Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 21, 1927, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 4
Eastern Clackamas News
E ntered at the postoffice in Estacada
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Published every T hursday a t
E stacada, Oregon
by the
(A C O RP O K A T Io N .)
M anaging E ditor
Subscription Rates
One Year ........................................ $1.50
Six Months ....... ..................................^6
(Continued from Page 1)
“Oh, doctor," cried a wild-eyed man.
"I Hin dreadfully afflicted. The ghosts
of my departed relatives come and
perch on the tops of the fenceposts all
round m.v garden when dusk Is fall­
ing. I can look out onto the glonmlA»
any evening and see a couple of dos-
on spooks sitting on top of the posts,
vnlting, waiting, wotting! What shall
I do?"
"Sharpen the tops of the posts,"
came the cool reply.
M ary Pickford’s newest and g rea t­
est photoplay, “ Sparrow s", is coming
to the Liberty T h eater F riday eve­
ning and Saturday m atinee as a
P. T. A. Benefit Show.
B. F. Clay is home again a fte r
several weeks illness in a P ortland
Mrs. John Osborne received the
The Eagle Creek church fittin g ly
M rs. H enry Crom er and d au g h ter sad newg of the death of h er mothel
observed E aster Day with a special Huth, visited friends in P ortland for Mrs. A. E. L andrum of Loveland.
There is not a dull m om ent in the
musical service given by the choir.
few days during the past week. Colorado.
story and it is brim m ing w ith co­
Rev. T. J. Kirkwood gave an illu stra­
Mr. and Mrs. George P erry en ter­
Mrs. Marie X eyan and daughte:
ted serm on on the R esurrection.
tained a num ber of relatives from El- Peggy retu rn ed to th eir home in
Mr. and Mrs. E v erett H ortm an dorado and P ortland on Sunday.
Spokane, W ashington, a fte r several
spent p art of Sunday with Mr. G rant
Last W ednesday aftern o o n school
Humming Birds
G ilbert Lewellen spent the E aster m onths’ visit w ith her sister, Mrs. G.
holidays with his fath er, E. E. Lewel­ Midford.
In regard to the materials used by was dismissed in order th a t all the
Mrs. Homer Glover and son C lif­ len, here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. P errin e, oi hnmmlng birds In constructing their students might atten d the baseball
ton, spent the week-end in Portland
Mis. Ray Erickson and Mrs. Ver- P ortland, spent W ednesday a t the nests, I wish to say that no hair or
feathers are ever used. The nests are game between Milwaukie and E sta­
at the home of her m other, Mrs. Colt. non j<euer) with th eir children, visi-
M argaret Schock home. Mrs. Per- iiullt of lichens nnd attached to the cada a t Milwaukie. Estacada was
Mr. and Mrs. Spilde and family, ^ed t beir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
rine was form erly Mrs.
accom panied by Zola «Tester, drove j;ain Tucker, fo r a few days recently, Graham, a teach er in th e grade I’mb which Is as nearly ns possible the defeated 2— 0.
exnot color of the lichens used, hence
to Silverton to spend E aster Day
During the recent E aster vacation
E stacada will play W est Linn on
the difficulty In locating the nests of
school here.
with Mrs Spilde s parents.
Mrs. Erickson visited her p aren ts at
Sally Clinton, of P o rtlan d , spenl humming birds with the human eyes, its home field this Friday.
Mrs. William Hyde and d au g h ter
D ull's while Miss Fahy spent her several days last week w ith her ¡’he nest Is never hidden but merely
cunningly camouflaged. — Pathfinder
holidays a t her home in Bandon.
(Continued on page 5)
friend, Vivian Gorham.
The following students have won
Mr. and Mrs. Hobson w ere dinner
Clyde English and wife, of P o rt­ Magazine.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bard on Sun­ land visited a t th e E rn est Duus home
aw ards on the Underwood ty p ew riter:
Watchful Waiting
over Easter.
Edna C arter, Evelyn Dibble, Mar­
Mrs. W iley Howell and Miss Edith
Louelln Is n cureless tut and usually
Mrs. C. II. Paddison was a P o rt­
Deal, gold pins; Ruth Glover,
■ called on Mr. and Mrs. M oger on ied by Charley Linn, Ed Bates, and loses her penny before she gets a
land visitor for a few days last week.
Moore, silver pins; Helen Smith,
1 Sunday aftern o o n .
little W anda K rieger, m ade a trip
ltay Woodle traded a cow fo r nine
Mrs. McDonald and Miss Madden to Government camp F rid ay and re ­ her next-door neighbor nvet her on tlie G rant Robley, Vernice F antz, bronze
pigs of Mr. Leon of Currinsville,
visited Mrs. A rchie Howell a t the port a very delightful day. Tht street nnd Louelln. us usual, explained pins; Lola Johnson, Olive Bishop,
that she wus ■ n her way to the store
last week.
! Oregon City hospital on S aturday. m ountains were w hite w ith snov
Charley Lingelback, certificates; He­
to spend her dully penny.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and Les­
Mr. K irkwood’s m other from Reed- from one to th ree fe e t deep in place
Just tl'»'p her little brother came len C arter, Fred Voight, Ruth Hale,
lie Woodle were the d in n er guests
sville was a g uest a t his home over on the highway snow was highe
along itlul nlped up;
bronze pins and certificates.
of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle of
the week-end.
"Wun nlonir Louelln. I'se wight be­
than the top of the car.
Estacada on E aster Sunday.
Uiwiprs is « ponders.”
Mr. and Mrs. S hearer were T ues­
Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence hind yon
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. D enning of
Work has begun on the student
day evening callers on Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with relativ es in P o rt­
E stacada; Mr. and Mrs. George Doug-1
play, “ I t Pays To A dvertise,”
A lc o h o l in the Seas
las of Portlund; Mr. and Mrs. Jess
under the direction of Miss Skinner,
Mrs. A rchie Howell, who under-
Mr. and Mrs. E arl L aF orge went
Douglas and d au g h ter E dna, of The
ells. The primeval ocean, with its
Dalles; and Mrs. G a rd in e r’ of The < 'T.e"
Portland fo r E aster.
•ge masses of sugar-containing sen-
The boys’ L etterm en Club held &
i r i» h n e n i r o
o e o n r lir
û n r tv r ori f A
. ,
I City
hospital v recently,
is r rep
o rted to
Dalles, w ere the dinner guests of
od, was a fermentation vat. So meeting last F riday evening and
be im proving nicely.
with his parents in Corvallis.
vs a Berlin scientist. Professor Llnd- initiated eleven new members.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass on E as­
Guests a t the J. A. Shibley home
The A. B irt fam ily has moved into
■r. These Immense alcoholic seas are : Carl DeMoy, Jam es Fantz, Bob
te r Sunday.
on W ednesday w ere Mr. and Mrs. the P erry Cahill house.
itniihited delicate forms of early
Mi. and Mrs. William Asp and
Jack M arrs of Molalla and Mr. and
'**, lie explains, and adds that the Hayden, Fred Voight, Charley Ling­
Mr. and Mrs. A. O’Berg moved
children were guests a t the home of
Mrs. Jim M arrs of Dodge.
nts today which produce sugn*. elback, Elwin Beck, H arold Kitching,
into the Ed Linn house Sunday.
Victor Madson on Sunday.
'or to he converted Into alcohol, are Leslie Miller, Shirley B urnett, H erb
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Douglass art-
irked by their splendid colorntlon Fifer, F ran k McGraw, and Cletus
W ashington, is spending a few days
in the neighborhood. Mr. Douglass
■id Intricate structure.
came down to see about shipping
Mrs. John Kirkwood, of Reeds-
The E aster program given by the
some of his mill equipm ent up to
Sunday school was well attended. ville, visited her son, Rev. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Douglass The officers of the Sunday school wood of S pringw ater, th is week,
Mrs. Hassell and d au g h ter Flo
and little B etty Jean m otored to hope to conduct a vacation Bible
rence shopped in P o rtlan d Saturday.
P ortland Sunday, being th e E aster school in the n ear fu tu re .
The young people enjoyed a p arty
Mr. W hitney, who works on the
guests of th e ir daughter, Mrs. Mil­
For the best in shoe repairing, see A l (the old
at the home of Mrs. A. S ta u fffe r night train , had as his guests Wed
dred H annah.
S aturday night.
nesday his wife and d au g h ter from
reliable.) on Main Street, Estacada.
Elwood was well represented, along Milwaukie.
Only the very best oak tanned sole leather is
with other in terested districts, a t the
A lta Byers, form erly a resident of
County Court last
Tuesday. The i Estacada b ut now of Clatskanie
Shirley Richards had a painful ac­ plea, as usual, was
fo r the m arket was May queen
at M onmouth this
Al Doesn’t Toot a Horn
cident last week when she stepped on
a ru sty nail which kept her out of
A. R. DAHLKE, Proprietor
Mr. L. Bogden, who is employed a t
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilcox visited
school a few days.
Camp 9, spent the week-end a t the Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilcox, of A nt
Miss Elsie Pool, principle of C u r­ home of his b ro th er A. U. Bogden. elope, over E aster.
rinsville school, spent the week-end
Miss Mary G regg was a guest at
Mrs. Lane and Miss H erm ann
in A lbany with relatives.
the home of Mrs. M. P ark S aturday in stru cto rs in the grade school
Mrs. R. H. C urrin was a Portland
Dan S tahlnecker is busy “ plan- shopped in P o rtland Saturday.
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Ted A hlberg and son, Ju n io r
| tin g ’’ posts in his hop yard.
Mrs. Nellie W alter and Mr. and
that We Have the Right Price on
Regardless of the w et w eather, and Mrs. Fred Bartholom ew am
Mrs. Byerlie of P ortland visited the
a num ber of cars carrying enthusias­ children took p a rt in the egg hun
George W alter home on Sunday.
tic disciples of Isaac W alton arrived a t L au relh u rst park Saturday.
Mr. an d Mrs. O ral N orton, Mr.
: in Elwood on the opening day of the
and Mrs. J. K. Ely, and Mr. and 1 fishing season.
D- H orner t e n d e d the Pornom
Mrs. S torm er were Sunday visitors
Mrs. M. Park visited at the home ffran Se m eeting at T ualatin grang.
at the home of George W alters.
of her d au g h ter in Colton Monday.
on Wednesday.
Mr. F ranks of P o rtland his son.
T. G. Munson left Sunday fo r Un-
The sch° o1 children had a picnii
who has purchased the S arver place, derwood, W ashington, where he will on W ednesday. They w ent to Twit
over the week-end.
work fo r a while.
Fal1® which are on C lear Creek
Mr. L. C. Pullen of the Millard
Only one cow was found with tu- 1 here are two of them at a point
Avenue Fuel Company was in Cur- !,
"/ 7"
berculosis, as a resu lt of the veteri- where th e two stream s meet, each
nnsville Tuesday buying cord wood. ___ ,
- ., .
nary inspection of the herds of El- stream having a fall of 20 or 3C
H eadquarter« fo r Swift and Co.’» “ RED STEER FE R T IL IZ E R ”
H erbert D. Lom bard had the mis­
feet. I t is a very p retty place, bu
wood conducted last week.
hap of g ettin g a hand badly mashed
at the bottom of a deep canyon
last week, which will keep him from
Some 15 years ago th ere was a move
work for some time.
m ent on foot to change th e nam e o.
The C urrinsville grade school team
Dodge to th a t of “ Twin Falls.’’ but
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Myers w ent the postal au thorities objected. P
crossed bats with Eagle Creek grade
school in a losing game of 16— 14. to Eagle Creek Sunday to celebrate g rea t deal of b eautiful scenery is t
The home team put up a good fight the birthday of Mrs. Myers' bro­ be found in our own d istrict an<.
and expect to win the next match. ther-in-law , H ubert W esterm an. At som etim e it will be more fully ap
Mr. and Mrs. William W ade and the same tim e they joined in the ce­ p red a ted . The children had a fine
Merle visited over the week-end with lebration of the 60th wedding ani- tim e eatin g the w ieners they had ta k ­
their daughter Alice at the home of versary of Mrs. Myers’ fa th e r and en along w ith them
their sister. Mrs. F rank H alferty , in m other, Mr. and Mrs. David Huggins.
Joe K eller has moved onto his new
Eastern Oregon.
Alice H alferty Mr. H uggins is 91 years of age, and place and gone to farm in g again.
retu rn ed with them and entered his wife, Mary E lizabeth, is in her
J. W. M arrs was in Oregon Cit>
79th year. Mrs. Huggins, who was on business on Monday, and in te r­
school in C urrinsville Tuesday.
Fred W agner and Lyle Damours then Miss Rivers, crossed the plains viewed the County C ourt on road
in the early sixty's with her parents. matters
were in town Tuesday evening.
G w . Keller and Oliver Baker o
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller and She, with her sister who later be-
daughter w ere calling on friend, came the wife of Captain Bill Smith. Portiaml made a business trip to
walked nearly all the way and drove Oregon city on Mondav.
here Tuesday.
Oliver gaker and w if( came out
Mr. and Mrs. V ictor Leon ar a herd of cattle which her father
vioiigu o\ir.
I ere weie thirty- f rom Portland on Saturday to visit
visiting friends in Seattle.
The C urrinsville Store has recent seven present at the celebration re- Emery Keller and on Sunda>. and
Mr. Monday vi, ited with G W . K ei,er
ly put in a com plete line of guarnn presenting four generations.
teed U. S. Royal cord tires, and nc and Mrs. Huggins are both hearty and wjfe
v essories.
e i * r0nK l0r a l 1 their weight oi
There ha. been some very wintry
The A merican farm er is the most
prosperous and the best housed fa r­
m er in the world today. One of the
principal reasons for this is th a t this
country wus blessed with g reat fo r­
ests of soft wood, copious w ater sup­
ply, and abundant forage. Ninety
per cent of the rural dwellings in the
U nited S tates are made of wood.
Unless our forests are protected from
fire and other injury it will be only a
short time until we will be dependent
on other countries for our supply ol
tim ber. When this happens the cosi
of dwellings, such as we have today,
will be prohibitive to many.
The P resident realizes this and in
order to create a wide in terest among
the people he has designated the week
of April 18 to 24 as Am erican F orest
Week. The P resid en t’s action is
tim ely. U nder favorable conditions
a tree is not ready to harvest before
reaching its hundredth year. For
this reason we are upt to consider the
problem of tree grow th as one fo r
posterity to solve. This reasoning is
not consistent with our notions ot
progress in other respects.
Undoubtedly the g rea test value oi
the m ountain range lies in its in­
fluence upon the regularity of the
w ater supply. It is particularly true
in certain p arts of this sta te th a t the
tim bered m ountains affo rd the ma n
w ater supply fo r domestic use and ir­
rigation. The fu tu re development ol
th e entire west depends on the
am ount of w ater, and the way it is
releused from this huge sponge ot
m ountains. Furnishing us with wa­
te r is only one oi the many ways in
which the forests serve us.
Next to the earth itself the forest is
th e most useful servant of man, and
by the way, the one th a t hus been the
m ost abused und neglected. It not
only supplies us with fuel und lumber,
and regulates the llow of stream s; it
also m oderates the force of the wind
and beautifies the land. It furnishes
breeding and nesting places fo r use­
ful birds and beasts and supplies us
w ith a place of restful recreation.
W ithout the forests, which we are so
carelessly burning up, this earth
would be uninhabitable.
The most destructive agent the
fo rests huve to contend w ith is fire,
of which seventy per cent are caused
by man. You would be justly angry
if some visitor carelessly tossed his
m atch or ciguretle into your lia>
stack or burn. The loss of tim ber
or w atershed cover is ju st us great
a loss to you, although indirectly, us
you are absolutely dependent on w at­
er, wood ami forage fo r your success
and the m aintenance of your home
und family.
T hirty-live per cent of all Nationul
F orest receipts are turned back to the
counties for schools or roads. The
resources of the Clackamas rivet
w atershed will in time bring to this
com munity many thousands ot dol­
lars fo r these put poses. When you
allow tim ber to burn, or allow others
to burn It, carelessly, you rob your
children of education. Much of thi
school funds of this stale come from
tim ber. In order to protect your
self und children, you, us u good
citizen, should be sure your neighboi
is as careful with tire as yourself.
illun him self is the fo rest's g re a t­
est enemy. He may prevent much
of the destruction if he will keep
weather here these last few days
fires out of the woods, fires which
u wonn n i t
l’ dge are going on account 0f which the mills were
he himself causes. The day is not
to give a Play in the house on Satur- shut down on Monday. Quite a
f a r off when these w estern hills,
'V b . °,n«i
*1 date' -e
heavy fall of snow Sunday and Mon-
which we all have neglected and Mill run
1 35
t ' f n , e P * ' '* Those day, which disappeared during the
abused, will be our greatest asset.
Seal of O reg o n F lour
2 25
Even though we may be so sel­
There ‘ K'red Horner and wife went to
I v o r y S o a p F l.ik e«
I Oc pecting the funniest ever.
fish as to forget our duty to the
pr°- Oregon City on Sunday to assist in
.... 5-
fu tu re and our children, still the L i g h t h o u s e C l e a n s e r
„1 . .j ‘ V
*' ' ristensen. an s;ng ing
prospect of forthcom ing develop­ 10 b a n W h i t e W o n d e r S o a p , o n e elocution teacher of Portland, will ..chriit the Victor,,’’ at th. Congre-
m ents within our own generation
render samples of her art
Mr,. gational church.
W onder
G ran u lated
ought to incite us to do our part
John Kellar ¡, goin(t t 0 Portland
Soap e n d o n i 5 0 c B a t h T o «
tow ard the protection and contin­
sift with mutual numbers, and as eaoh a l t e r n a t 4 day vi, lting ,
1 00 usual there will be refreshments.
uance of the natu ral resources on
ist. He ie much b etter so * far, n and is
which these industries will be foun
free admission, and
no collection, hoping fo r a decided im provem ent
A S u n V iaor w ith e a c h b o x o f A lb ers
ded. It is folly to assume th a t be­
Ice cream and coffee will aleo be
W h e a t F l a k e « , a p i a c a o f C h i n a ir
cause some of us are not engaged ac­
available. Come and have a good
E a c h Box
tively in the m anufacture of tim ber
Dr. M. M. Mar,‘iridale
1 .3 0
products we have no live in terest in A l f a f a H a y p e r 1 0 0 Iba
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of W illa­
60» m ette. parents of Mrs. Colson are
the growing of forests. Every dol­ S t r a w p e r 1 0 0 Iba
15« paying an extended visit at the home
la r's w orth of w ealth produced in W e a t a r n Oil p e r q u a r t
ou r midst, w hether through lum ber­ E a a t e r n O il. G o l d e n S h e l l , q t . 25« o f C. A. Colson.
of Oregon City
ing. mining, farm ing, or other in­ D a v i d a o n B r e a d a m a l l l o a f
d ustry, directly or indirectly benefits O a v i d a o n B r e a d a a n d w i c h l o a f 14«
EYES Are Precious
O avidaon B re a d tw in loaf
eaeh of us.
1 trea t them accord­ Monday and Friday eve-
We, of the west, the home of the G r e a h a m B r e a d , a m a l l
A com plete
finest rem aining forests in the world G r e a h a m B r e a d , l a r g e , 2 f o r
,kat nings after six o'clock.
will do well to heed the President'» SOc b o x o f S t a t i o n e r y , S a t u r d a y
r»lea«e« and ««ñafie«.
Dr. Fre e xe
O nly
. 2 5 c eye speciali»!. Masonic building, Or-
pr>clam ation and unite in a heartfelt
• f o n City.
Office at Linn's Inn
C>*» Ua • T r i a l
ebtervar.c» e f forest aaelt-
Currinsville Store Pi ice,'
S A N D W IC H E S are easily prepared
from our select line of lunch meats,
cheeses, and pickles.
Elbert Hubbard said-
“It pays to trade with the
There's a reason for it.
Estacada Feed Store
Estacada's Largest Store