arímmaa Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackam as County ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1027 VOL. XXI PREMIUM USÏ MADE yp FOR FALL FfliR CALF CLUB MEMBERS TO GET BIG Clackamas County Guernsey calf club members wi'l be glad to know of the new premium to be offered at Springwater Fair Board Planning the state fair this fall. for Larger Event THU Year “H. B. Howell, of Rogueland F a rr of Grant» Pas», Oregon, will award Than Ever Bofore a purebred Guernsey heifer calf, s'r- 1 by Rockingham Majectis, a son The fifth annual Springwater fair of LMUtwater Hoiliston, to the high­ will be held this year on September est sjonug Crrjfop Guernsey calf 16. The governor's veto didn’t touch club member at the state fair on the this fair because no help was asked following basis: Animal, 26%; showmanship, 25% • from anyone to put If over before herdsmanship, 25%-; record book, 25 and none is needed now. This tair is unique. There is no charge for The above award will be subject admission and visitors may even to the following conditions: Compe­ have a free dinner. It is Still young tition is open to grade or purebred as fair organizations go and Is grow­ Guersey female» Purebred animals ing so that a new building to house must be registered in the name of the Stock exhibit is being planned the club member «howing, with the by the board. American Guernsey Cattle Club, at For the coming event, the follow­ lpagt 30 days prior to the openln ing officers were chosen: Edward of the state fata, All fitting a n ' Shearer, president; L. S. Tenny, sec­ care of the animal both prior to and retary; Ed. Closner, treasurer; J, A. during the state fair must be done Shibley, Peter Erickson and W. A by .the e|ub member t»nd viola­ Bard, directors. tions of this rule will d'squalifj The premium list which is now in members from competition, No clu? the process of printing will show a member will be awarded more thar larger bst of prizes and entries and one calf.” it is planned to put the list in the I The b.s's on which the calf wi!' hands of those who wish to compete be awarded will give all member for farm product» »q that they may owning Guernseys an equal chance have a guide in preparing their ex­ as the 76 per eent of the po»sibl hibits. 'score is on the member’s own wor’ This is a fair which is a credit to and but 26 per cent on the aninu the eastern gart of this county and , which he exhibits. one which should be backed by all Herdsmanship is the care give who appreciate the high value of ad- the animal by its owner at the fair y*rti$:ng which a fair gives to a The judges will be instructed to score community. I th’» point at various times during the state fair week. j Showmanship is the ability of th S. O. CO. PLANT HERE club member to properly exhibit b IS NOW INDEPENDENT heifer in the »how ring. The judge will score him on the manner i Word was received yesterday by which he handles his animal, the wa Fred kgihammer, local manager of it has been fitted and upon his on the Standard t)ol company, thqt personal appearance and conduct. hereafter the Estacada plant will ba The record book is the busine rated as a sub-station of that com­ record showing kind, amount an pany. Until this time it has been value of feed and total cost of rear ppqrated as abranch of the Oregon ing the animal. It also includes a City nub-station. essay on the member's experience i Leihammer will now have charge club work. of all sale» in Eastern Clackamas Mrs. Ella S. Wilson .secretary o county, including Barton, Dodge, the State Fair board, has accepte Springwater, Dover, Garfield, the Mr. Howell's offer and will publish i German Burn and Estacada. in the premium list. Ciackapia* county ha» always had a strong class of Guernseys in the CHAS. C. BRONSON PASSES club class but this new offer wil’ Chas. C. Bronson, who lived here stimulate new interest in thi* class I. M. C. ANDERSON since the founding of Estacada, died County Club Agent at his home Monday, March 14, at the age of 71 years 9 months. The cause of death wa* heart trouble. BUTTERFIELD BROTHERS, He leaves a wife and two sons. The EVANGELISTS ARE HERE funeral was conducted by Rev. B. F. Clay and burial was made in the Last evening was Gresham nigh I. 0. F. cemetery, at the evangelistic meetings which are now being held in the Band hal SUSPECTED DOG SHOT by the Butterfield brothers. Thcr A large black and white collie ass'sted In meetings which have jus dog with bobbed tail which has been were many from that town who ha seen for the past two weeks about been concluded there. The sernrn the streets evidently strayed from was preached by Rev. S. A. Simm home or lost from a passing car, was of the local Methodist church. Th' shot yesterday when he showed signs attendance was large. The Butterfields are advertising i of madness. It might have been hunger or poison which caused the healing service for Sunday and i: dog to bite at his sides and act queer vite everybody to attend their meet but no chances were to be taken and ing». the dog wa» relieved from hi» suffer­ Travel for T ravel ’a Sake ing. Fo» my part, I travel not to go nn> where, but to go I travel for travel' CLAY TO HOSPITAL •sake. The great affair Is to move; t< fre. the needs and hltchcg of our Ilf B. F. Clay, local representative of i.orc early; to come down off thi eastern clothing manufacturers, featherbed civilization, and find th went to the hospital today for an globe granite uudei foot and strewi operation. He expect» to be laid with cutting flint». Alas, as we get ui up for two or three weeks. Lewis in life, and are more preoccupied will Neilson will attend to his business our affairs, even a holiday Is a thlu; that must be worked for To hold i here, making deliveries for him and pack upon packsaddle against a gal­ collecting accounts. oot of the freezing North Is no hig' Industry, but It Is one that serves l> occupy and compose the mind. An MEALS FOR LENT when the present Is so exacting wl annoy himself about the future? Manager W. G. Moore of the Ea- can Robert I amis Stevenson. tacada hotel is preparing a series of lenten menus. Some form of fish will be served each day. He has a special dinner for tomorrow. This is in line with his policy of service March 19—A hsrd-time dance a' and makes the Estacada a popular Baker's hall. place to eat. Coming Events BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kreigsr. gave a party for their little daughter, Wanda's sixth birthday, Games were played and enjoyed by all the little folks present, and a delicious luncheon w a s Served. Among those present were Imogene Clester. Ruth Mary Jennings. Phylis Cary, Evtlyn and Dorothy Yocum also Mrs. Yocum and Maud Sherman. March 22— Parent Teachers' A? sociation meeting in the high school auditorium, 7:30 p.m. March 23—Community club mee' at the Estacada hotel. April 1—M. E, Ladies' Aide Eas­ ter Bazaar at the !. 0. 0. F. hall afternoon and evening. April 8—Minstrel eh“ " * , show, . - L PRIZE M - E. — * | TO TELL COUNTY HISTORY LOCAL ITEMS C. A. Lyons, superintendent of the Portland Parent schools will be here to speak at the next P. T. A. meet­ ing, March 22, at the high school auditorium. It wiil be held at 7 ;30 p m. Tuesday. The high school or­ chestra will play a few selections. Remember the date and everybody come. Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weathered will give a lecture on the early history of Clackam s county in the Spring- water church on Friday evening, March 25. Mrs. Weathered is a pioneer of h;s county, a good orator and al­ ways sees the humorous side of ever­ ything so her lecture will be educa­ tional and should be heard by all the school children, interesting to grown people, and humorous enough given to help the week-day chypeh to please all. Admission will bs free but an opportunity will be given to help the week-day church school. NUMBER 24 PRODUCERS CAN BUILD EGG MARKET dCAUTIFUL GARDENS NEX1 CLUB TOPIC It i* a well-known fact that eg«r from some localities command a higher price in the larger market t than those from other places. It •;* community Organization to B« the producers who are to blame foi Entertained By Lecture with this condition. J, O. Tunnoll, Cur Picture» of Beauty rinsville merchant who handles quan­ tities of eggs has pointed out several Work being done by the garden things which will increase the valui Rhoda Beck, Vada Montague, club has taken such a hold of the of the Eastern Clackamas product Kathleen Beck, Joe Marshall, Lester He places firct the need of markot public interest that the coming meet­ Closner and But Shearer attended ng often. Eggs should be markote ing of the Eastern Cuacknmas com­ the county Christian Endeavor rally munity club will be given over to twice a week, he soys If stole eg at Oregon City, last Monday night. them in order that their program come from any locality, buyers a r Lavena Graybeel celebrated her afraid of all the eggs from that lo may be given a larger hearing. fourteenth birthday Saturday after­ There will be an illustrated lecture A marriage license wa$ issqod la«t cality and so every poultryman sui noon with a delightful party. 4'huse veek to Ufia». E. Palmer of Fstn- fers. by J. G. Bather of Portland which present were Elinor Hedgecock end ada and Clara M. Arne of Port- Til order that eggs may be gucr will deal with flowers and gardens /era Chandler from Portland Shir- 'ar,d, anteel fresh, it is necessary to eand! suitable to local conditions and the ey Richards ot tjuninsvtlte; Glen hem. Mr. Tunnel believes that th pictures he will show will be the best Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith received Jary, Dorothy Dew, Janet Gilg.n, pi-oducers can do this at less cos obtainable. Mr. Bacher is u land- Ldyth Demoy and Adaline Hubus word that their daughter, Mrs. Neva h«n the merchant. The testers cos s;apo gardener of noto and he wil! Smith Day, is mother of n fVk lb- uurtin of Estacada. only about 50 cents, so the expensi give some of the evening to the an- girl hqrn Sunday *t Staytary s slight, outside the time it requires iwcring of questions. A musical pro- Elinor Ilgdgfieuuk aqil Verq Chgn- •am by the Portland garden club Born to Mr. and Mis. George Another point to remember in sellii t ller spent the week-end with Lavena Douglas, a baby girl, Thursday, eggs Is the size. Never bury (h wiil be given and Mrs. J. B. Robert­ Graybeel. March 10. small ones in the crate so they ar son of Garfield will give u reading. Mrs. Gardner entertained Mr. and The tía o cf tho meeting is March H. C. Stevens and wife were Port­ not readily separated from tho oil­ -o and the place, the Estacada Hotel. Irs. Paul Husby, last Sunday. ers. The eggs will be sorted an land visitors, Tuesday. the light colored eggs may be sol Pauline Rose, who has been visit- A BARBER MERGER Mrs. F. W. Hallock of Washing- oit a lifferer.t market from the dar .g in CorvaUs since the first of the on, D. C. is visiting her sister, Mrs. shelled kind hut evert if the white ..onth, returned home Sunday. W. W. Smith. Lawrence Van Slyke who has been and browns are sold together, n Mrs. Henry Diilon was the guest onducting a barber shop on Main M'-ek Uoin«td«w and her mother market will accept small sizes at th f Ruth Dillon lagt Sunday. were here at the Eastern Star meet­ same price as the standards. An eg street, has closed the shop and gone scales is handy but not an essentia! a o the shop of Art Smith, thus tak- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linn, from 's teaching at Hillsboro. The sma'l eggs should always bi ng one barber pole down and cotn- -routdale were here visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Moreland and placed on top of the others and sep i.ning the businesses under one up- .s Julius Kreiger Sunday. ■ lit*, le daughter Rosanne spent T\1£S- nvated from them by a cloth or p. .cep expense. Mrs. M. E. Williams, of Gresham | day evening with y i’wian Gorham, per. A discount is to be expected a! s been visiting her sister, Mrs. U. LARK'S SEEDLING FAVORITE Vyruer Anderson of the U. S. Na- so from dirty eggs. i. Morgan. VARIETY OF STRAWBERRY : vy is, expected home on leave soon, Eastern Clackamas can become Mr. and Mr*. U. F. Sylvester from i it has been nearly a year since his large shipper of first-grade eggs an ■>r the next few years there is go­ 'ortland were visiting Mr. and Mrs. | last leave. He is the son of A. C. gain a valuable reputation if care» ; J. Linn, Monday. ! Anderson of Upper Garfield. taken by the poultrymen in the ma- ing to be a strong demand for Clark Seedling strabwerries and the indica­ Harry Heyiman of Spokane was H. L. Springer, who has been liv- keting of their product. tions are thut tanners will be willing ere visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. .ng on the Kriegbaum place which to contract for a term of years at .eylman. he rents, has moved to the Walter Great Writers Often a good, profitable figure, stated J. Mrs. Gerald Wilcox from E xtern Lemon place in Upper Garfield. in Financial Straits G. Hayman, local berry buyer yes .egon is here visiting relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gard­ When Oliver Goldsmith was threat­ lerday. Mr. Hayman will furnish en! il with arrest for nonpayment of plants or give such information nec­ ner, a baby girl, Wednesday, March Fred Brown and family returned rent. Samuel Johnson hastened to him essary to procure the same. These om Salem, Sunday, where they 9. anil asked If he had any manuscript ive been visiting. Ray Lovelace, Beaver recruit from j Upon which he might realize some planis will have been inspected and been free from weavil and disease. O. E. Smith was home over Sun- Estacada, knocked a homer in Satur­ [ money. Goldsmith produced Ills "Vicar day's game at the California train­ j of Wakefield," and Johnston, who. .ay. CLUB TO KEEP RECORDS | upon glancing through It, saw Its ing camp. U. S. Morgan went to Portland I merits, tucked it miller his arm and Gertrud? Dillon, who is teaching hurried lo Francis Newherry, that .onday on business. Maud Wilson of the O. A. C. ex­ qt Leaburg, Oregon, was home for famous old bookseller. Newherry was periment station staff attended the Lola Moore became ill With flu a visit Sunday. Indifferent about Its worth, but meeting of the Skip-a-week club at esterday, The Cascade garage sold two new paid Johnson the equivalent of $300 Garfield yesterday. The meeting was Mrs. Dora Harring has been ill for Chevrolet Coupes to Ted Saling and for It attended by all the ladies of the To Goldsmith, the sum was the price te last few days. community and was the beginning of Jack Watson, 1. st Saturday. of liberty, as well ns shelter and food, nnd he welcomed It as one would a a series of conferences which will small fortune. Newherry kept the have as an object the collecting of manuscript for two years, until Gold information about what become* of »milIt's "Traveler” having appeared the housewife's day. Eventually the nnd proved successful, he thought he "formation will be published for the might risk Its publication. It wns pub benefit of ail housewives. By tabu­ ilshrd March. 1706. nnd In a month lating results from such investiga­ j was In Its second edition, tions all over the state, Miss Wilson i Goldsmith, however, was not the only author who suffered from Itr.- hopes to give farm women some Asserting that the consumption of per pound cost. This is becauRe . ppi-unloslty Dickens. Johnson. Tltnrk- help in arranging their work so that he soft varieties of berry fruit hag such a grower follows several prac­ era.v. Addison nnd Speed were at more leisure may be gained for rec­ reation and culture. ot increased in proportion to the tices which will always tend toward various times so pressed for money that they did not know front where reater acreage which has been plant- increased yields and lower per pound their next dollar was coming.—Market GET LICENSE NOW d in the past few years, Clayton C. costs. One of these is early spring for Exchange. -