Seven E A ST E R N CLA CK AM AS NEWS. T H l'R S D A Y , MARCH 3. 1927 Is It Your Nerves? Bakersfield, Calif.—“1 had a nere cue breakdown, unable to leave mj bed. I was under the care of a doo tor. but was • not getting along at well as 1 thought I should, so I start­ ed t a k i n g Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 11 Is the tonlo and nervine that re­ stored me to health. Its soothing effect upon my n e r v e s was w o n d e r f u l while taking the first bottle, but 1 continued Its use uutit 1 had taken five bottles and was then completely restored to health. I have never had a physical or a nervous breakdown since, which proves the thoroughness of the 'Prescription' In reaching the source of the trouble and then over­ coming it.'1—Mrs. Gertrudo Higlay. 1224 Truxton Ave. All dealers. SCHOOL A DAt]S I A A f EN hnrr.v home before the ap- •L* 1 prom hlng storm ; When day turns dark, they think of hearths and fires, Some bed to lie In, and a house to warm— When day turns dark these are the heart's desires. When That hour comes, when rolling clouds arise, When men go hurrying homeward ways, Home will not fall like manna from the skies— They must have built It In their bet ter days. FO R C o u g h s duet° C o ld s S U C C E S S F U L FO R 60 YEAR S 30c & 90c At all D ru ggists CALIFORNIA Small improved farms In well established settlement. Fruit, alfalfa, dairy, hogs, poul­ try. Churches, high school, grammar'echoola. Also unimproved lands with first water right*. Easy terms. Write F resn o F a rm s, K erm an , C alif. The world moves on, its progres brings N uff Sed D E M A N D “ B A Y E R ” ASPIRIN G r a n d r e f o r m s , u n d r e a m e d o f th in e:? S Y©U journey along the road of A life, you may observe as you push your way In and out, elbowing On the sunny-side we find better health, good fortune. Inspiration and Innumerable uplifting thoughts which ennoble the soul. And we get them In abundance, for they are always there, delectable and , lovely as gardens of new-born roses. The kindly face of the old lady you ! just brushed by in your eagerness to get ahead, bears testimony to the mys­ tic magnetism of the sunny-side. And the fine old gentleman Immediately ahead, attests by his erect carriage and beaming countenance that he has unfalteringly trod the sunny-side, since the day he resolved to leave the shadows In which he was wither­ ing and fading. There is a lingering boyishness In his -demeanor and In his vigorous step as lie wends his way, lifts his hat and smiles with serene content­ ment. A harmless vegetable butter color uked by millions for 50 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion” for 35 cents.—Adv. W o r ld ’ s D e b t to E dison S Edison has given mankind inven­ tions which, In their present develop­ ment, ure conservatively valued at $15,000,000,000. PER M A N EN T R E L IE F FO R ECZEM A U s e d b y n o t e d d o c t o r 40 y r a . L * jn * t o r d e r u n l e s s y o u w i l l f o llo w d i r e c t i o n s . S e n d $ 2 o r w r ite M A D D E N CO M PA N Y, B ox S72. E l I 'a a o , T e x a ^ 1, f o r f u l l I n f o r m a t i o n . - —A d v . N ic k e ls M o u n ted U p One Bath (Maine) woman op Christ­ mas eve, 1925, commenced saving her nickels, and during the year would not spend one when it could lie avoided. On Christmas eve, 1926, she got out her nickels and counted them. She had $152.05. For years, let us suppose, you were 1 morose, modish, sullen. Ill-humored, churlish arid sulky, then one day, an I n s i s t o n h a v i n g D r . P r e r y ’a “ D e a d S h o t ” fo r W o rm s o r T a p e w o rm an d th e d ru g g tx t impulse seized you and led you to the w ill g e t It fo r y o u . 372 P e a r l S t .. N . Y . A d v . sunny-side. In a little while you were trans­ H o m e T a len t formed. flushed with fervor, enthusi­ Neighbor—-W hat's that awful yell­ asm. tender passfon and rapturous ing over at your house, Elsie? adorptlpn. Elsie—That’s baby paging mother. I You saw with new eyes, felt with new sensibility, heard with new de­ S lo p th e P a in . T h e h u r t o f a b u rn o r a c u t s to p s light. You were a changed being, due w h e n C o le 's C a r b o l l s a l v e is a p p lie d . I t entirely, to taking the sunny-side, h e a l s q u ic k ly w i t h o u t s c a r s . 30c and «Oc b y a l l d r u g g i s t s , o r se n d 3 0 c to where you could discern the bright T h e J . W . C o le C o.. 127 S. E u c l i d A v e . , and beautiful things In life which all O a k P a r k , 111.— A d v e r tis e m e n t. the while had been close about you, but hidden In the dark. Even If a man's good deeds live ( © by M c C lu r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a t e .) after him, he Isn't in a position to care. T Sure Relief But nothing modern can fill the place the d e a r o ld home a n d mother's face. — M rs. C. Jewett. T A K E THE SUNNY-SIDE the crowds and perhups studying Take Tablets Without Fear If You faces, that It Is worth while to take See the Safety "Bayer Cross." [ the sunny-side. There is at the best an odd, un­ W arning! Unless you see the name comfortable mixture of shades and "Bayer” on packuge or on tnblets you shadows, which has a way of dampen­ are not getting the genuine Bayer ing ardor and giving you the ‘‘blues,” Aspirin proved sufe by millions and when you are. doing your utmost to be prescribed by physicians for 26 years. cheerful. Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin. Hope, It Is affirmed, deserts us at Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. no period of our existence, hut It cod­ dles a little closer and smiles infinite­ C ou ld H a r d ly E x p e c t O n e ly sweeter when we elect to choose Jones—Have you a reference from the sunny-side and saunter along In your last employer? step with it, under the spell of Us Typist—Well, n o; you see I ntarried cheery companionship. and divorced him. “ DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism No clap of hund will raise a fnlrj house. No shelter open by some magic deed; DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART To have a roof when winter winds ea rouse A man must build in time of little pt only “ Daver” package need. which contains proven directions. The fool will say, “I’ll build a house In time, IJandv “Payer” boxes of 12 tableta S a f ^ Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists. But now the summer blossoms A s p irin ls th e tr a d e m a rk o f B a y e r M a n u fa c tu re o f M o n o a c e tlc a c td e s te r o f S a l l c r l t c a d d ev’rywhere.” But who would buve a house to which H ousing and C h ild H ea lth to climb The larger and more comfortable Must build It In the days when | the family house, all other tilings be­ days are fair. ing equal, the better chance baffles So folly thinks of faith. When all ls have to live, according to a recently published yearly report on child wel- well Why heed the solemn summons of j fare In England. In one-room dwell- j Ings, in Newcastle-on-Tyne, the death the church? “When I have sorrow, I have woe to ! rate was 108; In two-room dwellings, ] 100; In three-rooms, 89; while In tell, Then for her consolation I shall those over three rooms. It dropped ! to 7a search.” But faith Is builded as all shelters are, And who would pray must also learn to praise. A faith to hide us when the tempests roar We must have builded In our better days. ( © b y M c C lu r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d i c a t e .) In theatrical, club, and shopping 8ays Backache Often Meant You centers. Have Not Been Drinking One block from Union Square. Everv room withprivate bath. Enough Water Popular dining room. Garage in same block. Under proprietor-management of When yon wake up with bncknche Lto Lebtnbaum rnd dull misery In the kidney region B y H. I R V I N Q K I N Q It may mean that you have been eat­ « H O T E L ing foods which create acids, says a well-known authority. An excess of VAM PIRES such acids overworks the kidneys In HIS Is an ancient Slavic supersti­ their effort to filter It from the blood POST STREET NEAR MASON tion which spread to many lands and they become sort of paralyzed and SAN FRANCISCO but flourished chiefly among peoples loggy. When your kidneys get slug­ who buried their dead Instead of cre­ gish and clog you must relieve them, mating them. Though much less com­ like you relieve your bowels, remov­ SELIG BROS., San Francisco rs mon then formerly the vampire super­ ing all the body's urinous waste, else H a v e o u r lo c a l W d e h a o le le r s a t le a k T e a ilo y o u r m e a s u r e fo r a stition Is by no means extinct. In 1870 you have backache, Rick headache, " S a t i s f a c t i o n G u a r a n t e e d " A L L - W O O L S U I T . P r i c e s to a u i t y o u r p u r s e . and 1871 there were many trials of dizzy spells; your stomach sours, people accused of disturbing dead tongue ls coated and when the weuth- bodies In connection with vamptreism pr Is had you have rheumatic twinges. in Germany—there seemed to be an The urine ls cloudy, full of sediment, S A N F R A N C I S C O ’S N E W FIN E M O TE L epidemic of the superstition just then channels often get sore, water scald.: E v e r y ro o m w i t h h a t h o r s h o w e r . $ 2 .0 0 to $3.£4L Jo n e s a t E d d j . G a r a g e n e x t d o o r. —and In comparatively recent years and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. P E N N A N T P A R L O R C O A C H L IN ES at least two cases have come to light | H e m lo ck 9571 Either consult a good, reliable phy­ 11H0 M a r k e t H t.. H an P r a n o U c o in New England. • sician at once or get from your phar­ San Francisco *„ £:?»'t"d |}| Jg A vampire Is supposed to he a dead l a n d B K I'O T - P lu m e A tt w a te r Ü « ! person who cemes fortn from his grave macist about four ounces of Jad H P o K A r t TTI. h D E P O T , 50f. S e n e c a S t . P h o n e H U lo tt 7568 S alts; take a tablespoonful In u glass to suck the blood of the living at night. The superstition Is a bit hazy of water before breakfast for a few H O T E L W I L T S H I R E , San Francisco 340 H toek ton H t., n o a r U n io n S q u a r e HutUir 2290 as to the form In which the vampire days and your kidneys may then ad I I A K K Y H O Y I.K M a n a g e r w ith b a t h , $2.60 s in g le , $3.60 d oubla» comes, whether as a ghost or In the fine. This famous salts ls made 'rom O G n t m tn r ld j e ro rtw>ma o m s w ith b a t h , $2.1)0 s in g le . $2.68 d o u bla» itn T ik fa r.i.s 86«-. 60c, U0r; D iu n e n , , S u n d a y $1 (JO actual, burled body. An examination j the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been of the oldest and best authorities SAN FRANCISCO would seem to Indicate a sort of "as- ! Used for years to help clean and stim­ tral body.” Criminals and suicides ulate sluggish kidneys, ulso to neu­ 3 8 7 F.iliti S t r e e t , a t Jo n en turn Into vampires hut a rabbit run­ tralize acids In the system, so they no O U T S I D E R O O M . P R I V A T E P A T H $2.00 ning over, or a bird flying over the longer irritate, thus often relieving — -3 grave of an Innocent person may j bladder weakness. W N. u., San Francisco, No. 8 -1927. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­ ctmnge him Into a vampire. This superstition doubtless orlgl jure and makes a delightful, efferves­ Slang Sounds Loud nated In the gloomy Imagination of cent lithiu-wuter drink. Drink lots of Dorothy, aged four, was told not to Slavs who saw their loved ones dying soft water. say “gee,” as the word was slang. from some wasting disease for which ; That night, when tier father cam»» N ot So V e r y R es tfu l they were unable to account. In a "You'll find this plare very restful.” j home. Dorothy ran to him, nnd said: New England case of vamplrelsm "Don't tell me th at; you remind me “Daddy. I don’t say ‘gee’ because IF* which the writer Investigated about of the time I had that assurance ami 'slnni'!’’ " It’s what?” asked the puz­ thirty years ago the family afflicted "Slatn,” repeated tho a cyclone took the house away in the zled father. were found to be consumptive. Burn­ youngster. Seeing thnt her parent night.” ing the body of the suspected vam­ still did not understand. Dorothy went pire Is the accepted remedy for the to the door, opened It. and then closed F o r b lo a te d f e e lin g a n d d is tr e s s e d b r e a t h ­ affliction. in g d u e t o I n d i g e s t i o n y o u n e e d a m e d i c i n e It with n bung. “Slain, like this,” shn RH w e ll a s a p u r g a tiv e . W r i g h t '« In d ia n < © b y M c C l u r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d i c a t e .) explained. V e g e ta b le P ill« a r e b o th . A d v. ---------o ------- - h e yo u n g Of HOUSEKEEPING HINTS A S FOOD materials differ In price with the locality and the season, It Is often Impossible to strictly fol­ low a recipe, as we find some Ingredi­ ent either too expensive or difficult to obtain. If the housewife understands the composition of foods she can substi­ tute some other food material with good results. For example, when butter Is called for In a recipe, chicken fat, seur cream, clarified bacon fat or some other butter substitutes may be used, depending upon the food to be pre­ pared. Cream contains more water than butter, chicken fat le s s : so, In using such fats, their composition must be considered. Chopped nuts are added to foods such as salads, mock meat loaves and other dishes, adding food value to the dish. All these things are Invaluable to the housewife who Is interested in feeding her family well and with economy. The Department of Agriculture of each state and at Washington are publishing bulletins from time to time, many of them for the asking, of great assistance to the housekeeper. The following data may be helpful In learning to compare values: In one cupful of milk there Is or should he two teaspoonfuls of fat. In one cupful of cream, three table­ spoonfuls of f a t ; double cream six ta- blespoopfuls of fat. Butter, fourteen tablespoonfuls of f a t ; the two unaccounted for are salt and moisture. One cupful of English walnuts, two- thirds of a cupful of fat. One cupful of peanuts about one- third of fat. Chocolate, one ounce, a scant table­ spoonful of fa t Minute Soup. Take one cupful of bread crumbs, one tablespoonful of butter, one onion grated, salt, pepper and a little poul­ try dressing, one and one-half cupfuls of rich cream and three cupfuls of boiling water. Simmer one minute, serve with crackers. If Kidneys Act Bad Take Salts ---------o --------- lad y ACROSS T H E W A Y FO R INDIGESTION 2 5 * snd 75* Pk$s.Sold Everywhere DON’T HOTEL ROOSEVELT HOTEL MENTONE Horace—I’ll see you again some time, eh, what? Phyllis—Yes, I often go to visit Uncle George. Horace— Your Uncle George? Phyllis— Yes, he’s an Insane asylum superintendent. M c C lu r e N ew sp ap er 8 y o d .c a .t a .) N o L etu p Caller—Why don’t your husband take a day off now and then? Hostess—John works In the weather bureau and you know, my dear, people simply must have weather.—New Ha­ ven Iteglster. Whpre everybody ls busy knocking, nobody hears Opportunity. D Aged Couple, Suffering Acutely from Rheumatism, N ew If your lawyer heopena to he a member of your family, he gen'rally advises a settlement. "From the day I was fortunate •nough to line up with Tanlac,” says Mr. Emil Langnans, ex-cavalryman ind retired customs official, “it has cept my health and strength up to Ughest standard.” Bitting in his comfortable home at 1219 107th Avenue, Oakland, Calif., Mr. L&nghamtold howTanlachad re- ouilt strength and vigor for himself »nd hiaoharming wife. “Tanlac worked wonders for my wife," he said. "She luffered from high blood pressure, neuritis and general run-down condi­ tion. Tanlac relieved her. " I had sciatic rheumatism —suffered for five years with it —so that I could deep but little, on account of the pain. Kidney trouble, indigestion ami loss of appetite had reduced my strength to a low ebb. , ".Since takingTanlacmvhealth, ss well as that of my wife, has been re­ markable. Though 1 am retired, I could resume my old work any time. No rheumatism—nor kidney trouble —in past two years. I never nuns an ritis and Indigestion, Find Quick and Permanent Relief in Tanlac and Praise It Highly It’S gen’rslly less dangerous to face a danger than to keep on bein’ afraid to face I t t«b by T h e D iffe r e n c e II«—I malfe the money. 8he— And I make It stretrh.- Chris- tlan Science Monitor. Oakland G. A. R. Veteran and Wife Regain Health FOR T H E G AN D ER— People with strong »appetites ain’t much bothered about niceties of taste. Tile young lady across the way says oo wonder lamb la so expensive when so many o f the sheep are killed Just for their wool CECIL T Ton often go to bed eryln’ the days you get up laughin'. But you seldom go to bed laughin' the days you get up cryln’. INFLAMED oAdvanlagts SUPERSTITIONS W o u ld H a v e T h a t P lea su re < © . I I Î I . W e s t e r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n ) for two CTHE W HY o f FOR T H E GOOSE— ON’T let your right-hand neighbor know what your left hand neigh­ bor Ls doin'. I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY STATE APPROVED LANDS A young fellow wrote to his father from college: “No-mon, no fun, your eon.” Promptly his father answered: “How sad. too bad, your dad." SAY “ BAYER A SPIR IN ” and INSIST! What If yon do fight with her oc­ casionally? Don’t a man always en \ Joy a horse the best that takes the most break In' In? Compliments don’t cost nothin' . . to the giver. “It ls to be noted," says Pertinent i Polly, "»hat having a ehnrp tongue never gets anybody a reputation a a • J cutup.” opportunity to fraise Tanlac.” < lld and young, from coest to coest, unite in praising thia famous remedy of nature. Marte of roota, harka and berla, acrording to thè esclusive Tan­ lac formula, it is an amatine tomo medicine All good druggnts sóli Tan­ lac fict a houle todayl Over 40 nulli un b o tti« sold.