EASTERN CLACKAMAS GRADE fc o e We Want FORD Used Cars MOTOR CO. W e have a rearlv demand for GUARANTEED FORD USED CARS. This spring we have been unable to keep these cars in stock. The liberal trade-in values we offer places the ownership of a TODAY S FORD CAR within easy reach. Call us up. W e will be glad to take you for a ride SCHOOL NEWS THURSDAY, APR IL 1, 1027 Frances Evens, Dorothy ’ Larkins and Merle Boyer received Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg and Master hundreds in spelling all last week. Arnold Ahlberg, Mrs. Reagan, Mrs. Myron Woodworth is absent from Ernest Duns and Miss Patricia Duns thP ranks on account o f chicken pox. visited the first grade this week, The third grade is endeavoring to much to the delight o f the little fill its Bunny Books with two weeks folks. o f hundreds in spelling. Thelma Nielsen is again in school after a three weeks absence on ac­ count o f illness. Louise i LaMonde Evans has moved away j ... , . ,, , | with his mother and sister. They ! went to Columbia City, j Ella Hayden returned to school | Monday. She was ill last week, but is better now. | _____ 5 __________ j B O Y S ' and G I R L S ’ C L U B S The Canemah sewing club, No. 1, have finished their work and held their achievement program in the Fifth G ra de _______ I Canemah schoolhouse April first. Mrs. Vida Banke is the local leader. Laura Nielsen has returned after The flve girlg who have rtnIf)h8d are The primary room observed Arbor day by planting, with Mr. Sarver’s two week’s absence due to illness. assistance, two three year old climb­ The fifth grade is greatly enjoy- ing roses, pink Van Fleets, and a . . . . „ ing the presence o f a small green number o f primulas in several colors, is in the border just under the windows turtle . in their room. As ' yet . . he , o f their room. j namele8s’ but Wlth thlrt>' «P* thinkers Mrs. Lemon visited the grade on Friday afternoon. Sixth and Seventh G rade« F o u rth G rade NOTES F»r*t G rade Page 5 Blanche Churchill, Erma Freeman, viola Baumgartner, Paulin« Coulson, and Pearl Parberry. , The Clackamas County Club Leaders’ League at their meeting second he will soon enjoy a cognomen suit- jagt Saturday voted to change their able to his size. meeting date from the first Tuesday ÍSMS25 in the month to the flrs; Saturday o f each month. The Bolton and Jen­ nings Lodge demonstratian teams gave their sewing d e m o nstra tio n at the Leaders’ meeting April » « e * e d . These demonstrations were so well rcceivd that it was decided to have u demonstration for each meeting. County Club agent I. M. C. Ander­ son has lately received a letter from E. N. Bressman, associate professor o f farm crops, stating that now is the time to make a preliminary germin­ ation test o f your seed eorn. The corn project should be very papular with Clackamas County Club hoys and girls this year, as they will have an opportunity to show at the County, State, and Pacific Inter­ national exhibitions. Besides these, all club members may enter the Bank o f Commerce show, which is held in their bank building after the other shows are over, which gives all an opportunity to have mature eorn. aa a in TODAY’S FORD CAR. COOKE MOTOR CO. THE MARQUAM WHITE LEGHORNS ( T r a p n e s t e d co n tin uo u sly f o r ten co n s e c u t iv e y e a rs ) Chicks all Sold up to the Middle of May Send for Prices on May and June Chicks CERTIFIED BREEDER . Member Oregon Accredited Hatchery and Breeders’ Association (under the supervision of the Oregon Agricultural College.) OREGON THE MARQUAM POULTRY FARM BREEDERS OF WHITE LEGHORNS O ne Mile East o f Eatacada, O re g o n , on G a rfie ld R o a d T l l l l l l l l l i i l l l l l l l l l l l ! l l l l l l l l l l l ! l i l l l i l l l l ! l l l llllll ¡ ! ! l l í ! l l l l l l l l l l ¡ l l l l l l l l l l ¡ l l l l l i l ¡ ( l l l ¡ l l l l l l l l 'i l l i l l l ¡ l l l l l l l [ ! ¿ SHOES N ew ^Arrivals for feaster The song of the teakettle may be acceptable in the winter, but the call of the robin is more inviting these glorious April days. Why not enjoy your garden these early spring days . . . have carefree hours with your family and friends. Laest styles, and at prices you can afford to pay. g Men’s Womens, and Children’s Shoes— the All- 1 Leather line— the best in the long run— Even though you do enjoy your home, there’s no reason for you to carry it continuously . . . like a shell upon your back . . . or a worry in your mind. Particularly the kitchen . , . with its insistent duties . . . to be performed over and over each day. AT RO SE S THE PLACE TO BUY miiiiiiiMi With a modern electric range in your kitchen you ’d enjoy hitherto unknown hours of freedom . . . and delights pre­ viously unserved at your table. Our Safe Deposit Vault:- Offers splendid protection for During April you may choose any of our modern ABSTRACTS INSURANCE POLICIES NOTES ELECTRIC RANGES MORTGAGES DEEDS at a discount of 10% WILLS BONDS paving only 10% down and the balance % monthly STOCKS There are types to serve every need . . . from the tiniest >ze for the apartment or bungalow kitchenette . . . which occupies a minimum of space . . . to the all-white enamel super-automatic— which does everything but think up your menus! OTHER VALUABLE PAPERS And the cost is less than a cent a day. Can you afford to be without this protection?. Call and select a box. Every one of them adds an unfailing and ever-willing servant to your home. We’d be glad to show y o u the va riety o f models for your choosing. ESTACADA STATE BANK date o f this notice. Dated March 29th, 1927. Notice is hereby given that the Date o f first publication March undprs;gned has been duly appointed 3 lit. 1927. administrator o f the estate o f W il­ Date o f last publication April 2&th liam Wallace DeLapp. deceased, and 1927. any and all persons having claims Sidney L. DeLapp, Administrator against said estate are hereby re­ o f the estate o f William Wallace De quired to present said claims, duly Lapp, deceased. verified as by law required at the W. A. Heylman, Estacada, Ore­ office o f my attorney. W. A. Heyl- N O TICE TO PORTLAND CRED ITOR S rasn, within fix month# from the gon, attorney for Adminiftrator. Th ese ranges a re on display r a R PO W E rsrsn E le ctric installed f r o m stor#. S tore in A the Gresham te le pho n e call to 801 will b r i n f a salesman to COM PANY, ELECTRIC B U >Q ^ the Gresham and can be sold and ELECTRIC ■LECTRIC 5'rORE Ü. at . explain the merits o f c e o k in g with electric it y.