Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 30, 1927, Page Page 2, Image 2

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EVANGLliuc o L . . J
Old Bay Mare Still Gives Faith'
ful Service.
Kokomo, Ind.—The old bay mare Is
Still what she used to be, 20 lout;
years ago.
Daisy Is twenty-three. Ever since
She wus two she hns traveled a rural
mull route out of Kokomo. She hns teeu
her equhie kill give way to motorized
service, and she has tilted an ear sky­
w ard at the hum of an airmail plane,
roaring from New York to Chicago In
less time than It takes Daisy to muke
her little circuit twice a day.
Ilut Daisy disdains the thought that
any motor cnr or alrplune could take
her place. She could utmost deliver
the mall alone.
She is credited by Ben Boughmnn,
her present owner, with having twice
saved his life, when he fulled to see
trains at grade crossings.
Throughout the years Daisy hns
pulled the same tiny and ancient mull
cart with which she started. She has
lost but 18 days at work, and that be­
cause she hurt a leg In the line of
The carrier who trained Daisy Is
long since dead, but the horse passed
to succeeding carriers without a break
In her service record.
Faithfully she plods around her
route, and when she gets home she
refuses to go another step. When her
owner loiters on the homeward trip,
Daisy goes on home to supper und
lets her m aster leg It.
She hns one complex. Circus day
hns scared her ever since the ring­
m aster rode down Main street ahead
of the parade shouting "Hold your
horses, the elephants are coming.”
When the big top Is spread In Koko­
mo, Dnlsy Is skittish all day.
Bight now Daisy Is on her annual
vueation. Each summer she spends
an outing In a fn/nlllar pasture. But
she'll be back at the old grind In the
“Pickling” in Paraffin
Saves Museum Groups
New Y’ork.—"If you think we’re
waxworks," he said, “you ought to
pay, you know. W axworks weren’t
made to be looked at for nothing.
Nohow 1”
“Contrariwise," added the one
mnrked, ‘Dee,’ “if you think we’re alive,
you ought to speak."
Alice's dllemmu would no doubt
have been considerably Increased had
she encountered belugs who looked
very real and almost alive, and yet
were Indubitably waxworks. In the
literal sense of being completely
sculptured In wax. This is exactly
w hat two workers at the American
Museum of Natural History have done.
G. K. Noble and M. E. Jaeckle, con­
fronted with the troublesome fact
th at frogs and toads and spotted sal­
am anders and all m anner of other
Interesting but nonfur-bearing crea­
tures cannot lie successfully stuffed
and mounted by the ordinary methods
of taxiderm ists, have solved the prob­
lem by literally pickling them In solid
paraffin wax. They first remove all
trace of w ater from the specimens by
appropriate chemical menns, arrange
the little anlmnls ki natural positions
and soak them for several days or
weeks In melted paraffin, until every
tissue Is thoroughly Impregnated and
you cannot tell where the flesh ends
and the purnffln begins.
By this method reptiles and am­
phibians can be worked Into natural­
istic museum groups and made as
"alive" looking as birds and fur-bear­
ing animals. Instead of being pallid
corpses pickled In Jars of alcohol.
They keep their nntural colors In­
definitely, except that sometimes their
eyes need to he touched up with u
little gold paint.
Play Four-Part Music
With Ancient Violin Row
Berlin.—A new type of violin bow,
or rather rediscovery of a very old
type, which perm its the playing of
four-part music on a single Instru­
ment, hns recently been demon­
strated hero hy a well known virtuoso,
Ilerm nn Bnrkowskl.
The bow Is deeply curved Instead
of straight, ns In the usual modern
form, and the strings are left very
loose. It resembles the bows shown
In medieval pictures of perform ers on
the ancient Celtic chrottn or crewth,
the ancestor of the violin.
It Is stated that the new bow makes
possible the rendition of early violin
scores which have hitherto been
riddles to modern perform ers because
they called for the simultaneous
reaching of strings Impossible to the
straight bow.
J............... ........................................
Civil War in China
Boosts Chop Suey
Isondon.—The upheaval In
Chinn has brought the Chinese
"chop suey joints" Into great
favor with London's exclusive
society set. An after-theater
tour of Piccadilly Circus or
the Strand at night reveals that
the "boat people" who formerly
sought only the most expensive
and most exclusive hotels to en
Joy n quiet meal away from
"the rabble” are now patron­
izing Chinese restaurants. It
seems that society’s latest fancy
Is to absorb a little Far Eastern
atm osphere and to see Chinese
at close range.
t ............. ......................... _!l'
Ajjain D.’ivcn
From Their Homes.
W ashington.—The United States'
sixth G reat Lake, the Lake of
the Mississippi, larger than Outurlo or
Erie, lias engulfed the Evangeline
When It broke the Atchnfulaya
river’s west dikes, the Hood lake rolled
its shores over and beyond St. Mar­
tin and St. Landry parishes.
"Again the Acadian» have been
Stuffed Eggplant Is One of Nicest of Stuffed Vegetables.
driven from their homes," suys a bul­
t h e U n ite d S ta te s Depart­ stuffing, you may be able to extend it
letin of the National Geographic so- !
m e n t of A g ric u ltu re .)
clety from Its Washington headquar­ One way of introducing variety in very nicely by this means. Again,
ters. "And the disaster is greater, by preparing vegetables Is to stuff those when you have small amounts of two
number of sufferers, than that visited that lend themselves in form to this or three cooked vegetables on hand,
upon Evangeline’s people In her time. treatm ent. Stuifing makes the entire but not enough of any one to serve
"Only 8,000 Acadians were expelled dish more substantial and thus some­ for a dinner vegetable, you can com­
from Nova Scotia In 1705 by Massa­ times reduces the number of other bine the various leftovers with bread
chusetts und B ritish bayonets to be foods required for a given meal. Egg­ or rice, add onion flavor and use the
scattered over the earth from Detroit plant, green peppers, large Spanish m ixture as stuffing. Bread crumbs
to Corsica and Cayenne. Fifteeen onions and cabbage are among those should always be combined with melt­
hundred of them found their way to often served In this way. Usually ed butter to make them rich before
New O rleans; many pushed on to | the stuffing Is made of other vege­ they are added to other ingredients.
Stuffed Eggplant Recipe.
Bayou Teche, 150 miles west. There ' tables and some cooked starchy m a­
The following recipe for stuffed egg-
they Increased to some 150,000, occu­ terial such as bread crumbs, rice or
pying 15 parishes, or counties, when ’ spaghetti, to give body. A great many plant is furnished by the bureau of
the flood spread over their homes, j cr«mblnatlotas are possible in stuff­ home economics;
towns, and lands.
largre epgrplant
2 cupfuls finely cut
ings. One would naturally choose two 1 1 teaspoonful
raw cabbage, or
Beautiful Is the land, w ith Its prairies j or three flavors that blend well to­
cooked s t r i n g
and forests o f fr u i t trees;
gether however they are cooked and
chopped peanuts
Under the feet a gard en of flowers, and j served, just as one combines flavors
1 cupful fine bread 2 tablespoonfuls
the bluest o f heavens
Bend ing above, and res tin g its domo |
or a vegetable hash. Some good fla­
Cut the eggplant In half. Remove
on the wall s o f the forest.
T h e y who dw el l there name it the ! vors to use In stuffings, two or three
as much of the white portion ns pos­
Eden o f Louisiana. . . .
at once, are; Tomato, corn, celery, sible without breaking the shell. Cut
A ll yea r ’round the or a ng e gro ve s are I
cabbage, spinach, string beans and In small pieces. Cook the cabbage
in blossom; and grass t'rows
Onion flavor Is desirable In and the eggplant In a small amount
More in a single night than a whole carrots.
Canadian summer.
almost e v e r y combination. Minced of w ater about ten minutes. Drain
meat or chicken Is often Included, and and mix the other Ingredients with it.
Turn to Stock Raising.
"For a poet, Longfellow’s geography then the resulting m ixture may he Fill the eggplant with the stuifing,
Is fairly good. Basil, the Acadian sufficiently hearty for an entire lunch place buttered crumbs on top. Pour
around each half eggplant a little of
blacksmith, has become a herdsman o p supper.
Combine Various Leftovers.
the w ater In which the cabbage and
In ‘Evangeline/ Most of the refugees
In 1705 did turn to stock raising with If you have not quite enough of a eggplant were cooked. Bake in the
a few cattle given to them hy char­ given vegetable when it Is cooked In oven half an hour, or until goldeo
itable French m erchants of New Or­ the usual way, and If it is suitable for brown.
leans. Descendants of the Acadians I
gave up stock raising for sugar cane
Eggs in Tomato Sauce
when Etienne de Bore, a Louisianian, BAKING POWDER
discovered how to crystallize sugar
Make Good Dinner Dish
from cane syrup. They have helped
Do you enjoy an occasional egg
to make Atchafnlaya valley the
dinner? Some people think of eggs as
Sugar Bowl of Louisiana.
only for breakfast, luncheon,
"The route over which Longfellow Should Be Light, Fine- suitable
or supper, und do not regard them ns
takes Evangeline serves very well for
substantial enough for dinner. As a
a visitor today. Fifteen miles below
Baton Kouge, where.
(P r e p a r e d by th e U n ite d S ta te s Depart­ m atter of fact, however, eggs contain
the same kind of elflelent protein for
m e n t o f A g ric u ltu re .)
Sweeps with mnjestlc curve the river
Tastes in biscuits differ, and it body building that Is found In meat.
a w a y to the eastward,
Eggs, particularly the yolks, are rich,
They, too sw erv ed from their course; would be remarkable, among a dozen
too, In mineral substances and they
and en te rin g the Bayou o f Pla- people, to secure an unanimous opin­
ion on the comparative merits of soft are one of the best sources of vitamlne
Soon w er e lost In a maze o f sluggish or crisp biscuits, drop biscuits or
A which everybody needs for health
and devious waters.
rolled ones, w ater or milk or sour-milk and physical well being. W hat makes
"This bayou admits to the Makes of biscuits. Almost everyone would eggs seem to be less substantial than
the A tchnfalaya/ where ‘w ater lilies agree, however, that an acceptable some other* foods Is that their food
.In myriads rocked on the slight un­ biscuit should be light, fine-grained, m aterials are In such form that they
dulations,’ and rocked for years until tender, nhd deficately browned. The can be rather quickly assimilated by
the Mississippi broke through, threat dough should be worked as little as the body. Eggs are pure food ma­
enlng to make the Atchafalaya river possible, therefore, so that the gluten terial mixed with water. Because of
Its real mouth Instead of an aban­ will not be developed too much and their rather large percentage of water,
doned one.
the product made tough. Using soft- w hen serving eggs for dinner It is well
"How Evangeline got to Bayou wheat or pastry flour and having the to allow two or more npiece for the
Teche. the poem does not clearly re oven very hot are two other points grown-up members of the family. An
late. Many swamp lanes communicate. that contribute to good texture.
exact recipe cannot be given without
The Bayou Teche parallels'the Atchn- Here’s a recipe furnished by the knowiug the number of persons In
fnlnya, but It Is a true river out of United States Departm ent of Agricul­ your family. With these proportions
the reach of swamps and bordered by ture:
for snuce enough to go with six eggs
Druid oaks. The two early centers of
In mind, you cun count noses and esti
Acadian settlem ent were Opelousas 1 cupful m ilk
m ate the exact quantities needed.
4 teaspoonfuls of
and St. M artinsville on the hanks of 8 cupfuls s i f t e d ba k i n g powd er
Make a sauce hy blending three
the Teche. Now the flood has reached I 4 to 6 tablespoon- salt
tablespoonfuls of flour and two table
St. M artinsville for the first time In I
spoonfuls of melted butter and com
history and swirls at the foot of the fuls
blnlng with two cupfuls of tomato
‘Evangeline’ oak where her boatmen sifted together, the fa* Is worked In Juice and pulp and seasonings—one
landed. An Acadian descendant gave and the liquid is added to this fat- and one-half teaspoonfuls salt, one
the Evangeline oak, with 150 acres of nnd-flour mixture. Cutting the fat Into quarter teaspoonful of pepper, one
land, for a state park.
half tenspoonful celery s a lt If you
"W hile to readers of ‘Evangeline* the flour with knives, a uastry fork are planning to bake your eggs pm
the inhabitants of southwest Louisi­
about half the sauce in a shallow but
ana are still Acadians. to Louisianians
tered baking dish or pie plate and
they are ’Cajnns or ‘Cajuns, a corrup­
then break the eggs separately In 8
tion of Acadian. Four kinds of
saucer and slide them carefully, one
Frenchmen Inhabit the state: the Cre­
at a time. Into the sauce. If you have
oles, natives of French and Spanish
more than six eggs, use two dishes
descent; Frenchmen, who wore bom
Cover the eggs with the rest of the
In F rance; the San Domingan Creoles,
sauce and sprinkle three tablespoon
and Anally the Nova Scotian Acadi­
fuls of grated cheese over the top
ans, the ’Cajnns.
Bake In n moderate oven until the
"The typical Creole frequents the
eggs are set.
city; the ‘Cajan remains a country­
If you like, you can heat all the
snuce In a skillet and poach the eggs
Raise Perlque Tobacco.
In it, handling them carefully ns be
"The savor of the ’Cajan const comes
fore. In this case, spread rice or
to us even though wo never travel
noodles on a hot platter while the
there. It rises steaming from chicken
eggs are cooking, skiin out the eggs
gumbo soup—real gumbo soup—n
ns they nre done and slip them on
’Cnjnn creation. Tt rides on the blue
top of the rice or noodles, and pour
smoke w reaths from ninny pipes, for
the tomato snuce over the whole dish.
perlque tobacco Is also a ‘Cajan
"Under the sad banners of Spanish
Valuable Minerals Are
moss waving on Evangeline's oak at
Found in Raisin Bread
St. Martinsville, one hears a different
It may not always be convenient to
ending to the story Longfellow has
make a yeast-raised dough when you
given us In verse.
w ant raisin bread. Everybody likes
"Evangeline’s real name was Em-
raisin bread once In a while, however,
merllne Lnblche, 'Cajans say, and Ga­
and the raisins contribute valunble
briel was Louis Arconeaux. They were
mineral elements to the diet. A very
Making Baking Powder Biscuits.
deported on separate ships, but Em
good bread can be made by using bak
merllne landed In Maryland Emmer
line heard that Louis was In Loulsl or a biscuit cutter Is often recom­ Ing powder. It will dry out more
ana. so she set out to reach him, and mended to avoid warming or handling quickly than a yenst-ralsed bread, so II
after many hardships came to St It too much, but the tips of the fingers is well to make only as much as you
may be used If the work Is done nre sure will be eaten promptly. The
M artinsville
United States Department of Agrlcul
"Gabriel bad gone, according to quickly.
Either milk or w ater may be used tore furnishes the following directions
Longfellow, but Louis was there. In
fact, local legend holds Emtnerllne ns the liquid In baking powder bis­ for making It:
rushed to Louts, the first person she cuits, and the quantity varied to ob­
Quick Ralrsin Bread.
saw at the landing. Louis told her tain the biscuit desired. Sometimes 9H cupful, flour
4 tnbleapoonful,
melted butter
gently, that he had despaired of see a very stiff dough is wanted, and ns 1 teaepoooful salt
4 tablespoonfuls
Ing her again. He had married. When little liquid ns possible Is used. A
she heard this her arms slipped from lighter biscuit Is made by using more t, teaspoonful cln- IH sugar
cupfuls rnl
his neck. Her n*nd became blank liquid and combining very lightly.
sins, chopped
i egg s
Emmerllne day by day grew more Drop biscuits, which are not rolled I cupful milk
Sift the salt, cinnamon, flour and
frail. She drooped and died. This Is out, may be made by adding still more
liquid than for a soft dough.
baking powder together. Beat the egg
the 'Cnjnn story.
"They burled her in the little church
Bake the biscuits In a shallow pan and add the milk and sugar. Combine
yard near the tree where she found or on a baking sheet. The pan should the liquid and the dry Ingredients
Louis; the little churchyard where wn be lightly greased for drop biscuits, Stir In the raisins until well mixed
ter now laps at the ancient graves but this Is not necessary for the other Place the bread in a greased pan and
She hns slept there undisturbed be type. Biscuits require a very hot oven let It stand for 10 minutes. Bake at a
side the bright bayou where bloom (450 to 000 degrees F.). If you have moderate tem perature (about 2.r>0 de
acres of sky-blue water-hyacinths *n an electric table stove, try baking bis* grees Fahrenheit) for about -to min
years when there Is no flood."
suits right in the dining room.
“The Square Deal Barber”
Estacada’s Leading Tonsorial Artist
Popular Prices — Bobbing a Specialty
Shop on Broadway
Estacada, Ore.
Municipal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sta.—Phone Main 7733.
LINN'S INN, Estacada, Oregon.—DAILY
A . M. P.M. P.M.
•A.M. M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
3:00 5:30 Lv. Estacada 8:00
4:30 8:30*
2:30 6:50
Eagle Creek 8:15
4:45 8:45
2:40 7:00
4:55 8:55
8:05 7:25
5:15 2:16
Eagle Creek
8:15 7:35
Clackamae 8:55
6:25 8:35
3:30 7:50 A t . Portland 3:30
6:00 10:00
-Dally except Sunday
(A) Saturday Only.
SUNDAY—Leave Portland 10 a. m.
Leave Estacada 4:30 p. ra.
A Safe Place to Pul
Your Money
This Company has invested over S77.000.000
in this territory.
It has 90,000 light and power customers and
serves a population of over 400,000.
Its business is growing steadily every day.
We offer you an opportunity to invest your
money in this successful and well-managed busi­
ness at 6.67 per cent interest.
820 Electric Building
Electric Power Company