EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1927 EIGHT COUNTY AGRICULTURAL NEWS J S t Ë ô ô n ttm ira l T ra m p f f mH— y CHEVROLET?, 4» ■ : %V*. : K- \r ,h \\* $ Á j -t • • / Beautiful Chevrolet I» Ouvroltt Unioni The COACH *595 /. o. b. Flint, Mich, -Morefor Ijour^Moneu than you ever thought possible/ Already the Most Beautiful Chevrolet is scoring the greatest success in Chevrolet history! Because no other low-priced car ever supplied so com pletely all the attrac­ tions of a high-priced automobile! H ere truly is m ore for your m oney than you ever thought possible— m ore than even C h ev ro let, w ith its progressive policies and m agnificent factories, could possibly offer, were it n o t for th e econ­ omies of trem endous volum e production. Come in—see the Most B eautiful Chev­ rolet. Drive it. Learn w hat makes it the greatest trium ph in autom obile history— and w hy it is w inning new buyers at a rate of tens of thousands each week! The potato demonstration meet­ ings called recently by the county agent at various points in Clackamas county have not been held for the purpose of encouraging an increase in the potato acreage. The purpose has been rather to increase the yield per acre and the quality of potatoes. No person can definitely say that the acreage should not be increased, because no one knows what the crop conditions may be, but the following quotation from the U. S. Department of Agriculture indicates that the ac­ reage may be larger in 1927, which would tend to lower prices. "Growers appear to be holding smaller quantities than usual for their own families but they are hold­ ing an increased quantity for plant­ ing. The reports received indicated that on January 1 growers in all states except perhaps Utah and Vir­ ginia intended to plant a larger ac­ reage of potatoes in 1927 than they planted in 1920. For the 35 states as a group the January intentions of the potato growers reporting showed an average increase of 13 per cent over the acreage grown in 1926. Much more complete information re­ garding the intentions of growers will be collected on March 1.” L. B. Yoder, Hubbard, Rt. 1, has a strain of yellow corn which he has developed for Clackamas county conditions. Mr. Yoder has been building up this variety for ten years and has seed for sale. Clackamas county sheep breeders are invited to attend a meeting at the Molalla high school, Thursday. March 9, at 2:00 p.m. At this meet­ ing, Dr. Seagraves, county veterin­ arian, will discuss control of sheep diseases. The control of liver flukes by the new method developed by Dr. N. S. Shaw of the Oregon Agricul­ tural college will receive particular attention. Mr. Jenner has charge of local arrangements and expects to have several animals to be killed for post­ mortem examinations. John J. Inskeep County Agent LIBERTY THEATRE PROGRAM Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 3, 4, 5 WANT AND FOR SALE ADS "TH E FOUR HORSEM EN OF THE APOCALYPSE" FOR SALE— 1-1%; H. P. Z. Type Rudolph V alentino and Alice T erry Gas Engine. 1 5 H. P. upright gas Sunday and Monday, March 6-7 "BLARNEY” TUESDAY, MARCH 8 CLAISDELL - THORNTON W re.t- M atch Wednesday — Thursday, March 9-16 "N EV ER W EA K EN ” FRIDAY, MARCH 11 A P. T. A. B EN EFIT P robab'y a Rin Tin Tin Picture SATURDAY, MARCH 12 ‘THE D ESERT S TOLL FRESH PA IN T The well-equipped kitchen of the Hotel Estacada is bright and shining after a fresh covering of white en­ amel and kasomine just put on by manager W. G. Moore. He is proud of the job but says that wishing did­ n’t put the paint on. That probably was in his mind when he wrote his ad. for this week. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES By Lillian Duncan engine; 1 spring tooth harrow; 1 bicycle, good as new. 2 drag saws Vaughns. A lot of garden tools. POINTER’S Second Hand Store: buy what you want; sell what you don’t want. 10tf 10R SALE—Columbia (wicker) ba­ by buggy, good condition. Cheap. Inquire, Mrs. Jacob Moss 22-3p FOR SALE—Some Spring Rye at 2% cts. Pride of Multnomah po­ tatoes, $1.50 per hundred. See John Marshall, Sprir.gwater. 22-3p FOR SALE—Flemish Giant rabbits at Dinty Moore’s. 22c WANTED— Second-hand drag saw. Phone 19-56 R. G. Palmateer 22-Sp WHAT HAVE YOU to sell or trade? Advertise it in this col­ umn. SEE LONSBERRY and PERRY for wood. Second growth 16 in., full measure $6.50 pr cord. Strictly enr-h on delivery. OLD GROWTH *7.50 pr cord cut 16 in. 4 ft. length $6.50 pr cord. WOOD SAWING— pr cord $1.00 Cash. FOR SALE—- 40 acres of land. B. F. Bullard, Rt. 1. 20-23p Rolling up a big score the first quarter the Estacada team took an easy game from Canby on our own home floor Friday. The score at the BUILDING material—Lumber, any final whistle was 32-18. J. Jennings kind—Brick—Tile—Cement, Grav­ was high man with 14 points and D. el, Sand—Plaster Board. Jennings and Osborne followed up WOOD— 16 inch 1st growth....$7.00 16-inch 2nd growth $6.00 delivered with 7 points each. Estacada girls played a good game COAL by the sack or ton Friday but were unable to beat the 1-Ton Truck # # a j speedy Canby team. The game was FOR SALE—Medium Vaughn drag T he T ouring T he Sedan (Chassis only) in Canby’s favor most of the time saw. 4-ft and 6-ft blades. t 4*T applies to equipping and op­ March 7, at 2 p.m. at the I. 0. O F. mg therecn in manner somewhat sim- and practice will start soon with 1927, at 11 a.m., one estray heifer about four years old. erating a Hotel—no Luck or hall. An interesting speaker from ilar ,0 tho f,,!nS »«f-.c* waters Miss. Plank coaching. hance-—just honest energy and the Portland garden club will ad- KrounJ waterg for lrrfi?atfon purp08Pg, Thomas C. McKay 21-2p Endeavor. " ü Think these few lines over dress the local organization and in- (,ut ruch filings are to be made con­ People; and please do not forget struct its members in gardening sub- t|„gent upon u -c of the waters In sn jects. There is much to be gamed pco mnilcal beneficial manner, and the endeavor part. The Estacada the from the experts in the planning of state engineer shall have the power home gardens and many mistakes t0 f;x the m-X!mum amount which may be avoided by consulting them may be used per acre of land each at the meetings of the club. season. ---------------------- It Is provided that artesian wells JE R SE Y One-fifth of the fuel oil marketed must have suitable means for closing in the L nited Mates is consumed by and conserving the flow- when not ac- railroads. i tually needed or put to beneficial use. From 1919 to 1916, 12 < 3 persons Legislation providing for a new GEORGE LAWRENCE & SON were charged with criminal liability ,tat* office hulldfng was passed. The Phone No. 37-3 for forest fires in Oregon and Wash- mu provides that the state treasurer The only milk sold in Estacada from Federal ington national forests. Out of all may borrow from the state industrial these. 206 convictions were secured; accident commission funds up to »600,- accredited Tuberculin free cows a larger portion of them during 1926 >of> to finance the building, at the rate The Eagle Creek Logger than in any other year. This year, 0f #60,000 a year and interest of 4% the fire laws are to be more rigor- per cent. It Is planned to have the periment station. Eight to twelve RESIDUE REPORT ISSUED enforced than ever before; building under way this year, BY EXPERIMENT STATION canes are usually needed, and there ously are probably 10 to 12 in the average though the woods are still free to a measure was passed which would make the public service commissioners The small branches off the the same tourist. VS. O. A. C. March 2 A diluted hath cluster. Chiloquin—Contract made for new appointees governor. Under main canes are usually poor bearers of hydrochloric acid has been found The first few buds may hear fruit brick store building with 21 hotel the present of law, the they are elected by the most satisfactory means of re­ hut it is snfer to cut off these side rooms. the people. moving spray residue from apples state Traffic Force Increaeed. unless a definite injury forced Eugene— Fost Office business Iwre and penrs according to a bulletin is­ shoots $80,108 in 1922, was $13i,6988 last a house bill that would Increase the them out near the ground. The sued by the Oregon experiment sta- length to which the canes are cut J‘*ar- state traffic officer personnel and tion Hcnrv Hartman, station pom Klamath Falls—$25.000 pavilion hutld it up into a constabulary force elogisi, and R. H Robinson, station hactk d***nd* in u,' late 1on season. ,ho *‘:,0,u"t1 of to be built on Indian Beach, Upper passed. soil moisture If plen­ chemist, are authors of the progress ty of moisture is assured the canes Lake. The purpose Is to Increase efficiency report, which is the first compre­ Klamath Falls—New $10.000 C. S. of the traffic department and xdd to ALSO cut longer and more bearing sur­ church hensive publication on the subject. are completed and dedicated. he number of state officers on the face is allowed. Before and since the shipping cris­ begins roads. It gives authority for expendi­ is last fall, the stntion conducted The Dalles—City votes $15 00 on Clatskanie—Construction ne" medidal building here. of about $40 000 in increased and extensive experiments with many bonds for free site for state tubercu­ Condon—State will oil 22 miles of ture -aided salaries and equipment. chemicals under varied conditions losis hospital. of John Day highway this year. Senator Joseph's bill that would and with mechanical cleaning devic­ Portland—Apple c a r g o e s from make insanity legal canse for divorce es as well. The latter were found to Portland Gas rates are cut on break all previous records was killed in the house. be more or less injurious to the fruit sliding scale based on cost' of oil for here Oregon poultry industry has gain­ A bill passed which provides for sal­ IN A FAST PRELIM INARY and ineffective in reducing the resi- generating ed 51 per cent in seven years. aries of not to exceed $3690 per year due to the required tolerance. H.vd- Malheur county h is shipped honey Lebanono ships 30 cars of prunes for the private secretary to the cover- rochrolic acid has been found to be worth $10,500 this year, in two weeks, and has many more to nor. deputy secretary of state and de­ at the both cheap and effective and abso- Monmouth- Flax growing is be- process. state treasurer and $4000 t year lutely harmless. It will also remove coming an important industry here. In 1926 lumber cargoes to New pnfv the state tax'commi«i..oner copper and lime residue. Machines Portland Northt* « stern Electric York City from Oregon. Washington for The of the first three offl- for its use are reported to be in company show* 14.2 per cent in­ and California increased about 31 c als are salaries to be fixed by the board of process of manufacture to be sold crease in business over year ago. per cent over 1921. control up to the max mum fixed by at a reasonable price. During 1926, more than 300 000- Astoria—Work begins on another the hill and the salary of the tax com- 000 barrels of gasoline were con­ mile of Cannon Beach highway from mlssloner is to be fixed by the tax M OISTURE SUPPLY AFFECTS sumed. both at home and abroad, a Silver Point. commission. PRUNING gain of nearly 20 per cent over 1925. Chiloquin—Continuous telephone The senate, by an overwhelming ma­ Pruning the loganberry down to There are now about 70 farmer service to be instituted March 1. jority. rejected a house Joint résolu six canes to the hill leaves hardly cooperative poultry aseoriations ir. Grants Pass—New movie theatre tion submitting to the veters of the enough bearing surface unless the ih’s country; 48 of these associations , is to be built here by D. S. Pruitt, soil lacks moisture and the berries marketed over $26.000.000 worth of Klamath Falls—City recorder is- UU to » lit up. nays th* Oregon ex- eggs last year. sues t*n building permit# in on« day. —at these amazingly loiv prices *525 *695 *525 *715 *625 *745 Q U A L I T Y AT LOW CO 5 M ILK AND CREAM Watch ’em Fail Terrible Ben Blaisdell Bil Thornton of Portland Moose Norbeck and Pocatello Bill Donovan Liberty Theatre MARCH 8 M i «