Trysting Place
The Doctor
Swat Time
In fair weather or foul«
zero nights or rainy
days, 1 have always
found that my car starts
instantly and performs
perfectly with Cham*
p ion Spark Plugs—
they’re dependable.
Champion it the better
spark (Aug b eca u se o f its
d o u b le-rib b ed ullimaru
it* core — it« ttvo-piecm
cotulruciion and it» spe­
cial analysis electrodes.
Champion X —
for Ford«
Car* other ,
than Ford«
C ham pion i
• 'F or b urning o r sca ly lids,
sn d
til* r e li e v e
ftif ln m m n -
tion nndsoronesA.os«) Mitchell
F y o S alve. According- to d ir e c ­
tion », S ooth in g, heeling.
147 W a v e rly Place
Hew T ork
C a llu s e s
w %7uy
Dear, Dear Me—This Younger Set!
The coliseum by the light of ft full
moon. Perhaps there tire few more
beautiful sights In the world. More­
over, it is a loveliness which serves
more than an esthetic purpose, for fids
monument of til that was glorious In
one of the greatest civilizations the
world has known is now above all
things a trysting place on moonlight
Any one who walks down the Corso
In Rome on a moonlight night and
turns to the left past the enormous
white mass of the Victor Emmanuel
monument Is sure to meet on his way
many a couple strolling arm in aria
all Ln the same direction. They stop,
usually, in passing the Roman forum
to look for a moment or two at Its
fantastic ruins—like so many desolate
ghosts of a vanished past—and then
go on, under the high arches of the
coliseum and across the arena, losing
themselves finally Ln the friendly shad­
ows of Its protecting walls.
Here they may look across, If they
care, to where the moon has lighted
for them a vision of unforgetable
beauty, softening tho harsh outlines
that centuries of time have hewn out
of its once perfect symmetry.
Parties of Americans come by, with
this guide, who points up to where
the tiers of seats rose high ln the
air; where vestal virgins sat to enjoy
the slaughter of gladiators and the
martydrom of hundreds of Christians;
where the emperors marched proud­
ly to their box amid the wild acclama­
tion of the multitude, only to pass
on, leaving some dim memory.
As the tourists go the guide can
still he hoard for a moment or tw o;
“ Here were the dungeons In which
Christian martyrs were kept. Here
the cells where wild beasts were
starved three days that they might
be famished when let loose.”
here now where tho gentle breeze
seems freighted with the sighs of
unhappy phantoms come back to haunt
again the scene of their martyrdom
or triumph, 2,000 years later, Jack
and Jill sit together in the light of
the moon.
Quick, safe, sure relief from
painful callouses on th6 feet.
Bell-An3 Halts Over-Acidity
At all drug and shoe stores
This Widely Used Sure Relief Can Be
Depended On Every Time.
D l Scholls
Z in o -p a d s
'» * £ ? *
IIow disagreeable, how exasperat­
ing, how embarrassing to he a sufferer
from gas, belching, heartburn, sick
headache, nausea und other digestive
disorders. UELL-ANS for Indigestion
Is n harmless, pleasant Sure Relief.
Tested by over 110 years' use. 2oc und
7oc rkgs. at all drug stores, or send
for fret1 samples to Bell & Co., Iuo.,
i Irangeburg. N. V.—Adv.
Splendid Oval Rug
Woven for Theater
What is considered the world’s larg
est oval rut; was recently completed
by an American company for a popu­
lar New York theater. It was a Che-
nile rug 1 inch In thickness,-4l by 58
feet, oval in stee, with one seam
lengthwise In the fabric. Thirty-three
hundred pounds of surface yarn were
dyed nnd 1,800 pounds of backing
spun for the rug, which, when sheared
nnd completed, weighed over two tons.
As a central ornament the rug design
has the letter It, symbolizing the name
of the theater manager. This letter
Is surrounded by motifs framed from
the microphone. The central orna­
ment Is supported by four shields dis­
playing musical Instruments and mo­
tifs derived from light, the spectrum
nnu movie reels. These are embodied
In a large oval panel through which
are dispersed various anlnml forms.
The outer field is surrounded by a
heavy border. The main field is
woven in tones of crimson and gold,
the panels in blues, taupes and com­
plementary shades.
C aliforn ia L eads
In live states of the Union twelve
years Is the lowest age at which a girl
mny marry with the consent of her
parents, according to Liberty. Thdse
states are Kentucky. Louisiana, Mary­
land, Mississippi and Virginia.
She Hadn’ t Seen It
Please, ma'am,’’ said the beggar,
“ I've lost my rl«ht leg.”
"Well, It Isn't here,” said the wom­
an. slnmmlng the door.—New York
Thnre ain’t bad luk In the whole
world to ruin enny, one man, not If
he « 0 1 f i t ! It out on that line.—
Josh Billings.
In conversation Is about the only
place where you hear real extempora­
neous speeches.
August Flower
F o r In d ig e s tio n , D y s p e p s ie , e tc.
R e lie ve s D is tre s s a fte r H u rrie d
M e a ls o r O v e re a tin g .
B eing a
g e n tle la x a tiv e , It k e e p s th e d i­
g e s tiv e t ra c t w o r k in g rro rm a fty.
30c & 90c. At all Druggists.
C. C. G R E E N , In c . W O O D B U R Y, N . J.
Carbojl draws out the core
and gives quick relief
C £N £R O U S 5 0 < BOX
In a little town of the middle West,
was a discouraged woman. For four
montbsshehad bee»
In such poor health
that she could not
stoop to put on her
own shoes. Unabla
to do her work,
unable to go out of
doors or enjoy a
friendly chat with
her neighbors, life
seemed dark Indeed
to Mrs. Daugherty.
Tluu one day. a
________________ booklet was left at
her front door. Idly she turned the
pages. Soon she was reading wttbi
quickened luterest. Tho little booklet
was filled with letters from women 1»
conditions similar to hers who had
found better health by taking Lydia E.
Plukham's Vegetable Compound.
“ I began taking the Vegetable Com»
pound,” Mrs. Daugherty writes, "and
after I took the third bottle. I found re­
lief. 1 am on my eleventh bottle and
1 don't have that trouble any more,
and feel like a different woman. I
recommend the Vegetable Compound to
everyone I see who has trouble like
mine, and you can use these facts as
a testimonial. I am willing to answer
any letters from women asking about
the Vegetable Compound.”—Mas. E d .
D auoiiebty , 1303 Orchard Ave., Musca­
tine, Iowa.
Are you on the Sunlit Road to But­
ter Health?
Keep Stouuch and Bowels F.igH
By givina baby the harmle*^ purely
V .set.bl'O iifuntii and children's regulator.
brings astonishing, gratifying results
m a ilin g
b a b y 's
stom a ch d ig est
food and tow els move as ^
they should et teething'
time. Guaranteed free
from narcotics, opi­
ates, alcohol und oil
harmful IngredU
ents. Safe and
F O R T L A N D , NO. 2 6 -1 9 2 7 .
Sugar B e P ra ised
Dr. Woods Hutchinson finds health
In tho sugar howl habit, l’ltylng our
forefathers, he says they obtained
their carbohydrates, not in simulated
sweetness, but in (•¡»■non-ball dump­
lings, loaded with chunks of fat,
spices and sour prune», which they
called plum pudding. Small wonder,
he says, those dumpling-eating pio­
neers awoke with a head like a con­
certina, and a mouth like a lime kiln.
Allen’s Foot=Ease
Must Sigm A rticles
Girls M arry at Tw elve
After Long Suffering by Taking
Lydia E. Pinkhtm’s Vege­
ta b!e Compound
California produce« more electricity
R ussia’s “ S unday C o lle g e ’ ’
by the use of water power than any
Russia’s first “ Sunday university*
other state. New York is second.
Washington third, Montana fourth, for peasants has Just opened in the
town of Gorky, In White Russia,
Alabama fifth and Wisconsin sixth.
writes the Moscow correspondent of
the Christian Science Monitor. The
A n o in t t h o e y e lid s w it h R o m a n E y e B a l­
sa m at n ig h t a n d see h o w r e fr e s h e d a n d
Sunday university is an established
{stren g th en ed y o u r e y e s a re in t h o m o rn in g .
institution in the Russian cities and
S en d n o w t o 372 P e a r l St., N . Y .
A dv.
might he compared with university ex­
tension courses in America. Its pur­
G la d ston e D o c k L a rgest
pose is to give broader education to
The new Gladstone dock at Liver­ wage earners who are unable to carry
pool cost between $35,000,000 nnd on their studies on week days. The
$40.000,000 nnd is the largest ln the peasant university will offer a two-
year course of Instruction and will
specialize in agricultural subjects.
It is a self-sufficient and lonesome
mind that thinks it can get along
Many a woman studies her glass t
without religion.
the neglect of her heart.
A s in g le , d p se o f Dr. P e e r y ’ s *'I>>ad S h o t "
W ill exp*H W o r m s o r T a p e w o r m . N o s e c o n d
dose re q u ir e d .
372 P e a r l St., N. Y .
A dv.
A law has Just come Into effect ki
South Africa making It Illegal to pub­
lish any report or comment concern­
ing public affairs while a political
campaign Is going on, without the
names of the writers.
gives com forting relief
i or
— —
for Tired, Aching, Swollen Feet.
They Compromise
When your feet hurt, are tired, sore or perspire,
shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, the
Antiseptic, Healing powder for the feet. It
takes the friction from the shoes and gives im­
mediate relief. Makes stockings wear longer, too.
Write Allen’s Foot-Ease, LeRoy, N. Y., for a Free
S old at all d ru g and toilot g o o d s co u n te r«
Pa K n o w s A ll
“Pop, what's a philosopher?”
“A chap who’s too hard up to worry
about It, son.”
There are still many ministers who
practice what they preach.