Tage 2 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 CUTS MORE OUR COMIC SECTION GETTING FACTS ON APPLE PEST (Prepared by th e U n i t e d S t a te » D e p a r tm en t Of A g r i c u l t u r e . ) The codling moth Is u troublesom e Insect enemy of apples, p revalent In most of the apple growing regions. A speclol appropriation for m eeting the slluuttou In K ansas w as made avail­ able to the bureau of entomology July 1, 11)20, hut In order to cover an entire season work w as begun In co­ operation with the K ansas A gricul­ tural college during the spring. Dam­ age was especially severe In K ansas and the O zarks during the preceding Season, and It Is hoped th a t these stmlles will throw much light on the codling moth problem throughout this region. Field experim ents In control are under way a t th e Bentonvllle (Ark.) laboratory, which Include the testing of arsenlcnls applied In v a ri­ ous dosages and at various times, and of ovlddal and larvlcldal m aterials. Questions relating to the q uantity of spray residue on fru it at harvest time are being studied a t th e Yakima (W ash.) HeljJ station. T ests of a large series of halts for m oths In the or­ chard and In packing sheds are also being made. An apple ferm ent has been found to be the best b ait m ate­ rial of those tried, though a ferm ent of molasses and yeast Is ulso good. None of the essential oils tested shows much promise. At the Sligo (Md.) laboratory the feeding habits of the codling moth la r­ vae are being studied, especially those Just hatched. The developm ent of In­ secticides other than arsenlcnls Is be­ ing attem pted. 0 Events in the Lires of Little Men "HELLO MISSUS bROWM WILL YOU An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. \ ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsnm quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite g j j JT^ JWT Grocery and R e s t a u - O ¿A A V I rants in Estacada and l o n g L O A F V ic in ity . 00000000000000000000000000 Horticultural Notes 0000000000000000000000000 « A good raspberry plantation will be profitable for six to ten years. • • • O rdinarily the quantity of fruit nnd vogetables used on the farm Is In dl r e d proportion to the q uantity raised. • * • In pruning see th at dangerons crotches and crowding of limb* are elim inated from young trees to avoid breaking down when the trees come of age. The ea rlie r this shaping Is done the less shock to the trees. • • • t'u ttln g the firewood with a oarpen te r ’s saw Is Just as sensible ns using one to prune the fruit trees Buy snd Use s good pruning saw. Efficient tied» m ake It easier to do efficient work. N inety cents for u |>ulr of hand shears and a dollar nnd a q u a rte r for o saw Is an Investm ent Juatliled even In the hom e orchard. • • • Black w alnut trees seem to be poisonous to apple trees. If planted n ear them . They a re also harm ful to tom atoes, potatoes and corn. • • • A fter all ro tten apple*, pruned lim bs an o th er refuse have been cleared up about th e orchard, give your tree« a thorough spraying. • • • In p r u n i n g g o o s e b e r r ie s a n d c u r ra n ts, rem em ber t h a t th e y h e n r f r u it on wood t h a t la tw o y e a r s o ld . I n s te a d o f last year'* g r o w th as w ith rasp berries and blackberries. HALOWAT Guaranteed RADIOS W. A. Heylm an Wm. W. Smith A TT O R N E Y S -A T-L A W We will take care of any legal business you may have In su ran t* , Loans and Collections MADE IN O REG O N L et m e d e m o n s tra te th is w e s t­ e rn -b u ilt R ad io in y o u r ow n hom e DR. VV. W . R H O D E S OSTEOPHATIC FIITSICIAN AND SURGEON Jfflce in L lchthorn Bldg. Estacada See m e fo r A a n d B B a tte rie s Civile Schock J DR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON P h o n e 69-7 D E N TIS T E venings by A ppointm ent Phones: O ffici 315, R esidence 5051 ,r .: ■ ■■■ -, w i . E stacada, Oregon Another N. G. Check THE FEATHERHEADS PLUMBING S. E. WOOSTER Pipes and Fittings Real E state, Loans, In surance Rentals Farm Loans a Specialty Telephone Es:acada, Oregon Get our prices before yon buy D ryer Pipes Made tt> O rder For Sheet Iron W ork, re­ pairs, Soldering and plum b­ ing, call a t the !. D., D. C. and E. C. L atourette ATTORNEYS P ractice In all Courts. F irst N ational Bank Oregon City, Oregon AMESSHOP in MAIN STREET O. D. EBY IliHllilììiiililiiìiiìlhiialiiìlliiliUl ATTORNEY-AT-LAW G eneral Practice. Confidential Adviser. Oregon Ofty. Oregon / T dvertisers will find this paper an excellent medium in w h ich to disp lay th eir bargains and make their w ants know n -* • DR. G. F. MIDFORD rilYSICIAS AXD SURUEOlf X-Ray Equipm ent, Glasses Fitted, Office and Residence Seoond and Main 8 treats, Estacada, Oregon Telephone Connections GATES FUNERAL HOME iniLíllSIMILIiiilllll G resham 8471 ED LINN AT LINN'8 INN AGENT Parasite of Gypsy Moth The D epartm ent of A griculture has recently Introduced Into the United States a parasite of the gypsy moth which Is particularly promising. This Insert Is called Compsllurn concinnata Melgen. It lives on about It«) host Insects. It lias now been studied for eight years by experts of th e D epart­ m ent of Agriculture, and these au th o r­ ities feel ti n t the Insert will prove of great benefit. It will not only check the spread of Insects of the kinds It wns Intended to control, but It has also shown ability to combat other dangerous Inserts In this country. nuettfm cm k*< itf*H cbum {am ify PROFESSIONAL CARDS Variety of Apple Trees Changed by Top-Working “Apple tree v arieties may easily be changed If the grow er wishes to fol­ low directions unit use a lltle care In his work," says I’rof. O. W. I’eck of the New Y’ork S tate College of Agri­ culture a t Ithaca. “T he undesirable Ben Davis may be "top-worked with some v ariety of real finality, such us McIntosh o r Spy. (¡rafting may also be used to get a n ­ other variety of fru it on an Isolated |ilum or pear which does not bear be­ cause of lack of pollination. "Any one nwiy g ra ft fru it success­ fully If he will take well-mntured one- year-old term inal grow ths from known bearing trees, keep the scions dor­ m ant, g raft when growth Is Just s ta rt­ ing, and be sure th a t the grdwlng or cambium tissues of the stock and the scion come In contact so as to Insure a union." Fnllures of g rafts may often be laid to the neglect of the grow er to be sure about this union, and another Im portant point Is the careful placing of wax over nil cut surfaces Immedi­ ately a fter the g raft Is placed. T his Is to keep the cut from drying out. For best results, scions should be set w ithin a few days at a tim e when the first leaves of the tree become from n qu arter to half an Inch long. W arm went her should be selected for the Job. SLICES TO THE LOAF E stacada, Oregon Phone 543 J. E. GATES VAN’S BARBER SKCP If you want what you want .hen you want it—in the print- ng line— WE HAVE IT! Near Depot Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hair Cutting a Specialty H air Cut 35 Shave 15 L. V. Van Slyke, Prop. SLANGUAGE RUSSIAN SAYINGS P arole your peeve. Answers the Description MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL I ElAVCu dollars auo sifts ceutx J tu ivtï SA.VOJM BAUK Ttwjeuo , 1 V tv c o o COAT FUM O ISM T B A D j T He Is a n eu tral pronoun. BOUT V.ORRTT» BN THE TIME I (JET [ THE FIRST PAVMeUT SAVED OP A F u r coat w i u fe ev . p r s t t v uicej ) The rich man e a ts w hen he w ants to, the needy w hen he can. Too honest to steal away. n e runs his brain In low gear. AUD THE CtRL RAMEÍ | . \ Fools quarrel over th e booty while th e wise divide It up. Unroll some brain fabric. too* w -me shads *- CIS FUR. COATS You m ust sing his song on w hose cart you ride. She's an optic orator. V Fools are n eith er ploughed nor planted, but grow o f them ­ selves. Even his Jokes have Jaundice. Blow Into my Igloo some time. Tickle your eardrum s with th a t W ho's uncalled-fi r bundle are you. O A fool can throw a stone Into th e w ater, but ten wise men w on't get it out. » 00O 0000O O O 0000a0