Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 12, 1927, Image 1

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« ü t i r
4 S 7
Devoted i ) the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
vol .
I F&iterton Voices His
Approval oi Camp;:
'.V. MAY 12, 1927
•o-.’e Fur.cb Ngcetnary
Fo-- Flood R elief
' It at a uniform price is
Ih is
to he manufactured and sold this
year by tie state board of horticul­
information re­
ture. says a statement from H. C.
L ter
report« indicate more
vived from Vancouver Barracks,
Atwell, t . nmissionor o f the board.
d'a.ress. Wi! yon
more than thirty places are bein,
The board will have the bait manu­
reserved at the summer Citizen’s Larvae New Going into Pupa Form« factured and marketed by retail | p ea«o hurry this -.attcr by a
together your leader« and «tart
Military training camp for boys from
From WnicH Adults Will Soon
stores at cost. Two hundred tons
'll® work at once.
Clackamas county.
have already been prepared. This
Emerge to Lay Egg«
Official recognition o f the camps
said to be the first time that the
An urgent request for people of J
board has exercised the authority- Estaeada to aid in swelling the Red
by governor Patterson is ccntainc
Some 60 per cent o f the straw­
granted by law for it to make an in­ (. ross re .of fund fo r the flood-stric-
in the following letter to Major Gt
berry root weevil that has been fat­
neral J. L. Hines, commanding th<
k n sections ox the Mississippi river - O m m i t t c e m c n
‘It P?.ys Jo Advertise’
tening on Oregon strawberry roots
Named To
Ninth Corps area:
valley, ,s contained in a letter from
Tit’ e of Brilliant
April 4, 192T
Dr. Hugh S. M-unt, o f Oregon City.
into the pupa stage from which a-
Major General J. L. Hines,
Clackamas county chairman c f the
dults are expected to emerge in abou
Commanding General,
Xed Cross, appointing Mrs. W. J.
two weeks, according to experiment
Ninth Corps Area,
Moore as chai • '.an o f the local re-
station reports. Emergence will be
FOR “ H IC A D A ” BENEFIT Presidio o f San Francisco,
ief committee. The letter follows.
later in higher regions. Growers
thus informed are getting ready to
To the Citizens of Clackamas Coun-
Cast is Chosen From Mem­ My dear General Hines:
State Agricultural Experts
strike the adults with poison bait 6000 Visitors Are
Expected at :y. Oregon:
Annual Conclave
.1 great disaster has befallen our
bers of Entire
I am in receipt o f your letter of before they’ have time to perform
Expia in Government
people living in the Mississippi river
March 24th concerning the Citizen« their egg laying, and so thwart their
Student Body
The oldest purely fraternal order valley’, is growing worse each day,
Military Training Camps o f this are. attempts to provide next year s brood.
The bait found in experiment sta in the United Stares will on May 16 " 1 continue for some time to come
during the summer o f 1927.
A fter a long period o f careful
Five delegates to the state-wide
20 convene in Astoria, the oldest -'•r*d calls for immediate help frniv
I have always been heartily in ac­ tion tests to be most satisfactory i
training and nard practice, the Es- cord with the policy o f providing made o f 1 pound o f calcium arsenate white settlement west o f the Rocky he people o f the whole nation to conference o f prune growers to be
tacaua High School Student Body military training for tho young man to 19 pounds of ground dried apple?. Mountains. The Independent Order hrir.g such relief as is possible, nn- held at Corvallis, May 31 and June 1,
tc of Odd Fellows, Rebekah Assembly 'ler the circumstance». Tho chief
has a brilliant three-act comedy ready hood o f our nation. I do not bel.eve A teaspoonful or two is applied
the crown o f every hill, about 50 tc and Patriarchs Militant will during Part in bringing this relief is the were elected at a meeting o f local
for presentation to the public. The in war as a medium o f settling dif- 70 pounds per acre under average
those dates celebrate at Astoria tho duty o f the National Red Cross or- growers held in the Liberty theatre
.ctences arising between nations,
play, entitled “ It Pays to Advertise
Oregon conditions. Growers may 107th anniversary of the establish- ganization, which has sent out its Wednesday afternoon.
However, I am not a pacifist an<
•iurchnse it ready to use under the ment of the I.O.O.F. Lodge in Arne- appeal for funds to carry on this
has been a very popular one both ou
The delegates e.re H, D. Trapp, N.
.irmly believe that it is our duty a
rica. A new modern city, erected >".oblc work and you are asked and N. Tracy, P. Erickson, W. W. Tucker,
chatauqua circuits and elsewnere, and a nation to be prepared fo r an emer­ trade name o f “ Go-West.”
is often made by or. the site of old Fort George later l-1*’i?ed to do your pare at once.
everywhere Leen met with great en­ gency, requiring force o f arms t„
Rainey Crawford, and Frank Lingle-
eans of a down-spout tube or othc- Fort Astor, will present the z a - c re-
1 ou a?e hereby appointed to act
protect our country or its ideals
thusiasm and applause.
light tube, finished o ff with a funne suits of progress as the fraternal or- as chairman of the Committee to be
should such arise.
The meeting was held primarily
the top. The small end of th | ganizations it will greet as host, appointed by yourself, for your city
Plot Sketched
Since, in the interests of economy
Cyrus Martin, the father, makes a
tube is put into the center o f the h 1 Reminisencep o f olden days in the an(* tributary district and you a--e for the purpose o f hearing the re­
bet with his old friend and rivai in it has been decreed that our reguha and tne bait then dropped througl
lives of communities and fraternal- c pc-'tod to raise as much ns per, port o f the recent government sur­
bus peso, John Clark, that his son it army be reduced to a force barely the funnel. This saves time
and idem will vie with stories o f progres-
which amount please forworn: vey o f the prune situation, designed
a ' better business man than John sufficient for the police force o f ou much labor, insures proper placin; sive strides made by cities of Oregon 0
!S- 1* E< Jones, Treasurer, Ore-
to aid prune growers in marketing
the poison, and protects the ber during the past decade.
Clarks son, Eliery. A fter making borders and isrand possessions, it u
Bof- City, Orejfir.,
product. C. L. Long, extension
ries from drifting bits o f poison.
the bet he hires Mary Grayson to in­ apparent to che thoughtful indi-
Fifty one thousand members in
llugn 8. Mount, M.D.
The larvae, pupae and adults of Oregon, representing 437 lodges, will
spire his son to a business-like out­ dual that some method whereby the
Chairman, Rid Cross Clackamas horticulturist, and C. J. Hurd, mar
look on life. Mary succeeds in ma­ young men o f the nation may obia*. the weevil are all naturally placed t have a direct interest in the conven-
keting specialist, addressed the meet­
king Rodney Martin, the son, fall in the rudiments o f military training do the most possible mischief, e- tion proceedings, while 2,“ 60,009
^-rs- Moor* requests that people ing.
is mandatory,
plained Don C, Moto, station ento members o f those orders throughout -6ave their donations at the hank
love with her. In a violent fit o f
A committee composed o f J. G.
1 feel that in our National Guard
icloglst. The larvae merely qui the world Will be informed of its
anger, which is pretended for Rod­
•—-— ------------------
F, Linglebach, Ed Closn, r
ney's benefit, the father disowns his
Cfcrver-Clackamas River
eon, and Rodney is left to make his and Citizens' Military training camp, vines, an ideal place from then poin
Botkin was appointed to
Astoria of Hi.toric.i ini.re.t
Club Elects Officer
own living if he wishes to win Mary much has been .done to meet tin. o f view for going into the helplesr
solicit funds to pay the expenses ox
Pioneer members will find Astoria
fo r his >vife. He conceives the idea problem. I realize that the Nation. pupa stage. Thus when the adult o f great historical interest.
the delegates to Corvallis. All gro­
The Carver-Clackamas River Ir
o f making 13 soap, and with the help Guard is limited as to strength, whic emerge all they have to do is climt will gaze over the broad expanse of provement association was the for
are asked to contribute 50 cents.
p to daylght, and there they are.
p i a friend, Ambrose Peaie, who be Laves only the Citizens’ Militar.
mal n me adopted by tHe new or
(Continued on page ft)
was suggested that the Oregon
I j V w in advertising; they launch the
ganization at a meeting in Carve growers find some means to finance
1 0 Soap company. No one knows training the great majority o f o .. fortunntity for them, they like rr
Friday evening. The declaration o' themselves during the period that the
nate apple sauce even better than Home Economics Dept.
whether the soap company is a suc­ men. It has been my observatio.
principles, : t agreed to at tho Esta- prunes are now held, nnd thus be
rawberry leaves.
cess oP a failure until the last few that in attending the Citizens’ Mill
W ill Stage Style Show tda meeting, wore formally adopted
able to command the price that the
tary training camps, in addition t.
lines o f the play are given.
nd the following officers elected: fruit should bring. It was also
performing of highly commenaab:.
The Home Economics department
'ash Coming In For
M a n y in Cast
K VE. Cross, Gladstone, president; >j urged that the quality o f the Oregon
patriotic duty, such atter.uance is oi
'Of Estaeada High School will give o
S. C. Bond, Clackamas, vice-presi prunes warrants their being adver­
The cast is as follow s: Rodney
distinct benefit to the individual at
Fine Art* Building style show in the high school audi
lent, and Rrlph L. Sieber, Clacka tised as being the finest prune» In
Marshall; Cyrus
tending same; and I do not hesitau
[torium Thursday afternoon, May 19
Grant the world.
Jlurtin, Lester Closner; Mary Gray­ to commend «he Citizens' Militai.
University o f Oregon, EUGENE, Life models arrayed in up-to-date
-»Iumpower, Carver; R. E. Twining
son, Irene I>avis; Ambrose Peale, training camps held in this corp.
It is expected that some form of
6 — (Special)— Cash an,, house, school and afternoon frockn
Clackamas route 1; E. E. Davenpo: t marketing organization will be for­
Carl DeM oy; £ountess da Beaurien,
area to the fathers and mothers o.
ledges amounting to 8106,000, foi o f ’cotton, wool and silk will be the
G! detone; M. C. Glover, Boring mulated at the Corvallis rl
Helen Smith; Marie, Helen Carter:
_, in
young men in this state who are eli
i-.e benefit of the Fin<? arts building main feature. Lovely bright color
- te 4; Edward Shearer, Estaeada order to handle this year’s crop.
■•Johnson, Grant Robley; Mr. Smith,
gable to receive this training.
memorial to the late President as well as the latest styles will pre­
Jte 2, and John flatten, Carver Some sort of association is deemed
Lenard Davis; i*Ir. Bronson, Eiwin
Sincerely yours,
Prince L. Campbell to be erected at vail. A clever play, esnecally
Beck; Mr. McChesney, Shirley Bui-
almost essential as prune growers
I. L. Pattersor. the University of Oregon, have beer dapted to tho modern housewife,
nett; Miss Burke, Lola Mopre; Ellery
have been realizing very little money
received toward the building fund will begin the program at 2:30.
Clark, Thurston Yocum.
from thoir product in the past, and
it was announced today by Mrs. I
The P.T.A. and The Home Econo­ Youlh Hurt in Crash
The play will be given in the high
Is Slowly Recovering organized competition with Californio
rene H. Gerlingsr, chairman, and mics department join In extending
schopl auditorium, Friday, May 13
prunos seems to be the only way »f
member o f the board o f regents oi an invitation to the entertainim ni
at £> o'clock. Reserved seats will be
A fter hopes for h’s life hnd bco mr eting the situation.
the University.
and tea which will be served to the
on sale at the drug store.
Several recent drive* have resul­ visitors at the clooe o f the progra .. g. . cn up, Cecil Wright o f Currins
Receipts from the play will be
villc. injured a week ago last Frida
ted in swelling the amount, and plans ■ by the cooking class,
Vi* ad to help defray the expenses oi
in nn automobile accident, is rccov
for benefits in Pendleton,-The Dalles
tho high school annual.
er incr, according to la'est reports.
Hood River, in the state o f Oregon R e v . Bank* W ill Lead
A p p o in t m e n t i« R e m it of Resigns
Wr ght’s foot was amputated i
ïombpÎeSden dUrÍn* Way h8V* bCen
Religious Meatingr order to siay the gangrene poisoniny
tion of Fred A. Milter
NoVft mber 15 Date For
ma « ra n a ’
A N ew Sort of
’berty Bond Payments
A series o f meetings addressed by
Donald J. Ryan, one o f the bes
Rev’. Alan H. Banks, will start Sun­
known young men in the county, i
day and contine for some time, ac­
WASHI1 'GTON, D. C., May 9— the new Clackamas county clerk, am,
cording to a statement mad*- I y R ■
Secretary M, - ;lon has called fo1' Pay‘ will take office Monday, May 16.
18-19 _ “ The
Nervous C. C. Butterfield, today
The nr •
ment on Nov» mber 15, 1927, all out­
Guy L. Pace, who fo r the past st Wreck” at the Liberty theatre.
ings will he held in the new go« el
standing Secen»d Liberty Loan bonds. ven years has been chief deputy in
hall on Main street just across from
Interest on thA e bonds will cease the office, adn who applied to the
and 21— "MR. WU” the Estaeada Hotel.
A meeting o f the Greater Clacka
on November J*.
192"- Approxi­ county court for the appointment, an­
coming to the Liberty Theatre with
R( v. Ranks is pastor o f the Albany rms Union o f Clubs will he held i :
il,7 0 0 ,O .V -000
thtSl nounced as soon as he knew of th. Lon Chaney.
Full Gospel Assembly in Albany, 0 e Molalia Wednesday evening, May 25
bonds are now outsU »nding.
naming o f Ryan, that he would re
| gon, and comes to Estaeada as a rep- this having been decided at a meetin;
While the bonds w.ill be paid on sign his position, and run’ for the re
May 22 and 23— “ The Better resentative o f the four square gospel of the Molaba Community Club Mon
November 15, 1927, it is 9uite Pro; publican nomination fo r the office Way” is coming to the Liberty Thea­
according to Rev. Butterfield. He day evening. The event was quite
bable that during
thg next six in 1928.
I will conduct the open meetings o f the a noteworthy one, the ladies servin'
months the Treasury ’Flu extend to
Ryan was named by the county
a dinner.
(Continued on page 4)
the holders o f the Se*ond Liberty court Saturday, after the resignatio.
May 24-25-26— "The Lost W orld"-
Molaila is planning a peppy pro­
Loan bonds an opportunity to ex­ o f Fred A. Miller had been under con­
at the Liberty theatre.
gram thxt is expected to bring to the
change them fo r other government sideration for some days.
gathering a banner crowd. The na
securities. No announcement has
County Clerk Fred A. Miller, ten­
May 27 and 28— “ The Sap” is 1
lure o f the program will develop froi.
Thomas I. Kirkwood, Paitar
as yet been made as to the t>’ Pe ° f dered his resignation to the county coming to the Liberty theatre.
time to time and wil! be announced
security to be offered in exchange, commissioners Tuesday.
He askec
in this newspaper.
The Sunday school convenes at 10
or the date on which the exchange that his separation become e ffec­
May 29-30— "The Y'ankee Clip­
offer may be expected. The Trea-’ tive when his successor was appoin per” will be at the Liberty Theatre The servi:e of worship is at 11. Sub _
The Barton Parent-Teacher*
sury explains that the terms o f the ted and qualifies and he offered to with William Boyd, the famous star je c t : “ Christ
bonds require that a notice be given remain in office until ttoe new count., of the “ Volga Boatman” , in the title Christian Endeavor meets in the eve-
W ill Preaenc runny Play
- ning -c the church. Topic: How
to the public six months in advance clerk became familiar with the work. role.
to Become a Leader. II Tim. 2:1-7.
Saturday evening, May 14, the Pa­
o f the redemption date. The Sec­ Mr. Miller will enter the practice of
rent Teachers Association o f Barton
retary’» announcement, therefore, law as an associate o f Scheubel &
school will give a three act play en­
does» not mean that the bonds will Beattie, and that firm will hereafter Parent Teacher Meeting
Sunday school at 2 p.m. Church titled “ Yimmy Yohnson's Yob,” at
be paid at the present time, but be known as Scheubel, Beattie £
Changed to May 19 service at 3. The Mother’s Day
the schoolhouse. There will be special
merely places the holders on notice Mill*’’.
___ __
He will
devote his at-
[service last Sunday was w.ll atten- music, The curtain will rise at 8
that their bonds will be redeemed on J tentjon t0 tj,e Clackamas Savings &
Due to a conflict in the regular ded. We were happy to have three p.m. sharp.
November 15, and will cease to bear Loan association of which he was
for the Parent-Teacher meeting mothers present with their little ba-
Everybody is invited to come and
interest on that date.
and _____________
in which he ___
holds the
with the high school examination bies. among the other mothers that see "Yimmy Yohnson” grt his yob.
i f holders o f Second Liberties de- 0f ^ c# 0f secretary-manager,
schedule, the meeting will be held were there,
— -
- ■,
sn* to have their bonds redeemed.
j Thursday afternoon. May 19, in­
they should present them for pay-
c /v .r r v un. i u r r r
stead o f the following Tuesday.
ment o » November 15, 1927, but if; DORCAS SOCIETY WILL MELT
Mrs. Bryant's sewing class will
Sunday school at 10:30
When the LaD.-e logging train
they desire other Government obli-
gat on» in piece o f their Seconds.
A quilting party at the home oi | ctage a fashion show and the cooking Christian Endeavor at 7:15, church jumped the track yesterday, John ,
7:45. Last Sunday even- Nordling, who was in charge o f the
tney should watdb for further an- Mrs. Belle Duus is the program o f lass will demonstrate some o f the service at
nouncement and notify them bank the
OarfieW Dorcas S ocety for I’.h ngs they have learned this ye3r. ing some o f the young people visited train, was seriously injured. He is
Election o f officers will take place th“ C. E Society at Garfield. We now in a Portland hospital. It was t
U seer, them informed o f any ex- Thursday. May 19. The announce-
chcawge offering that may later be ment is made by Mrs. J. B. Robert- as this will be the last meeting o f the shall be glad to have them with us thought that both of his legs were j
son, secretary.
; year.
> again this Sunday.
badly crushed.
añade by the Treasury.
Coming Events
Did you ever think of
the amount of concen­
trated wisdom in those
quiet men who read,
think and keep their
ey es open, but say
little — of how thor­
oughly they know
their neighbors thru
observation and anal­
ysis? Read
The Recluse of
This thrilling mystery
tale by W yn d h a m
M artyn, a u th o r of
“ Anthony Trent, Mas­
ter Criminal,” “ The
Secret of the Silver
Car,” etc., has such
a man for its principal
ch a ra cter. No one
kn ew m uch about
Peter Milman, but, as
it proved, he k n e w
every tiling about the
people with whom he
had to deal.
R e id
This Splendi'* Serial in
Eaatern Clackamas New*