EASTERN’ CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1027 Page 2 Around Orchard Along the Concrete 0 o OT Ml'tofc&UMm BLANK 1R00ÍIE pRODOUNù^QOEAKtNó RHtUMATlC.ASTHMATIC PIECES O f j u n k . T h is i S t h e u (A i t ­ OF il i ó e t r i p IT S 0 M W - ' -TPAPE. Il PK (i)\ V t IT WHAT/FIFTY DOLLARS?WH SAY 01/MAN LISTEN TO 'ER RON-^HE IS IN perfect coNPlUON-WHV SHE RUNS, RlfcHT ALON(o WITH THE PEST OF EM , WHV LISTEN TO « -f-HA' WILL YOU? EVER HEAR ANY­ THING SWEETER ? VJHN ITS THE PEST UTTLE OL' CAR ON THE R O A D - I oUcSS I'LL KEEP IT II (Copjrrlfbt, W. N. U ) MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL Town Topics HECTOR H1LF, THE a AOSY CAUTIOUS MAU IU So OAVIESS QOOW t V WAS" s o Busy lo o kih ’ b o th AUJUiO SuOXTLE, WHO AL WAVS' TRIES' TO &£ TV40UÖHTEO*., WS UT HOME T'OTMSR. U i GHT WITH A BiQ- eu u e n OP ROSXS WU HOUOR. OP WIS VJSPOIUG- AUUWERSAU.V, OULV TO LEARU WAVS WHILE CROSSING THE RAILROAD TH AT HE raw HEAO-OW IWT o auotm er . &AR VJHU2H r tbuTniM« A RACK T ie WOUC} COOK ACC RlGUT OM HIM 1 H I S A C A W V S ft- ASS IM tS t Act TLlS A » o I t s T mj B lac k t «» have w R im k l * TUtv wASMABLt ? r T 8 C V - tV l SO Tieso My dogs TINO« IMG - 1 ' Ase J ' D one * as * y — h " i Ul ¡/^ S r u o o e o ^ - i sav i ' m BToopeD'!-) 1 WENT S uo PP im O t wiTcl MV w/iPB y V ACL D A V — f 0* y THE PB onun C i A I o m « "S T u P lD /“ r A BO XWlCTc MAN l ik e W U PELrx- BtJNG- TiOEO OUT 9 / A li TTLE S m o P P i m « - //- MH a Y » Vbo D*C> TUB OAitT -O U S t W O R K . . MI LK AND CRE A M GEORGE LA W R E N C E & SON S A Y ORCHARDISTS PRUNE TOO MUCH Horticulturists nt the experiment station at Ceueva, N. Y., assert that many orchurdlsts prune too much, without regard to the real need of the tree and that there Is more danger of Injuring the tree with too tuucb pruning than with too little. Trees which are carefully selected when the orchard Is set out require only the removal of an occasional brunch which may start out In the wrung place and the cutting out of dead, Injured, and crossed limbs, say the station specialists. I f the trees are producing under­ sized fruits, If the tops contain many dead branches, or if the seasonal growth Is short and scant, Judicious pruning Is recommended as a means of rejuvenation. ‘‘This usually con­ sists In cutting back many branches and In entirely removing others," say the station authorities, who lay down the following general rules applicable under such conditions. “ Prune weak- growing varieties heavily; strong­ growing binds lightly. Varieties which branch freely need little pruning; those with many unbranched limbs, much pruning. Prune trees in rich, deep soils lightly; In poor, shallow soils, heavily." The cutting back o f all the branches of a tree Is practiced regularly only with peaches und some plums, It Is said. “ This Is attributed to the fact that, with these fruits, the wood of the past season, and therefore the crop, Is borne progressively further awuy from the trunk, so that It Is nec­ essary to head-in these fruits by cut­ ting back the branches In order to keep the bearing wood near the trunk. On the other hand, apples, pears, cherries and most plums are borne on spurs from wood two or more years old and with these head- lng-in Is not so desirable. Expert- mental evidence obtained In tests on the station grounds Indicates that win­ ter pruning has no special advantage over summer pruning, except that the pressure of other work is less during the winter months.” VJAC eoMlUff ACROSS TU' C-RoSSlW^ PPDXA H i S WIF€ TUAT TUE EVSUT VdOX. STIUU -THREE W e e k s a w a v JERSEY Geraniol, New Attractor for Japanese Beetle The new attractive agent, geraniol, developed by the bureau of entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture as an aid In Its control work against the Japanese beetle, has been found very successful. Methods have been worked out whereby this material may be used to concentrate the beetles In a relatively small area. It was found that by spraying less than an acre o f orchard with ger­ aniol, beetles could be drawn on the leeward side of the orchard for a distance of nearly one-half mile with­ in the first 15 minutes after the spray had been applied. This makes it possibly to destroy large numbers of beetles with a comparatively small qunntity o f a contact spray. Further work has been done on traps baited with geraniol, but although these cap­ ture large numbers of beetles, It Is not felt that a trap has been developed which can be recommended for ¡j-au- eral use. Increased efforts were made last summer to develop a repellent which could be used on fruit trees without leaving a deposit on the foliage or fru it It was found that certain odors, particularly the odor of tnr, are distinctly repellent to the Japanese beetle, and these will be studied fur­ ther. New Fruit Varieties Are Described in a Bulletin Thirty-two new Improved fruits pro­ duced by horticulturists of the Uni­ versity o f Minnesota at the state fruit breeding farm are described and most of them pictured In Bulletin 230 prepared by IT. H. Alderman, chief of the division of horticulture, and is­ sued by the Minnesota experiment sta­ tion. These varieties, which have been given names and introduced among fruit growers. Include 14 kinds of plums, three plum-cherry hybrids four apples, seven strawberries, one red raspberry, one gooseberry, an»1 two ornamentals. “ Many o f these varieties nre rap­ idly becoming accepted ns standards In this and adjoining states, and the plums are being planted on a tom merclal scale,” says the bulletin "The wealth accruing to the state each year from the products of these 32 varieties far exceeds the total cost of all the state-supported fruit breed Ing experiments since the establish ment of the first fruit breeding farm in 1878.” This bulletin Is for free distribution and copies can be obtained by writing the Office of Publications at Unlver slty Farm, St. Paul. Phone No. 37-3 The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal accredited Tuberculin free cows E A R L LA F O R G E The “SQ U AR E D E A L ” lhirl>er Hair Cuts 33c— Children 25c— Shave 13c BO B B IN G — A S P E C IA L T Y Shop on Broadway — i Estacada, Oregon R. G. M A R C H B A N K CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH IN T E R N A T IO N A L M A D E -T O -M E A S U R E C LO TH ES BOB’S BARBER SHOP am MARCEL SALON STRICTLY SANITARY Haircutting 35c SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Shave 15c MA80NI0 BLDO., ESTACADA A R T SMITH, Prop. ESTACADA TRUCK LINE D AILY TR IPS FROM ESTACADA TO PORTLAND LEAVE A L L FREIGHT A T WAREHOUSE In ordering your freight sent through us you receive personal service both In Estacada and Portland that will save timo and money a fit JOS8Y PHONE 18-12 Call and Deliver Service PORTLAND - CARVER- ESTACADA STAGES Muniulpal Terminal, Sixth and Salmon Sts.— Phone Main 7733. LINN'S INN, Estacada, Oregon.— D AILY (A> P.M. •A.M. M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Lv. Portland 5:20 Lv. Estacada 8:00 4:20 8:30 Clackamas 6:50 Eagle Creek 8:15 4:45 8:46 7:00 Barton 8:25 4:65 8:55 Barton 7:25 Carver 8:45 3:15 8:15 Eagle Creek 7:35 Clackamas 8:55 6:25 9:25 Ar Estacada 7:60 Ar. Portland 9:30 6:00 10:00 •Daily except Sunday (A ) Saturday Only. SUNDAY— Leave Portland 10 a. m. Leave Estacada 4:30 p. m. A. M. P.M. 2:00 2:30 2:40 3:05 3:15 3:30 lassai 131 A Safe Place to Pul Your Money This Company has invested over 177.000,000 in this territory. It has 90,000 light and power customers and serves a population of over 400,000. Its business is growing steadily every day. W e offer you an opportunity to invest your money in this successful and well-m anaged busi­ ness at 6.67 per cent interest. LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT. INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT 820 Electric Building Keep an Account Western N Every progressive farmer should keep an account o f his farm business If he Is to know at the end of the year whether he has made a profit or loss, after paying all farm ev;>ens«s; also to help him study hts business and make such changes In his or­ ganisation and operation as are Im­ portant from the standpoint o f In­ creasing his profits. Farmers Inter­ ested In keeping such a record this coming year, can get both Information and help from his agricultural college Portland Electric Power Company PO R TLAND, OREGON ■■■■■■■■■■■■a