Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 14, 1927, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County
County Court Witholds Promiio of
Immediate Aid on the
Market Roed
In an endeavor to induce the
County Court to push forward the
work o f construction o f the Market
Road between Springwater and Col­
ton, a large delegation waited upon
that body in the County courthouse
at Oregon City Tuesday. Repre­
senting the Greater Clackamas Union
o f Clubs yas the president, H. II.
Chindgren, Gordon Taylor fo r Mo-
lalla, G. Davidson for Colton, H. C.
Stephens for Estacada, E. Shearer
for Springwater, and D. Horner fo r
Dodge, also about thirty people from
Elwood were present.
The question was presented from
many angles by the speakers. Ste­
phens pointed out the great benefit
that would be derived by th county
as a whole. Taylor spoke o f it from
the tourist point o f view and Horner
from the utitlity standpoint. He
showed that, while the distance from
Dodge to Colton is only eight miles,
yet under present conditions those
wishing to make the trip fiiust go by
way o f Oregon City, making the dis­
tance 45 miles. Dan Stahlnecker
and others from Elwood told of the
many farms in their district which
are unworked, because o f the diffi­
culty there is in getting in or out.
The County Court proffessed its
sympathy with the petitioners but
laid its inability to do much to the
shortage o f money.
The coming State Christian En­
deavor Convention, to be held in
Oregon City April 21-24, is looked
forward to by many young people as
an event o f great importance. E. P.
Gates, o f Boston, Massachusetts, Gen­
eral secretary o f the United Society
o f Christian Endeavor, is thinking
enough o f its importance to make
this convention his main objective in
a long transcontinental trip. Three
one-day institutes in California just
preceding the convention are inciden­
tal to his good-will trip to Oregon, to
show' that he, and his fellow officers,
have an interest in this state and
have not forgotten the West since
coming out here to the International
Christian Endeavor Convention in
Portland in 1925. Mr. Gates was
educated to be a latvyer and still is
a member o f the bar in Washington
D. C. He is recognized as a man o f
great ability and is much sought fo r
convention speeches in the United
States and Canada.
Orgeon City Interesting
Oregon City is an interesting and
historic place. It is said that it is
the oldest incorporated city west o f
thc Rocky Mountains. One o f the
first plats o f San Francisco is on file
in the court house in Oregon City.
It is the birth-place of Edwin Mark­
ham, thc poet although the house in
which he was born has long since
disappeared. Dr. John McLoughlin,
pioneer in the Northwest, is buried
here. His house stands on another
location, converted into a museum o f
historical interest. Kipling, while on
a visit to this vicinity fished in the
Clackamas just north o f the city.
The city is situated on the Willamette
river, the natural falls o f which, now
furnish power for street cars, paper
mills, and a nationally advertised wol-
len mill.
Convention Begins on Thursday
Oregon City residents are making
ready to welcome th hosts o f Christ­
ian Endeavoerrs who will come to the
convention, which begins on Thurs­
day evening and continues through
Sunday night. Lodging and break­
fast will be furnished free on the
Harvard plan to those who pay the
registration fee o f one dollar. Sou­
thern Pacific train service, and elec­
tric trolley cars from Portland make
it o f easy access to Oregon City.
Other speakers include Mrs. Chas.
W. Williams o f Portland. Dr. Norman
K. Tully o f Salem, Rev. Paul C.
Brown o f Los Angeles. Dr. J. B. Hun-
ley o f Walla Walla. Miss Louella
Dyer o f Seattle, Rev. 8. Earl Du-
Bois o f Portland. Mr. Ernest W.
Peterson o f Portland, and Mr. B. F.
Irvine o f Portland. Judge Jacob
Kanzler o f Portland, president, will
Better Product and Sales Service
Needs of Northwest Prune Industry
As brilliant a galaxy o f Thespians
as has ever been assembled at Esta­
cada high school will gather on the
By Christopher Strahan
planted are allowed to come into
school »tage tomorrow night, ready
full bearing, the average annual
Salem, Ore., April 12— (special)
to dole out quantities o f mirth in rap­
production o f prunes in the United
methods of merchandizing
id succession, when the junior class
States may be twenty to twenty-
presents thc college farce, “ A Stren­ northwestern prunes, including stan - 1
per cent greater in six years.
uous L ife,” by Richard Tully, as their dardization, better packing, distri­
The trend o f prices to growers
annual production
bution, and increased consumer de-
Tom Harrington, the reckless, rol­
has been distinctly downward and
rough-and-ready Berkeley mand, are needed if producers arc to many producers are not receiving
undergrad, played by Ban Jennings, receive fair returns fo r their labor in
satisfactory returns for their labor.
is led into a number o f amusing situ­ the face of a steadily increasing crop,
ations, only to be extricated each is the opinion o f department of Available information as to pro­
time by his kind friend, Reginald
duction trends and market demand
agriculture economists following an
Black, played by Carl DeMoy. Of
indicates that there probably will be
economic survey o f the industry.
course, h e captures the beautiful
little, if any, marked increase in the
This opinion was delivered before
Marian Bavenant shortly before the
general level of prices for prunes
final curtain.. The latter role is ta­ a meeting o f several hundred grow­
Oregon and Washington over
ken by Lillian Duncan.
ers, packers, and consumers here
Others who will be seen on the today by Burke H. Critchfield, Chris those prevailing in recent years un­
s age are Lola Johnson, Elwin Beck,
less some means o f increasing thc
L. Christenson, and Lloyd S. Tenney,
Oliver Beck, Irene Davis, John Whit­
demand »can be found.
aker, Leonard Davis, Opal Clester, representatives o f the federal de­
In planning a program to extend
Robert Hayden, Cletus Johnson, and partment o f agriculture.
knowledge o f Oregon and Wash­
Kenneth Park.
A federal survey was made recent­
Thc play is under the direction o f ly through the division o f co-opera­ ington prunes, growers should rem­
Claudia Plank, teacher o f public
ember the relatively small supply o f
tive marketing and was conducted at
speaking and languages.
California prunes, and the difficulty
the request o f producers, co-operative
o f thc average consumer in disting­
associations and other interested
uishing between the two products, it
agencies, and related especially to
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilson, o f the so-called Italian type prunes was 3aid.
Duluth, Minn., were guests of Mr.
Other practices recommended by
grown in Oregon and Washington.
and Mrs. W. G. Moore last Friday.
the department are careful growing
Department representatives inter-
They had been through California
and delivery of prunes of a uniform
and were on their way home by way ;iewed wholesalers, retailers and
o f British Columbia. Mr. Moore consumers in 29 cities in a study of quality regularity o f supply, and co­
operation among growers.
took them to Government Camp on
consumer demand, which showed,
the Mt. Hood Loop. They drove
About forty per cent of the north­
among other things, that consumers,
between walls o f snow' 16 feet high
western prune crop is handled by
on the trip and the visitors expressed other than those o f the Jewish race,
farmer co-operative marketing asso­
amazement that such experiences do not know that there is more than
could be had in a single day’s trip one kind o f prune. Prune3 are ciations, which, according to the
from a warm climate.
economists, should form the nucleus
“ just prunes” to most people, al­
o f a larger organization for distrib­
though there is a marked difference
between the Italian type which has uting and merchandizing the prunes
The Eagle Creek hall will be the a tart flavor and the California more effectively..
Several from Clackamas county
scene o f another American Legion sweet prune, said the experts.
attended the meeting.
dance next Saturday night. This is
The trend o f prune production has
one o f the regular tri-weekly affairs
Editors Note: A bulletin, depart­
been markedly upward in California
put on by the Carl Douglass post.
ment circular 416-c, relating to this
Good music is a feature o f these and the northwest during the past survey, may be obtained from the
twenty-five years. Available statis­ Department o f Agriculture, Wash­
tics show that if the trees already ington, D. C.
Methodist Church is Holding
Protracted Services
April 24
Services every evening at 8 P. M.
Plan to attend, your presence Will
help us to help others. A real revival
helps everything that is worthy of
his blessings.
Our gospel is His Gospel, “ How
Christ died fo r our sins according to
the Scriptures.” Christ’s death, bur­
ial, and resurrection are facts. Are
these the Gospel? Is there any sav­
ing power in them? Not unless we
add, “ fo r our sins, His death was a
death for us all, by which we are
delivered frqm ‘our sins.’
— F. A. Simms
First Grade
Mrs. Joslin, Mrs. J. C. Kiggins, and
children, and Mrs. Everett Kiggins
visited the primary room this week.
The little folks went fo r their first
hike on Tuesday afternoon, spending
two hours in playing games and doing
acrobatic stunts in the park. Judg­
ing from the noise, the frequent ca-
astrophes in the shape o f minor abra­
sions o f their epidermis, and the
reluctance with they turned their
steps homeward, the outing was a
complete success. Jean Grabeel sug­
gests that “ we take along some sam-
midges the next time we go side­
Fourth Grade
The county agent just furnished
the Estacada Stat Bank with a lot of
new bulletins o f interest to farmers.
These are fo r distribution where the
supply is large enough and where
there are only single copies o f a
bulletin, the bank will be glad to
order fo r anyone interested. The
county agent is making this a branch
office for the distribution o f such
farm helps as come to him.
O f especial benefit to land owners
is the soil map which may be seen
at the bank. There is a descrip­
tion o f the types o f soil in this
neighborhood and recommendations
ns to the crops best suited to each
type o f soil.
Coming Events
April 16— Legion dance at Eagle
April 16— Flower sale, Broadway
Service garage.
Suzanne Cooke is back in school,
after being out on account o f the
ncasles. •
Sam Whitehead, Mallisa Sarver,
nd Gordon Zcrkel made hundreds in
spelling all last week.
The class is busily engaged writing
its W. C. T. U. story entitled “ The
Joy Who Watched Lincoln Write his
Name.” These stories are illustrated
with pictures o f log cabins, and pic­
ures o f Lincoln.
Fifth and Sixth Grade*
Posters are being made by the boys
and girls in the fifth and sixth grades,
fhesg posters illustrate the temper­
ance teaching o f the Healthy Living
books and will be entered in the W.
C. T. U. poster contest. We are
hoping fo r a prize.
Willie Topp returned to school
Monday after several days absence
because o f a cold.
Mildred Rhodes visited in Eugene
over the week end.
Dan Whitehead visited the Govern­
ment camp Sunday and reports much
snow there.
Ellamae Smith visited her sister
in Stayton Sunday.
The best prospects fo r a first rate
wrestling match which Estacada fans
have had this season, is the bout
scheduled for Tuesday night at the
Liberty. Bill Donovan, the husky
matman from Pocatello, Idaho, has
thrown Wild Bill Thornton here but
the match did not do Thornton jus­
tice, since the night before he had
been roughly handled on a Portland
floor and was not in the best o f con­
Donovan is starting on a schedule
o f matches in Canada soon, and
wants to prove to Thornton that he
can upset him when Thornton is at
his best.
The preliminary bout will be be­
tween the two lads who have staged
two thirty minute no-decision bouts
here before. “ They will have to stay
with it this time until they decide
who is the best man,’ ’says Referee
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallis, April 13,-(Special)-Clackamas
county clubs received 15 out o f 40
charters sent out by H. C. Seymour,
state club leader, recently, which is
more than any other county in the
state. These chartrs are issued by
the United States departmnt o f ag­
riculture when complete programs
o f the year's work are sent in by the
club. I. M. C. Anderson is county
club leader.
Among the recipients o f these
charters was the Estacada Sewing
club, led by Mrs. Sophronia Lathcn.
April 21-24— C. E. Convention at
Oregon City.
APRIL 22 (evening)— and April
24 (afternoon matinee) Mary Pick-
ford in “ Sparrows” Benefit P. T. A
Barton Bids Boosters Bring Big Bunch
The second meeting o f the Clack­ banks o f the river.
The Clackamas
April 22— Clackamas River Boos­ amas River Improvement club will be has lacked the publicity which has
ters meet at Barton.
held at Barton on Friday evening, made the Rogue and McKenzie riv­
April 22. This movement is the ers famous, but those who know it
April 29— C. E. program and social
outgrowth o f a called meeting at have faith that it will rank as high
at Eagle Creek Grange hall.
May 18-19 — “ T h e
W reck" at the Liberty theatre.
Carver last month and will lead to as any stream in America as a fisher­
advertising o f the Clackamas Valley. man’s and tourist’s
Those interested in the movement in­ the facts are
A large
Watch for dates on the great pic­
clude all who reside in the valley as attendance is expeetd at the Barton
ture, “ The Lost W orld,” which will
well as th« business interests on the meeting.
be at the Liberty soon.
10 A. M.— Easter Program
11 A. M.— Easter Address
7 P. M.— Young Peoples Meeting
The eight o’clock preaching service
is dismissed and we shall all attend
j the Christian church for a united
! service.
Judge Martin will bring the Easter
Address. He will also assist us in
j the revival services. His message
preached in our church some Sundays
j ago was received with much praise
and blessing. He has served as pas­
tor and evangelist for many years.
Also at the bar for 25 years. He is
a man of much ability and experience,
Come and hear Judge Martin next
Sunday morning.
Thomas I. Kirkwood, Pastor
The Sunday school and morning
worship will be conducted as one
continuous service, with a missionary
program by the school and special
Easter music. The theme o f thc
Easter message will be “ The Power
o f the Resurrection,” I Peter 1 :3.
The service begins at 10:30.
The Christian Endeavor meets at
the church in the evening. Topic,
“ Christ in Us, Power for a New
L ife.” F.ph. 2:1-10. Leader, Edith
The regular meeting o f the Ladies
Aid will be held at the church Thurs­
day afternoon, April 21.
Radio Audience His Reasons
For Favoring Proposed
On Wednesday evening, Governor
I. L. Patterson 3pokc to a radio au­
dience over the Oregonian’s station.
His subject wus the income tax and
the constitutional amendment which
would change the base upon which
the state tax commission determines
its levy each succeeding year in com­
puting a six per cant increase where
a six per cent increase is necessary.
The latter measure, he explained,
is to correct a fault which is due to
a lowered property tax for 1924 when
there was also an incor e tax, and
the failure o f the state tax commis­
sion to take this into account when
the income tax was repealed in 1925.
Thc income tax, which was pro­
posed by the governor and passed by
the recent legislature, is to be voted
upon by the people at the election
set for June 28.
Rate* are low
“ The rates are low” (under the
proposed bill) said Governor Pater­
son, “ and the exemptions are low, so
that while they reach men and wo­
men of small income, they do not
place, an unreasonable burden on
either those o f small incomes or
those who enjoy larger incomes.”
The governor spoke as though he
were confident of the support o f the
people on these two measures.
The Sunday Bchool will give a short
Easter Program, beginning at 2:30.
The Eastern Clackamas Garden
This will be followed by the usual
club will hold a flower sale at the
service o f worship, with special Ea:
Broadway Service Garage on Satur­
ter music. We also hope to have our
day, April 16.
new song books.
Sunday school at 10:30 A. M.
Christian Endeavor at 7:15. The
Old melodies of the plantation,
Easter service and special music at
interspersed with jokes aimed for
the most part at local folk*, wer«
presented last Friday evening to u
Easter services at the Christian
Church will be one o f the most at­
tractive and interesting services held
this year. Evangelist Kenneth J.
Husby o f Portland, who has been
helping to build up the church will
have charge of the day's program.
Starting at six thirty o ’clock in the
morning, a sunrise prayer meeting
will be held in the church. Every
Christian in the community Is invited
to attend this devotional service.
The Sunday school convenes at nine
forty-five. At this time thc Easter
large crowd at the high school by e
mixed chorus.
The program took the form o f an
old time minstrel show in the open­
ing act. Fred Leihammer, interlo­
cutor, put his dark-skinned circle of
performers through their paces with
never a hitch. The jokes flowed
smoothly and the music was excel­
lent. The members o f the circle
were hardly recognizable in their
tar-baby make-up, but a fow who-
zats located thc following: Cooke,
Stephens, Palmateer, Linn, Ahlberg.
Baker, Lawrence, Robertson, flra-
becl, Hayman, Jones, and Hughes.
Harry Grable furnished the piano
accompaniments. A thrilling finale
by Leihammer and company was
given in thc song, “ It’s a Grand Old
Flag,” with young Ted Ahlberg as
color bearer.
In the second act, the action cen­
tered around Mrs. George Lawrence
as Aunt Dilly. A feature of this
act was the negro melodies, both sad
id gay, by ladies' voices and in full
chorus. Besides the men o f the min­
strel cast, there were, in the s< cond
act, Mrs. George Lawrence, Mrs. II.
W. Kitching, Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mrs.
Fred Leihammer, Mrs. Nina Ecker,
Mrs. J. R. Hughes, Alta Kershner,
Ruth Dillon, and Anna Dillon.
Bob Cooke, in the intermission
Evangelist Husby
number, gave a dancing, juggling,
program will be given by the kiddies. and musical monologue number,
The morning worship will be at ele­ which stopped the show.
ven o’clock. The sermon subject is
j “ The Resurrection a Proof o f Christ­ SERVICE BEGINS SATURDAY
ianity. At noon a basket dinner will
be served at the church, followed by
Forty parons o f the Estacada
an afternoon service at two thirty. postoffice will be benefited by the ex­
The young people will have charge tension o f Route 2, which opens Sat­
j o f the devotional service at this time. urday. New boxes are being instal­
; Mr. Husby will preach a short ser­ led along the route which lies east
mon on the subject, “ Three answers from the town on the north side of
to the Same Question.”
river. The patrons are asked to
Christian Endeavor service* will have their mail marked with rout'
be held at six thirty. The young 1 and box number so that no confu­
people o f the community will study sion may occur. It was pointed out
together the subject, “ Why did Jesus by Postmaster A. H. Johnson that
Die and Rise Again?” The evening changes in mailing instructions arc
service at seven thirty will be a union often not promptly attended to by
service o f the churches o f the com­ patrons and as an example he re­
munity and will include a big corn- ferred to mail for Route 3, Estacada
unity sing, special music, and the which sometimes bears the address,
sermon, “ God’s Last Invitation.”
Route 1, having once been served on
Route 1, out o f Springwater.
The Christian Endeavor o f the
Eagle Creek church will give a pro­
The Neighbors o f Woodcraft will
gram and hold a tie social Friday entertain the public on Thursday, Ay
evening, April 29. All are cordially ril 21, at a card party, in the Maaon