Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 19, 1927, Page Page 7, Image 7

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U A S A man thlnketh, he is,” my
So if you would win Success,
You must TH IN K and W ORK to that
very end,
And you'll have Success—no less.
Or Your Money Back
Here is a surgeon's wonderful pre­
scription now dispensed by pharma­
cists at trifling cost, that w ill do
more towards helping you get rid of
unsightly spots and skin discuses than
anything you've ever used.
Not only does this great healing an­
tiseptic oil promote rapid and heulthy
healing in open sores and wounds, but
bolls, abcesses and ulcers that are
discharging are almost immediately
relieved and cleanly healed.
In skin diseases its action is little
less than magk-af.
T fle . itching of
eczema is instantly stopped; the
eruptions dry up and scale off In a
very few days.. The same Is true of
barbers' itch, salt rheum and other
irritating and ..unsightly skin tron-.,
You can obtain M«one's Emerald
Oil In the original bottle at any mod­
ern drug store.
It is safe to use,
and failure In any o f the ailments
noted above is next to.-Impossible.
Your druggist can supply you at any
time. __________________________
Object in Holding
P article of Land
What would you do If some friend
died and bequeathed you a trllllonth
o f an acre of land?
You couldn’t
build a summer home, but you might
start a microbe farm. Although land
Is not portioned out In such minute
parcels today, transactions Involving
pieces o f property runging In size
from a trllllonth of an acre to a
square Inch were common In Contra
Costa county, Calif., 38 years ago.
The trllllonth o f an acre, probably
the smallest piece o f described land
on record, was purchased nt a tax
sale. The land was a portion of the
T ar much at San Pablo. The pur­
chaser paid $24.80, which represented
tnx delinquency and costs o f sale. The
small piece o f land would be merely
large enough, to place the point of a
fine needle on. In accepting minute
pieces In the center of lnrge ranches
the bidders secured a lien which
clrfnded the title, and were often paid
well before a private sale could be
transacted.— Oakland Tribune.
D r. P c c ry ‘8
S t W " l> not a In jrn g «
er >ymp. but n
o lil-f«jh lo n e il m cdlcln.
w h ich clenna out W o rm s or Tapew orm with
a single doaa. 17) P e a rl St., N . Y. Adv.
So TH IN K Success— But don’t stop
Pitch In nnd work for It, too;
There's nothing too great to do nnd
To help you “ put It through.”
If you’ll “ use your dome" to T H IN K
And your hands and heart and soul
To tuekle the Job and W ORK for Suc­
You're going to reach your gonl I
But don’t let a thought o f failure In,
And shut every fear-tliought out:
For there's one thing sure— no man
can win
Success through distrust nnd doubt.
In a sense, love Is everything. It Is
the key to life, and its influences are
those that move the world. Live only
in the thought of love for all and you
will draw love to you from all. Live
in the thought of malice and hatred
and malice and hatred will come back
( © by McClure N e w sp a p e r Syndicate.)
-o -
(C o p y r ig h t.)
the best of all foods for chil­
M n,K,
dren, is always a good foundation
for any number of desserts, whole­
some alike for old and young, and for
those of weakened digestion.
A smooth, good custard is made by
using a pint of milk with two eggs,
adding a pinch of salt anil such flavor­
ing as suits the taste. I f one wishes
u custard thick enough to mold, add
three to four eggs to a pint of milk.
The more egg the more nutriment, so
it Is a dish to he recommended for
those who would be built up.
CTHE W H Y o f
I F YOU nre sitting on the plnzzn of
* a farmhouse and see one of those
little creatures known ns the measur­
ing worm looping Its way over your
clothing, brtrsh It off right away. If
you don’t you are likely to die before
your time— ns nny country bred person
Baked Custard.
can tell you.
They will probably
Beat four eggs slightly, add a half laugh at the superstition as they re­
cupful of sugar, a pinch o f salt, a half count It, hut, nevertheless, watch how
teaspoonful of grated nutmeg or cin­ quickly they brush off u measuring
namon, and one quart o f milk. Set worm if one gets on them.
into the oven In a pan o f water and
TIds old superstition arises from
bake until firm enough to cut with a that association of ideas with tilings,
knife, and the knife comes out clean. so common with our prehistoric nnces-
Overcooking will curdle or coarsen the tors nnd so naturnl to the human
custard, making it less digestible and mind in all ages— not by any means
fur less attractive in appearance. A excepting this Rge.
perfect custurd should be ns smooth
The little larva o f the geometric
and even grained as cream. Remem­ moth lias feet only nt bow and stern,
ber to remove the custards from the so when he moves lie draws up his
water pan when taken from the oven, hind feet, places them close to Ills
or they will continue to cook in the front feet and then sends his front
hot water. Set into cold water to feet on ahead for a fresli foothold:
chill uud serve well chilled.
apparently measuring oft the person
upon whom he crawls in slow and
Ginger Custzrd.
solemn manner.
Line buttered custard cups with
Why is he making this peculiar mo-
strips of Canton ginger, then pour In tinn, so different from the method of
carefully a thick custard, using four locomotion with oilier worms? The
eggs, a pint o f milk, one-tliird of a submerged, primitive mind arises
cupful o f sugar, a pinch o f salt and from the “ unconscious” and answers,
two teaspoonfuls of the ginger sirup. “ He is measuring out the life of man’’ ;
Lucking the sirup, flavor to taste “ He is measuring for a shroud.” It
with orange or lemon. Beat the eggs Is useless to argue that he may be
very slightly, add sugar, salt, milk measuring you for a new suit of
and flavoring, then strain into molds. clothes; for the primitive mind’s natu­
Set into hot water and hake until firm. ral tendency Is to look on the dark
Serve with a spoonful of the sirup side o f tilings nnd regard the unusual
over the top of each.
ns the threatening. The writer has
heard children cry with awe: “ Brush
Caramel Custard.
off that measuring worm!
If you
This is a custard which Is particu­ don’t, when lie takes his last measure
larly well liked. It may he made by you die.”
adding the caramel (melted sugar
( © by M cC lu re N e w s p a p e r S y n d ica te.)
until brown) to the custard prepared
as above or the sugar may he browned
and poured Into the molds; have them
hot and turn until the bottom and
sidps nre well coated with the caramel,
then turn In the custard and hake as
usual. As it Is well to remember that
caramelizing sugar destroys some of
Its sweetness, more sugar should be
used than is usual.
Prefared Especially for Infants
and Children of All Ages
Fletcher's Castoria has
>een in use for over SO years as a
ileasant, harmless substitute for Cas-
or OH. Paregoric, Teething Drops and
loothlng Syrups. Contains no narcot-
rs. Proven directions are on each
iickage. Physicians everywhere r e »
The genuine bears signature o f
o©. j|27.
.? ?
N - w - p » p » r U n lo a )
Tender Flower
“ Well. Algy. I hear you have taken
up walking as the doctor ordered.
The young lady across the way says How does it go?"
It must be awful when a flapper must
“ Seems a bit awkward at first with
decide whether to ahow.her new-style out a windshield.'*—The American Boy
boh or wear her new hat.
McClare S t s » * » «
tra d te s ts )
uali H riM-kroaclir».
PETERMAN’S ANT FOOD exterminate*
• lit*.
F I.Y O S A N k i l l s f l i c » a n d ituMwjtiit«»*-*.
P E T E R M A N ’ S D IS C O V E R Y ex te rm i­
nate* bedln ifZ*.
P E T E R M A N ’ S M O T H F O O D p rotect*
against m oth*.
You must have a specific in­
s e c tic id e f o r e a c h in s e c t. N o
single insecticide w ill exterm i­
nate them all. W e know that is
tru e . ^ e h a v e had n e a rly 50
years’ experience.
Cities Losing Residents
R a b b it Econom ics
Tillages and small towns are again
showing increase in population, con­
trary to popular understanding. As a
matter of fact the Institute of Social
and Religious Research has found
from heretofore unpublished census
figures that the rate of city popula­
tion Increase In 1!k)0 to 1020, fell from
84 per cent to 52.1 per cent, while the
rural rate was pushed up to 20.7 per
The discrepancy is due to govern-
ment bookkeeping, according to Rob-
ert McCulluch who made a study for
the survey. The government auto-
niatleally changes n town or village
to a city when it readies 2,500 popu­
Australia Is unable to prove hv
figures whether the rabbit is a pest
or a perquisite. In four years she
shipped abroad ns food frozen rabbits
reaching a total valuation of ffl.oo«,-
000, nnd rabbit skins valued at £7,(H«t-
000. But In one province alone, New
South Wales, 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 miles of rabbit-
proof fence had to lie erected to keep
the little creatures from devastating
farms. The cost of that f< nee mis
; CO.000,000. Another fence, cest not re­
j ported, nnd surely one of the longest
lu ttie world, was stretched i lit* whole
distance o f 012 miles between Bourke
and Corrowa.
G ra n u la ted o y o lM i, Ptl h , Inflam ed e y e *
re lie v e d o v e rn ig h t by Ilo m an Ey-i HuLmnu
One tr ia l convinces. 372 P e a r l St., N. Y. A d v .
S om ething N ew in Fow ls
T h e M e th o d
A new type of fowl Is being raised ]
In Alberta to supplant the high-priced j Heiress— "And we ll keep our mar­
holiday turkey. A cross between a riage a secret.” I »uve (to himself)—
turkey nnd u chicken, the “ turken” re­ “ To everybody but my creditors.”
sembles the turkey in head and body,
Faith Is a higher faculty tliun rea­
hut in size, Comb and wuttles it is
son.— Bailey.
more like the chicken.
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
Accept only “Baver” package
which contains proven directions.
Handy “ Bayer" boxes of 12 tall ts
Also bottles of 24 and 10(1 Druggiats.
Aspirin Is Ih » t r a i» mark o f D a r»r Manufacture o f 11.... .. . .
H ignest Clouds
The hlgliest altitude at which clonda
float Is nine to ten miles Htiove (he
earth, attained by cirrus clouds, easily
recognizable by their faint, feathery
shape, according to an answered
question In Liberty Magazine.
The United Slates uses up about
four-fifths of the world's gasoline pro­
»h r o f .SallcjlkacJd
IV A y I t ’s T h e re
Customer—The breud you sold in,
had sand in It.
Grocer— Yes, ma’am, that was to
keep the butter from slipping o ff!—
Progressive Gro«-er.
Large quantities of Ainerlenn seed
trees art- being sent to the battle­
fields of I'lirnpe by the American T r e ,
Aged Couple, Suffering Acutely from Rheumatism, Neu­
ritis and Indigestion, Find Quick and Permanent
Relief in Tanlac and Praise It Highly
HE expression "A little bird told
me" is based on the popular Idea
that the bird from Its point o f vantage
In the upper air found out all sorts of
strange and mystical things and then
revealed them to tb«<*e who under­
stood. This is a very «Id Idea and we
even read o f It In the Bible, per.
“ A wart on the chin doesn't en
10:20: -Curse not the King, no not In hance beauty," says Sentimental Hal
thy thought; and curse not the rich | ly, “but It’s surprising what u help
In thy bedchamber: for a bird of the they are in keeping kisses from skid
air shall carry the voice, and that ding.”
which hath wings shall tell the mat­
ter.’’—Anna S. Tumqulst.
O akland G. A . R . V eteran
and W ife Regain Health
Do You Know
one roach gets a little powder on
his legs. Rack to his nest he goes,
l ie crawls over the others und
eggs. F very roach he touches
dies and disintegrates.
H ere is the right Insecticide
for each insect:
200 Fifth A t ... N. V. City
---------- O---------- -------------
((£). 1927, W entern N e w s p a p e r U nlop )
Efficiency generally does not pro­
ceed at lightning pace.
P e t e r m a n ’s has th e r i g h t
I n s e c tic id e f o r e a c h in ­
sect. O n s a le w h e re v e r
d r u g s a r e s o ld .
You’ve got to KNOW you can nnd will,
And value yourself nt par
Whatever the Job you have to fill;
to y o u .— T r in e .
HE idea prevails that when one is
Inclined to lug a bit In one's field
of routine duty one needs a season of
absolute idleness, as if loafing were
the open sesame to perfect rest and
the fairyland of youthful dreams.
Generally speaking, no thought
can be more erroneous and misleading.
There Is nothing quite so befogging
! and injurious to the active mind as a
1 sudden cessation o f its energy or cur­
tailment of its habitual effort.
Rest Is not to be found In Indo­
lence but In a chunge of activity,
where both body and mind perform a
new form of work.
When the thinker becomes tired and
feels that he cannot proceed another
step In the direction he has been so
long pursuing, he is In need of change
in his mental environment, where he
will encounter new thoughts in new
. The brain requires a new diet, a
savory dish o f some sort' which will
be easily digested and leave u pleas­
ant taste.
Frequently a radical change in
reading will .work this transformation
In a day Or two, and rekindle the
slumbering fire from live embers hid­
den In the asiies.
I f you are worn out In the tiresome
chase of letters, turn awhile to figures,
where you are compelled by the mere
novelty of the change to conjure up
some long-forgotten rule in algebra.
Should that fail to satisfy, take a
peep Into the body of your old Latin
reader, or dtp into astronomy, where
you are forced to think in new dimen­
sions and move out into the Immeas­
urable vastness o f which our own
little globe is but a speck no larger
than a grain of mustard seed.
In a little while you will find that
this novel operation o f the mind gives
| rest to your thinking faculties, broad­
strengthens your whole being.
L ife assumes a new meaning. The
dull skies become golden and glad­
some. Frowning faces wear winsome
smiles, and in the very Joy of your
new existence you go back to your old.
dry humdrum work, which in some
way realizes that you are the master
to whom It must yield in the future
with utmost complacency.
A real financier wants his million
to perform wonders with ; average
man would Just loaf on It.
'nipiesfF ft.
O N 'T walk through it. Don’ t
suit’ll it. Don't touch it. Co
hungry fo r days first.”
She's right. Peterm an’ s Roach
Food exterminates every roaeii
in your house. N othing is left
but u little dry dust.
Some housewives m ake the
m istake o f fighting cockroaches
with aspruy. Those are the houses
roaches stay in. T h ey live down
behind baseboards, uuder the
floors. N o spray can possibly
reueh them, o r their young, or
th eir eg*;*.
Only a powder can exterm i­
nate them. Peterm an’s Roach
Food is the righ t powder. Just
Success doesn’t come to those who
It’s not at your heck and call—
You must add to your “ thinking’’ some
darn good work
And EARN Success— that's all.
August Flower
Heals Eczema
in 7 Days or Less
"Stay autty from
P eterm a n 's! It
has killed yo u r
whole f a m i l y ! ”
When you nre ready, you'll find it
Walling outside your door,
And you can take Just ns big a share
As you deserve— hut no more.
my son,
Mrs. Nina MaXteaon. Box 206, Ox­
ford, N. Y., writes— " I f It had not been
for your medicine,
I could not haye
done my work as it
shbuld have been
done, Mother t< 2 ld
me o f Lydia E.
Flnkham’s V e g e ­
t a b l e Compound,
and I Had read in
d 1 f f e r e n t papers
what It had done
for different women.
She wanted me to
'ry It, so my hus­
band got me one bottlo at first; then I
took two others. Now I am feeling
quite strong again."
Mrs. Ernest Tanguay o f Adams,
Mass., says Bhe was ill for four years
and could not sleep night* oy go out on
the street. Bho road about the Vege­
table Compound and decided to try
It. A fter taking eight bottles she was
able to do all her work and go any­
where and is quite herself again.
This dependable Vegetable Com­
pound Is a household! word In thousands
of homes. The fourth generation Is
now learning the merit o f Lydia E.
iinkham ’s Vegetable Compound.
For more than half a century, this
reliable medicine has been used by
women with very satisfactory results.
I f the Vegetable Compound has helped
other women, why shouldn’t It help,
30c & 90c. At all Druggists.
\ *
T h eir Sickness Banished by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s V e ge ­
table Compound
For Indlgeetlou, Dyspepsia, etc.
Relieves Distress after Hurried
Meals or Ovsrsating.
Being a
gentle laxative, it keeps the d i­
gestive tract working normally.
Page 7
Safe Parachute
A new type o f pa rat bate has been
developed In Switzerland that works
by machinery. It Is so controlled that
after It is launched from a balloon or
airplane It automatically stops falling
within a few feet of the ground, there
by preventing the contents of the bat
ket from being damaged.
“ From the day I was fortunate
eno gli to line up with Tanla«x” say*
Mr. Emil Langhane, ex-cavaTrymun
an>i retired custom, olfi< ial, “ it lias
kept my health and strength up to
highest standard.”
Sitting in hi, com fort a tile home al
221!) 107th Avenue, Oakland, Calif.,
Mr. Langhanitold howTiudachad re­
built strength and vigor for himself
andhischarrning wife. ‘‘Tanlac worked
wonders for my wife,” he said. ‘‘.She
suffered from high blood pressure,
neuritis and general run-down condi­
tion. TVnlac relieved her.
“ I had sciatic rheumatism —suffered
for five years with it so that I could
sleep but little on account of the pain.
Kidney trouble, indigestion ami loss
of appetite had reduced my strength
to a low el>b.
“ .Since taking Tanlac my health, as
well as that of my wife, has been re­
markable. Though I am M llnd, I
could resume my old work any time.
No rheumatism nor kidney trouble
—ui p u t two yean. I never inis, an
Opportunity to praise Tati lai. ”
(lld and young, troni coast to roast,
unite in praising thia farnous remedy
of nature. Mode of ruota, barkx ami
heriis. according to theexrluaivc T ’Ol­
iar formula, it is an amatine toni,
medicine. All good druggists apll Tan­
lac. Oet a bottle todayl Over 40
nuilion bottina solò.