EA STERN FOUR Eastern Clackamas News E ntered at the posloffice in Estacada . Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon by the CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1927 DOVER DODGE NEWS News from the Neighboring Towns SPRINGWATER VIOLA NEWS On S aturday evening the m onthly social was held in the school house. There was a very good audience, in fact the room was well filled and ev­ erybody seemed to be enjoying them ­ selves immensely. An item which caused much m errim ent was a sor.g of local hits by Fred H orner, whic’i hit about everybody in the district, and everyone enjoyed the joke on the other fellow. T here w ere many other enjoyable item s on the pro­ gram , but the central one was the play, “ An Economical Boom erang.” It was well given and pleased the audience too. A fter the program came the usual free lunch and a fine lunch, too. Seems like the people enjoy this item best of all, not l e cause of the refreshm ents only, but because of the social tim * togetbe when one-can mingle with his neigh­ bors and converse on any and all subjects and th e jokes are always present. Success to the monthly meetings. W. E. Meyers had visiting him and his family S aturday and Sunday, his brother, H enry, and wife and sister Mrs. Schwick, all of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Rauch of W illam ette were visitors oyer th e week end a; the home of C. A. Colson. E arl Lankins and wife, of Viola form er residents of Dodge, w ere at the monthly m eeting as usual. They declare there is no place like the old place, and we would miss them if they didn’t come. In our school, th e county tests were given last week. T here w ere 21 pupils tak in g the te sts and in arithm etic, th ree of them got 100, and six others got over 90. In spell­ ing, three got 100 and ten others got 90 or over. In language, 11 got 90 or over. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and i daughter, Bernice, retu rn ed to then- home here on Monday a fte r spend- ESTACADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, ing 6 m onths in California. Ray ( \ corporation .) says Viola is good enough fo r him. DOUGLAS JOHNSON j The children of Mr. and Mrs. John Managing E ditor M attoon, Glen and Doris, who have been confined to th e ir beds with the Subscription Rates German measles, a r e about all right again. One Year ........................................$1.50 William Shearer, Elva Shibley ,, ,, _ . . , _ ., Six Months ......................................... 76 .. . . . . . Mrs. Mary Robertson of Garfield and Rhoda Beck attended the Chr.st- ... . , .. ... ,, _ , . n c, , , and Mrs. C lara Hicinbothom with the. an Endeavor meeting at Garfield on . o • ‘ . i la tte r’s m other, Mrs. M. L. Sevier. PASS THE PRUNES Sunday evening. w ent to Oregon City on Monday to Mrs. Carl Howell who has been can on Charlie Hicinbothom who was We are grateful for the editorial I. • in the hospital nt Gresham for sever- operated on again T hursday. He in T uesday’s Oregonian 'v" ’( al weeks returned home on Thursday, seems a little b etter and is holding th ey refer to the good word the Mr and Mrs. Dayball of P ortland his own. He is in hopes of being N EW S has for the Oregon prune. were visiting at the H ansen home on ! ®ble to leave the hospital in a short while. Sometimes the treeing of a ‘b ar’ re­ Sunday. Mr. M. Stew art, who was one of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDonald quires more than an attack by houn’s the truck drivers here, moved with and airedales. True they tree the and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Howell a t­ tended th e entertainnm ent at Dodge his family. varm int but chances are there is a The old neighbors of Mrs. Emii on Saturday evening and g reatly en­ little feist somewhere back out of joyed it. Sanders were sorry to learn of her h arm ’s way that is keeping up an Mrs. George P erry and children sudden death at Redland on Friday. everlastin' yappin'. visited h er p aren ts’ home near Can- They moved to Redland about a yeai ago from here where they resided The NEWS will have done all In by on Sunday. its power if it can summon to the fo r three years. She was a good Mrs. McDonald and Miss Madden attack such m asters of wit and logic neighbor and m other. She leaves fi were calling on Mrs. Carl Howell on as the clever editorialist of the O re­ i children and a large num ber of Friday afternoon. gonian and then keep yapping until j grandchildren. John Moger who is w orking fo r the th e big publicity hounds have run Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicinbothom the prune-eating bear up the Oregon LaDee logging company, spent Sun- wjth th eir th ree daUKhterSi Beulah, prune tree— C alifornia prune tree day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^ d d re d and E sther, with Lew Allen from Stevenson, W ashington, spent in the distance. Perhaps Tige Rey­ J. f . Moger. Avis Palm ateer is at home again Sunday a t the Sevier home. Miss nolds can give us a hand. for a time. Beulah, who is train in g to be a nurse Mrs. Minnie Eash, who has been at the Good Sam aritan hospital in JIM BEARD a t the Good Sam aritan hospital for Portland, had the aftern o o n off duty the yast two weeks retu rn ed to her so she had a pleasant visit w ith her O urs is a small community. The relatives fo r a few hours. home for a few weeks. news of death within our boundaries M. Gaylor is selling out. He w ants Miss Maud Wilson of the O. A. C. conies close to us. There is some­ gave an interesting talk to the mem­ to ren t or sell his place and go UPPER GARFIELD thing personal in it. W hether o r not bers of the Skip-a-week club at the back to Chicago to make his home. we have been acquainted with the Emery Powers ig w orking a t the Grange hall last Wednesday a f te r ­ Mrs. C. C. V anH outen en tertain ed deceased, we arc touched intim ately noon. Mrs. W. B. Lemon and Mrs. George Gill saw mill. He goes back the members of her Sunday school because the death has deprived us H. B. Davis were the hostesses for and forth every day in his auto. His class to the num ber of 12 young or some one we know, of a friend. th e day. The club held a St. P at­ work is to drive fo u r horses logging. folks to a St. P a tric k ’s class p arty These friendships are not to be ta k ­ Mrs. J a n e tt W ertz is home again a t her home last W ednesday even­ rick's party at the hall Friday even­ en lightly in a small community. ing which was very well attended with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­ ing. Ruth Ayers was elected class Perhaps, in the congested area of considering th a t several of the mem­ drew ' Graham, a fte r spending six president and Bernice Davis, secre­ our cities, th e m ere passing of a bers were on the sick list and unable months in the sanitarium at Milwau- tary. man is a m atter of little moment, but kic. She is feeling much improved to attend. Alice Hicinbothom of Estacada it is to our great advantage th a t we W. W. Christensen of Portland and weighs more than she ever did was a week-end guest a t the home of live where we can know, or know of, was a t the Dr. W allens home on before. Mildred and Ruth Ayers. everyone so well th a t their depar­ Saturday bringing his nephew, Dick, tu re leaves a void w ithin us. R. E. Davis was a P ortland visitor home. CURRINSVILLE D uring the past week, Jim Beard over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe G uttridge a tte n d ­ died. He hud been ill with th e flu Wm. Needham, w ife and children ed the funeral of Mrs. G uttridge's Mrs. C. H. Fantz and daughter a few months ago and had not been a re guests of Mr. N eedham ’s m other, uncle at Silverton on S atu ’-day. C urrinsville school Wednes- visited well since. Trouble had developed Mrs. J. F. Reeher. Guests a t the P eter Erickson home day. which took fatal effect early F riday during the week-end were th eir sons i Miss G ardner was a passenger on Mrs. M. G. W eatherby who ha? morning. But, however it happened, Joe and Floyd, with their fam ilies of the stage to Portland F riday evening. been on the sick list since last F ri­ he is gone and we miss him. Portland. Also Mrs. Beard and two R. H. C urrin came over home S at­ day, is still confined to her bed. Jim was a cook— a good one. That sons of Mansfield W ashington who urday fo r the week-end. Sunday School a t the Nora Memor­ was ju st an incident. He would have came to atten d the fu n eral of her Miss Poole was a passenger on the ial church Sunday at 2 and preach­ been good at anything he had u nd er­ son Jim in Estucada on Monday. stage to P ortland S aturday morning. ing by Rev. Simms at 3:00. taken. Still, having been a good They are form er neighbors of Mr. Mrs. E. J. Yocum was a delightful Gasoline took a two-cent a gallon cook speaks well for him. There and Mrs. Erickson. drop Saturday. We hope for another hostess last Thursday to the Dorcas are not so many. One fact which is Mrs. W. T. Smith en tertain ed n one soon. and W. C. T. U. societies. A dinner eternally to Jim ’s credit is that w her­ num ber of relatives from Portland H erbert D. Lombard and family was served a t th e noon hour at which ever he worked, on the m ountain on Sunday. of Mitchell, Iowa, arrived in P ort­ 16 ladies sat down to an Irish dec­ trail crews of the forest service, Earl Jones from Camp 8 visited land the first of last week and are orated table and enjoyed a most in the heated kitchen of a restaurant S aturday night and Sunday with his visiting E. J. Voigt of Currinsville. delicious dinner. A quilt was quilt­ or p reparing the meals for a host of m other Mrs. J. A. Kigggins. They shipped th eir household goods ed during the day and a t the busi­ vivacious young people at a bible Mrs. F orest Erickson and Miss Fa- conference at Hillockburn, Jim was hy attended the county teachers' to M iller’s siding and unloaded it last ness session in the afternoon, Mrs. Saturday. They came to stay so Rena Duncan was re-elected presi­ ever kindly and well-liked. There are meeting at Gladstone on Saturday. they shipped th e ir horses, cows and dent, Mrs. Kate Trapp, vice-presi­ easier jobs than cooking. Mrs. E v erett Shibley and Mrs. Wil­ They expect to rent a d en t; Mrs. M ary Robertson, secre­ So it is a pleasant memory We ey Howell were calling on Mrs. J. chickens. tary , and Mrs. W. R. Ried, teasu rer ranch at present and buy later, have o f Jim Beard. We were fo rtu n ­ A. Kiggins on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chandler, par- The VV. C. T. U. kept the same offi- a te enough to have enjoyed many a Guests at. the Henry C rom er homo good m eal prepared by him in the on Sunday w ere Mrs. Flora Aldridge ents of Mrs. Voigt, expect to return cer9> president, Mrs. W eatherby, m ountains, where he loved to be. and her son, Eldon, and family o ' to th eir home in Iowa the first of vice-president, Mrs. W. B. Lemon I secretary, Mrs. Ida Palm ateer, and Every meal was served with that Gladstone, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Lon this week. W ith spring here, we will soon be tre a su re r Mrs. Bel Duus, rare enough relish, good humor. Wickam of Oregon City. m aking gardens and getting ready This sum m er at the evening cam p­ Mrs. Mary Hunt, who has been fires of the forest service boys and making her home with the George fo r the good old sum m er time. EAGLE CREEK Tuesday m orning. Mr. and Mrs. next w inter at the young people’s G uttridge fam ily fo r several months F riday evening. March 22, the gatherings a t Hillockburn and at came up on Sunday to th e Joe Gutt- Fred Chandler left for th eir home in many oth er tim es and places, some­ tidge home to stay fo r a time. Her Iowa. People reg retted to see them C hristian Endeavor will hold a busi- ' one will rem ark, “ Remember Jim health is very poor, being bedfast leave. They enjoyed their stay in ness and social m eeting at the home B eard?” And then will sta rt another most of the tim e and it is hoped the Oregon and if they could have done of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clester. it th ey would have been glad to lo­ Mr. and -Mrs. M att Glover, Mr. round of testim onials, "Some cook, change will be of benefit to her. cate here. and Mrs. Homer Glover and Mr. and he w as,” "F ine fellow, th a t," and J. N. Jackson and son, of Garfield Mrs. W alter Glover went in to P o rt­ so on. To have lived as he did, so GEORGE ITEMS hauled some fine hay from P. W. land last Thursday to attend the fu n ­ th a t every memory of you is pleas- Douglass' ranch this week. eral of an old friend of the Glovers an n t is to have achieved success. Q uite an enthusiastic electric light The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson en ter­ tained at d inner on Sunday, Mr. and m eeting was held in Currinsville this Homer Glover on last W ednesday, G overnor Al Sm ith's presidential Mrs. Henry Sm ith and son, Richard, week. It is expected th at soon there March 16, and transacted several im­ boom was launched the other day in and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Held. Mr. will be quite a few enjoying lights in p o rtan t items of business, m ainly: New York, but it is to be remem­ nd Mrs. It. Klinker were guests th at neighborhood. definite com m ittees w ere appointed bered th a t ther,> are more rivers to »Iso in th,< afternoon. Mrs. Lindsey Hale is expected to arran g e fo r a community social be croosed between M anhattan nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Paulsen nnd home today (W ednesday) on the “ open house” m eeting on the even­ W ashington than there are between George W illing were guests for din- ing o f April 1. The com mittee is train. M anhattan and Albany. a rr a n g in g a m ost m ysterious pro­ ner on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Leo ------------------------ Rath. It was fo rty degrees below zero in gram . fo r part of the evening. W atch Gene T unney has signde to tight A dance was given in the hall last Moscow last week so you can 't blame next «-eek’s News fo r fu rth e r an ­ fo r a million dollars, which is more nouncem ent of this big social event. Saturday night. money th an we got for winning the those Reds fo r try in g to get into The Maddens of Springw ater were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson and W orld W ar. visitors a t the Cogswell horn« on family had as guests on Sunday, Mrs. Mexico and C entral America. Johnson's parents. Mr. and Mrs —— -------— -------- Sunday. I f the revolutionists in N icaragua Miss Corrine T rullinger returned are n 't satisfied no« they will have a Whitfield and sons Tercy and H arry and a s.ster, Mrs Bob W alton and V/Ul 1 m 3 V Jl Ul t rillCS home Saturday from Eugene to chance to tell it to the marines. son. spend spring vacation with her p ar­ To be a good statesm an in the Mill R u n p r 8 0 t h *k $1 35 en t* Little Iva Jo y n er w ent to P o rt­ W e s t e r n m o t o r oil, qt 1 Sc F o s te r M eyers and R onald B u rn ett Balkan states you don't merely have land with her uncle and aunt, Mr. E a s t e r n ( G o l d e n Shell O il) 25c m oto red hom e from Corvallis T ues­ and Mrs. Maxwell, to visit for a few to know how to double cross. You days. E a s te r n (M o to re s# Oil) a s< day ev en in g to spend sp rin g vaca have to be able to double cross a tion. M-ss Rertha Chronee. and Miss C u p ( r e a s # in I I t c an s double crosser. 20c Mr. and Mrs T rullinger and fam ­ H ertha Roeder of Milwaukie « ere 5 th pails ....... 75c ily, accompanied by Mrs. Homer However it ia to be doubted w heth­ guests over Saturday and Sunday of A a l e g r g m s e in 1 th cans 15c Glover, motored to Portland, T ues­ Mrs. K. Lins and Family. e r the S en ate’s failure to ratify the day to visit relatives. ” 1 0 t h pails 110 L ausanne tre a ty «11 effect the price Mrs. William Sanders and Mia? Do y c u w a n t a b a r r e l of g a soline . o f Turkish cigarettes. E Y E S A r e Pre c io u * F ern Clute called on Miss Pam olr C a ll us, if y o u do. I treat them accord­ Kinney and mother, Monday even­ So Peaches ha* lost her suit, She ingly. A c o m p l e te G iv e us a c h a n c e to se 'l y o u y o u r ing. o p tic a l t e r e i c e t h a t needs. W e h a r e a l a r g e s t o c h of isn’t w orried. She says she ha* Mrs. T racy Clester's m other from D r. F r e e v e offers o f chorus jobs where she please* a n d s a t is f ie s . eve specialist. Masonic building,. Or­ goods to se le c t f r o m a n d ne w goods Portland spent several days «-ith her w on't need it. a r r i v i n g e v e r y w s rh . egon City. this past week. Don’t forget the en tertain m en t a t the church on F riday evening of this week, March 25, to be given by th e V.cck-Day Church school. No ad- mission will be charged but refresh- rnents will be sold. The L adies’ Aid tied a com fort for Mrs. F orrest Erickson on Thurs- day at th eir regular meeting. f 11P T111 I H*> ^fnrP PriiVC I CARD OF THANKS DOINGS Ray Woodle is building a modern barn fo r Charles Updegrove. Miss Sarah Beehill (school teach­ er) spent the week-end with her parents in Portland. Mark Pagh purchased a new Ford truck of the Sandy Ford dealer. A lfred Shibley sold two fine milk- cows to J. M. Reynolds of Fernwood. C. K. and Elm er Pagh are busy- filling orders fo r Certified Oregon straw berry plants. Born— to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph De- Shazer, a seven and th ree-q u arter pound boy, at the Cottage M aternity hospital, Portland. Five fine hogs were sold by J o s ­ eph DeShazer. They weighed around 150 pounds each, dressed, and were bought by the local butcher. We wish to thank all our friends fo r th e ir expressions of sym pathy in our bereavem ent on the loss of our husband and fath e r, Charles G. Bronson. Mrs. Emma Bronson Neil Bronson Lee Bronson CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors fo r th e many kind expres­ sions of sym pathy and b eau tifu l flor­ al offerings, in our bereavem ent a t th e loss of our son and brother, Jam es J. Beard. Mrs. L aura Beard Clay Beard Gail Beard Friends We count it a privilege that we have such a p e r s o n a l rela­ tionship with our customers that we can regard them as our friends. Knowing our patrons intimately and meeting their needs in a spirit of ready cooperation, we are able to give the best possible Banking Service to our Community. ESTACADA STATE BANK OUR TRUCKS ARE BUSY AT THIS SEASON HAULING Commercial Fertilizers For Our Many Customers We will be glad to enter your order for delivery at any date you specify BARTHOLOMEW & LAWRENCE The Feed Specialists Were You Ever Unprepared When Company Came? There really is no need to worry if you have, or can get, some of our cooked meats. Sliced veal loaf, liver loaf, minced ham or boiled ham will take care of the meat problem very nicely. ESTACADA c7WEAT COMPANY Now Is the Time To Buy All Kinds of Feeds, Flour and Hay, As the Prices Are Gradually Climbing. Garden SEEDS and Grass SEEDS Are All On Display How about your spraying compounds for your Orchards WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GROC­ ERIES at PRICES that are SURE TO PLEASE. Es tacad a Feed Store U. S. MORGAN The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty