Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 12, 1927, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Tase 7
r= a
Engineer Cressy
Praises Tanlac
By S Y D N E Y
Fermrn' ¡lion, Rlnalinf), AVrron*.
ruts mid Constipation Belined.
Health Itextured. Cains 26 found»
“Tanlac did me so
much good that I
have been boos ting I
says B. Cressy, 959
Ellis St., Hun Fran­
cisco, a well-known
electrical engineer.
“Stomach trouble
was the seat of my
trouble. Whatever I
ate did not digest.
It would lie in the pit
of rav stomach and ferment, cause gas
that bloatedmy stomachand painedme.
Often this trouble was so bad I could
hardly breathe. Iwasalwaysconstfpated
and lost weight fast. Of course I was nerv­
ous and at night I never slept soundly.
“Then a lady advised me to tuke
Tanlac. I did, with wonderful result.
It relieved all stomach trouble, gave me
an appetite, cleansed my extern of con­
stipation and built up my strength. I
have gained 29 pounds since taking
Tanlac. And never felt better.”
Take Tanlac for better health, for
strength. First bottle shows ainazi.ig
results. At your druggist’s. Over 40
million bottles sold.
l i t HEN life lias dealt you a mighty
V T clout
And you take a fall, a kiting.
When you sure are ‘‘down” and al­
most "out”—
That’s when you must keep on
And the man for the victor’s crown
the one who keeps on making
things hum.
When tlie w hole world says he's
So It’s Just how you take the “downs"
of life.
Which shows the stuff you're made
o f;
And you’ll prove when getting the
worst of tlie strife,
That there’s nothing to he nfrald of!
<THE W H Y of
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc.
Relieves D istress after Hurried
M eals or Overeating.
Being a
gentle laxative, It keeps the d i­
gestive tract working normally.
Kill All F lics!
Phy,«! anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER a ttra c t. and
kiUa all fliea. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient find
cheap Lasts allsea*
son. Made of metal,
can’tjptH or tip over;
will not soil or in Jura
anything. Guaranteed.
Insist upmi
from your dealer.
N. Y.
AVOID d r o p p i n g
* * strong d r u g s in
eyes sore from AlkrfU
or o t h e r Irritation.
The old simple remedy
that brings comforting relief
Is best.
25c, all druggiat»
Hall A Racket, Sew Turk City
_— g
I ____
O 3 IV 0
For S O R E
H av e System of Levels
to R eveal A ltitu d e
Altitudes are obtained by a system
of fevels for the tukjng of which one
knowledge and a set of Instruments.
Tl*ere is also a method of estimating
altitudes by means of tables worked
out on the basis of the reading of the
barometer. Differences of temperature
affect tlie density of the ale, and con­
sequently exert a certain Influence
upon un aneroid barometer. This Influ­
ence has to be tuken into account
when differences of altitude arq be-
Ing determined by the aid of this In­
strument. Tlie table, allowing allow­
ances that must be made for tempera­
ture. most generally used is that pre­
pared by Professor Airy, late astron
omer i.y a l of Grèut Britain, In which
31 Inches of pressure represent the
zero of altitude, assuming that the
temperature Is 50 degrees Fahrenheit
W o m e n ’s E m p lo y m e n t
Among the many trades women
have taken up for a livelihood In
Great Britain Is that of breeding
goldfish. An Irish girl gets a living
by hseeillng goats; Lady Rachel Byng
breeds Angora rabbits. There are
several women “masters of fox­
hounds," a woman has chosen “tea
tasting” for a living, another Is a
cattle Judge and one young lady puts
In her whole time ns a mnster of har­
riers. A college girl has become “n
scribe and heraldic Illuminator,’’ two
others Jointly earn a living by Jam
making on a lnrge scale, two sisters
run a small upholstery business, an
other Is a builders’ merchant.
T h e h ap p y s t a t e o f m in d so r a r e l y
p o s s e s s e d in w h i c h w e c a n s a y “ I h a v e
e n o u g h , " is th e h i g h e s t a t t a i n m e n t of
p h i l o s o p h y . H a p p i n e s s c o n s i s t s n o t In
p o s s e s s i n g m u c h , b u t in b e i n g c o n t e n t
w ith w h a t we possess. He w ho w a n ts
little , a lw a y s h a s en o u g h .— Z im m erm an .
HERE Is nothing more important
to a household than the health of
the mother. When going upstairs
place the whole foot on the stair,
keeping the body e rec t; this manner
of climbing stairs will not strain any
muscle unduly.
When It Is necessary to clean up­
holstered furniture In the house,
cover with a dampened cloth and
beat, unless you are fortunate enough
to hnw? a vacuum cleaner.
When raisins and prunes stick to
the paper or carton, steam slightly
for a moment over the teakettle.
An Infant, no matter how young,
should be given frequent drinks of
pure water. A bottle Is the best way
to give It until the child is old enough
to drink from a cup or spoon.
Ornnere nnd tomato Juice (strained)
for babies is a most wholesome and
refreshing drink: begin when the
child Is three months old to serve It
every day. For an older child who
needs a laxative the following Is one
that any mother need not fear to ad­
j minister and the child will enjoy
tnklnc it: Grind through a meat
grinder one pound each of prunes
(softened), figs, dates and raisins,
and keep In a cool place. For a child
a piece the size of a pecan will he
sufficient for nn adult, a larger piece.
This Is n good laxative to take with
one on a Journey; It Is agre^pble and
easy to take.
Citron melon If grated thon pre­
served may he used for many dishes
which call for the dried citron. It Is
especially good for garnishes, for Ice
crenra nnd puddings; dried slightly
and sugared, may he used for confec­
tions and cake decorations. In the
mince ment It Is a great addition. Its
delicate flavor adding much to the
taste of the time-honored pie filling.
One may holl a pudding In a douhle
1 holler, saving time nnd trouble. I.lne
the upper part of the double boiler
with oiled paper and turn In the pud­
ding to be steamed. When done It
I will come out In good form.
((g), 1 9 2 7 . W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n .)
G e t t in g S l e e p y
Mrs. Downing—Why are you bath- 1
ag your head In cold water?
Her Husband—To keep awake. Tv*
ailed the doctor for my Insomnia anil
’ll feel like a fool If I’m asleep when
e gets here.
F. A . W A L K E R
the happiness you have In the
A LL world
is ttw happiness you carry
with you.
The flowers may he waking up and
smiling after their winter's sleep; the
birds may bo making love, singing and
building nests; the carpet on the hills
may be strewn with violets; tlie chil­
dren may be romping and laughing in
tlie sunlit parks and uloug tlie road
ways, but if there is a grain of dls
content, or a grain of anger In your
heurt, you are uot carrying with you
your share of the world's Joys.
To be every whit happy, you must
stretch out your heart's hands and
press to your breast all tlie happiness
that belongs to you.
It is everywhere around you, wait­
ing for your embrace.
Don't overlook it In the morning
when you open your eyes to the new
day, for It is then you need it most
to lighten your feet and to sweeten
your voice.
A soft word at the breakfast table
bids Joy a welcome for tlie whole day.
A certain sort of qualification Is
necessnry to enable you to pick tlie
roses of cheer that grow along your
path without pricking your fingers
with thorns, hut a little practice in
tlie right spirit will soon impart to
your heart’s hand wonderful pro­
Tliis tnlent, like tlie roses, must be
cultivated to bring out the delectable
colors, the exquisite form and the
delicious odors.
No one can do it for you. You
must dig and rake in all kinds of
wenther; anil especially when clouds
of ill-humor darken the cheery blue
and threaten with storm.
The world is what you make it.
bright with sunshine or somber with
scurrying frowns.
And so is your disposition, and to
go a little deeper, so Is your spirit
which casts its potent spell on others
and comes back to you hearing with
It the scowls or the smiles with which
you sent it out.
Back your soul with good cheer.
Oder It with liberal hands to tlie
weary and worn, to the discontented
and the trouble mongers.
Begin today, and observe tlie change
that comes over your enemies, the
gladness with which they greet you.
the faith that wells up In your heart
and the divine love that |»rinent‘ s
your whole being, and fits you for the
good things of life and the better
things of eternity, which ought always
be your chief concern.
( © by M cC lu re N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a te .)
---------o ---------
[ ooo<><><><>oo<><x><><>oo^>o<K>CK>r>ooo
The busy have no time for team
H. I R V 1 N Q
TVs fmfmmt»’ am» CbiiJrmm’m S'Wm'mtmm
It Is especially good at teething
time. Complete formula
on every label. Guaran­
teed free from narcotics,
opiates, alcohol and all
harmful ingredients.
At •# Dtmstlmtm
W rite fo r S - e boo k let of
le tte rs fro m crstefU i m o th e rs,
a s c io
* « M C A * D i r e CO
21S-217 FsAo. J l
» c l.f l
T GO-ROLLING” : The term, of
\~J course, is American. If you
help me roll away logs to make m.\
clearance, I will help you roll away
the logs of yours.
Log-rolling Implies the comhlnntlou
at different Interests, nn tlie principle
,.f “you tickle me and I'll tickle you.”
one friend praises the literary work
of another with the implied under­
standing that In return lie will receive
as much admiration as he gave. The
mutual admirers are called “log
rollers.”—Anna S. Tum quist
(C o a r r ic b t. )
Accept only “Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
Handy “Bayer** boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles o€ 24 and 100— Druggists.
jLsi'iriu la the trade mark of Rayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcaclgeater of SalLyrlluauId
Says Dangerous Varicose Veins
Can Be Reduced at Home
R ub G e n tly an d U p w a rd T o w a rd ounce bottle of Monne’» Emerald Dii
(full strength) and apply (light an i
th e H e a rt a s B lo o d in V e in s
morning to the swollen, enlarged
F lo w s T h a t W a y .
veins. Soon you will notice Mint they
<©, 1*27, W estern N ew spaper Union )
------ o-
F le t c h e r ’s
Castoria is especially pre­
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind
Colic and Diarrhea; allaying
Feverishness arising therefrom, and, hy regulating the St nia h
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural lrep.
i £ FT M cC lu re N aw ap u p er - ¡r a d i c a l ..»
D o You K now j
L??~T h at : ~-??—5
F R E Q U E N T L Y we hear Infections
F or other Ills of the body referred
j to as “toxic" conditions, 1 «» we know
the word to mean “poisonous." Most
of us. however, do not know that Its
syllables are no mere etymological
combinations originating In deliberate
word coining, but a relic of an iliurnl-
| Dating practice of an ancient people.
And In its origin the word bears no
relation to the sick room or the medi­
cal laboratory.
“Toxic" comes to us from the Latin
"Toxlcum" which was originally a
special substance used for the tips In
1 making poisoned arrows. It Is from
this ancient arrow poisoning al«o that
w* have the modern word “toxlne"
which Is used to describe varbms
The young lady across the way says poisonous substances In the body, nnd
she wonders what the single tax ad­ I to the same source, too, we mast
credit "toxicology," the science of
vocates would do about the widowers 1 creuii
and If they'd have to pay It. too.
| poisons!
By J e a n N e w t o n
are growing smaller and the treat­
If you or any relative or friends are ment should he continued tuitil tins
So pene­
worried because of varicose veins, or veins are of normal size.
bunches, the best advice that anyone trating and powerful Is Emerald Dii
EAL deep-water sailors who go in tills world can give you is to ask that even Piles are quickly absorbed.
down to the soa In '‘wind-jam­ your druggist for un original tw o Your druggist sells lots of It.
mers" arc as uneasy today anil as con­
A B e a u ty Sh o p in a B o ttla
F u n eral fo r S n a k e
fidently expect trouble when a dead
A t -|i. i
1 : < -
Some time ago n rattlesnake was t» m a l Trunt m on t, U» j u \ I o n " f th< . U ; »
body is on hoard as they did In the
am i Hloo.1 M oni’y p m k G u a r n i u W i ¡ t . - *<’iia y .
!IV \I TV I .
\Tn« || S
days wluii Shakespeare's snllor In captured In the Blue Ridge foothills by
"Pericles" insists that the body of tin wood haulers. Tite reptile became do­ 4 1 « AU n nil Rnnlc Ä T - 1 1 t B M i ., M iam i F L i.
queen he thrown overboard as “the mesticated and docile In Ills tame sur­
P A R K E R ’S
lie was called “Lucky
sen works high, tho wind Is loud and rounding».
RcroovoaitaiHlrutf Stops Hair 1’ oiling
will not lie till tlie ship lie cleared oi Ja k e " and became the favorite pet of
K estu rM C o lor end
the dead.” And long before tlie ag' workers at the Deford tannery in Vlr
B e a u ty to U re y and F a d e d H a ir
fiOean«! fl iv at DrumMRta.
of Shakespeare or the “I’rince of glnla. Recently during a severe cold
h «* ox Clii’tt Wits , l*:i ■•l-iy m-,N Y,
spell Lucky .lube died, probably from
Tyre" the superstition existed.
HINDERCORNS Rem oves Corns. Onl-
Old Fuller say's of the transports old age. The whole tannery force lo
n ses, e tc ., stop s a l l pain, en su res m m fo rt t< th e
tion of tlie body of St. Louis: “His turned out for his brief hut well-at fe e t, uiaUus w alking e a s y . loob y m all o r ut Drug«
gibts. llls c o x C hem ical W orks. 1’attfhogUO, N. Y.
body was carried hack to France, tended funeral services.
C » O M T I F X ■ IO
for o r ’ s f I1.2&
there to he hurled, and was most mis­
___ A __ 1 T I I I H l T I . I V
V ' N ..................
« c ealer
a lo r l'or
ilhtM O li A or
oi wrlin
A sk your d
io r K
A to rp id liv e r p r e v e n ts p r o p e r food a s s im i la ­
Lt< pi. W
W , , Cbt-
C hicago.
erably tossed. It being observed that tion . T o n e up y o u r l iv e r w ith W r l a h t ’a I n d ia n Dr. C. 11. Worry Co.
the sea cannot digest the crudity ol V e g e ta b le L ilis . 872 P e a r l S t.. N . Y . A dv.
- 1927 .
a dead corpse, being a due debt to 1«
V isits G r a v e y a r d in B o a t
interred where it dletli, and a ship
To inspeot un old graveyard. Lord
cannot abide to be made a bier of.”
T h e C r o u p ie r * s R a k e
Then there is the story of the at Cralgavon, premier of Ireland, recent­
M. Schwab, at a dinner on
tempt to carry the body of St. Until
bort into Ireland, when tlie “sen llie primitive boat still used by the the eve of his departure for Europe,
worked high" and drove hack the ship people of Galloon island, In Upper dismissed his recent pronouncement in
upon the English shore. And there Lough Erne. During tlie trip his lord- praise of speculation.
“Speculation,” he said. “Isn’t gam-
are any number of ancient stories of ship was told that tlie only industry
the same surt. Should new anil mod­ that the Island has ever had was the | hling. While speculation h.*imlits busi­
ern ones to like effect ho required making of Illicit whisky, but the po­ ness, gambling benefits nothing ami
nobody except the gambling bouse.’*
they can lie picked up along the water­ lice had destroyed It.
Mr. Schwab laughed.
front- of any great seaport.
“An American family wintering In
N ic e L i t t l e W i n d f a l l
This superstition had its origin In
William Morrison of Wheeling, W . Nice,’* he said, “took their colored
the association of Ideas, and ('apt.
Basil Hall, in his hook of “Travels” in Yn.. driving to Washington, I ) . C„ at ' nurse to see the gambling at tho
the early part of tlie last century, night, run nut of gasoline. Climbing casino. For half an hour or mi tho
gives nn excellent explanation of Its front his maclrine he flagged wit it a i old woman watched the croupier*
genesis. He says: "Tills superstition flashlight the first machine approach­ | gathering in the cash; then she turned
is easily accounted for among lyen ing, a hlg truck. Tlie truck slowed up, I to her mistress and said:
“ ‘All tells yo* what tls, Mi s Ahhy.
whose entire lives are passed, as. It hut did not stop. As It passed him
were, on tlie very verge of the grave, something struck Morrison In the face, De only way to heat dish year game is
and who have quite enough, as they lie found It to he a sealed envelope to git yo'self one o’ «1**711 li'l laUe?*.’ '*
suppose, to remind thorn of their nmr which contained a $l(»o hill.
tnlity without tlie actual presom-e of
W hy?
r . P e e r y ’i “ D ead Shot*1 n ot on ly r x p r la
Its effects.'- Tlie knowledge of the W P o rm
A Constant preuehing « » f fin- flood
s o r T a p e w o r m but c le a n s out th e
silent passenger down below gets on m u cu s In w h ic h th e y brood an d to n e s up th e Gentleman is flint we shotild all do
d ig e s tio n . O ne d o so d o ts It.
A dv.
the sailor's nerves, makes him appre­
n good deai for otfiers. . . . Ilow
hensive; and If a storm does conic
abolii thè others? Sliotild tlie.v noi ho
D a d * s D e fin itio n
what more natural than to ascribe it
Willie—Pa, what is worldly wisdom? crltielzed for fallare to s o lunch i h
to tlie presence of tlie corpse?
Pa—Worldly wisdom, my son. is a take care of thornselvcs? Why shotild
((c) by M cC lu re N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a te .)
perfect knowledge» of the failings of one forever hold out bis h mi and an-
other put something of valile in it ? —-
our nelgl
E. W. Ilowe’s Monthly.
If a married woman likes to talk
positions. — Washington while ber bimba mi listens •■die ouglit
nwk word
to encourage film to smoke a pipe.
How It Started
is w h a t one
m o tfle r w r it e s of M rs.
Winslow’s Syrup. Thousands
of other mothers have found
this safe, pleasant effective
remedy a boon when baby's
little stomach is upset For con­
stipation. flatulency, colic and
diarrhoea, »here is nothing like
3Gc &. 90c. At all Druggists.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
The “ups” and “downs" will always
(C o p y rig h t.)
There Isn't one half the need to stick
When everything's fine and dandy:
| Don’t be a quitter, hut Just a “brick"
When your fighting comes In handy.
To avoid imitation,, alway, look for the siglature of
AJviliiMv Harr-fle«, - N’o < qiiit- ■ Physician, everywhere r
C u tic u ra
Heals Irritating Rashes
Don’t suffer with rashes, eczemas or irriga­
tions when Cuticura Soap and Ointment
will quickly relieve and hoii. Bathe with
Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry and
anoint with Cuticura Ointment. Nothing
quicker or safer than Cuticura Soap and
Ointment for all akin troublea.
“T have noticed,” nnys i'ertinwi
I’enrl. “that the man who has a prie»
eventually K lin li.inveii away.”
Ointrn-rt a «ndfiAe T a ta r a 8 * SoM*T«rywh#ra
8 mmp * m
- rh
U. tiU 14*1
A p ir e a s
' ’O a tlc o r a L ab o ra to ri« « . D ep t
M im '
C u tiru ra S h a v in g S tic k 2 9 c .
’>1 it