Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 21, 1927, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
v o l . axi
Grower* to Meet to Effect an
Organisation in June
at Corvalli*
Oregon Agricultural College, Ap­
ril 20—One hunded dried prune pro­
ducers will meet June 28 at the Ore­
gon Agricultural college to formu­
late a program based on the recent
prune studies of the federal bureau
of economics, announces Paul V.
Maris, director of the extension ser­
vice. Delegates to the convention
will be chosen at community meetings
to be held in the following districts:
Forest Grove April 22, Albany
April 23, Dallas April 26, Brush Col­
lege April 26, Corvallis April 27,
Monmouth April 28, Eugene April
29, Oakland May 3, Roseburg May 4,
Riddle May 6, Oregon City May 10,
Estacada May 11, Scotts Mills May
12, Rosedale May 13, Vancouver May
17, Spring Brook May 18, Dundee
May 10, Sheridan May 20, and Yam­
hill May 21. Arrangements for these
meetings will be in charge of the
county agents.
Recommendations of the bureau
will be summarized by C. J. Hurd
and C. L. Long of the college exten­
sion service, who use special charts
and lantern slides showing conditions
brought out in the prune survey.
B. H. Critchfield, who conducted the
survey, is expected to attend the
main convention of the one hundred
growers in June.
‘‘This plan is in harmony with the
sentiment of the growers at the
Salem meeting April 12,” said Paul
V. Maris, director of the extension
service. ‘‘These growers want some­
thing done on organization and sales
service before the year’s crop is
April 18, 1927
Editor, Eastei-n Clackamas News:
Hiving been asked several times
for a statement of the situation as
to organization among the dried
prune growers, particularly in view
of the fact that the report was made
by the Government Economist at Sa­
lem on the 12th, we want to say that,
while some people were desirous of
holding up action awaiting this gov­
ernment report, in view of the state­
ments made to us by the different
prune growers, to the best of our
knowledge, the growers are not wil­
ling to enter into any other kind of
an organization at this time except
one which includes the commercial
packers along very similar lines to
the plan used in California.. There­
fore, it seems to us there is nothing
to do but wait until there is a defi­
nite organization formed in Califor­
nia, or at least a tentative contract
definitely signed by the shippers.
After this is done then the committee
of five can immediately meet and see
if some plan can be agreed upon to
conform to the ideas expressed by
the prune growers of Oregon in pre­
vious meetings.
It has seemed to us that May 5th
should be the latest date for Oregon
to wait, and if the committee of
five by that time has not been able
to fully outline a plan for the Ore­
gon growers and packers both to
work together, then we think it is
time to take up a different plan
which may be possible with the
glowers. We believe before May
5th California is going to have her
plan completed and we are going to
have a plan to offer from the com­
mittee of five. When that time ar­
rives we will be ready to do our part
in going out and discussing the plan
and assisting to organize the dried
prune industry in time to handle the
1927 crop. Until such time as we
can go before the growers with a de­
finite plan as a substitute in case we
cannot work out the plan they desire,
we have nothing new to give to the
growers. The committee of five is
now working on an Oregon plan.
R. H. Kipp,
Mgr., Marketing Department,
Portland Chamber of Com.,
Member of Prune Committee
of Five.
There will he a mass meeting of all
residents of the Clackamas River
Water Shed for the purpose of for­
ming an organization to put the
Clackamas River on the map. Friday,
April 22. at 8 p.m. at Peterson's Hall
it Barton, Oregon.
A large atendance from Estacada
is expected.
Guernsey Sale in June
Will Offer Forty Head
F. B. Hamlin, post master of
Springfield, Oregon, called on A. N.
Johnson, Monday.
Mrs. Ina Smith of Camp 8 spent
a part of last week in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kist and two
daughter* of Corvallis visited at the
Herman Gohring home over the
week-end. They were accompanied
home by Maerose Bartholomew who
will spend a few weeks with her
aunt, Mrs. Clyde Saling.
Mrs. VV. A. Heylman was a Port­
land visitor Thursday and Friday.
Bessie Huxley entertained a num­
ber of friends on her birthday Thurs­
Ruth Hewitt of Portland spent
Friday night with Mr. and Mr*. Ray­
mond Lovelace.
Mrs. Plank of Portland visited her
daughter, Claudia, Friday night
Mrs. Bosco Deming and daughter
Dorothy, of Seattle are spending a
few days at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Mae Reed.
S. E. Wooster made a business
trip to Portland Monday,
Alva A. Beebe was married to Le­
na Howard of Coberg, Oregon on Ap­
ril 7, 1927, His mother, Mrs. G. T
Beebe, entertained at a dinner in
their honor upon their return here,
about twenty relatives being pre­
sent. Mr. and Mrs. Beebe will make
their home near Eugene, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Smith went to
Stayton over the week-end.
H. C. Gohring made a business
trip to Corvalli* Saturday,
B. 0. Boswell, who formerly was
meter man with the P. E. P. Com
pany and resided at Estacada, has
been seriously ill with pneumonia
He is now reported as being on the
road to recovery.
(Continued on Page 4)
Cooke Motor Co. reports delivery
of cars to the following: Carl Rins
a new roadster; John Den, a used
roadster with pick-up body; Corn
well Pifer, a new Tudor sedan.
The season started last Friday.
There will be the usual whoppers
Four one-act plays will be giver
at the Eagle Creek Christian Endea­
vor Pie social to be given in the
grange hall April 29. There will
also be a quartet from a Portland
church, a* well as a number of enter­
tainers from the Oregon City Pres-
byteroan C. E.
The Garden Club Flower sale held
on Saturday was well attended. The
members feel much encouraged by
their success. The plants were all
donated by those interested in flower
culture, and netted the club $11.05.
The money raised by this sale is to
be used tcawrd prizes for the fall
flower show, and everyone is urged
to grow flowers to enter for these
Coming Events
April 21-24—C. E. Convention at
Oregon City.
Forty head of Guernsey dairy
cattle will be told at a public sale at
the Clackamas county fair grounds
at Canby in June. A committee of
the club, which is composed of some
of the prominent breeders of Guern­
seys, completed the tour of three
days in signing up 17 Guernsey
breeder* for cattle to be sold.
As the Guernsey gaitie* are to be
held at Astoria during the early part
of June, the sale is to be held In
Clackamas county shortly after.
All Guernseys that have been
signed up for have been carefully
selected by the committee, of which
Mrs. A. I. Hughes of Red Wing
farm, Redland, is chairman. Mem­
bers of the committee say the cattle
mil make good foundation stock.
Among local consigner* are J. R.
Shackleford,, and L. 8, Tenney, Es­
tacada, mute 3; and James Shibley
and son, Springwatar,
Testing breeding flocks of poultry
bacilary white diarrhea by the
college experiment station is stea­
dily advancing, reports Dr. W. T.
Johnson, poultry pathologist. Blood
samples are taken of every individual
fowl in the flock and sent to the de­
partment of veterinary medicine,
where it is analyzed.
The object of this work is to find
which are infected with bacillary
white diarrhea germs. Flocks are
tested once a year or more according
to the seriousness of the disease.
Some flocks are found entirely free
from disease and recommendations
are made by the department of vet­
erinary medicine to keep them free.
Already 29500 chickens have been
tested so far this year and Dr. John­
son expect* that it will reach 100,000
next year.
Active prepar'ions for the Citi­
zens Military Training camp for in­
fantry to bo held at the Vancouver
barracks from June 17 to July 16
are under way at the present time
and a complete tent camp,, equipped
with showers, bath houses, kitchens,
and mess halls will bo in piece ready
for tho 371 boys who are expected
to take advantage of tho opportunity
for military and citizenship training
during the vacation months.
Tho camp is open to boys between
the uges of 17 to 24 inclusive, for
the basic course. The expenses of
going to and returning from the
camp will be paid by the government
and each boy will be furnished with
a uniform, food and shelter, free of
charge, while at the camp.
Places have been reserved for 20
boys from Clackamas county.
No obligation for future service
in any component of the United tates
army attaches to attendance at the
After a fierce exchange of slaps,
tweaking of noses, and grinding of
10 A. M.—Sunday school. Sub­
ears, Bill Thornton of Portland and ject, “The Transfiguration”.
Bill Donovan of Pocatello each had a
11 A. M.—Morning Worship.
hand held up by referee Blaisdell. ; Subject, "Jesus can not be hid".
The match took place in the Liberty
7 P. M,—Young Peoples Meeting.
Theater Tuesday night. The time
8 P. M.—Preaching Service.
limit was set at one hour and thirty
The evening service will be a
minutes but had it gone double that union service. The Christian Church
length, it is not likely that the result will worship with us. Come and
would have been different except help us fill the house with happy wor­
that fouling, which increased with shippers. Brother Martin will bring
each timer's announcement, might the evening message.
have resulted in the loss of fingers,
The Protracted Services will be­
ekes, cars, etc, It would have been gin Sunday. Try and attend every
a shame for Thornton to have his service. Monday evening I will
ears, being so beautifully cauliflo- speak on the subject, “Hobab-Spiri-
wered. The referee let them go to tual Adventures", Come.
it. He said he saw no difference in
—Rev. F. A. Simmt, Fa*tor
their methods. Occasionally one of
the grapplers made a pass which
connected with some part of the re­
Thomas I. Kirkwood, Pastor
feree, but that was unintentional,
of course. There was plenty of ac­
Sunday school at 10 A. M. Mr.
Shearer, superintendent,
In the preliminaries, Glisan won
Morning worship at 11. May we
from LaFevre in thirty five minute«. keep the spirit of Easter alive
throughout the year.
There will be no Christian Endea­
vor meeting in the evening, as most
The grand past worthy matron, of the young people will attend the
Lena C. Mendenhall, the grand orga­ State C. E. convention at Oregon
nist, Elizabeth Dyer, and the grand City.
secretary, Nellie McKinley of Port­
land, officers of the Eastern Star
order were entertained by the local
lodge Tuesday evening. A dinner
Sunday school meets at 2 P. M.
was served and the initiation cere­ Church service at it. There was a
monies were performed for Mrs. good attendance at the Easter ser
Ralph Ahnert who was welcomed into vice last Sunday. Let’s keep up the
the organization.
good work.
Many visiting members of the Star
were present, including a delegation
from Camp 8.
Sunday school at 10:30 A. M.
Mrs. Dyer was deputy to the grand
worthy matron and came as her re­ Christian Endeavor at 7:15 P. M.
presentative for the inspection of the and Church service at 7:45. In
local chapter. The grand officers spite of the stormy night, tho service
were very complimentary in speaking was well attended last Sunday, and
the special music was greatly appre­
of the work of this lodge.
The city council, at its last meet
ing, decided to have the ordinance,
which provides for a curfew bell, en­
forced. The council has set the date
of revival for the first of next month
-o that there will be ample warning
given. A little practice in getting
home early was held to be needed by
some of the youngsters who have
been making late hours a habit.
For most of the small growers in
Oregon whose area of potatoes is not
over ten acres the corrosive sublimate
treatment is recommended by the
experiment station. There are num­
erous experiments and more numer­
ous examples in the field, of better
yield and better quality from pota­
toes that are treated.
"In Qotl We Trust” lirst appeared on
the coins nf this country In 1804, and
oWei- It« proM'jioc very largely to the
increased religious sentiment In the
dreaded crisis of the Civil war. S. P.
Chase, then secretary of the treasury,
having received a number of appeals
from devout persons throughout the
country suggesting and urging that the
deity he recognized suitably on our
coins In a manner similar to that com­
monly found on the coins of other na
tlons, addressed a letter to the direc­
tor of the mint, nt Philadelphia, stat­
ing that “no nation would be strong
except In the strength of (toil or safe
except In Ills defense. The trust o(
our people In God should he declared
on our national coins.” He ordered
that a device be prepared without an
necessary delay, with a motto ex
pressing In the fewest words possible
this national recognition. Various mot
tnea war« placed on coins in inn“ nmi
1863. The first ones bearing “In God
We Trust,” however, were coined In
Eve- Popular Subject of Garden*
Again to Have Attention
of Member*
At the regular meeting of the
Community Club on April 29, Ray-
Gill, of the Gill Seed Company, Port­
land, will give a talk on gardening,
flowers, and dahlia culture. He will
evote part of the time to answer­
ing questions. Mr. Gill’s talk will
commence promptly nt seven thirty.
Miss Ruth Hale, and Miss Kath­
erine McConnell will furnish the
musical entertainment on the pro­
The business meeting will be held
at the conclusion of these two fea­
Members are urged not to forget
the benefit performance at the Lib­
erty theatre on May 6, which will
aid In raising funds for the new club
house. The picture to be shown is
“Up in Mabel’s Room.” Special
music and added features will attend
the movie.
University of Oregon, Eugene,
April 20 (Special)—Courses in phil­
osophy will be taught this summer at
the University of Oregon summer
session in Portland by Dr. William
Savery, professor of philosophy at
the University of Washington, Al­
fred Powers, summer sessions direct­
or announced today.
Dr. Savery has formerly taught
in summer sessions at Harvard and
the University of California.
“The department of philosophy is
rated highly at the University of
Washington, largely because of Pro­
fessor Savery’s skill as a teacher,"
according to Professor Ralph D.
Casey, associate professor of jour­
nalism at the University of Oregon,
who vfas graduated from the Univer­
sity of Washington. “Besides his
Seemed Something of
thorough-going knowledge of philo­
an Odd Combination sophy Dr. Savery is a student of
He didn’t really want to bring the psychology, literature, and biology,
two cats borne from Colorndo. hut and is a sound critic of music and
what good Is the argnntetit of a mere art.”
man against those of a wife, three
children, and n tnotlier-ln-law? So
the family started home last week CORRESPONDENCE
with tlie cats enthroned In a hox on
the hack seat of the car.
He was somewhat ashamed of the
University of Oregon, Eugene,
ugly yellow pets anyway, and his mor-
tlflcntlon was complete when he was April 20 (Special)—Adult educa­
forced to ask a garage owner. In the tion, us particularly manifested in
town where they spent the first night, correspondence students, is becom­
for cellar space In which to park Ids ing mo-e and more popular in Ore­
gon, according to Miss Mozelle Hair,
”1 suppose.” he said to the garage director of correspondence study,
man, “I suppose you don’t see ninny who has just returned from a trip
tourists eruxy enough to he taking
common alley cats with them, do you?“ through southern Oregon So far
“Oh. yes I do," replied the garage this month there have been 95 new
man. “They come In her- every day enrollments, showing an increase of
with all sorts nf pets. Bttt,” he added 7 9 over last year at ,th!« time, and n
as an afterthought, “by George, you're bigger registration is expected later
the first feller I’ve seen that was totin' n the spring.
cats and n mother-in-law both,"—Los
Angeles Times.
There will be service* on Sunday
afternoon and evening at 8 o’clock
at the Band Hall conducted by Rev.
Charles E. Butterfield. The subject
for the evening meeting is “Who is Found Pegging Paid
Jesus? "
Everyone is welcome.
Better Than V/riting
These service* will he held every
A beggar ill) til** -JrcetK of Buenos
Aire* run imikt*
in uli hour. An
mi .llleil Inhorer draw* nbmit 82 fur
eight Hours nf work. The Working
clnRse* contribute SO per cent of the
It is announced that there will be money that heggnrs collect, nnd do­
a protestant lecture over radio KTBR mestic servants give more than all the
rest put together. Young girls are
of Portland, April 24 from 5 to 0 more
charitable than older women,
p. m.
nnd widows more than women whose
husbands still live. Among nil classes,
women contribute most to the beg­
gar's hoard, giving more and more
frequently than men. Among men.
A key to a Dodge car was found ear; drivers are more liberal than
on Broadway. The owner may have chaUffeug*., and clerks more free­
handed than their employers.
it by calling at LaBarre’s.
This cross-section of the privy
purse of Buenos AI tps was drawn hy a
reporter who disguised himself as a
“down-and-outer” and then spent a
lucrative dRy begging In all section*
of the business and shopping districts.
Nearly a full house enjoyed the
entics of members of the junior class
t tre annual oh'/, •• \ Strenuous
-ife,” presented Jast Friday evening
n the high school auditorium.
. :ch c-ei'it is due the participant*
well as Miss Plank, director, for
e excellent presentation of the
/holesome comedy which rippled
hrotigh every line, from beginning
to end.
W. J. Brown, representative of the
Portland Electric Power Company's
-uniping service, visited this territory
■sterday. Mr. Brown installs the
Paul pump'ng units. Several have
been in service here for some time.
Two models are on display at the
Gresham office of the company.
Where electricity is not available,
arrowing out of a radio deal, went to
In the Glacial
gasoline may he used for power on
It 1* Impossible to say how long * these pumps, stated Mr. Brown.
get the machine. He was met by an
period the glacial waters nt Lake
irate sister carrying a shovel who Agassiz covered the greater parts of
held him off until reinforced by an­ Manitoba. Saskatchewan. North Da­
kota and Minnesota. The lake, from
other still more irate sister. The Ita earliest measurements, appears to
Estacada may be credited with a
constable preferred to leave the job have been 110,000 -.piare miles, with ball game last Sunday when the
a length of 70*» miles, width of 2.rtO Woodmen of the World nine took the
of handling such a stiuation to the miles and B depth of 7»*> feet. Besides
short end of a 3 1 score against the
sheriff because he knew there was the reclaimed land now known as the .Sandy team. Sandy played six men
Red River valley there remain* still
yet another sister somewhre who of Lake Age--Is the shrunken rem­ from Estacada in the game.
nants constituting L ak e s Winnipeg.
might be most irate of all. So what Manitoba.
Ivan B. Swift, local manager for
Italny lake. Luke of tba
was a civil matter has become a cri­ Woods and Red lake.
the P. E. P. company whose office i*
in Gresham, spent Wednesday,
minal action.
Sisters Defy Gallant Officer
After being hailed into justice
APRIL 22 (evening)— and April
24 (afternoon matinee) Mary Pick- court here by Sheriff Mass today and
ford in “Sparrows" Benefit P. T. A
having to poat a $50 bail for their
April 22—Clackamas River Boos­ appearance again Monday, the Ma­
ters medt at Barton.
loney sisters, resident* of Eagle
April 29—C. E. program and social Creek, were not so sure that it pays
at Eagle Creek Grange hall.
to resist an officer.
Yeterday, D. M. Marshall, cons­
May 18-19 — " T h e Nervoua
Wreck” at the Liberty theatre.
table for this district, armed with
authority to secure an automobile be­
Watch for dates on the great pic­
ture, “The Lost World,” which will longing to the sisters after a judg­
ment had beer, entered against tksra
be at the Liberty soon.
Nation's Faith in God
Expressed on Coinage