EAST CLACKAMAS NEWS, TH 1R S DAY, Tl'N'E 23, 10 27 HELP FOR S!GK WOMEN Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound Hat Restored the Health of Thousands Page 1 OUR COMIC SECTION 11 Brooklyn, N ew York.— Mrs. G. Heg- mann o f 228 Schaeffer St., was In a run- { down condition and could not do her \ h ou sew ork. She could not sleep at night. H er story la not an unusual one. Thousands of women find them­ selves In a sim ilar condition at some tim e In their lives. “ I found your ad­ vertisem ent In my letter box," wrote Irs. Hegiuann, "and took L yd ia E. Plnkh am ’s Vegetable Compound and got relief.” Mrs. Hegmann also took L yd ia E. Plnkham ’s Herb Medicine and L yd ia E. Plnkham ’s P ills for Constipa­ tion, w ith good results. She says, “ I am recommending your medicines to a ll I know who have symptoms the same as mine, and to others whom I think it w ill help. You may use my statement as a testimonial, and w ill answer any letters sent to me by women who would like Inform ation regarding your m edicines." T h ere are women In your state— perhaps In your town— who have w r it ten letters sim ilar to this one tellin g how much L yd ia E. Plnkham's Vege­ table Compound has helped them. The Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass., w ill gladly furnish other women w ith these names upon request, < Our Pet Peeve ' \vi Pa Buzz scores hit in scarf dance Mi/// / LIT spray clears your home o f mosquitoes and flies. It also killx bad bugs, roaches, ams, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. W ill not stain. Get Flit today. F 1/ DESTROYS Flics M osquitoes M oths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches t M f l \ I I 1 ' \ 1 I I I She W a t On ' S > Gaslest Gasoline H appy T h o u g h t Blake— W hat's the Itkiii o f putting that taxim eter on your car? Drake— Oh, It alw ays cheers me up when I think o f how much It might be costing me. BABIES CRY FOR “CASTORIA” THE FEATHERHEADS Takes O ut (CopwWbt, w. a. u.) now i M S o nta pu ll TUAT ONC ,©035 -TXKW IT rr/-cause ic 1 i oq leave — M other I Fletcher's Castorln hai been In use fo r o ver 80 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute fo r Cas­ tor OH, Paregoric, T eeth in g Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. Contains no nnreot Ics. Proven directions nro on each package. Physicians everyw here rec­ ommend It. T h e genuine bears signature o f Well, It’s Been a Hard Day and— so, fEU* -Vbu pLÜÄfX.// all pain instantly Just shake into your s m s / O $ O Sure Relief Phono Faber 3840 3Q0 rooms without bath . .$1.50 2 effective. *a fe remedy Is best ib cerna fiEPfanc**- New York U l f D R . A B B O T T ’S JO N S Ka^netic ¡Health Bolt Motorcycle & Supply Co. Third & Taylor Sta. - tx WAS CHlCKEMt VJHEEEÌ’ THAT mEM*T - Portland, Ore. I la r le y DavtdMon A g e n »s . N e w an d g u a rn n » teed used m otorcycle**. T e r m s to su it. F a c to r y eq u ip p e d Hhop in co u n e c tio n . S C H O O L FOR MEN B eiirl f o r l i t e r . *l u r e O F TECH N O LO G Y P o r t la n d ,O r n g o s TiirnnHiiiiiiT P e l f 11 ii For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc. Relieves Distress otter Hurried Meals or Overeating. Eehig a gentle laxative, it keeps the di­ gestive tract working normally. W e Pay Return Postage 343 Union Avenue N., Portland, Oregon At all Druggists. Start Now ' ^ i v v f c w ipa r n |n ^ j*,, tii, n M-< ured. 32oolleg*ia. SYSTEM OF C O LLEG ES 3Q6 |}urnstd« Street, Portland, Ora. Write for catalog, l/ in i r p N iiv i.L lv F o rg o t to M en tio n It correct b m artin« Auto Parts “ W asn't filers soma t«lk of Klsta marrying h duke?*' “ Yea, my dear hut the duke didn’t mention IL**— D ot Moines ((«»glster. AMD THEM HOW ABOUT BAT GOULASH COM'M HOME Au. ukkereo u p amo © ookiw t u ' ole PAMICf PAPHOT UMŒ8. TU' IMPRESSKDM -TRAT , cars used. W heels, Rims, A c c e s s o r lea, etc. W r it e or calL L IT T L E A U T O P A R T » C O . 7 3 1 G o lfi* .n G a i e A v e . S a n F r a n c is c o L«*ctures weekly. THEM HEU PlMHOOVf AUD HIS Wire STAGED A A r* , Trtiaing Ur BUSINESS, TRADES or PKOFESSIONS 30c & 90c. H A A R L E M OIL g Bai .Stockton Kt . near I M«ui riqaare. Butter .............. BOYI.K. Manager , 92.60 single. F 50 double, ri.UO single. «.SO double. lirwakfoalM 36c. Sue, tH.i Dinners hoc Sunday tl UU O R E G O N IN S T IT U T E Y . >1. L . A . H M * . G. G. GREEN, Inc. WOODBURY, N. j. haarlem oil has been a world­ wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. £ H ^ D E R C O R M S Rem oves Corns Cal­ louses, etc., stops a ll pain, ensures com fort to tbo feet, makes walking onxy. 16c by m ail or o t Dnig- gista. lils c o x Chemical Works, I’ atclrngue, N Y i p o u r s t e m otoiu ’ here a b o u t hal &UM STEER. LOíiwír EIGHT mew tu b e s whem UGHTMIUG BOOMED OUT MIS RADIO SET * TH' MIDISTER. HAPPE MEO TO Be PRESEUT So a l l H al C olild say w a s , - oh dear * ajmt TW AT H 0TF.L W IL T S H IR E , San Francisco Bend fo r B ooklets and Testim onials F R E E F a cto ry 2 1 1 B ro a d w a y - P ortlan d , O r*. amo FOR OVER 200 Y E A R S All F lie s I ” SSST Facilities HOTEL ROOSEVELT Pu t one on—the pain Is gene! Remove* Dandruff Stop* Haft Falling R estores C olor and B ea u ty to G r a y and F ad ed H a ir 0*)c ami f 1 00 at I Irugwifta Illaro» ( h..m Wkc FhU’h..g.je,N Y. FOR INDIGESTION from your d ee’er. Brooklyn N. f fo r a ll cars, n ew and used. W heels, Rim s, A c c e s s o r i e s , etc. W r ite o r calL P A C IF IC A U T O W R E C K IN G C O . B r o u d w a y a n d F la n d e rs S t . P o r t la n d , O ra * ñato París LOS A N G ELES 700 R O O M S , SOMERS 337 H 'i » S tre e t, e t Jone* O U T S ID E RO O M . P R I V A T E H A T H 12.00 A POPULAR PRICE HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Main 8treot, between Sixth and Seventh P A R K E R ’S H A IR B A L S A M irwher*, DAISY F LY KILLER attract* and ie*. ?:*at, «Jean, ornamental, eonv«ni«nt and I eheap LofltraJlMa» 1 ton. Made o f metal, can’t «pill or tip over* , will notao‘ 1 oriniora f anything. Guaranteed. In*l*t a non Portland, Oregon SA N FR A N C IS C O H O T EL M EN TO N E HOTEL Boila and carbuncles cause agony, som etim es death. T a k e no chances w ith homo-made poul­ tices o r exp en siveoperation s. O ne application o f C A R B O IL (a sciuntific antis* p tic) qu ickly stops pain and d ra w s ou t coro. G e t a generous COc box fro m yo u r d ru g g is t today and keep it on hand. M oney back i f not satisfied. D on 't accept su bstitutes—a 3k f o r CAUBOiL b y name. 0 P U R L O C K - N E A L C O .. N a s h v i u i , T i m m . Landlord— I ’m sorry, but your bill Is due. M y motto ta ” Pny ns you go.’ Lodger— Quite r ig h t ; but I’ve no In tentlon o f going yet. IA R O LD Broadway and Salmon SELIG BROS., San Francisco CARBUNCLESI^iDEATH » W ou ld L in g e r A w h ile on IRTHWESTE1 YSihoofôi ZommtTce) ? I Fully .iicrtJmd by S . A ..i C. S. W holesale T ailors H a v e our local dealer take your measure fo r a “ S atisfaction Guaranteed " A L L - W O O L S U IT » Priced to su it your purse. evory woman A beautiful com plexion the desire o f < und the adm iration o f ovory man. “ K I K E M O L V * . r .o only n ly 11.26 thousands o f women will produce it fo 11.25 as thounun will testify. F R E E l i O O K L K T . Aak your d ealer or write Dr. C. LL Horry Co.,D«lrt» W,!MT6 Michigan Ave., Chicago. THE MITO«Pft€,MMU»Q KrtfOCR Internal troubles, stimulate vital Three sixes. All druggists- Insist the original genuine G old M edal . Enroll Today S A M F R A N C I S C O ’ S N E W F IN E H O T E L E v e ry room w ith hath o r shower. $2T'<) to (3.6QL Jones a t Eddy. Gurage n ext door. SFDOPEASE Hot water Sure Relief Send for Catalog <#/ APS SILLIN » VIOODEN ’ BOTTLES eJOVM ? çV s 6 B e l l - a m s One o f America's Exceptional Business Colleges Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads «top all pain quicker than any other known method. Takes but a minute to quiet the wor3t com . Healing starts at once. When the com is gone it never comes back. I f new shoes make the spot “ touchy** again, a Zino-pad stops it instantly. T h a t’s because Zino-pads rs m o ve th e ca u s e - pressing and rubbing o f shoes. Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pads are medi­ cated, antiseptic, protective. A t all druggist’s arid shoe dealer's— 35c. For tired athtog fender perspiring F E E T — Aw Oregon & California Directory G ood h e a lth d e p e n d « upon good dfffostlon . S a fe g u a rd y o u r d ig e s tio n w ith W r ig h t 's In » dlan V e g e ta b le P ills anil y o u s a fe g u a r d y o u r h ea lth . 372 P e a r l St., N . Y. A d v . It Is reported by cable (but a Krench marine engineer. Raoul Perrier, has discovered n substance that will make gnsollne nonltiflatuinuhle.— Compressed A ir Magazine. Prepared Especially for Infant* and Children of All Ages Doctor— You umlorstuml. don't you, hat this Is only to be used externallyf Putlent's W ife— Yes, sir, 1 always umke him get out o’ bed to drink IL— Itoston Transcript. w idth. biJkbH " ju T o u n * » * r can k n o w h o w * u p «r io r Is Dr. Pfearjr'a " D e a d S h o t" fo r W o r m « un til you n avs tria d It. *71 P e a r l Ft.. N . Y. Adv. Deafness—Head Noises R F .U F .V l [} H Y LEONARD EAR OIL “ Rub Back o f Kum " IN S E R T TV N O S T R IL S At All Drua • - I folder «bout “ D E A F N E S S ” on r-quiat A 0 !J)0VA«n. INC.. 70 FiFTTI A V I. N. 1. W here Is the weakest spot In your i hnrnrter? A re you working on your i levees? W. N. U., P O R T L A N D , NO. 25-1927, Have You Blemishes or A Clear Smcaih Skin? If you wish a nkln clJrnM: Catl«ara Udxrf Otort— , P » p t B i, MolcJ.n, M m * M T Cuticura S k a vlu g S tick 25c.