Page 4 Eastern Clackamas News EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, ' 1927 GOVERNMENT COSTS ARE STAGGERING Entered at the postoffice in Estacada Oregon, as second-class mail. Few people realize thnt the cost of all government in the United States reaches the staggering total of 11 14 | billion per year*— nearly Published every Thursday at The school children had a three The Neighborly Club meets with one-sixth dollars Estacada, Oregon of the entire annual income day vacation last week owing to the , ! of the country. by the illness of the teacher, Miss Gregg, Jlrs- ilard aext ^ ednesday. M:. and Mrs Archie Howell enter- This cost is not only enormous, but ESTACADA P libLIS nlN G COMPANY, nber of friends from , is growing at a rapid cate. In 1925, " Mrs"a\Y. Jones gave a party for tained a number (A CORPORATION.) government cost more than 12 times DOUGLAS JOHNSON ,hh iol^*Salurday e Z i n l ^ £ H S i ^ . n d ^ ^ h n Park and child- ¡as much as in 1890. The increased Managing Editor school batur ay ®nd delicious ren Sunday visitors at the Carl cost of government in these 35 years old games ivere played and del.cious [outstripped the growth of population Subscription Rates refreshments s^erve^ ^ pregbyter_ The Ain. Dodson familv were here ! by more than seven to one. In 1925, $1.50 One Year we spent for government nearly one- ian missionary, will preach in our during th* week-end and packed half value of our railroads. Six Months ......................................... 76 church Sunday evening at 7:80. their household goods and moved In the the five years ending with 1925, U. N. Beckley entertained friends them to Washington, where they are the cost of running the federal gov­ from Silverton Sunday. llving for a time. The CLACKAMAS RIGHT-OF-WAY Almost everyone who owned a Mr- and Mrs* Cogswell of Eagle ernment was decreased by cne-third. But at the same time the cost of run­ “flivver” went smelt fishing on the Creek were Sunday visitors at the ning the state and local governments For the past four months, in the Sandy last week and those who did Madden home. than doubled. meetings of the Eastern Clackamas not were well supplied by their Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Tenny and more The greatest single item in the cost children of Viola were Friday even- Community Club and the Greater of government is the public payroll. Union of Clubs of Clackamas County Mrs. George Brown, who lias been ’n£ call«1-* at the Moger home, people are now supported by and in the papers of the county, at the Good Samaritan hospital for Mr. and Mrs. James Closner and So many government that for every ten there has been a discussion of th. some time, is now staying at the children, of Estacada were guests at the employed in other than gov­ danger of granting the Portland E home of S. B. Brown. the Ed Clo8ner and Walter Strunk people ernment work, there is one person lectric Power Company a permanent Fisher brothers have moved their homes on Sunday, by the government. right of way up the Clackama families into the M. A. Henderson Mrs. Ed Aycock has been visiting supported During the past five years our state river from Estacada to the Oak house to reside while they are work- relatives in Portland for a few days and local governments have put us Grove project of that company. ing on the Market road. I recently, deeper into debt at the rate of The forest service has had, and Mr and Mrs. Otis Vallen and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swanson $3,300,000 a day. During 1925, this daughter Mary visited Mrs. Vallen’s have mpved to Garfield, where Mr. should have, a complete jurisdiction rate wag increased to $3,800,000 Swanson is working at the Yocum day— more than ten times as much a over the roads and trails through brother Walter Cox and wife of I Sawmill for a while. the national forest. The power com­ Sandy, Sunday. Callers on Mr. and Mrs. Moger as it was 25 years ago. pany sought to have this jurisdic­ were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley on We are finding it hard now to pay tion set aside insofar as their use oi DODGE NEWS j Sunday evening and Mr. and Mrs. only the interest on these immense the right-of-way is concerned and to „ . , , , 7 ~ . 7 . . . . . . debts our state and local govern­ , William Bard . on . Monday have their project placed solely Friday last being the birthday of . . . in . evening. . this section ,. ments are pilihg on us. What are 7 , , . , , The many fnenus under the control of the federal our estimable school teacher, the ol­ of T. P. McAuley were grieved to [ we ffoing to do when the time comes power commission, to which commis­ der pupils celebrated by hav- hear of his death at his home in Port- to P*y tfie mortgage? sion the power company is now an­ ing a social in the schoolhouse in the land Sunday. Everyman’s Almanac swerable for their use of the water evening. A pleasant time was spent Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hansen and power. It is said by officials of the jn games of various kinds. son Edison were Oregon City visitors company that having to keep their Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller paid a on Rattlesnake's Rings records so that two different bran­ visit to Mrs. Keller’s two sisters at Monday. The rings on a rattlesnake do not ches of the government are satisfied, Wilsonville on Sunday. Mrs Keller tell exactly the age of the snake. The is asking too much. No doubt this is in her 74th year. Her sisters are biological survey says that the rattle- CURRINSVILLE shake acquires from two to four rings is true. Most of us know what a 71 and 81, respectively. Mrs. Kel mass of red tape must be wound and lev’s mother was 90 at the time of Friday, April first, was enjoyed by a year, Usually three. Under normal unwound at endless expense and ex­ her death.. They have a brother in the Currinsville school and will long conditions ohe ring is added each time snake sheds Its skin. The young asperation to satisfy the swivel- Florida who is in his 83rd year. be remembered by pupils as well as the rattler is provided with a single but- chairs of the government. Still, it Guy Keller drove them to Wilsonville teachers. who are not child- ; tob at birth, and within a few days It seemed to those who studied the mat­ and home again, ail having a pleas ren enjoyed Some the day of sport even if sheds Its skin and commences feeding ter that accounting difficulties did ant time. we did not go to answer a phone call In about two months It sheds Its sldn not make a sufficient excuse for Douglas Johnson was at Hillock- or missed our stage to Portland. for the second time and then the first licensing the power company to burn again on Sunday and took away Mr. Grace and family, of Port­ ring of the rattle Is uncovered or maintain a railroad permanently Frank Narus and Frank Miller, two land visited Mr. and Mrs. Ward added. Tills has been growing under the old skin, nhd Its pressure was ap­ upon a right of way owned by the men who have been doing some work Sunday. Mr. Grace is a parent In the swollen nppearance of public. There had been much dis­ there. So Henry Warnock is again Douglass brother of Mrs. Douglass. satisfaction with the service the pub­ in sole charge—a good old standby is Mrs. Sarah Webber, of Nebraska, the tall at the base of the original button. The last seven or eight ver- lic could obtain over the line. The Henry and one in whom confidence and Mrs. W ebber, mother of Law- j tebrne fuse together shortly after birth clubs, too, had every right to know can be placed. Webber, of Garden Home, i and form a composite bone known as what was to become of their interest Mrs. Whitsett, who has been help­ rence and her daughter Hazel and son [ the "shaker,” and It Is around this ing at Mrs. Lacey’s for several Frank, spent the week-end with Mr. hone that each cap or ring of the rattle in the road. A resolution was passed which set j months, has been called away and Mrs. Lawrence Webber. forms. la. forth the demands of the public sick with pneumonia. J. A. Kitching, W. M. Wade, and Meanwhile, the federal power com­ The “flu” has left Dodge. It Floyd Hale are moving road graders Little Sermon mission and the forest service held seems like everyone is rid of it and to Garfield this week where they will Lo. the young Intellectual I conferences in Washington, and as glad of it. do quite a lot of road building this He Is esthetic. a result, new restrictions are placed summer. He dwelteth among his kind and upon the power company in their use talketh confidently of his art. Ile let­ C. R. Lovell made the round, of the right of way, which are all UPPER EAGLE CREEK trip to Portland Tuesday with Lloyd teti! his hair grow long and dlscotirseth of Freud. He shaveth not. hut he un- that fair-minded people could ask. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Woodle, Lesli< Ewalt. derstnndeth the futuristic. He laugh- In the first place, no permanent Woodle, The Currinsville Ladies’ Aid met Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass with Mrs. Victor Leon Wednesday. eth to scorn the conventions and right is given the company to oper and children, . , _ . , . , some f]ustrv prateth of free love. He derfdeth tn Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Gib Atlee ate a railroad on the present location son were visiting delivered the home of Wnl nice hogs Erickson The permit now being offered the ter Douglass last at Thursday to Pres Ferrel last week, j And yet, being hungry, he buyeth company, if accepted by them, will Mrs. Douglass asked them to evening Mrs. J. H. Kitching has a birth-1 sustenance with money which his come ir demand that they build a trail where day Wednesday, April 6th, and al- father hath earned. For he remain- honor of Miss Edythe Peters, whost the secretary of agriculture shall birthday they were celebrating. though it was not learned which one eth esthetic only so long ns he Is coni­ designate unless they become a com­ it was, she has repeatedly shown form hie. mon carrier or grant adequate Mr. and Mrs R. B. Gibson wen !hat she is a real 100% woman. | So we mock him, knowing In our Dover visitors on Sunday, calling or. transportation facilities to the public Her care of her long sick husband hearts that we. too. would he esthetic. and Mrs. Charles Updegrave, and while she herself has been a suf­ But for the absence of rich fathers. , In addition to these requirements, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Udell. ferer for long years shows what a —Kansas City Times. the secretary of agriculture may at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass, ac any time demand that the rail» b< companied by Mrs. J. H. Denning what a real mother is. As her birth­ removed and the highway restored and Mrs. I). M. Marshall, made a trij day comes on Wednesday, the day of , Beaten Path Monotonous the Ladies' Aid meeting, they will Our associations are greatly respon to its original quality and service­ Oregon City on Monday. give her a surprise, and it will be a sihle for our lives Happiness or oth­ ability or, if desired by the govern­ to Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas; pleasant one., nnd all are wishing her erwise follows upon the heels of our ment, the company shall pay the were dinner of Mr. and Mrs. many more companions. The mighty help its to birthdays. difference between the cost of Roy Douglass guests Sunday. prevail. The great create an atmos­ instructing a forest highway H. S. Gibson sold a ccoupl«. of Mrs. Bowen was remembered by phere for ns. Train the heart and ihe Ladies' Aid Wednesday, the oc- of a standard satisfactory to horses mind to be at home In the great places last week. the secretary of agriculture, lo­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, Leslie ,asion being her birthday, which and to live on the broad plains. The cated on the right of way of Woodle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass came on the eighth. superlative alone rnn give us cheer R. S. Coop says that the rain is not Get away from the hUmdum and regu said railroad, and the cost of such a and Fred Hoffmeiater and family highway located elsewhere along the motored to TroutdAle Sunday aftei all that is holding his farming back, lar. Sometimes have courage to de­ lie left his team for a few minutes part Into the country unknown. Re Clackamas river. Reduced to simp­ smelt, but got none. ind they turned around and tore member. If a rolling stonp gathers no ler terms, the new permit leaves moss, a flxpd one gathers little else both handles off his plow. verything to the discretion of the KUMOR IS DESTRUCTIVE If you have a news item, please It Is earthbound.—Exchange. secretary of agriculture. He may force the company at any time to turn it in. abandon the right ef way or he may The Oregon Voter, in its issue of The Misses Maloney, Mr. Grant ask that they pay for «he coat of April 2, in an editorial on the EAGLE CREEK Test, and Herbert Suter motored to clearing, cutting and tilling and grad­ liquidation of the Northwestern Portland on Tuesday. ing another road up the Clackamas National Bank, does not mince mat The community social evening Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Spilde and little on a location he will designate, ters in regard to the source of tlu sponsored by the Ladies' Aid of the daughter, Margaret, motored to E\ery interest of the public is pro- unfavorable propaganda which led Tided for in the new permit. to the wrecking of this great finan meal church on last Friday night portland Monday These stipulations should be rial mstitution.The finger is point- was a decided success. About 50, \ Junior A u d u b o n Society heartily endorsed by the Greater *d to a great store Just across th persons enjoyed the hospitality of ha(l been organized by pupils of the Union of Clubs and if approved by »treet from the bank. It is stated the Burnett home. Games were Primary room of the Eagle Creek twelve members. the power company and lived up to federal investigation will be made provided for the young folks, puzzle Mrs. Arthur Cogswell, in companv by them, no obstacle should be placed and the responsibility may be fixed solving, radio music, and social visit in the way of the largest develop Wherever the responsibility lies, v , ing provided for the older people with the Madders, from Springwa'et ment of the water power resources hope it anil h# located nnd th, Toward the midnight hour, partners motored to Portland Wednesday. in the M t. H o o d N a t i o n a l guilty duly exposed and punished were selected, and all partook of the Mr*. Katie Paddison and Mrs. Jane Akers were Portland vivsitors Wed­ forest. More than that, the public Fh* editor of The Y oter commend ielicious refreshments served. evening was church nigh nesday. should cultivate a greater interest in the heroic action of officers of the at Monday th* Eagle Creek church. The the problems of this large company bank, entailing much personal sac purpose was to elect new church and The fact that a million dollars worth riflee, which enabled the brnk t Sunday school officers as well as to of stock is owned by its employees satisfy all depositors without any plan definitely for the new year. Out nearly 3.000 people in thi loss. $1.35 Rev. Mr. Kirkwood presided. There Mill run ’80« territory are financially interested in Robed Oat« S I.60 it, and that it is our largest taxpayer, The publie is easily taken off iw was considerable discussion as to th. Corn M«a! (Com paro this) $2 50 wiring of the church building ft feet and made panicky by persist­ entitles the company to our consider SI 00 ent rumors. A bank is one of the electricity. After the business af pkg« J«r»ey Cornflake« for ation. 2!e The forest service is taking can most sensitive institutions on earth. fairs were dispensed with, the form; 3 Potato#», per l* J lb« $1 50 of the public interest. If the time is A rumor may start a run on a bank j business meeting was adjourned No. 2 potato#«, per 100 lb« SI 25 the remainder of the meeting wa- which is perfectly safP and sound. ripe for n road up the (Tarkanius arden Seed». Pkt» ...................... 5c The law provides severe punish­ 'Pent socially. The ladies served G Lipton’« let’s ask them for one. Coffee, per lb 58c ment for the person or persons who light refreshments to all. Come ia end get price« on Shoe*. start a run on a hank. It is Eo-.ti r Meyers 'otoicd home fro. H»t«. for Spring and Sum ­ The city of Portland will spem despicable to start or help spread Corvallis to spend the week-end. r mer. Drygood» W* have a new line of Ladiee .urning on Tuesday. a rumor that may wreck any legi­ ’0,00 on fireboats and harbor fire Silk Hoi« just in— Price thorn I .......... Homer Glover hae installed a ne , i equipment in the unmediu.« timate institution. —Gresham Outlook ( radio act in hi« hoipe. GIVE US A TRIAL future. Sandy; H. C. Kanne, Canby; and ¡J. C. Kraft, Canby. The cows in Varieties of Bread these herds averaged respectively, Generally speaking the difference 57. 46.5, and 40.3 pounds butterfat. between whole-whenl bread Hnd gri- hnm bread Is that there Is less coarse The three high grade herds belong bran In the so-enlled whole-wheat | to J. L. Lienhart, Woodburn; C. E. bread than In graham bread. True Kraft, Canby; and G. A. Plieth. graham bread Is made from graham flour. Dr. Alexander Graham was the Cows producing over sixty pounds first to advocate milling the entire of fat belong to W. F. Fischer, Sandy wheat, adding nothing and subtracting Luscher and Son3, Boring; Buxton nothing. In some mills the whole­ Bros., Molalla, and C. E. Kraft. wheat Ilnur Is a product of the whole wlieut pat through a process to take The good records made by the cows out the coarsest bran. Bakeries' gra­ n the association indicate the reason ham bread Is made from a mixture of for the popularity of Clackamas pure graham flour and white flour, County cows in Canada and in neigh­ proportions varying—sometimes being boring states. half and half. GRIMM SEED RECEIVED Easy to Fix Clock A romtnerrinl traveler staying fit a small hotel wished to entcti mi early The County Agent’s office recently mornlhg train, and asked the pro­ received a shipment of certified prietress for the loan of an alarm Grimm alfalfa seed. This variety clock. been found best for Clackamas She produced the clock and re­ I has County conditions and is being dis- marked : “We don’t often use It. sir. and jtributed to growers planting an al­ sometimes It sticks a hit. hnt If It falfa acreage in 1927. doesn’t go off Just touch the little hammer and it'll ring all right”— London Tlt-Blts. PYROTOL NEARLY GONE CLACKAMAS COWS MAKE The sixth car of Pyrotol ordered A STRONG SHOWING since September will be ready for The report of O. K. Beals, tester for the Clackamas Cow Testing Association, shows that 521 cows were tested during the month of February, stated John J. Inskeep, County Agent, yesterday. The three high testing purebred distribution the latter part of April to those ordering. This is the last car to be ordered before fall. The U. S. department of agricul­ ture has notified the Oregon Agri­ cultural College that no more Pyro­ tol will be available after Christ­ mas of 1927. I T ’S A P R E T T Y GOOD SIGN that We Have the Right Price on Fertilizers WHEN OUR TRUCKS ARE KEPT BUSY MAKING DELIVERIES — LEAVE YOUR ORDERS AT BARTHOLOMEW & LAWRENCE Headqarters for Swift & Co.’s “Red Steer Fertilizer” BROOKFIELD BUTTER—48c Saturday Special HEAVY SUGAR CURED BACON..............33c SALT PORK............................................... 25c ESTACADA oMEAT COMPANY Pay Nothing Down! ON YOUR EASTER OUTFIT Six Months on the Balance CLOTHES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Girls’ Dresses and Coats $16.00 up Misses and Women’s Dresses and Coats $19.50 Boys’ 4 Pc. Suits (1 long, 1 short) $11.50 Student Suits ( 2 long) $16.50 Young Men’s and Men’s Suits (2 pants) $34.50 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE Regular employment, permanent location, and moral responsibilty are the only conditions. TRANSPORTATION PAID ON PURCHASES OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS OR MORE COME EARLY! C urrinsville Store Prices Upstairs Oregon City Beaver Bldg. Look For CLOCK Over Entrance