Easímt (LÍadututaa Nrma Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1927 VOL. XXI CARDWELL KILLED A! JJD EE CAMP FLOOD BENEFIT TO BE AT LiBERTY Announcement was made yester­ day by Bob Marchbank manager o f the Liberty theatre, that a benefit show would be staged by him on the evening o f May 31. The entire proceeds o f this show will be given to aid the Miss:ssippi flood victims The receipts front the show will probably constitute the larger por- tion o f Estacada’s quota and should be well attended. Although the Dr G.. F. Midford CLACKAMAS CLUBS TO c“ Yields to Illness MEET AT H A L L A NUMB ily .73 M.y 2 7 , EXPLAINED TO PUBLIC The last meeting o f the Commu­ nity Club before nevt September Following an illness o f nearly six will be held one week from Friday 'N°ntbs, Dr. G. F. Midford died at Ross K. Cardwell, 40, superintend­ The time will soon be at hind at which time plans will be made for Featuring talks by prominent " “ 1 . 1 . 4. ------- b‘s home last night, ent fo r the LaDee Lumber company, Clackamas county speakers, a har- „ e,lte_ nam,uent o f the annual |^h« n ‘ he Traffic Laws passed by the Ur. Midford, a native o f Iceland, Greater Union o f clubs meeting to Legislature will become iffe itiv e and met ins'ant death beneath the wheels came t0 thi8 country at an early age. monica contest, special music, and a be held in Estacada in July. believing that the public shoul 1 be o f a bunkhouse car on the tracks o f He Wils graduated from the Univer- dinner, the Greater Clackamas Union Although most o f the evening is informed o f the various changes o f Clubs will hold a meeting at Mo- the company about eight miles out s‘‘ y ° ‘ N °rth Dakota, and later from to be de.oted to busimss, a few mu­ which have been made in our Motor the University o f Minnesota with the lal’a on Wednesday, May 25. The o f Estacada Saturday. sical numbers will be provided. Vehicle Laws and which will bo in Molalla Community club will act as degree o f Doctor o f Medicine. Cardwell was on a speeder and the forco about June 1, 1927, the traf­ hosts. Coming to this city three years ago, bunkhouse car, the brakes o f which j Picture has not ? et befn secured, Mr. fic officers o f Clackamas County ENDEAVORERS HOLD RALLY The meeting will be held in thè | Marchbank says it will be a good one. he took up the practise of the late Dr. with tho assistance o f the Eastern had become defective or it had in I Other local acts will appear on Morso and attained an enviable repu­ new high school building, starting A Clackamas Union Christian En Clackamas News will present a series some other manner become released, the stage. Admission will be 25c. tation in his chosen profession. with a dinner at 6:30 a r leaver Rally was held at the Chrs o f articles informing the motoring He is survived by his wife and two in the auditorium at 9:80. Talks came upon him, knocking him under tifln church here Tuesd:iy evening. public o f these changes. children, Yvonne, age 2, and Dagmar, will be given on the following sub­ the wheels and causing death. GRANGE WILL PICNIC Don Nelson, State Union president We feel that every motorist will aged 6 months. jects: “ Why the Farmer Needs the Coroner Pace investigated the co-operate with us when they tho­ The body was taken to the Holman City,” “ Why the”cUy*Needs'the Var- JT!**!.* spee,ch„e3 in wh‘ch The Eagle Creek Grange will case, and deciding that it was entire­ Undertaking Parlors in Portland to­ mer,” “ What Clackamas County o f­ he particularly boosted for the o ffi roughly understand these laws and have a picnic Saturday afternoon, ly accidental, did not order an in- day, but no time had been set for fers the Tourist,” “ The Grange as cial organ of the International C. E we sincerely ask (he assistance o f May 21. A dance will be held in every car driver in helping us make Development Force in the County,” “ The Christian Endeavor World quest.' The body was turned over 1 Coggwell hall in the evening. Beer’s the funeral up to late this afternoon. tho highways o f this county and Viola Ogd^n, state secretary spoke Announcements to that e ffe ct will “ Clackamas County in 1937.” to a Portland undertaking firm and orchestra will play. on some interesting plans for the state safer for the motoring public. be made in the Portland papers. the funeral will be held there. Harmonica Contest summer. The traffic officers patroling your BASEBALL GAME SUNDAY Cardwell leaves his widow, Ida M. Each member o f the club is urged Societies from all over the county highways aro placed there by their COOKED FOOD SALE to enter a contestant In the harmo- Cardwell, three brothers, James o f departments for your benefit to as­ At 2:30 on Sunday afternon the sist you in every way possible while Redding, Calif.; Carol o f Brady, Davidson Bread company baseball Announeement is made by women J*“ * ° " te**’ B™ i8ter, aad An‘ WHERE TO WORSHIP using the public highways o f your Wash.; and Orville o f Bend, Ore., team wiil play Estacada on the home o f the local W. C. T. U. that a cooked J 0" " ’ ° rfeg° \ C,ty JeWelers’ have offered a fine harmonica as a prize. state. CHRISTIAN CHURCH and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Truax field. To every person who buys food s~le will be held at the drug Other special music will be pro­ This being the first o f a series o f Kenneth J, Husby, Pastor an admission to the game at the store on Saturday, May 28, beginning o f Albany, Ore. Decedent was a articles, one of which will be pub­ price o f 25c, a chance will be given at 10 o ’clock. The sale will be In vided by a quartet o f Molalla ladies. member o f the Masonic Lodge of to make a guess how many loaves o f charge o f Mrs. E. E. Hannah. Mrs, P. O. Riley, secretary o f the Ma- Next Sunday at the Christian lished in this paper every week, per­ Kelso, Wash., and Elk’s Lodge o f bread can be carried in the Davidson Hassell is the local president o f the J ri° n County Federation o f Clubs will church every church member in thi taining to the above mentioned | attend and give a short talk about vicinity whose church is not repre changes in the motor vehicle laws, Chehalis, Wash., and other organi- Bread wagon that brings fresh ba- organization, I the work the Marion County club is sented in Estacada is cordially inv’ the balance o f our available space zations. He was well known as a kery products to Estacada every day. doing. ted to the morning worship hour at will be given to “ Definition o f PAY STATION CHANGED lumber expert and made his h om e! The 2 closest guessers will get 1 Terms” as used in the motor vehicle at the camp. His permanent homo loaf of Davidson’s bread free each Sixteen clubs, covering all parts 11 o’clock. A communion service is planned laws and which are misunderstood According to an announcement o f Clackamas county belong to the was at Kelso, and he was a native clay for 2 weeks. It is a unique made yesterday by Ivan L. Swift, Greater Clackamas Union o f Clubs and the sermon subject is to be “ Th by a large number o f people. son o f Albany. contest and well worth trying. gcc-iaaei.:,--. . ~ - Gresham manager fo r the Portland and much interest is shown in these Monumental E..’.fence o f Christian Highway— Any road or highway de­ Electric Power Co., Estacada patrons meetings. Two future dates have ity,” which will be followed by the signated by the state or county for o f the company will pay their bills been spoken for, one o f them to be Lord’s Supper. You will enjoy th s the use o f the public. at the S. and S. Hardware company an open air picnic lunch during the service and it will be one to be re Hard Surface Highway— Any road membered. Come bring your family or highway constructed or surfaced from now on, as the pay station has 1 summer months and friends. been moved there " o f any material which is commonly from Sagner’s The evening service will be held in called pavement. store. ___________ _ _ _ jpaign to raise a $4,000,000 fund to the high school auditorium. Rev V ehicle— Any mechanical device o f . , ¡carry on a four-year national adver- Moore o f Independence will bring th< any kind moving by any other than A p p l e Urower» Will ^ 1 tislng program for the apple industry baccalaureate sermon to the gradúa Raise Four Million o f the country will start immediately ting class o f 1927. Plan to attem human power over the highways o f the state. —■—■— according to an announcement made both services Sunday. Motor Vehicle— Any self propelled INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 11— here today by Paul C. Stark, preii- vehicle moving over the highway« Representing and for the benefit o f dent o f Apples for Health, Inc,, SPRINGWATER CHURCH o f the state, excepting road rollers, apple growers everywhere throughout which is sponsoring the campaign. Thomas I. Kirkwood, Pastor farm tractors, fire engines, and po­ lice ambulances. Sunday school at 10 a. Mi Motor Truck— Every motor vehicle hearer, superintendent. designed and used for carrying, con­ Service o f worship at 11. Sub veying, or moving over the highways jset: “ The Certainty o f Belief.’ o f the state any freight, property, The Christian Endeavor will met UPPER EAGLE CREEK GEORGE ITEMS article or thing which has a maximum in the evening at the church. O load carrying capacity o f one ton or Friday evening, May 20, there w l more. Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Mis» Edythe ,Th® du'!IOrtJC.1?ri,,,t!“ " Endleavorers be a Christian Endeavor busine“ Peters called at the home o f Roy * * Z ‘ 5* th* Ch? S' necting and social at the home o Solid Tired Vehicles— Any vehicle having two or more solid or metal Douglass Wednesday evening. tian ch“ rch at Estacada 0n Tue9da> Mr. and Mr*. Wiley Howell, . evening/ tires. j „ Funeral »ervice* for M ri- E11#n Mr. and Mrs. W. Held accompanied Trailer— Any four wheeled veh’cle M. Clarke, Who died May 8, follow- by Mrg Harold j 0}fnir motored to GEORGE CHURCH o f a load carrying capacity o f one Ing an operation, were held last Wed- Greshttm on Mondav. ton or more which is not propelled nesday at Finley’s Chapel in Port- Ml, and Mrg, Roy Ginther and Sunday school at 2 p. m. Classe by its own power but is drawn be­ land. Internment was made in the dau(fhter Marian o f Portiand gpent for all ages. Church service at 3 hind or pushed in front o f a self- Riverview cemetery. 8unday at the home o f their gigter ?! propelled vehicle. EAGLE CREEK CHURCH ..• j Mrs. Clark was a well known and brother, Mr. and Mrs. H. John Semi-Trailer—-Any two wheeled resident here and was held in high son. trailer or vehicle having a load car­ Sunday school at 10:30 a. m., Mi esieem by all her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horger and rying capacity o f one ton or more Her husband, R. S. Clark, and two little son, Marvin, were week-end 'angers superintendent. Christia- used in connection with a four sons, Murray H. and Carl R. Clark, guests at the home o f Mrs. Marie Endeavor at 7:16. Church servic wheeled vehicle for carrying part of at 8 o ’clock. Klinker and family. survive her. the load thereof. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen had Tire Width— Shall mean the mea­ Mr. and Mrs, Raymond DeShazer, COMMUNITY CHURCH sure taken on the cross section of Mr. and Mr*. Ray Woodle, Mr». Jane as guests from Portland on Sunday I Charles E. Butterfield, Pastor the tread o f the wheel. Akers, Mr*. Katie Paddison, Mr». T. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Farmer, Mr. Me [ Total Tire Width— Shall mean the C. McKay, and Mrs. Roxanna Cle»ter Connell, Mrs. Hicks and »on Edward, The Community church is oppe Mr. Frank Howard ha» gone away sum o f the widths of all wheels of were among tho»e who attended the site the Estacada Hotel on Main St to work. vehicle. funeral in Portland. There will be full gospel service Mrs. H. Paulsen, who has spent Owner— Shall mean any person, Mr. and Mr». Roy Douglass had every evening at 8 o’clock and a firm, association or corporation a» guest» Saturday Mr. and Mrs. several years at the home o f her 2:30 and 8 o’clock on Sunday. Th having the lawful use or control of Charlie Moehnke, and Mr. and Mrs. son, Julius Paulsen, returned to her messages o f the week will include any motor vehicle under contract or Dawson Fairchild and little daughter home in Portland last Saturday. The Grange held its regular meet Blood Atonement, Divine Healing release or otherwise for a period o f Patty Jean. Signs o f the Times, Return o f th< ten or more successive days. Eagle Creek Grange, having ac­ ing Saturday night. Lord Jesus, Holy Living, Baptism Legal Owner— Shall mean the owner cepted an invitation from the "Lents if the Holy Spirit. These spirit f a legal title to a vehicle. EL WOOD ITEMS Grange, went to Lents last Saturday filled messages are satisfying to th Intersection— Shall mean the point with it* Degree team and initiated School closed Friday with five pu­ hearts that are hungry and thirsty or place where one highway or pub­ two candidates in the first and se­ for God. lic way joins the other at an angle, cond degree* and put on the drill» pils taking the eighth grade examine -Allan H. Banks, Teacher Evangeli»' whether or not it crosses same. fo r those two degrees. There wai tions. The school picnic was held COPYRIGHT in the UNITED STATES W.N.U. SERVICE e lirge attendance at the meeting, May 6 and was well attended and Several stu­ visitors coming from several other thoroughly enjoyed. W. C. T. U. MOTHERS MEET granges. A fine program was given dents received diplomas for regular and everyone was much pleased with attendance and good work. On May 12 Mrs. E. E. Hannah, May 25— Meeting of Greater The clearing on the Market Road the work put on by the Eagle Creek superintendent o f the mother's meet­ Union o f Clubs at Molalla. was finished Wednesday. team. ings department o f the W. C. T. U., The Fisher Brothers, contractors Mr*. Katie Paddison was a Port­ entertained in honor o f the mothers May 22 and 23— "The Better o f Estacada. land visitor the first o f the week. gave a party for their employees and Mr. and Mr». R. B. Gibson were their families Wednesday night. Ice W ay" is coming to the Liberty Thea Mrs. E. B. Andrews, County pre- the dinner guest* o f Mr, and Mr». cream and cake were served and dan­ tre. sidnt o f the organization, was there cing and cards were the chief en­ Ray Woodle Sunday. and gave a very interesting talk on May 24-25-26— “ The Lost W orld” the union. Rev. F. A. Simms gave Mr. and Mr«. James Taylor visited tertainment. Prank Bitner and family o f Sandy nt the Liberty theatre. Mr. and Mr». Will Douglas* Sunday. talk on “ The Mothers o f the Bible.” Mr. and Mr* Roy Douglas* called were guests at the home o f hie father Readings were given by Mrs. O. E. May 27 and 28— "The Sap” is Smith and Mrs. J. G. Hayman. Re­ On Mr and Mr». Chari*» Upd»grave on Sunday. Millard Sarver o f Estacada and "oming to the Liberty theatre. Sunday. freshments followed the program. Mr. and Mrs. George Preister and Victor Leon o f Currinsville were May 29-30— “ The Yankee Clip­ children called on Mr. and Mr*. Roy business visitors in Elwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown o f per” will be at the Liberty Theatre PRINCIPAL IS CONGRATULATED Douglas* Sunday evening. Little Betty Jean Douglas« accom­ Sandy visited relatives here Sunday with William Boyd, the famous star A baby daughter was horn yester­ Otis Vallen, who is suffering from if the “ Volga Boatman", in the title panied Mi»« Edythe Peters home la*t day to Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Olsen. Mr. an infection in his arm, visited Dr. j role. Friday to be her gueet over the week­ Olsen is the principal o f the F.staca- Adix Wednesday. end. da Union High School Mrs. Olsen June 5-6— "Sweet Rosie O'Grady” Guests at the Dan Stahlnecker Roy Douglas* and family motored nd the baby are at present in a to Oregon City Tuesday on a shop- home Sunday were hi* two brothers with Shirley Mason, coming to the An Intensely Interesting Serial Portland hospital and reported to be P • tr trip. [from Wilsonvills and Mr. and Mrs. Liberty theatre. O f Mystery and Romance doing nicely. They are receiving Dick Gibson sold two heifers and Stauffer and family. ---------- many congratulations from their Por- H. S. Gibson sold a cow to Mr. Wray j Mr. Chris Bitner is driving • new June 25-26— Gene Stratton THE FIRST INSTALLMENT APPEARS ON friend*. Zd L Srad ásga News from the Neighboring Towns m sf JÙ o/FIFTH B y WYNDîIAM MARTYN Coming Events Retribution selected a strange agent in gentle, scholarly Peter Milman.There was the blood or admirals and adventu­ rers in this quiet man living the life of a hermit in a city. When the call came to do battle with an arch crook, fortified in politics and finance, the vigor of fignting ancestors asserted itself. Oddly assorted, too, were Mil- man’s captains — Fleming Bradney, scientist; Floyd Malet, sculptor; Nee- land Barnes, international polo player —but the real brigadier of his forces proved to be Nita, the accomplished daughter of Neeland Barnes. ■ PAGE 3 OF THIS ISSUE of Garfield on Monday. ¡Pontiac car. ¡tar’s ”I«addi*'’ at the Liberty.